Lets all do our part for viva pinata!

Since 6974 Days

Does it bother you that the 360's success seemingly rests not on Master Chief's capable shoulders, but on a talking paper mache donkey? Does your little brother even like talking paper mache donkeys?

With all the pressure management is placing on Viva Pinata, I feel sort of obligated to buy a few copies and drop them off at the local daycare along with some licensed lunch pails. Hell, we may have to kneecap SpongeBob if things get ugly.

lol thats a real fan right there willing to take out the competition by any means necessary. is anyone here thinking about buying viva pinata? I'm thinking about it. (Can't quite put my finger on it, but I want it for some reason) I'd have to agree isn't spongebob popular as hell? Its like suppose to be about kids, but has so many jokes specificly targeted towards older audiences. Kids will have no idea what they mean, but we'll all laugh quietly that spongejob just said fuck, bitch, or shit and did it in such a way that they can get away with it without kids knowing what they mean. and don't forget the conversations regarding doing really weird things to girl's panties.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 7094 Days
I was gonna buy it anyway.
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Since 7070 Days
i know nothing about it....like if seen some screenshots but i don't get it...its like a sorta sim city sims thing with paper mache toys?
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Since 7061 Days
I'm buying it not because I'm supposed to support it or whatever, I like the concept for Viva Pinata.
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Since 6890 Days
Yep i buy it too.

It just looks too nice and the whole concept sounds very fun. I cant wait to see all my little pinatas walking around my very own garden :D
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Since 7069 Days
Rare have lost it. First PDZ and now this. MS should give rare back to nintendo where they belong.
Its games like this that is destroying the Xbox's hardcore reputation. Don't get me wrong, Kameo was alright. I mean my little 8 year old brother enjoyed it.
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Since 7061 Days
Posted by Scarface
Rare have lost it. First PDZ and now this. MS should give rare back to nintendo where they belong.
Its games like this that is destroying the Xbox's hardcore reputation. Don't get me wrong, Kameo was alright. I mean my little 8 year old brother enjoyed it.
I'm 25 and I love Kameo. In fact, its one of the most creative games I have played in quite a while. I like PDZ as well and I'm having a blast going through the co-op campaign with my 13 year old brother. We're playing at all difficulty levels.

IMHO, its the hardcore reputation of the XBOX that killed it when compared to the Playstation. And if that same image continues, it will be the death of the XBOX 360.

The XBOX brand needs to diverisfy and expand to different genres and market. It cannot be known as an FPS box for teh hardcore forever.
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Since 7069 Days
Posted by wuffyx
I'm 25 and I love Kameo. In fact, its one of the most creative games I have played in quite a while. I like PDZ as well and I'm having a blast going through the co-op campaign with my 13 year old brother. We're playing at all difficulty levels.

IMHO, its the hardcore reputation of the XBOX that killed it when compared to the Playstation. And if that same image continues, it will be the death of the XBOX 360.

The XBOX brand needs to diverisfy and expand to different genres and market. It cannot be known as an FPS box for teh hardcore forever.
You may have thought that the hardcore rep killed the xbox, but thats because; going by the games you like (and your avi), you should've bought a gamecube. When people told me the reason for buying a xbox1, it was for the following reasons:

Power + graphics
Halo, loads of PC ported FPSs and Mature RPGs and Racers.
and Xbox Live.

The only people that want games based on pinata's and fairy/elves are the japanese, and look how well the 360 is doing over there. MS should take the xbox back to it's roots and stop competing with nintendo and sony for the asian market.
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Since 7134 Days
If they take back the xbox japanese dev will never ever try releasing games...

Its better to have all those console there just in case it start to sell.
And it would clearly send wrong signals shiping back consoles from a market.
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Since 7010 Days
They want to get rid of the Hardcore image because they want a wider audience.
The Xbox had mostly hardcore violent games (the good days) and shooters, they're trying to extend there arms and dip there hands in more pockets.

It'll be good as there will be a greater veriety of games.
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One day you will be mine Ms Portman!

Since 6974 Days
For the record there are ALOT of development teams within rare... there are teams that would NEVER release a game like viva pinata and there are different teams in rare working on other games.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 7061 Days
Posted by Scarface
You may have thought that the hardcore rep killed the xbox, but thats because; going by the games you like (and your avi), you should've bought a gamecube. When people told me the reason for buying a xbox1, it was for the following reasons:

The only people that want games based on pinata's and fairy/elves are the japanese, and look how well the 360 is doing over there. MS should take the xbox back to it's roots and stop competing with nintendo and sony for the asian market.
Hardly, don't judge me because my avatar is anime. In fact, I don't even watch that anime. I only have that as my avatar here because I thought it might be funny.

I bought an XBOX to play Halo 2. And after playing Halo 2, I discovered a wealth of amazing XBOX titles that I had the pleasure of playing namely Psychonauts, Odd World Stranger's Wrath, Phantom Dust, Ninja Gaiden etc etc.

I didn't buy the XBOX because it was the best in hardware, in fact I don't even give a damn about hardware during that time. I bought it for the games. I liked what I saw and I bought it.

People keep on bringing up Japan...yada yada yada but do you have any idea about other regions? I live in Asia and there are lots of us eagerly anticipating Ninety Nine Nights, which will be released in May much much much earlier than the western market. There are Asians who are actually enjoying the XBOX 360 at this very moment. In my country the XBOX brand is catching up rather well...and no we are not just playing Halo.

Stop basing your arguments based on your own myopic fairy assumptions.
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Since 6965 Days
Of course i will buy this game.. :)
The only people that want games based on pinata's and fairy/elves are the japanese, and look how well the 360 is doing over there. MS should take the xbox back to it's roots and stop competing with nintendo and sony for the asian market.
Total BS..
IMHO, its the hardcore reputation of the XBOX that killed it when compared to the Playstation. And if that same image continues, it will be the death of the XBOX 360.
Couldn't have said it better myself..
People keep on bringing up Japan...yada yada yada but do you have any idea about other regions? I live in Asia and there are lots of us eagerly anticipating Ninety Nine Nights
(nods) plus people outside of japan like anime also and japanese style games.. europe especially..

Although Pinata's has nothing to do with Japan or Asia anyways so saying that Japan are the only people interested in this sort of game is total off..

Personally i would prefer they threw half the Pc ported crap in the bin before it even looked at the 360, but then there are people like you that what PC style games so i can't really say this..#

Games like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet, N3 are all going to be huge games on the 360 so why would you want MS to stop consentrating on Japanese support if that was the case we wouldn't even be getting Ninja Gaiden..
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Since 7069 Days
So what Jolli and Wuffy are saying is that Xbox should have cloned Playstation from the start.
It's hardcoreness is what set it apart from the compitition. If xbox1 had the same variety of good and crappy, mature and kiddy games like Playstation then no one would have bought it. The very western approach to games is what made me and many others to trade their PS2 for xbox.

Nintendo specialise in kids games. (its a fact cocks that are about to get pissed off. Resident Evil 4 and Splinter cell!!!! 2 mature games, wow)

Xbox specialise in mature and skillful western games.

And Playstation specialise in a good blend of the two.

This is a nice equal balance to the console war. If xbox try to muscle in on Sonys turf, then I hate to say it, but they will get creamed.
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Since 7204 Days
I think Viva Piñata is going to be a little too kiddy for me to handle.
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Did you agree with me? Yes, No? Visit http://www.lebato.blogspot.com and see if we agree on something.

Since 7094 Days
Posted by Scarface
Rare have lost it. First PDZ and now this. MS should give rare back to nintendo where they belong.
Its games like this that is destroying the Xbox's hardcore reputation. Don't get me wrong, Kameo was alright. I mean my little 8 year old brother enjoyed it.
People like you are the reason xbox doesnt get more support.
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Since 7069 Days
Posted by Shawnzee
People like you are the reason xbox doesnt get more support.
Think about what you say shawn.

So you are saying that because people like me spend £300+ on a 360 and then do not spend £40 on childrens games, we are causing the 360 to lose support. yeah shawn
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Since 6965 Days
Scarface how can you say that not having a choice is a good thing.?

Yes the xbox/360 has a more mature "hardcore" appeal but this will only narrow its market share because not everyone is in to violent adult content.

I believe the Playstation has done so well (in fact i know so) because it has a wider selection of genre's and gameplay styles than the xbox did.

If the 360 opens itself to new consumers by conent like Viva Pinata it won't degrade the console in anyway, it will make it stronger, the 360 will still have alot of exclusive content and this is what sets different consoles apart not the style of games but the exclusives which it hold.

Like i have said in the past it's not hard for Ubi-soft, EA, Epic, ID, or anyone else to bring PC ports to the PS3 and i think it will happen more so this gen than it did last gen.

So if the 360 doesn't secure new genre's it will end up the PS3 having a full basket of games and the 360 with half a basket of PC ported titles..
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7030 Days
If it's a good game? I'll buy. If not? I wont.
Just because it's kiddyfied or wierd doesn't mean it wont be good (pikmin).
Just bacause it's by Rare doesn't mean it'll be great (PDZ).
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7076 Days
oh sure roxwell, go ahead and be rational about the whole thing, why dontcha.
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You say we're getting there? Oh, fine.
Any minute now...

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7030 Days
There's a first time for everything ;)
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Since 7017 Days
I'm actually looking forward to this game, it may look kiddy but the island has it's own food chain and guess what, you are a part of it.
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New rule: If you don't have an HDTV then you cannot comment on the graphics of X-Box 360 games.
Want to come over and play with my Wii?.....hey where are you going?

Since 7134 Days
Posted by Scarface
Think about what you say shawn.

So you are saying that because people like me spend £300+ on a 360 and then do not spend £40 on childrens games, we are causing the 360 to lose support. yeah shawn
No,but if you say they should give rare back just cause you doesnt like their titles you are.

Kameo and PDZ was both being created for Gc then xbox then rushed for 360,i forgive rare,even though i think they made 2 great games,sure i can see how many hated pdz,but it was a great MP game,,,

And sure it had just half the missions as in PD,but they was very beatiufl made and supported great xbl co-op.

And no,i dont want pinata either,it looks horrible to me...
But then again im not what they aim for...

And yes i do get that pokemon was aimed for very small kids but got even adults playing it and loved it,im not saying it wont happend with pinata but its main audience is not aimed for adults ffs ;)
Even though im sure many adults will love it too.
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Since 7069 Days
Posted by Jollipop
If the 360 opens itself to new consumers by conent like Viva Pinata it won't degrade the console in anyway,
I would have to disagree. I'm not complaining about the 360. It has a lot of amazing games and many on the horizon, but by increasing the ammount of childish / anime games, they are gonna send the 360 in the direction of the dreamcast and gamecube.
At my school if you own a purple box with a handle you will be stoned and laughed at.
Reputation and "coolness" is everything nowadays.

So sure its ok to play viva pinata if you are 30 years old and never leave the house, but for the casual gamer, they want what is cool. And nowadays it seems to be guns and violence, you gotta love it:)
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Since 7094 Days
Posted by Scarface
Think about what you say shawn.

So you are saying that because people like me spend £300+ on a 360 and then do not spend £40 on childrens games, we are causing the 360 to lose support. yeah shawn
You basically said, developers should make the same type of games for xbox, and never try anything different.
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