First Details for the New Splintercell: Splinter Cell: Conviction.

Inscrit depuis 6942 Jours

They say that at the beginning of the game Sam learns that Anna Grimsdottir is in danger so Sam joins Third Echelon again in order to help. However Third Echelon is not what it used to be and in the first mission Sam gets false info and the wrong equipment, while his bosses are bickering amongst themselves about procedures, authority and such. Then Sam finds out that the threat to Anna comes from within the Third Echelon, quits and becomes a fugitive.
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 6484 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6942 Jours
Posté par Saracen
This is from http
info only no links, thanks.
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Well, source would be nice.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 7112 Jours
After the ending of Double Agent I'm not sure how that is going to work!
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
I don't think Double Agent has a real canon ending though, what with all the possible ways to end up in that. I mean you can shoot Lambert - like that's gonna happen! :)

Conviction probably happily continues on from the thread laid down by Chaos Theory if the traditional way of breaking things up between Montreal and Shanghai applies here.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 6942 Jours
Hey guys please blank the spoilers as some people still have not played DA, thanks.
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 6942 Jours
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I would also like to know WHO put thoes comments on my other locked thread with the scan, as there is no way in BLUE HELL!! i have been given 7 warnings??????????????????????

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Ce message est en mode Boulet Time (TM). Pour l'afficher, cliquez ici
SEVERAL, not seven, silly person. - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 6942 Jours
Ce message est en mode Boulet Time (TM). Pour l'afficher, cliquez ici
Posté par SimonM7
SEVERAL, not seven, silly person.
not matter how you say missy, i have not be given SEVERAL warnings about scans!

(as far as i can remember anyway..)

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 6849 Jours
From that magazine it says. Time of light and shadows are history and this game takes place in bright daylight. It is only for 360 and PC. Ubisoft Montreal have been doing this game 2 years already. 110 people team is working with this now.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
God I'm excited again. I almost porno trembled when Double Agent was due for the very same reasons (seemingly heavier emphasis on narrative, out of his element Sam) and this looks to actually deliver on those points instead of just.. pretty much being the same only using excess sunlight as an alternative for excess darkness.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Awesome Iso!

I think this one is gonna have more action style to it like 24, than have that dark stealth, shadow-is-your-friend thing.

Whoever is on the scan the one with Master Chief, Shepard, Marcus Fenix...etc., the man with the bag is obviously from Splinter Cell 5.
If you play as Sam Fisher on this one as well, then I gotta say, Sam has a beard and have a longer hair.
I don't like the mainstream surfer hair look, I rather want him to have more of a adult looking hair style and not a surfer looking one. Doesn't fit for someone that have been in the agency.

Anyway, happy it is a exclusive for the 360 as far as consoles go. And if this is the true next-gen Splinter Cell...I might get this...REALLY gets me going for buying Double Agent right now :P.

Sam Fisher is most definitely Jack Bauer for the Xbox 360 :D
Commander Shepard is the sci-fi version of him :P.
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[*Dark Sector*] - [Mass Effect] - [Too Human] - [Assassin's Creed] - [Ninja Gaiden 2] - [Alan Wake] - [Devil May Cry 4] - [Fable 2]
*A New Form of Change*

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
I really liked Pandora Tomorrow, but I think Shanghai messed up a little with Double Agent on the 360. It's just not terribly exciting. It's not bad.. it's perhaps even as good as Pandora Tomorrow (which is to say not quite up to Chaos Theory standards) but it felt a bit uninspired.

I'm told the Xbox version redeems all that by having a proper emphasis on the story, completely different (better) missions and some character development that is half engaging. I'm trying to hunt that down but for some reason it's really difficult to find. :(
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Well I for one am gonna try to get Double Agent on 360. Visuals look great, gameplay is the same old classic ones, and I need to know what happens.

Sam Fisher is obviously the Jack Bauer of video games (sorry Snake, but Sam out Bauers you :P).

Owning all previous SC titles (not anymore) I gotta get Double Agent, might even hold on to this one.

Gonna go and get it as soon as possible, and play it so much as I can to have fun, and wait for Splinter Cell 5 comes out :D.
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[*Dark Sector*] - [Mass Effect] - [Too Human] - [Assassin's Creed] - [Ninja Gaiden 2] - [Alan Wake] - [Devil May Cry 4] - [Fable 2]
*A New Form of Change*

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Oh definitely get it, it's not a complaint on the level of don't get-ness. Just an observation that it's mildly disappointing.

I think the reason Pandora Tomorrow didn't disappoint was because it knew that it was an expansion more than anything, and I did too. With Double Agent I knew Montreal wasn't making it, but somehow with the advent of the 360 and a "new gen" Splinter Cell I hyped up its significance too much. Truth is that the additions are all superficial and doesn't go anywhere in actually improving the formula of Chaos Theory, and I think its biggest vice is that it's "sort of AS good as Chaos Theory but people have different expectations now".

Oh and Sam Fisher is definitely the videogame Bauer, and I'm not even saying that to diminish Snake. Sam and Jack just share similar ways of coming across as badasses.

You've actually SEEN Sam do these heroic things in a very real and believable world. You've been there to participate in these sometimes cumbersome and patience trying escapades, lived through his ordeals as the human being he is. Whilst Snake is flipping over missiles, Sam is lying around under a truck waiting for the right moment to engage.

I guess that's the essentials of what I'm trying to say, that both Sam and Jack come across as extremely sharp and strongwilled human beings, as opposed to these larger than life ninjas. It's in that sense they excell as heroes in my mind.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Yeah I am most definitely gonna try and get DA.

About Sam and Jack being very identical is because they are humans like you said, but Snake is very fictional, while Sam is very realistic style.

In DA Sam gets more Bauer-ish than ever, with the whole double morals, double sides.

As Snake is not exclusive icon for Playstation, but the fanbase is huge, it is considered to be a icon.

Same thing with Sam Fisher being not exclusive, but the fanbase is biggest on the Xbox platform.

So as Snake is for Playstation, Sam is for us. :D

Anyway, I am gonna see when I can pick it up.

When Gears of War came out and you could pre-order it, I bought the collectors edition, and I was suppose to get key band with the title Gears of War on it, and got Splinter Cell Double Agent with it :P
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[*Dark Sector*] - [Mass Effect] - [Too Human] - [Assassin's Creed] - [Ninja Gaiden 2] - [Alan Wake] - [Devil May Cry 4] - [Fable 2]
*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7204 Jours
Let's see if they actually make use of the 360 now.
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Inscrit depuis 6486 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
I really liked Pandora Tomorrow, but I think Shanghai messed up a little with Double Agent on the 360. It's just not terribly exciting. It's not bad.. it's perhaps even as good as Pandora Tomorrow (which is to say not quite up to Chaos Theory standards) but it felt a bit uninspired.

I'm told the Xbox version redeems all that by having a proper emphasis on the story, completely different (better) missions and some character development that is half engaging. I'm trying to hunt that down but for some reason it's really difficult to find. :(
so true, original xbox version is so much better then the 360 version. not only does it have the lengthy co-op missions which where lacking in the 360 version, but the game just feel so much more like chaos theory, and splinter cell in general. levels are darker and more shadow based (unlike the 360 version which just forced daylight onto you) its more fun, and the levels that where more like a HUB in the 360 version feel like full blown missions in the xbox version with no timers, and the whole double agent meter things works way better too. the 360 version was horrible imo. worst splinter cell yet. once again shanghai wrecks a decent series just like they did with pandora tomorrow.

so who's deving this one then? im guessing since shanghai are working on endwar the awesome montreal team are working on this? at least i hope thats the case.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
The original team is making this one. The chaos theory team.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Inscrit depuis 6794 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
The original team is making this one. The chaos theory team.
Oh god, because Chaos Theory still to this day can compete with some next gen games. It looks good even to this day! ;)
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
What interests me is the fact that the last game they made for the Xbox Chaos Theory was one of the largest xbox games out.

It was like 5.6 gigs or so... With the 360 having a lot more ram than the first xbox how will that work out this time? They used mostly shaders in that game I think right?

How much disc space will they need for this game ? =P
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Shhh, you'll scare Ubi off to the PS3!
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 6486 Jours
As we said, the game is played mostly in broad daylight, with the crowd working as a "dynamic cover" for Sam. The game's interface helps the player using two itmes: there is a "hero instict" meter of sorts, which allows Sam to see enemies with infrared style vision, and a danger meter which shows how close you are to being spotted. Seasoned stealthh players should be used to features like these. The close combat has been likened to the "Bourne" series of movies and books. The player can only kill mercenaries and terrorists, but can fight and incapacitate guards and civilians.

The physics engine is central to gameplay this time around, you can use items as weapons, block doors with furniture etc. -- some really cool stuff there. Also, the enemy AI is dynamic, so your enemies react to what you do and act differently each time around.
that sounds like ANOTHER disaster, no matter who's making it. i want my good old splinter cell back, not lumberjack sam walking through crowds like assassins creed. also, the idea of using environmental objects as weapons and a more robust close quaters combat system seems like splinter cell is straying a little too far from its roots. splinter cell belongs in the shadows, double agent proved that daylight doesnt work and this is making the same mistakes, the shadow mechanic is what differentiated SC from the likes of MGS and the upcoming crowd-stealth game assassins creed and now its copying from a game thae same company is developing. this sounds far too much like assassins creed for my liking, minus the original character,story, and setting.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Double Agent 360 just proved that daylight doesn't work with the old Splinter Cells as base for its mechanics.

If you want old SC you've got four games on Xbox to play, I'm glad things move on - especially things as dynamic and open to re-interpretation as the Splinter Cell franchise and Sam Fisher.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

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