PGR4 flying under the radar?

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
I have noticed that there isn't much talk, hype, or even a lot of media for PGR4. IGN has been doing a spot where they highlight the cities (which each have 11 unlocked "tracks" to start off with) but that is about it, and not much talk here. Blims new footage on the homepage looks awesome. Just look at this:

Are the bikes killing the buzz? Is it the case of one bad element dragging down the game -- and if it weren't there people would be jazzed (i.e. less is more)? Or do people just not like PGR and like the true arcade games (NFS, Burnout) and Sims (Forza) and aren't much for the inbetween?

This is one of my major selling points on the 360. It plays well and looks great and has a ton of online features. So what gives?
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 6986 Days
I think the bikes have a few people wary, myself included, but since they are entirely optional it isn't really a big deal. Plus loads of people already bought Forza a few months ago, so perhaps they aren't really psyched for another racer.

A demo will help, but it's getting sandwiched between Bioshock, Halo 3, Assassins Creed, Brothers in Arms, Orange Box, Eternal Sonata, Ace Combat, Mass Effect and God knows what else, its got tough competition.

I'll be picking it up day one, that gif is ****ing incredible.
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Since 6858 Days
I think PGR3 killed the buzz, PGR2 was such a better game in almost everyway and i think many fans of the franchise(Like myself) were some what disappointed by it, PGR2 had better car physics, better handling (Major factor), better career mode progression, things like drifting was far better which made earning kudos much more fun which is basically what PGR is about. Add that to the fact that PGR3 cars were unlocked so easily greatly reduced the replay value.

But like i said on the homepage, PGR4 looks absolutely phenomal in that vid, by far the best looking racer i've ever seen, it beats GT5/Forza2/PG3 to a pulp, simply stunning! My only gripe is the look of the rims when spinning, everything else just looks too good to be true. I think and hope PGR4 is much more like PGR2, if it is, you can fully expect it to reclaim all of its previous glory and more.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6982 Days
Speaking of the demo, I had a tip off from someone on OXM UK there would be a demo during E3! I'll remember to take them with a pinch of salt next time :S

I think part of the reason is that everyone knows what they're getting with PGR4, it's almost assumed it's going to be good. The other games are new or could go either way so merit much more discussion.

I expect it to well though I hope MS get some cinema ads out as on the big screen they look awesome.
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Since 6974 Days
I agree that PGR4 is so far flying under the radar, but with so many AAA titles coming this year and the monster hype machine that is HALO, for September at least i feel it will continue to be drowned out. hopefully PGR4 will start to have more public showings and race competitions that will highlight this sweet looking game, and a demo would be nice also :). I still feel this title will sell very well as its a very enjoyable titile and most PGR3 game owners will pick this one up also.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
Very little cabin view has been shown. Which is surprising.
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 7752 Days
Not under my radar.. Next to HL2:EP2+TF2+Portal and UT3, it's the only game I'm 100% sure I'm buying..
Posted by Acert93
Very little cabin view has been shown. Which is surprising.
Now that you mention it, that is a bit weird.. Maybe it's because it's not a new feature anymore to the PGR-series..
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Since 7042 Days
Im not really paying much attention to it because nothing new has really been introduced to the PGR series (apart from the obvious).
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Since 7060 Days
That looks real good. I would not have checked it otherwise if it wasnt for this forum because im a fan of more realistic driving sims.
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Since 6719 Days
That gif looks absolutely stunning.
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Since 6870 Days
That gif doesn't give us whole image how PGR4 actually looks. The best way is to watch the E3 trailer or earlier teasers.
I'll buy PGR4, but not this year. I have to say though that Microsoft is not pumping this game enough and releasing it a week after Halo 3 seems like another mistake.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 7816 Days
I have bought every (Xbox) PGR game. I don't have much interest in 4. I think 3 killed it for me. I'm sick of city driving; there's a reason everyone likes Nurburgring so much. Bizarre needs to take their awesome drifting mechanics to the mountain roads.
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Since 6997 Days
Wait up is that GIF actually PGR4 ?

It looks real to me.. :S
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7236 Days
It is flying under the radar, and it's MS's fault really.

Why the heck haven't we seen any gameplay, hi-res videos? Come on WTF is that? We have to deal with crappy off-screen footage all this time. No car list , no interesting articles either--and this is a big one. How come they don't talk of the changes in previews? How about talking about the technology a little bit more in-deph? How they are doing audio, etc etc.

Pictures are repetitive as hell too. We get it, you are doing weather effects, now show something else damnit.

It's really bad marketing, MS is clearly giving more time to H3.......which is SOMEWHAT understandable. Not to the point they have though.

If this game doesn't sell well, we'll all know why.
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Since 7060 Days
Maybe it isnt really going to be released this holiday.
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Since 7232 Days
I dunno why the silence but I'm still awaiting this title eagerly ;)
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the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6960 Days
Posted by LEBATO
It is flying under the radar, and it's MS's fault really.

Why the heck haven't we seen any gameplay, hi-res videos? Come on WTF is that?
Microsoft doesn't want the story to be ruined or spoiled for us. In PGR4, we're going to get the conclusion to the Gotham quardrilogy, and the secret of who built these cars and where they came from will be revealed. The Master Mechanic is going to Finish the Race!
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Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Since 7057 Days
Maybe its under the radar cause they want to suprise you and not show you the entire fucking game before you actually play it

under rader for me = wonderfull :D
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 6997 Days
I agree with that.

Although for big fans of the franchise, I can see why it would be frustrating.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6518 Days
for me i just dont like the racers that feel like they dont know what they want to be...they want a peice of the arcade cake yet also want a nibble of sim and they feel awkward for me....if i want a racing game id rather it be one or the other. although prefare arcade racers more over sims...unless its rally in which case i lean towards sims.

that combined with the fact i didnt really like PGR3 much. grapically it was great but really brought down by horrible jaggies on the cars. and i never really liked the handling, again becasue of the whole arcade/sim often felt like you should be able to drift round corners due to the sense of exagerated speed and effects...then you actually reached said corner, attempted to drift round it like you was playing burnout, only to slam into a barrier at 225mph.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
I am a lot of others are on the other side of the fence.

Personally, I love hybrids like PGR, I like sims, and absolutely hate arcade racers like NFS. I can handle a game like Burnout (not much of a racing game at all IMO) and Twisted Metal (woot) and I love Kart games (go Mario!) but a NFS game just is boring IMO and has little what I call... racing. And seeing as most sims lack any personality or style, I find it easy to be drawn into a game like PGR.
Posted by Lebato
Why the heck haven't we seen any gameplay, hi-res videos? Come on WTF is that? We have to deal with crappy off-screen footage all this time. No car list , no interesting articles either--and this is a big one. How come they don't talk of the changes in previews? How about talking about the technology a little bit more in-deph? How they are doing audio, etc etc.
I agree. I thought about writing BC, but they would ignore me.

They should be able to release media. Screw the bikes (if they still need tweaking, just hide them until ready) but I want to see some sun soaked coarses with 7 cars on screen. I want to see long, extended cockpit views. I want stuff to show people when they say, "PGR what?" and then go on about how great some lesser game looks.

The game's intro screen is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. The game has 4xMSAA (bye bye jaggies) and the IQ is amazing. 10 huge courses, each with 11 "tracks" (and more unlockable) and some spiffy graphics and weather.

And if you like the sense of a "movie racer" with exaggerated racing dynamics...

Anyhow, this is one of my top 5 games I want to get this winter. I will get tired of all the shooters, so I need a good racer to fall back on. Forza lacks a lot of personality and incentive other than "beat your last time" (and I really don't like the idea of rewarding Turn10 for outright being deceptive on technical issues like motion blur) so PGR4 is what I am angling for.

Idea... could it be that the FF Wheel recall has MS tenative about hyping a racing game?
Posted by Jolli
Wait up is that GIF actually PGR4 ?

It looks real to me.. :S
Hohoho! Yes it is. Even better Jolli, in the intro video on Gamersyde there is a shot of a vette... it looks real man. Not ingame (angle), but inengine realtime rendered and it is awesome. All that talk about GT's cars blowing PGR4 away take a back seat when you see it in motion.
Posted by Inflatable
Now that you mention it, that is a bit weird.. Maybe it's because it's not a new feature anymore to the PGR-series..
There are a few quick shots of it in the video -- awesome ones at that. So it is there... but it has very little exposire.

I think MS is making a mistake... just because it was a launch title doesn't mean people know stuff is there. There are like 10M new 360 customers who have no clue what PGR is.
Posted by Myro
Im not really paying much attention to it because nothing new has really been introduced to the PGR series (apart from the obvious).
And Halo 3 hasn't added anything but the obvious. ME is like all those other Bioware games--it is the same outside the obvious additions. And CoD4? Nothing new but the obvious.

What is that supposed to mean, anyhow?

I don't know what people expect from a racer -- do you want it to do what Burnout did? Go from a racer to a virtual crash test game?

Typically doubling your courses, improving your graphics, fixing the online physics engine, adding more online modes and movie features, adding an entirely new vehicle class in motorcycles, and adding new gameplay dynamics like a really robust weather system...

I dunno, I see so many sequals that don't do much to the core gameplay or design and tack on only a few features + new story, that to me PGR4 sounds like they did a LOT to add to the core game.

They didn't even remove the 5 previous courses.

Then again I plan to spend most of my time on the simple ring :|
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 7236 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Well, PGR3 is straight up arcade, nothing of a simulation IMO. PGR2 on the other side was more in-between like you said. I liked them both, with a preference to PGR2's gameplay, especially physics.
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by LEBATO
Well, PGR3 is straight up arcade, nothing of a simulation IMO. PGR2 on the other side was more in-between like you said. I liked them both, with a preference to PGR2's gameplay, especially physics.
Depends what you call arcade. PGR3 had a physics system, a fairly nice one really. It didn't follow all the real world rules for gravity, friction, acceleration, etc but it definately didn't fall into the "arcade" model like NFS (which has almost toy cars which at times feel completely unreal in terms of interaction with the environment). To me (and I agree there are no hard and fast definitions here) PGR tries to be a racing game, and how the cars handle is defined by some physical rules in the world. An arcade racer tends to have a simplified model where the rules are how the car controls, and less about how the car hits the pavement.

I like to think of PGR as exaggerated movie physics. Its fun, doesn't try to be a sim, but doesn't shatter the illusion that you are driving a 400HP car. Mastering how you take racing lines, use your breaks, etc are all part of the game, which IMO, makes it more of a racer than an arcade game like an Outrun or NFS game where the driving model is simpler and the goal of the game is rarely the nuances of racing.

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 7236 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Yeah, I guess it depends on your view of an arcade game.

To me it depends a lot on how the car moves and handles. In PGR2, cars would understeer under hard braking, slide more realistically, and car movement was a lot more realistic (how the body moves, suspension, etc). You also had to follow a racing line for maximum speed, or to not crash. In PGR3 it's really easy to correct errors, it really isn't that important to miss on the line, at least consequences aren't that bad.

With PGR3 there was a lot of jerky movements by the car, these makes the car movement look extremely unrealistic and arcade. Basically, in PGR3 the driving was a lot more violent, and in turn more unrealistic. Understeer was reduced to something that can be easily ignored. I don't remember any time where I would have to pump the brakes, or go easy on them. It just won't punish you.

Anyhow, it's hard to explain but a drive in both games' Nurburgrin is more than enough to come to my conclusion.
Since 6997 Days
I wouldn't call PGR3 Arcade either, its far too unforgiving to be classed as that (at least IMO).

I wouldn't call it a sim style racer either.. its somewhere in the middle.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

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