Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
It's called "Mass Effect" and it allows its players - universally male no doubt - to engage in the most realistic sex acts ever conceived. One can custom design the shape, form, bodies, race, hair style, breast size of the images they wish to "engage" and then watch in crystal clear, LCD, 54 inch screen, HD clarity as the video game "persons" hump in every form, format, multiple, gender-oriented possibility they can think of.
Then there's the dishonesty behind the game' title. "Mass Effect" sounds like a war game with a deadly virus that is spreading unless the GI-Joes are able to defeat the evil and deadly substance and it's covert war plan. By it's design, kids could ask for it, or for their parents' Best Buy Card to go purchase it with nary a raised eye-brow. Generic, non-descriptive, and relatively harmless.
Cannot believe this. Look at the implications here, war is ok-ish, but sex is bad!
the player's own character is copulating like jack rabbits with super-models, actresses, and anyone else they can spend the patience to create, name, and "put into play."
How much moral judgement should the President push into legislative issues that are likely to severely damage our children's innocence, function, and capability?"
What the hell is wrong with these people. Since when sex is bad for one's innocence, funtion and capability?!
And because of the digital chip age in which we live - "Mass Effect" can be customized to sodomize whatever, whoever, however, the game player wishes.
And while the makers of such trash seem to be pushing our next generation of young men through the gates of hell as fast as is humanly possible, it needn't be that way.
People writing this kind of trash are the ones that are really pushing us through the gates of hell...
En réponse à
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
It's worth pointing out that all of those statements are also complete rubbish. The ONE scene in question is nothing like he described.

Mass Effect is a game aimed at Teenagers and upwards. It's Rated M in the states and 12 in the UK.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Out of curiosity i checked and it's rated mature:

Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.

So it's even more disturbing that these so called pro-family right wing oppinion makers are actually no more then liars. For a common citizen, slightly worried about it's child's education, who as a general knowledge still thinks that video games are for kids (contrary to the truth, as reported by the Entertainment Software Association which reports the average age of the gamer to be 33yold), coming across an article like this, crowded with lies, what will he/she think??!

And disturbing is the lobby/pressure that these kind of people have in the US.
En réponse à
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Here's what we have to say about it;-

Mass Effect

Contains moderate violence and one moderate sex scene

MASS EFFECT is a role playing game and shooter set in the future in space. The player controls either a male or female American soldier through a long and involved story line, making choices along the way. The game has been classified at '12' for moderate violence and one sex scene.

The violence is undetailed and takes place in a futuristic setting. The single sex scene is brief and undetailed, although there is breast nudity in one version of the scene. The sex scene is triggered by the player making a series of choices about becoming more than friends with a colleague. If playing as a male character the scene can take place between him and a human woman or a humanoid female alien. If playing as a female character the scene can take place between her and a male human or a female humanoid alien.

The game also contains use of the word 'bastard' and at least one aggressive use of the word 'bitch'. Both of which are acceptable under BBFC Guidelines at '12'.

** It wasn't me who said Shepard was American, I only just noticed that!
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Yeah, there's a very reasonable description of the game, one that sits on the opposite side of the spectrum from the one in the article quoted.

I don't care so much about the implications of these people's coments in video games, as i do in our Lives. I mean, come one, these people think that sex corrupts one's morality and shake at the sight of a woman's breasts and yet, they have guns at home...
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Inscrit depuis 6446 Jours
ignorant people are funny hehehe

actually this makes me really angry
i mean its ok to go watch a movie with sex scenes and violence, but if its in a videogame then its the work of the devil!!!!
and anyway, there wasnt even any sex in this ME sex scene, only ones mind suggested the kissing and cuddles lead to sex

so its now clear! kissing and cuddling and basically any vital human social need should be banned!!!!! because whoever wrote the artical 'cant get it up' anymore so hes jelous because even videogame characters are 'getting some'

^^, there, an unnessecerily stupid reply to his stupid article

BTW, i dont take anything any american with power says seriously. to a country that sells guns so easily to their people yet nitpick theres kissing in a videogame all i have to say is... sort out the real life problems you fat cats!!!!
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Inscrit depuis 7752 Jours
Games need more sex if you ask me.. It's rediculous there's a lot of violence, but 1 naked titty isn't even allowed.. If a game is already rated M for mature because of the violence it contains why not add a good portion of sex too, just like in the movies?

Problem is that games are still not at the same accpeted mature level like movies.. A lot of people still see videogames as something for kids, no matter if they are M-rated ones.. That's the problem.. Together with the (imho obsolete and retarted) religous culture where violence is indeed okish but sex is a big taboo..
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Not even worth a comment, so i wont give it one!
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
It's just my own observation but it seems like nudity and sex are cut down in games so they can be sold in the USA with a lower rating. For instance: DOAX 2 in the US is rated "M", in Germany it can be sold to 12 year olds. However we get the shaft with violent games, I can't download any maps for GoW because the game is not sold here (you can only import it) and MS doesn't support it here either.

In my opinion sex isn't something adolencents should know as little as possible about (it's the other way around). Games with mild sex scenes shouldn't be automaticaly rated for adults only, just like movies. Also there is a fine line between a sex scene and straight porn. I'm all for more sex scenes in games, don't think that will happen in the near future, tho. The moral police will always be there. They think sex is something unusual but violence and killing seems to be the most natural thing to show an adolescent...
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Inscrit depuis 6670 Jours
Well, living in canada, id say sex is taboo, violence is perfectly acceptable, north american views in general. My opinion, a bunch of prunes are sticking their noses in the wrong place, they should stick them back in their cousins behinds...

This sort of backwards, intolerant mentality is disgusting in the 21st century, im appalled by just how ignorant those people are... to be honest in europe the views on sex make much more sense and north american has fallen behind, well i do live in montreal, quebec, having a french influence, at least sex isnt taboo here.
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
LMFAO! sorry, i though that was a funny post, sounds like the just read the back of the case lol
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Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
that guy told lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie...........................
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Inscrit depuis 6670 Jours
lying is ok, as long as you remind kids sex doesnt exist and a crane brought them into this world...
En réponse à

GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
We should close this!
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6565 Jours
I HATE people like this!. Their lack of intelligence shines through when all they can talk about is negative points, trying obviously to hide the fact that their lacklustre brains couldn`t cope with a game manual, let alone the game itself lol.

Why the hell do they continue to criticise our beloved industry over a small, simple, well done sex scene, when films such as `Hostel` are out there for all manner of `loopy chavs` to go and see?.

They need to sort out ALOT of other cultural activities before turning the heat up on our past time!!.
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Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
Clearly the guy who has criticised the sex scene in Mass Effect, wanted to be in it...

...With Shepherd :\
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"Yipikaye mother fu...fudger!"

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
^^ seen his picture at the top, he is class A pedo material, pedo bear bows in the pressence of that guy
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Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours
Lol looks like the article has been removed, someone who actually played the game must have told the guy he was making himself look like even more of a retard.
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UFC 2009, Its going to be the best game ever.

Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours
lmao Penny Arcade got ahold of it

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UFC 2009, Its going to be the best game ever.

Inscrit depuis 6445 Jours
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"Yipikaye mother fu...fudger!"

Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
this thing is out of proportion. Now it's FoxNews. I mean, is one thing, but the fox news channel?
The resulting coverage was insulting to the men and women who spent years creating a game which is acclaimed by critics for its high creative standards. As video games continue to take audiences away from television, we expect to see more TV news stories warning parents about the corrupting influence of interactive entertainment. But this represents a new level of recklessness.

Do you watch the Fox Network? Do you watch Family Guy? Have you ever seen The OC? Do you think the sexual situations in Mass Effect are any more graphic than scenes routinely aired on those shows? Do you honestly believe that young people have more exposure to Mass Effect than to those prime time shows?

This isn't a legal threat; it's an appeal to your sense of fairness. We're asking FNC to correct the record on Mass Effect.


Jeff Brown
Vice President of Communications
Electronic Arts, Inc.
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Inscrit depuis 6545 Jours
Dear lord, how much ignorance can there be? Sad sad stuff
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Inscrit depuis 6338 Jours
Oh, this made my whole day. Gamers strike back.

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Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
Posté par FreeSwag
Oh, this made my whole day. Gamers strike back.
Hahe, serves her right and where it hurts. Hupefully that makes her think next time she opens her big mouth.
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
^^ Doubtfull these people are simply one minded fools, these are the people that degrade society more than any boy racer could, because these people let "pedos" and "murderers" back on to the streets after 4 years of been in prison, just because the person says they have found god ...
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