PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7076 Days
Discuss Halo 3 here
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You say we're getting there? Oh, fine.
Any minute now...

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7030 Days
Ok so what would you like to see Halo at E3?

I hope they show large co-op battles atleast 20, fighting hundreds of computer controlled opponents.
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Since 7069 Days
IMO the announcement trailer will be a short realtime teaser similar to the Halo2 announcement. Don't expect any gameplay footage, just expect unbelievable graphics and a teaser into the next story. IMO it will be a vid set before Halo1.

In this halo you will play on reach, and we will see a return of the old pistol. It just seems a bit easy to follow on from Halo2 with the next part of the story. Bungie need to milk the halo name and drag out the story as long as they can. Halo Forerunner seems very likely...
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7030 Days
Yep, forerunner for me too. As the film will be set on Reach. It will either be that or before.
I do expect something playable though.
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Since 7069 Days
Posted by roxwell
I do expect something playable though.
I wouldn't count on it. Firstly it would take too much attention off the other MS games, and secondly is not a wise move when hyping the crap out of a game. Expect a playable demo next year.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6928 Days
Aslong as it concludes Halo 2, and goes out with a bang, I think the next Halo will be cool. Some flashbacks to Reach would be awesome. They don't have to devote a whole game to reach. Just remove the Arbiter missions and put in Reach, and you have a dynamite campaign already.

If they do a prequel that is anything BUT the Fall of Reach, I'll be pissed. Forerunner seems to imply their basing the game off that race of creatures that built the Halos. I don't know. All I know is, I'm tired, and I'm scared of change .
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I dream in 1080p

Since 6965 Days
I expect realtime footage they would have been developing this game since last year or July 2005 when Dev kits where availible to them .

I expect playable footage behind closed doors.

A target video that looked achievable in real time would shut Sony up .. :P

I sure as hell hope they don't do a PDZ.. (no media at all)
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Since 6974 Days
Halo has to be shown off..

I want to see some amazing use of vertex shaders. I want killer facial animation, walk and run animations should be top notch, I want to see wind blowing dust on the battlefield (like the mgs4 realtime trailer)

In regards to the other things I want to see truly impressive looking environments. I want the walls to look really good they don't need to be overdone they should just look great considering the power of this hardware, same in regards to the floors. All in all I want something that makes a major statement in regards to the 360's power. In my opinion what truly hurt the mgs4 real-time demonstration is that it wasn't actually running on ps3 hardware (sure the rsx is more powerful than the 2 6800s in sli mode that ran that mgs4 real-time demo), but it wasn't running on an actual ps3 in any shape or form to my knowledge. I'm fully aware that an actual ps3 is quite capable of running that mgs4 real-time trailer better than what they ran it on at TGS just making it clear that for alot of people that trailer seen running on a ps3 would've done so much more for the overall impact.

Gears of War ran on a 360 dev kit at the zero hour launch event not as a real-time trailer, but actual gameplay and halo's demonstration would be helped in a big way if it was seen there running, if not actual gameplay on a 360 or dev kit, then real-time trailer also seen running on an actual 360 console.

Like I saw at the digital life event in new york city at jacob javits center running in real-time on a 360 (with added effects) and that shocked the living shit out of alot of people there. We expected a video I looked behind the 360 and the hdtv itself no tricks whatsoever it was really running ruby in real-time. It was the ruby assassin demo some people there didn't believe it and asked if he could take control of the cameras and the guy from ati did just that.

I want to see some VERY impressive real-time explosions nothing rendered offline I want real-time and as IGN has said Microsoft seems content to counter all of the ps3's videos from last E3, by showing as much real-time footage as possible to show that they are trying to avoid being deceptive in any shape or form.

My expectations are huge.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 6970 Days
I'm hoping in the next Halo game you will only be playing as one person, preferably Master Chief, because it's annoying having to switch back and forth between characters. It totally destroys the sense of immersion.
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Since 6974 Days
Just rewatched gears of war zero hour footage and it looks great. I was paying attention to the walls and just about everything in the environments and all of it looks great eager to see how stuff is done in halo and more gears footage.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 6955 Days
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Posted by Optimusv2
sure the rsx is more powerful than the 2 6800s in sli mode that ran that mgs4 real-time demo
It was running on Beta kits which were 7800's IIRC, not dual 6800s
Since 6965 Days
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Posted by RAZurrection
It was running on Beta kits which were 7800's IIRC, not dual 6800s
RSX isn't as fast as that though .. . :S
Since 6955 Days
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I mean a single 7800
Since 6974 Days
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I thought mgs4 was running on a sli 6800 setup... And we know the rsx can beat 2 6800s just like a single 7800 beats 2 6800s in sli mode. Didn't know it was a single 7800 running that mgs4 realtime demo... I'm guessing the rsx is either not as fast or slightly faster. Actually according to nvidia and sony rsx is more powerful than 7800GTX.

Any links confirming that it was indeed running on a single 7800GTX as opposed to dual 6800s?

[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 6965 Days
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Optimus 1 7800 can't beat 2 x 6800 ...

Bandwidth and fillrate alone would be much higher on 2 cards than 1.. (7800 would have SM3.0 though which would make it closer to an RSX it terms of shading abilities)

But yea RSX is supposed to be a modified 7900 isn't it ?

Anyways OFF TOPIC !!
Since 6974 Days
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No jolli 1 7800GTX beats the pants off of a 6800 sli combo trust me on this one I'm 100% sure.

Nah rsx is supposed to be based on nv47 which is suppose to be a 7800GTX. Basically the rsx is suppose to be the 7800GTX 512 version everything matches up perfectly especially the core clock speed.

Atleast last I checked it did let me see. They should are equal in performance atleast I'm sure.

Okay I just checked a regular 7800GTX is practically is equal in alot of cases, but barely loses to the 6800 ultra combo. The 7800GTX 512 though beats the 6800 ultra combo.

[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 6974 Days
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Okay a single 7800GTX 512 is equal in performance to a 6800 Ultra Sli Combo, but the 7800GTX loses pretty handily when 4XAA is turned on so in practice I guess the rsx isn't more powerful than a 6800 ultra sli combo, its equal in performance in some cases (with aa off), but then with 4XAA performance dips 15-20fps or more.

In other words you were right jolli.

[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7053 Days
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There is no easy answer on the SLI thing: Depending on the game, settings (AA, AF, HDR), resolution, and what is bottlenecking in the game engine (Pixel Fillrate, Texel fillrate, Shaders, FP blending and filtering, Bandwidth, etc). And you always have to consider features, as features often allow more advanced effects that a more powerful card without those features would need to use more resources for to get the same effect.

As for dev kits, early CELL beta kits were 6800U SLI. I have no clue what the MGS4 box had. Short answer: 6800U SLI is similar to the 7800GTX 512MB in performance and features. There are some differences depending on games, but they are in the same general ballpark give or take, but I think the 7800 can be faster in many situations.

WOW! E3 is gonna rock!

Since 6965 Days
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There is no easy answer on the SLI thing: Depending on the game, settings (AA, AF, HDR), resolution, and what is bottlenecking in the game engine (Pixel Fillrate, Texel fillrate, Shaders, FP blending and filtering, Bandwidth, etc). And you always have to consider features, as features often allow more advanced effects that a more powerful card without those features would need to use more resources for to get the same effect.
Bandwidth and fillrate alone would be much higher on 2 cards than 1.. (7800 would have SM3.0 though which would make it closer to an RSX it terms of shading abilities)
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7053 Days
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My response was not necessarily toward your comments ;) But now that you got my attention! NV40 (6800) Is an SM3.0 GPU, and SM3.0 performance is pretty comparable. The G70/71 series mainly had some refinements to FP blending and the shader pipeline (extra MADD).

As for bandwidth, hard to compare because of overhead. Most games it is not plausible to 2x the performance because there is overhead that makes realizing the full potential of the hardware. e.g. the NV40 had ~35GB/s of bandwidth whereas the 7800GTX 512MB had nearly 55GB/s. On paper the SLI would seem better at an aggregate 70GB/s, but in real world it is not necessarily due to utilization.
Optimus 1 7800 can't beat 2 x 6800 ...
Like I said, it can actually.

Note the 7800GTX 512MB at 46FPS here; and note the 6800GT SLI at 38.7GPS here. Similar results at 1600x1200, with the 6800GT SLI at 28FPS and the 7800GTX 512MB at nearly 32FPS. Like I said, the results can ping pong back and forth based on feature settings, so it is hard to say, "1 7800 can't beat 2 x 6800" because there are a lot of scenarios where this is not true.
But yea RSX is supposed to be a modified 7900 isn't it ?
I can now say with a very high degree of certainty (beyond what we already knew) that yes, it is a slightly modified 7900.

WOW! E3 is gonna rock!

Since 6974 Days
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The possibility that it is very high as a 7900 has the same number, but why do you think so?

Anyway watch the athlon fx-60 with a default clock speed of 2.6GHZ beat the pants off of the new intel cpu at 3.73GHZ and in a couple other cases beats the new intel even when its overclocked to 4.26GHZ.

Pretty crazy amd is doing wonders with their processors. Even my athlon x2 4200+ beats that new intel sometimes :)

There are some tests where the new intel cpu wins, but overall its definetly not better than the much lower clocked fx-60.

[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 7056 Days
Lol what a bunch of boulet time I feel like matrix here.. I have just come back from see mision imposible 3 this has more boulet than the movie lol hehe ......

I can wait what e3 have for halo lol =P
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7030 Days
They just can't help themselves :D
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7083 Days
The first time that reading those boulet time post really lowers your IQ :P
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6928 Days
Halo 3 Announcement Trailer on XBLM!!!
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I dream in 1080p

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (5 Weeks ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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