Alan Wake Thread - Brand New Trailer!!

Since 5785 Days
True but i see this game as being a slow burner sales wise.
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Since 5754 Days
I'm guessing it'll sell around 1.5 million by the end of the year which is a moderate success but I think microsoft was hoping it would sell a bit better. It truly came out at an AWFUL time considering everyone has been playing RDR.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Since 6523 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
I'm guessing it'll sell around 1.5 million by the end of the year which is a moderate success but I think microsoft was hoping it would sell a bit better. It truly came out at an AWFUL time considering everyone has been playing RDR.
i dont think the slightly mixed reviews helped matter either. if alan wake was getting mass effect 2 levels of praise across the board. i think it'd be a different story as far as sales are concerned. the month of alan wakes release there was one AAA title, and one not. most people picked up the better game. it's as simple as that. (personally i did the opposite since i hate westerns)
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Since 6472 Days
Alan Wake got better than average reviews, I really hope the gaming public isn't stupid enough to let something as arbitrary as a number at the end of a review to influene their decision. I agree it really does come down to A. a lack of major marketing and B. the fact it releases next to RDR, one of the most hyped games of the year.

Even w/ a 95% on gamerankings I don't think Alan Wake would be selling a ton considering what has been stated. But pretty much everyone I know who played the game has really enjoyed it so maybe word of mouth on how great the game is will help sales. It seemed to work somewhat for Demons Souls, not that it was a huge hit, but numbers did increase as word of mouth got around.
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Since 5754 Days
It must be somewhat of a bummer for the devs that they spent 5ish years making this game, and then they release in the same window as RDR and half their sales are gone basically :( Had they released 2 weeks prior to RDR... i bet they would have sold alot more first week.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Since 5785 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Alan Wake got better than average reviews, I really hope the gaming public isn't stupid enough to let something as arbitrary as a number at the end of a review to influene their decision. I agree it really does come down to A. a lack of major marketing and B. the fact it releases next to RDR, one of the most hyped games of the year.

Even w/ a 95% on gamerankings I don't think Alan Wake would be selling a ton considering what has been stated. But pretty much everyone I know who played the game has really enjoyed it so maybe word of mouth on how great the game is will help sales. It seemed to work somewhat for Demons Souls, not that it was a huge hit, but numbers did increase as word of mouth got around.
True, i know a few of my friends picked it up after i told them how good it was.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7142 Days
God, this game is so good!
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Since 7011 Days
This game is truly something incredible, shame about the sales. I've been jumping between this, Red Dead Redemption and Fifa on occasion. Alan Wake only gets played on the pimped out setup downstairs :D
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 7049 Days
Posted by SimonM7
God, this game is so good!
oh yeah!! Enjoy man!
Posted by Optimusv2
This game is truly something incredible, shame about the sales. I've been jumping between this, Red Dead Redemption and Fifa on occasion. Alan Wake only gets played on the pimped out setup downstairs :D
You too Op,

I feel so sorry for Remedy that it didnt sell as well as it should. I REALLY hope we do get to see a sequel but at the end of the day I am happy we have at least 3DLC episodes to look forward to.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7142 Days
I don't get why there isn't a survival mode in there though. My favourite bits of the game is where you stand fast somewhere and you have a bunch of elements you can use in the environment, and guys keep coming. The combat is soooo satisfying!

The story is mostly faffing about, the game is front loaded with a few too many aimless treks through woods (that are, granted, meant to make you feel lost and aimlessly wandering, but since you have a marker to follow, they just end up feeling pointless instead) and it's a bit unevenly paced where sometimes out of nowhere comes a tiny, super obvious puzzle, almost apologetic in its design.

Those things all keep it grounded and out of "amazing" air space, but so many things conspire to make it incredibly compelling to me regardless. Combat is brilliant, just god damn brilliant. There's an X factor to the dance you engage in with the enemies that somehow builds on the beats of Max Payne 2's combat, but then surpasses it in almost every regard thanks to incredibly finely tuned tactile feedback from every action.

The way the story is told, and the enthusiasm with which it's told by far make up for the fact that the story itself is more or less all over the effing place. Similar to how Max Payne was far more excited to be a noir *thing* with nods to its genre than a particularly well concieved plot, Alan Wake is happier about being a mystery than being a coherent plot shrouded in mystery. There are interesting elements in play, conceptually, but they mostly just hang around in a story that doesn't really seem to know where it's going with them. I think that's fine though. It still establishes an atmosphere and makes you curious to see what's around the bend, even though the payoff is rarely (if ever) worth it.

But the game just feels so god damn nice to play. At first the camera system throws you off, but when that clicks, it makes so much god damn sense. Whether you're illuminating your path ahead, navigating between obstacles in the rough forest terrain, or whether you're just speaking to an NPC, the camera placement and movement complements everything spectacularly well. Even the sensitivity and springyness of your flashlight/aim regardless of what the camera is doing makes moments of narrowly dodging out of an enemy's way and steering your flashlight's beam up towards them while stumbling away, only to start burning away at them and coming out of slow motion, blowing them to bits with a shotgun. IT NEVER GETS OLD. You may think it gets old when they pour a new bucket of shadow people into the environment and you're like "here we go agaiiin..." but then you start EFFING DUDES UP and it's STILL BRILLIANT.

The game does drag some from time to time because they're a bit uneven with changing up the scenery and keeping you on your toes. Its "shit hitting the fan" moments thankfully veer more towards the MW2 school of "you fuck up you're dead" than the UC2 one of "don't worry, we'll make sure every escape looks narrow", so when they do put you in a heavily scripted sequence there's real sense of urgency. However, even within the framework of the core game, they have moments of tangible context, or mixing the type of encounters up, that are far more exciting than the forest trekking baseline. The more gamey Alan Wake gets, the more exciting it is I guess, because while the atmosphere is thick and impressive, it's sorely lacking in suspense once you're used to combating the enemies they throw at you.

Overall though, I'm really impressed with it. It feels almost identical to the first Uncharted, though placed in a different genre with the apropriate gameplay elements to boot. It hits the beats of the type of experience it wants to be with the same conviction as Nathan Drake's first pulp adventure romp, and really introduces the 360 platform to that philosophy of character action game for the first time. The presentation is excellent, the world convincing, the characters charismatic, and the gameplay superbly fluid and satisfying. If Microsoft have ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER, they'll nurture this like a tiny, beautiful baby bird. It's exactly the type of thing to cut through all the testosterone space murders that dominate the platform.
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Since 7049 Days
^ This guys is SO RIGHT! :D

You've summed it up perfectly Simon. For me personally, this is game of the year material. I will be buying the game new again to get the DLC token and I CAN NOT wait for it to come out. I will SO fork out for the rest of the DLC content too.!
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Since 5640 Days
When is this free dlc out then??
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Since 6979 Days
End of the month.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7142 Days
Got it, played it and finished it. Similar to Episode 2 for Half Life 2, this is definitely some of the best Alan Wake stuff you can play. It has a spot on, confident groove going from the outset, with a much more dense "route" both in terms of encounters and meaningful geometry. It consistently marries its narrative with its gameplay in a way that the original game didn't quite get around to until about two thirds in, and at least for me it truly rows home the flexibility of this fiction. The fiction even feeds into combat here in a really clever way.

Very exciting stuff and you should definitely grab it asap.

I'm trying really hard to avoid hating Red Dead Redemption for stealing away people from this. Apart from having rediculously satisfying combat mechanics which for all intents and purposes make up the body of the game, it's also really smart and interesting in a way that I think people may not be used to. It's not as sharp and haunting as Shattered Memories as a story, but the story of Alan Wake is -- and I know I've said this already but -- really secondary to the way it's told and the concepts it deals with. Especially if you engage in any sort of creative writing yourself, or perhaps to a degree any creative outlet, you'll find something very relatable in the elements that make up Alan Wake's narrative and fiction. I don't want to give anything away without spoiler tags, but suffice to say I find the way it makes a metaphor out of the core of creativity, rather than the things derived from it, very cool and very fun to think about.
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Since 5785 Days
Nice cant wait to try it.
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Since 7049 Days
THanks Simon! CANT WAIT for this week-end!!! received my new game again yesterday :) schedulded some time for this week-end so I can play uninterrupted :)
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Since 5299 Days
The Writer Episode: DLC

Just finished the game and loved it, i have not been so enthralled and on the edge of my seat throughout a game in a long time.
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Since 6979 Days
Sweet will give it a try for sure.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 7063 Days
Right now all the bullshit hype has gone down and people start looking at old games in a new light (lets be honest we have all played a game and enjoyed it soly on its hype, but then realised it was shit later on)

Is this game any good? i dont care for the visuals i dont care for dodgy animation (hell guys i play warcraft ffs) is the gameplay solid ?
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 7011 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Right now all the bullshit hype has gone down and people start looking at old games in a new light (lets be honest we have all played a game and enjoyed it soly on its hype, but then realised it was shit later on)

Is this game any good? i dont care for the visuals i dont care for dodgy animation (hell guys i play warcraft ffs) is the gameplay solid ?
Much time since the hype has passed, this is still easily one of the best games I've played this gen. But that may not be true for everybody else. It's lacking some of the nextgeny characteristics of a lot of other titles, namely Uncharted, and that's mostly in the animations department, but it still doesn't take away from what is an unbelievably well presented game with some incredible graphics and a great story with a nice cast of characters.

The gameplay controls are some of the most precise I've played with for just about any first person or even third person shooter. It feels like anything you need to do with the flashlight and a gun, you can, and with truly incredible responsiveness. You definitely get the impression through and through that this is a game made by the Max Payne developer. The controls are amazingly well done.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6965 Days
This game is a terribly paced, atrociously written, poorly produced budget horror game. Whatever innovation the gameplay had at the very onset was lost in the terrible level design and awkward encounters. You know how in movies/tv/books the most boring and mundane aspects of life are removed to highlight the more dramatic and exciting aspects? This game feels like it forgot that. Only thing missing was a mini-game picking out which reams of paper to use at Office Depot when Wake was trying to write, or booking his hotel and flight fare for travel to Bright Falls. Feels like they intentionally built the game as a series of bridges and forgot that it had to lead somewhere. Remedy probably ran out of steam and just decided to ship a simple title. This isn't the Alan Wake I had expected. On the last half of the last level and I have had no motivation to proceed, let alone play any of the DLC.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Since 5299 Days
Posted by SimonM7
I don't get why there isn't a survival mode in there though. My favourite bits of the game is where you stand fast somewhere and you have a bunch of elements you can use in the environment, and guys keep coming. The combat is soooo satisfying!

The story is mostly faffing about, the game is front loaded with a few too many aimless treks through woods (that are, granted, meant to make you feel lost and aimlessly wandering, but since you have a marker to follow, they just end up feeling pointless instead) and it's a bit unevenly paced where sometimes out of nowhere comes a tiny, super obvious puzzle, almost apologetic in its design.

Those things all keep it grounded and out of "amazing" air space, but so many things conspire to make it incredibly compelling to me regardless. Combat is brilliant, just god damn brilliant. There's an X factor to the dance you engage in with the enemies that somehow builds on the beats of Max Payne 2's combat, but then surpasses it in almost every regard thanks to incredibly finely tuned tactile feedback from every action.

The way the story is told, and the enthusiasm with which it's told by far make up for the fact that the story itself is more or less all over the effing place. Similar to how Max Payne was far more excited to be a noir *thing* with nods to its genre than a particularly well concieved plot, Alan Wake is happier about being a mystery than being a coherent plot shrouded in mystery. There are interesting elements in play, conceptually, but they mostly just hang around in a story that doesn't really seem to know where it's going with them. I think that's fine though. It still establishes an atmosphere and makes you curious to see what's around the bend, even though the payoff is rarely (if ever) worth it.

But the game just feels so god damn nice to play. At first the camera system throws you off, but when that clicks, it makes so much god damn sense. Whether you're illuminating your path ahead, navigating between obstacles in the rough forest terrain, or whether you're just speaking to an NPC, the camera placement and movement complements everything spectacularly well. Even the sensitivity and springyness of your flashlight/aim regardless of what the camera is doing makes moments of narrowly dodging out of an enemy's way and steering your flashlight's beam up towards them while stumbling away, only to start burning away at them and coming out of slow motion, blowing them to bits with a shotgun. IT NEVER GETS OLD. You may think it gets old when they pour a new bucket of shadow people into the environment and you're like "here we go agaiiin..." but then you start EFFING DUDES UP and it's STILL BRILLIANT.

The game does drag some from time to time because they're a bit uneven with changing up the scenery and keeping you on your toes. Its "shit hitting the fan" moments thankfully veer more towards the MW2 school of "you fuck up you're dead" than the UC2 one of "don't worry, we'll make sure every escape looks narrow", so when they do put you in a heavily scripted sequence there's real sense of urgency. However, even within the framework of the core game, they have moments of tangible context, or mixing the type of encounters up, that are far more exciting than the forest trekking baseline. The more gamey Alan Wake gets, the more exciting it is I guess, because while the atmosphere is thick and impressive, it's sorely lacking in suspense once you're used to combating the enemies they throw at you.

Overall though, I'm really impressed with it. It feels almost identical to the first Uncharted, though placed in a different genre with the apropriate gameplay elements to boot. It hits the beats of the type of experience it wants to be with the same conviction as Nathan Drake's first pulp adventure romp, and really introduces the 360 platform to that philosophy of character action game for the first time. The presentation is excellent, the world convincing, the characters charismatic, and the gameplay superbly fluid and satisfying. If Microsoft have ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER, they'll nurture this like a tiny, beautiful baby bird. It's exactly the type of thing to cut through all the testosterone space murders that dominate the platform.
I agree with this summary.
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Since 7063 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Much time since the hype has passed, this is still easily one of the best games I've played this gen. But that may not be true for everybody else. It's lacking some of the nextgeny characteristics of a lot of other titles, namely Uncharted, and that's mostly in the animations department, but it still doesn't take away from what is an unbelievably well presented game with some incredible graphics and a great story with a nice cast of characters.

The gameplay controls are some of the most precise I've played with for just about any first person or even third person shooter. It feels like anything you need to do with the flashlight and a gun, you can, and with truly incredible responsiveness. You definitely get the impression through and through that this is a game made by the Max Payne developer. The controls are amazingly well done.
Visuals do not bother me, but if its precise thats a start :)
Posted by Phaethon360
This isn't the Alan Wake I had expected.
The main reason i have been "putting it off"
But the game sounds like marmite so i will give it a shot and its cheap now, will grab it at the weekend...I should pick up god of war 3 lol.. still not played it...just had a ten minute tinker and that was it, but this first.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 7063 Days
Glad i got this, what a absolute sublime game, facial animations are a bit stiff at times, but i have no idea why most people cry about it, its not that bloody bad, not like its game destroying or anything..
Controls and gameplay are shockingly good, so smooth and easy, half the time it does not feel like you actually playing there that smooth and responsive there is little thought involved, making it play out more like a tv series than a game, found it helped me get more immersed in the game.

Yeah its not the game i expected but none the less its still a stellar game :D

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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6878 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Glad i got this, what a absolute sublime game, facial animations are a bit stiff at times, but i have no idea why most people cry about it, its not that bloody bad, not like its game destroying or anything..
Controls and gameplay are shockingly good, so smooth and easy, half the time it does not feel like you actually playing there that smooth and responsive there is little thought involved, making it play out more like a tv series than a game, found it helped me get more immersed in the game.

Yeah its not the game i expected but none the less its still a stellar game :D

Agreed. I think the little things are more egregious because the rest is so quality...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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