Since 6303 Days
The M60 is a beast for sure, but after unlocking and using the AN-94 last night I'm starting to think that gun is too good. Holy god I was tearing people apart with that gun, it just seems far too powerful AND accurate. With the 4x scope and marksman bonus attached I felft like a damn sniper half the time I got kills from so far away.

Anyhow, only got to use the M16 two matches, but it looks like that gun is gonna be a big pile of ownage as well. That gun makes it really easy to get some long distance kills, but not as overpowered for CQC so i'd say it's less than the AN-94. I do really love assult rifles though, it's a shame you can't do more with that class in terms of team play. It's rare I'm on a team that lives long enoguh to need more ammo lol.

I'm starting to like Rush more than as Conquest now, which is a big surprise for me. I think it's just that Rush lasts so much longer (if team's are balanced) and there is much more vehicle action going on. That or I just over-played conquest when I first got the game.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
No way. Despite what Viginti Tres said about the M60 vs AN-94 damage, I'm willing to bet the M60 has a faster time to kill than the AN-94. Hell, the M-16 and M416 are easily comparable assault rifles. Just because you rape with it doesn't mean that it's the best weapon. I mean, I still clean house with my demolitions configuration for assault, but I don't think it's half as horribly overpowered as it was in the beta. Well, it's just as powerful, but other weapons have received a healthy buff since that test.. so it's sorta leveled the field a little. I'd take bets on the M60 being the quicker kill. I could be wrong though.

And ammo is a big deal and combat is a part of team play too if you're playin' as a team.

I have to disagree that rush has more vehicle action than conquest too. There's more armor vs. armor and air to air combat in conquest.
@Grift- which DICE game we talkin' about? Medal of Honor or BF3( not sure if thats out this year)?...
MoH.. we're lucky if they even officially debut BF3 in any fashion this year. I wouldn't hold my breath.
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Since 6303 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
No way. Despite what Viginti Tres said about the M60 vs AN-94 damage, I'm willing to bet the M60 has a faster time to kill than the AN-94. Hell, the M-16 and M416 are easily comparable assault rifles. Just because you rape with it doesn't mean that it's the best weapon. I mean, I still clean house with my demolitions configuration for assault, but I don't think it's half as horribly overpowered as it was in the beta. Well, it's just as powerful, but other weapons have received a healthy buff since that test.. so it's sorta leveled the field a little. I'd take bets on the M60 being the quicker kill. I could be wrong though.

And ammo is a big deal and combat is a part of team play too if you're playin' as a team.

I have to disagree that rush has more vehicle action than conquest too. There's more armor vs. armor and air to air combat in conquest.
@Grift- which DICE game we talkin' about? Medal of Honor or BF3( not sure if thats out this year)?...
MoH.. we're lucky if they even officially debut BF3 in any fashion this year. I wouldn't hold my breath.
LOL starting to wonder if we are playing the same game. Maybe it's b/c I play it on xbox and you are on PC? who knows...

One thing we agree on, the game is really good and one of the best MP games around. Now if the game just had more maps...
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Since 5361 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
LOL starting to wonder if we are playing the same game. Maybe it's b/c I play it on xbox and you are on PC? who knows...

One thing we agree on, the game is really good and one of the best MP games around. Now if the game just had more maps...
All in due time. Anyone know for sure what the Dr. Pepper dlc is going to be and when it's going to be released?
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

Since 6452 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I'd take bets on the M60 being the quicker kill. I could be wrong though.
The weapons I listed all kill faster than the M60 due to their higher fire rate. At shorter ranges reaction time and ping are the bigger variables anyway. It's main advantage are long range shots, with that heavy barrel attachment it's very accurate when you're shooting from a crouched position.

And really, LMGs should tear you apart, that's what they're made for. I do wish they'd get a better defined role though, make use of the fact they use bi-pods. But then again DICE decided to make them medics and a more stationary role would just make them less attractive (if not totally fucking useless).
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
The weapons I listed all kill faster than the M60 due to their higher fire rate. At shorter ranges reaction time and ping are the bigger variables anyway. It's main advantage are long range shots, with that heavy barrel attachment it's very accurate when you're shooting from a crouched position.

And really, LMGs should tear you apart, that's what they're made for. I do wish they'd get a better defined role though, make use of the fact they use bi-pods. But then again DICE decided to make them medics and a more stationary role would just make them less attractive (if not totally fucking useless).
Yeah, you're right on paper, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it in game. LMG's aren't made for spraying from the hip or moving while standing and firing either, and I see a lot of people getting away with that in this game. It's not the guns damage that's the problem so much as its insane accuracy. The fact that you can fire it from a standing position with nearly perfect accuracy is madness. And I'm not even talking in terms of realism, but in terms of gameplay. You have what, 100 rounds in your magazine? The thing has an advantage over basically every gun in one way or another. I really do think that it's a little too good.

I'd rather encounter another AN-94 anyway. Hell, even Uruk thinks it's too good and it's his favorite kit!
Posted by Nietzsche
LOL starting to wonder if we are playing the same game. Maybe it's b/c I play it on xbox and you are on PC? who knows...

One thing we agree on, the game is really good and one of the best MP games around. Now if the game just had more maps...
Well I have to insist that conquest favors vehicles over rush on any platform. You don't get attack helo battles and six tanks (not APC's!) on a map at one time in rush.
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Since 6452 Days
Well see, we went away from just blaming damage and accuracy, that's what an LMG is all about. The problem seems to be that it's mobility is way too high, it takes less skill to wield because it behaves like an assault rifle with a huge clip.
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Since 6303 Days
@grift, I know, I just meant how often the players use them. I can't count how often I'm on a team and nobody wants to fly to helo. That's why I love playing with my brother, he freaking rapes w/ the helos. I just man the gun and we take out the whole freaking team.
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Since 6709 Days
Yeah, you're right on paper, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it in game. LMG's aren't made for spraying from the hip or moving while standing and firing either, and I see a lot of people getting away with that in this game. It's not the guns damage that's the problem so much as its insane accuracy. The fact that you can fire it from a standing position with nearly perfect accuracy is madness. And I'm not even talking in terms of realism, but in terms of gameplay. You have what, 100 rounds in your magazine? The thing has an advantage over basically every gun in one way or another. I really do think that it's a little too good.

I'd rather encounter another AN-94 anyway. Hell, even Uruk thinks it's too good and it's his favorite kit!
Actually you would be far more likely to shoot from the hip with an LMG from a standing position. Good luck hitting anything aiming down the sights without the bi-pod, though. LMGs are nasty when employed correctly, but they are area weapons. Of course it IS a game, after all, and I think DICE has nailed a respectable level of realism while keeping the game fun and balanced...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6452 Days
God damn, do I hate Nelson Bay. I haven't been in a single game where my whole team didn't get spawn raped constantly.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
God damn, do I hate Nelson Bay. I haven't been in a single game where my whole team didn't get spawn raped constantly.
That's sorta the problem with the linearity of these maps.
Posted by Frozpot
Actually you would be far more likely to shoot from the hip with an LMG from a standing position. Good luck hitting anything aiming down the sights without the bi-pod, though. LMGs are nasty when employed correctly, but they are area weapons. Of course it IS a game, after all, and I think DICE has nailed a respectable level of realism while keeping the game fun and balanced...
I still hate the M60.. and I don't think that it falls squarely into what would be considered a common role for an LMG. I'm not convinced that any game with this level of customization (and magnum ammo and ceramic plates, aka stopping power and juggernaut) will ever be truly balanced, but it's close enough I guess, especially for pub play. So far as realism is concerned, well, it's just not realistic at all. The only thing (in terms of realism) that it really does that other games don't is bullet physics. We still have bullet drop and movement still penalizes most weapons heavily (even when zoomed), but it also completely noobified stances, and I'm not just talking about the lack of prone. Stance has no effect on accuracy or recoil anymore, at least for most weapons. Plus, the damage model is anything but realistic.. but the truth is.. who would want to play a realistic game anyway? That's what mil-sims are for and they're not half as fun as this.

fun > realism.. but I wasn't really complaining about realism.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 6921 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
This game really rules. There are some things I don't like about it as a Battlefield vet, that I love about it as a Call of Duty vet. And while I don't really like the over use of customization in either, it's ridiculous fun regardless. My current main kit is Assault + AN-94 + M1911 (the god side arm) + default tube + red dot + magnum ammo. It's amazingly effective at both CQC and long range combat. Occasionally I switch out the AN-94 for a Saiga and replace the magnum ammo with the 12 round shotty specialization and the red dot with lightweight, which turns assault into an armor killing monster
So you hate customization but love the custom kit you made :D Things you hate to love but love to hate. Customization, for good or ill, is here to stay. Although it looks like Bungie is avoiding such.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
Posted by Acert93
So you hate customization but love the custom kit you made :D Things you hate to love but love to hate. Customization, for good or ill, is here to stay. Although it looks like Bungie is avoiding such.
Yes. It's really not that difficult to understand either. There are too many perks in this game, just like Call of Duty, but you're stupid if you don't use them. Of course I love a custom kit, because the default kits are bullshit. I mean it's not so broken that I can't enjoy the game or anything, it's just a bummer that all these games are getting noobier and noobier.

The all kit guns really suck. I mean, the shotguns are good, but the G3 is pretty terrible if you ask me. Sure it's strong, but it's accuracy is pretty terrible compared to an actual assault kit assault rifle.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 6921 Days
I didn't say I didn't understand :P A feature you love to hate, and hate to love (but do!) sums up a lot of games.

I will say, though, any game with massive tweaking MUST have good base kits. Anything else is BS. e.g. I am using the FAMAS in MW2 and it is a stock gun in the first 5 kits and unlocked in the first hour of play. iirc in BF2 the base classes weren't too bad. I don't want to see any game go the NHL route of pay for better crap.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
You can still be effective with the default kits but there's no way that they stand up to custom kits in this game. I mean, hell, you have to unlock the defibrillator and health packs.
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
Has anyone tried that one shotgun, I think it's called the N2000? It's sorta awesome. It's not as effective as the Saiga unless you really aim for the head, but if you do it's a one shot kill at close range.

I just played Squad Deathmatch for a few hours. It's pretty fun if you have a full squad that's communicating. I imagine if you're playing solo it would be pretty dull.
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Since 6709 Days
I'm having a lot of fun with the Medic. It's so easy to rack up points, and you can really be the difference between a win or a loss, especially on defense. Still not that far in though, I only just got the upgraded medipak...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
You can be the difference between a win and a loss on attack too, considering you have a limited number of tickets. I just started playing medic this morning too, but I'm not very far either. So far all I've been using is the Saiga, and will probably continue to until I unlock the M60. It's really annoying that you don't start with the basic health pack and defrib, but I guess you unlock them pretty quickly anyway. It's still annoying. The base medic isn't a medic at all.
In reply to
Since 6452 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
The all kit guns really suck. I mean, the shotguns are good, but the G3 is pretty terrible if you ask me. Sure it's strong, but it's accuracy is pretty terrible compared to an actual assault kit assault rifle.
Is it so bad? I wanted to use it on Recon kits and do some engineer unlocking (until I can use the better SMGs). I guess you can't use that accuracy perk on it.
In reply to
Since 6709 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
You can be the difference between a win and a loss on attack too, considering you have a limited number of tickets. I just started playing medic this morning too, but I'm not very far either. So far all I've been using is the Saiga, and will probably continue to until I unlock the M60. It's really annoying that you don't start with the basic health pack and defrib, but I guess you unlock them pretty quickly anyway. It's still annoying. The base medic isn't a medic at all.
Yeah. That came with a BIG WtF. Hi, I'm a medic that can't heal you. I really don't like how you have to unlock healing and the defib separately. DAMN YOU CALL OF DUTY! I've been noticing a promising uptick of medics doing their jobs. Bypassing the respawn time is such a game-changer. I've been having some good success with the M249. I'll prolly stick with that until I unlock something better. ..
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6478 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Is it so bad? I wanted to use it on Recon kits and do some engineer unlocking (until I can use the better SMGs). I guess you can't use that accuracy perk on it.
I don't think it's that bad. Sucks it only has 20 bullets per magazine, and the recoil is quite big, just have to fire in small bursts. But yeah, i was hoping it would be better.
Hate we can't add any specializations on it, same with M14, makes it quite meh.

Sucks assault has all the better assault rifles, there should be one good, to use on all kits, since G3 fails on that job.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6950 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Is it so bad? I wanted to use it on Recon kits and do some engineer unlocking (until I can use the better SMGs). I guess you can't use that accuracy perk on it.
It's not that bad, but it's clearly out classed by the assault kit guns.. which are out classed by some SMG's and the M60..
Posted by Frozpot
Yeah. That came with a BIG WtF. Hi, I'm a medic that can't heal you. I really don't like how you have to unlock healing and the defib separately. DAMN YOU CALL OF DUTY! I've been noticing a promising uptick of medics doing their jobs. Bypassing the respawn time is such a game-changer. I've been having some good success with the M249. I'll prolly stick with that until I unlock something better. ..
To be fair, DICE had this sort of progression in their minds long before Infinity Ward did. You had to unlock some silly shit in 2142 too. But yeah, I agree. The base medic isn't even a medic. It's ridiculous.
Posted by UrukHaiPT
I don't think it's that bad.
G3 fails on that job.
Wut? :P
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Since 5361 Days
Finally up and playing again. Unlocked the AN94, wow Grift, it's a beast. Just need to get used to the three round burst but man does this gun own.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

Since 5585 Days
I think after playing around with the m16 at bit, that its actually superior to the AN94 in most situations. The one time I'd rather have an AN94 is on long range/vehicle maps. M16 is a freaking beast up close/mid-range.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Since 5361 Days
I've heard if you turn the bloom off in the ini file it looks less like a console port.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83

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