Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
un peu de Naval strike

sortie pour les premium le 18 si tout va bien
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Hier j'ai eu une maj sur ps4... Je savais pas.. Plus d'un Go.

En plus trop bizarre ça téléchargeait à qques ko/s, j'ai du rebooter la console pour avoir enfin un débit normal de qques Mo/s.
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Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
oui y a un une MAJ le 4/3/14, faudra encore 7-10 jours pour l'avoir sur ONE
March 4 PS4 Game update notes
-Several crash fixes and stability improvements
-Various improvements for Spectator Mode
-Tweaked timing for how long the killfeed stays on screen
-Fixed an issue where the message "Joining Server" sometimes didn't appear when the user tried to join the server
-Added default player slots to server browser filters
-Fix for an issue on Silk Road where players could deform the terrain to create a big, water-filled hole
-Fix for a bug that occurred with the end-of-round camera if the player was in the bomber in China Rising
-Fix for an issue on Rogue Transmission where it was impossible to capture a flag while riding the quad bike
-Prevented players from interacting with an M-Com on Siege of Shanghai after it had been destroyed
-Fixed an issue where audio for disarming M-Coms could get stuck in an infinite loop
-Added minimap details for missing carriers in Rush on Paracel Storm and Hainan Resort
-Fix for an exploit that would allow players to shoot two tank shells with not enough delay between shots
-Removed a bug where squads would get split up when transitioning between Conquest and Air Superiority
-Fixed an issue where Defuse could get stuck in an unplayable state between rounds
-Removed a bug that would cause players to sometimes get stuck in the killcam after having been killed
-Fixed an issue with revive icon not being greyed out in-game on map and minimap, when the player died after getting revived in Defuse
-General improvements and bug fixes for the Battledash and Mission create screens
-Fixed a bug where red laser dots would get stuck on textures
-Zoom dispersion fix. When zooming in while firing the dispersion did not lower to the new max value
-Fixed a bug where the enemy health always displayed as full in the kill-cam
-Fixed an issue in Defuse so killed bomb carrier can’t plant a bomb in the next round without picking up a new bomb
-The MAV has been updated to prevent players from exploiting it
-Improved repair rates for vehicles with different base healths
-Tweaked volume balance and other ambience parameters on the majority of base game and China Rising maps
-Improved the track vehicles wheel friction so vehicles don’t get stuck at relatively minor hills
-Fixed an issue with faulty zoom levels that occurred when using click to zoom in. While sprinting and zooming, will mess up the zoom levels, from hip to zoom.
-Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water

Weapon tweaks
-THe SRS bolt action time has been tweaked and the rate of fire has been lowered
-The GOL bolt action time has been tweaked
-The muzzle velocity for the MP7 has been reduced
-The MTAR21 muzzle velocity has been reduced
-Updated the handling of the 1x scopes for Type95B1, A91, SteyrAug, SAR21, QBZ951, FAMAS, UTAS, MTAR, L85A2, and F2000
-Updated rate of fire for the RGP7 and NLAW
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
y a même un peu plus
Ajout des modifications globales réalisées dans le changelog :

We’ve started rolling out a new Battlefield 4 game update on Playstation 4. You may experience some downtime during this rollout, as we are also updating the game servers. As usual, it will take a few hours before the majority of servers are updated.

March 4 PS4 Game Update Notes
-Several crash fixes and stability improvements
-Fixed an issue with data re-sending that was causing rubberbanding on some servers
-Increased the maxium rank to 120
-Fixed an issue with the kill camera triggering before game client would display the last portion of damage being dealt, giving players the impression that they died too early
-Fixed issue with blood effects, damage indicators, and health bar updates in the HUD being out of sync. This issue meant that players would sometimes miss information about being shot at, or get the impression of too few hits occurring for the amount of bullets that hit.
-Tweaked the speed, dispersion, and re-arm duration of the IFV and MBT projectiles
-Tweaked timing for how long the killfeed stays on screen
-Fixed an issue where the message "Joining Server" sometimes didn't appear when the user tried to join the server
-Added default player slots to server browser filters
-Fix for an issue on Silk Road where players could deform the terrain to create a big, water-filled hole
-Fix for a bug that occurred with the end-of-round camera if the player was in the bomber in China Rising
-Fix for an issue on Rogue Transmission where it was impossible to capture a flag while riding the quad bike
-Prevented players from interacting with an M-Com on Siege of Shanghai after it had been destroyed
-Fixed an issue where audio for disarming M-Coms could get stuck in an infinite loop
-Added minimap details for missing carriers in Rush on Paracel Storm and Hainan Resort
-Fix for an exploit that would allow players to shoot two tank shells with not enough delay between shots
-Removed a bug where squads would get split up when transitioning between Conquest and Air Superiority
-Fixed an issue where Defuse could get stuck in an unplayable state between rounds
-Removed a bug that would cause players to sometimes get stuck in the killcam after having been killed
-Fixed an issue with revive icon not being greyed out in-game on map and minimap, when the player died after getting revived in Defuse
-General improvements and bug fixes for the Battledash and Mission create screens
-Fixed a bug where red laser dots would get stuck on textures
-Zoom dispersion fix. When zooming in while firing the dispersion did not lower to the new max value
-Fixed a bug where the enemy health always displayed as full in the kill-cam
-Fixed an issue in Defuse so killed bomb carrier can’t plant a bomb in the next round without picking up a new bomb
-The MAV has been updated to prevent players from exploiting it
-Improved repair rates for vehicles with different base healths
-Tweaked volume balance and other ambience parameters on the majority of base game and China Rising maps
-Improved the track vehicles wheel friction so vehicles don’t get stuck at relatively minor hills
-Fixed an issue with faulty zoom levels that occurred when using click to zoom in. While sprinting and zooming, will mess up the zoom levels, from hip to zoom.
-Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water

-Fix for the EMP/Proxy Attack effects being visible in Spectator Mode
-Removed the black screen that was visible when switching between cameras and players in Spectator Mode
-Removed squad colors in Spectator Mode, now only the red and blue team colors are visible
-Decreased the user interface clutter in Spectator Mode by removing health pack, ammo pack and revive icons
-Tweaked the 1st person view in Spectator Mode so that spectators now see exactly what players see and nothing else
-Added a functionality in Spectator Mode so that, when going into Freecam from 1st or 3rd person mode, the first static freecam will be moved to behind the previously spectated player
-Added the possibility in Spectator Mode to ‘fire’ at a player from Freecam to go into 1st person view of that player
-Spectators can now see which player on the scoreboard that carries the bomb in the Obliteration and Defuse game modes

NOTE: For in-depth details on all the balancing tweaks below, head to our "Balancing BF4" articles [].

-Increased the number of M84 FLASHBANG and HAND FLARES the player can carry from 2 to 3.
-Increased the effect of M84 FLASHBANG grenades on friendly and enemy players.
-Increased the maximum damage for the RGO from 67 to 80, however reduced the range of explosion.
-Reduced the visual and audio effect for the detonation of the V40 Mini to highlight its smaller blast when compared to other grenades. Decreased the maximum damage from 80 to 60, and decreased the range at which maximum damage is applied.

-Increased the aimed accuracy of the M1911 to make it a viable choice once the COMPACT 45 has been unlocked.
-Increased the close range damage of the M1911, QSZ-92, FN57, CZ-75 and COMPACT 45.
-Reduced the delay between pressing the trigger and the bullet firing for the M412 REX and .44 MAGNUM.
-Increased the magazine capacity of the QSZ-92 to 20 rounds. Additionally reduced the recoil of the QSZ-92 to give it a clear difference from the FN57.
-Corrected a small error with the COMPACT 45 accuracy when crouched or prone.

-Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon.
-Increased the accuracy of pump action shotguns (870 MCS, HAWK 12g, SPAS-12, and UTS 15) while on the move and aiming.
-Reduced the long range damage of the MTAR to bring it in line with the rest of the Carbines.
-Adjusted the way inaccuracy is handled when transitioning from Hip fire to Aimed fire.
-The Heavy Barrel’s Accuracy bonus now also applies on the move, at a reduced bonus. This should give the Heavy Barrel a wider role for players who desire accuracy while aimed in all situations.
-Synchronized the timing of the aim down the sights animation of sniper rifles with their ability to fire with full accuracy. Players no longer need to wait for additional time after the aiming animation plays to get accurate shots. There is still a delay to achieve full accuracy, so Quick Scoping is still not possible.
-The SRS bolt action time has been tweaked and the rate of fire has been lowered
-The GOL bolt action time has been tweaked
-The muzzle velocity for the MP7 has been reduced
-The MTAR21 muzzle velocity has been reduced
-Updated the handling of the 1x scopes for Type95B1, A91, SteyrAug, SAR21, QBZ951, FAMAS, UTAS, MTAR, L85A2, and F2000
-Updated rate of fire for the RGP7 and NLAW

-Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4.
-Reduced the velocity of the MAA’s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON.
-Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed.
-Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired.
-Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change.
-Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types.
-Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS.
-Reduced the “intelligence” of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed.
-Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds.
-Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE.
-Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential.
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
He be, ils en modifient des choses nos amis Suédois....
C'est plus de la mise a jour a ce niveau la, mais un nouveau jeu ^^.
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Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
Vu qu'il est difficile d'avoir 4 personnes au même moment sur ONE pour la section GSY ( la preuve elle est toujours à 0point :/)
J’ouvre aussi ma section ^^

Gornelias balance des invites aux amis d'hier, parce que finalement on joue beaucoup plus ensemble qu'avec les autres
Sinon c'est ouvert à tous mais si possible que sur ONE
Y aura peut être plus de chance d'être toujours minimum 4
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 4114 Jours
Ont peut faire partie de plusieurs Platoons ?
edit : Apparemment 3 groupes max, par contre je trouve pas comment inviter des amis.
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Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
donne leur le lien
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
Une petite vidéo des armes et gadgets de prochain DLC :
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours

Selon vous , vaut il mieux prendre Battle en occase version boite (56€) ou le prendre en démat ( je ne sais le prix) histoire d'avoir directement la derniére version a jour?
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notourious67 - valar morghulis
Inscrit depuis 7032 Jours
Posté par yanou007

Selon vous , vaut il mieux prendre Battle en occase version boite (56€) ou le prendre en démat ( je ne sais le prix) histoire d'avoir directement la derniére version a jour?
Chacun ses goûts et sa vitesse de download :)

Sinon moi je l'ai version boîte et j'hésite à le vendre avec l'arrivée de Titanfall :)

Donc au cas où ça t'intéresse ^^
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Soit belle et rebelle plutôt que moche et remoche^^

Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
le nouveau mode TITAN qui arrive avec le prochain DLC semble bine sympa
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 7056 Jours
Posté par yanou007

Selon vous , vaut il mieux prendre Battle en occase version boite (56€) ou le prendre en démat ( je ne sais le prix) histoire d'avoir directement la derniére version a jour?
En occaz version boite à 56€ c'est ultra exagéré comme prix. Tu en trouves sur le bon coin à 35€, neuf à 50/55€.

La version démat impose le téléchargement automatique de la dernière mise à jour, après tout dépend selon moi de 2 paramètres:

-la qualité de ta connexion internet
-le temps que tu vas passé sur le jeu

Pour le premier point, tu es seul juge. Moi je suis en fibre, je dL les 40go du jeu en.. allez maximum 1h selon la surcharge des serveurs. Donc le démat est une très bonne "alternative / solution". Mais l'année dernière encore il m'aurait fallu la nuit entière pour télécharger le jeu et cela peut-être frustrant. Bien que le download anticipé se met en place tout doucement et permettra le jeu en day one.

Pour le second point, si c'est un jeu sur lequel tu sais que tu vas y revenir très souvent lors des 365 prochains jours (ce qui est le cas pour moi d'un multi comme Titanfall par exemple) la version démat a son intérêt: lancement/switch immédiat. Dans mon exemple je sais que Titanfall sera dans ma console jusqu'à la sortie du 2.. à ce moment là il vaudra de tout de façon plus rien ou plus grand chose alors je privilégie le démat.
Après si c'est un jeu dont tu n'est pas sur de t'investir réellement préfère le support physique pour l'échange / revente.
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Green is the colour

gamertag: DEXT3R xX FR Xx

Inscrit depuis 7056 Jours
D'une taille de 1559mo, la dernière mise a jour pour bf4 est dispo sur le Xbox Live.
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Green is the colour

gamertag: DEXT3R xX FR Xx

Inscrit depuis 6678 Jours
A force ce Bf va battre un record...celui de la taille d'un jeu.^^
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eskyves - n comme noob
Inscrit depuis 7855 Jours
Posté par face2locust
A force ce Bf va battre un record...celui de la taille d'un jeu.^^
Pas vraiment puisque les mises a jour écrasent les anciennes données donc la taille du jeu ne varie pas hormis lorsque qu'il y à de nouvelles maps, armes...
En réponse à

use soap...

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Ok merci...
Je vais prendre battle en démat, histoire de voir ce que ca donne avec ma connexion....
Titan pas le choix démat aussi.
Pour le reste on verra plus tard.
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Inscrit depuis 6677 Jours
Posté par Avalon
D'une taille de 1559mo, la dernière mise a jour pour bf4 est dispo sur le Xbox Live.
J'ai rien eu.. T'es sur que c'est pas celle d'il y a une semaine ou deux ça ?
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Have Fun...
Mon nouveau site : [url][/url]

Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
Non non mise à jour hier apres midi au lancement du jeu
Si tu as la mise à jour déjà installé l'image de fond sur le menu est remplacée par un bateau, clin d'oeil au futur DLC
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Styx Master of Shadows, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 6677 Jours
Oui, j'ai bien vu que l'image de fond avait changée et que les défis du futur DLC étaient apparus.. étrange, la MaJ c'est complètement faite en background alors (première fois que ça me fait ca.. peut être que depuis la MaJ de la console les MaJ des jeux se font en arrière plan).
Étrange qu'ils n'en parle pas sur les forums du battlelog.
En réponse à

Have Fun...
Mon nouveau site : [url][/url]

Inscrit depuis 4027 Jours
Bonjour, désolée de m'incruster sur le topic comme ça, je réalise une étude dans le cadre de mon mémoire en sciences cognitives appliquées au jeu vidéo, et je recherche des joueurs de Battlefield volontaires pour passer une tite expérience, tout est explique sur le topic, là:

Merci à vous ^^
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Battle depuis jeudi a la maison sur One et que du ne ressens aucun lag, pas de retour accueil, des parties épiques en Conquéte ou Ruée.......
A croire que je ne joue pas au même jeu que certains.......ou alors je suis trés ( trop ) tolérant.

Rien que pour ce jeu je ne regrette pas d'avoir pris une One.
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Inscrit depuis 4114 Jours
Le jeu a etais patché depuis, mais le lancement a etais douloureux.
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Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Styx Master of Shadows, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Inscrit depuis 7848 Jours
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
Watch_Dogs, Styx Master of Shadows, Titan Fall, Spark, The Division, The Crew, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Forza Horizon 2 .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Il faut etre identifie pour participer au forum !

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
  • MadDemon

    MadDemon @Driftwood: merci beaucoup 👌 (il y a 18 Heures)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Rendez-vous aux alentours de 18h00 pour une couverture copieuse de Shadows (AC). (il y a 18 Heures)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane Ubisoft vient de diffuser sur sa chaine Youtube, la pub TV d'AC-Shadow. [url] (il y a 6 Jours)

  • Flash_Runner

    Flash_Runner @reneyvane: genre comme Sea og thieves ou Helldivers 2 sur Steam ? (il y a 1 Semaine)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane @face2papalocust: On ferait mieux dans discuter sur le forum et le topic PS5 ? (il y a 1 Semaine)

  • face2papalocust

    face2papalocust @reneyvane: et? Ils le font tous ça pratiquement en online. (il y a 1 Semaine)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane @Blackninja: Que démat mais MS impose créer un compte or pour continuer à jouer + tard à son jeu, il faut PSN existe + identification MS aussi ! [url] (il y a 1 Semaine)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le live commence d'ici 30 minutes, voici le lien GSY [url] et celui de Twitch [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le stream via Twitch, ici : [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le stream maison ce sera ici : [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)

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