SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7137 Days
What do you even know about whether it's reviewed fairly or not? Do you seriously expect every major reviews outlet to CONSPIRE against the game? That's just rediculous! You're saying they're wrong, based on what exactly? Your expectations on it?

The only unfair thing about practically everyone agreeing on a game being average is that the ones liking it are branded idiots - or at least might feel that way.

In my opinion, idiocy isn't about liking whatever you want, there's no shame in that at all. In fact, liking something that isn't generally considered fantastic is prolly just proof that you're not just a mindless zomibie buying "what ma-gazines tell you to buyyy" - to paraphrase that lovely chocobo song - nor caring too much about your "gamer cred", but suggesting that that many sources are collectively wrong when they put similarly lukewarm scores (or any other score) on a game absolutely independently of one another is bordering on arrogant.

Even more so when you haven't even played the damn game.
In reply to
kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7089 Days
Simon, it's a conspiracy man, it's all a conspiracy. SE has paid all the major sites off! They'll be dip damned if they let Sakaguchi get the last laugh!


On another note, GF has sent me this game, and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. Time to do the Carlton Happy Dance
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all about Crisis Core

Since 7006 Days
lol please don't tell me I haven't played the game when I've played the japanese version from the beginning all the way to what I assume is the end of disc 2. So no this isn't just based on my expectations of it (even though I'd disagree even if I hadn't played it) but I've played the game and I know how good it is so I'm within my right to say the reviews about it are WRONG from what I've played.

"The only unfair thing about practically everyone agreeing on a game being average"

This is what I don't get... there are many more reviews stating its a good game rather than a bad or average one, but why is it that only the bad reviews are have any credibility around here or to someone like yourself? Are people that anxious to label it an average or bad game? See thats something I'll never understand. Also for people that don't like this sorta game who are they to call it an average game? Its an average game that they wouldn't care for regardless of what review score it got right?

I think a lot of people are sheep in a sense because everyone was univerally positive about what they were seeing of the game until a single bad review about it. Suddenly people are taking back statements and cosigning to what sites like 1up are saying. Sheep. When people on neogaf got the japanese version there were practically unanimous good impressions from what they played. Blim absolutely love it. So now.. despite what people who have played the game think the opinions of individuals (who are also human mind you) saying it sucks or isn't good supercede those of people that played and enjoyed it simply because they work for a game review site?

Sorry, but thats grade a bullshit :)

Kenshin you talk about conspiracy, but it seems people on here ready to label blue dragon as average or bad are just as willing to accept that there is some sort of conspiracy as to why Blue Dragon received a 9, 9, 9, 10 from Famitsu and was called a must have for rpg fans. The fact that you guys are ignoring every good review about it especially the gameinformer one just goes to show you guys seem to be of the belief that anyone that gives this game a good review isn't telling the truth or wrong so is that any different from when I say I don't believe sites giving it such bad reviews are wrong as well?

Yea talk about conspiracies! :)

If you guys reserve the right to ignore good reviews of the game and assume they are inaccurate in some way then I reserve my right to assume bad reviews about the game are also inaccurate in some way. There is a major difference between me and some of you blue dragon naysayers though. I've actually played the game quite a bit and am in a better position to say whether a review is wrong or right about the game.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7006 Days
*so is that any different from when I say I don't believe sites giving it such bad reviews and I think they are wrong as well?*

Corrected that.

But nonetheless I'll now start playing my USA copy of the game I've supposedly never played before.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7137 Days
Yeah, until they all agree with a game YOU like, in which case they're suddenly all super right. This is what I just don't agree with. The general consensus is always the general consensus no matter where you stand. If 9 people say the sky is blue and one person says it's green, then guess what? The general consensus is that the sky is blue.

Sure, you can be the only guy who's "RIGHT" in a case like that, but with something like this it's really all about the perception of those people. Keep in mind they've played a bizillion games, which means they're jaded freaks the lot of them.
So now.. despite what people who have played the game think the opinions of individuals (who are also human mind you) saying it sucks or isn't good supercede those of people that played and enjoyed it simply because they work for a game review site?
Now I don't even know what you're talking about. *Of course* the opinions of professional critics will paint a picture more people will hold up as the truth than "mere mortals" on a fan site that judge things to left and right sometimes based on screenshots. No disrespect to anyone of course, but someone like Greg Kasavin has a decade long reputation of reviewing games, and you find it odd that people take opinions of such a guy to heart?

79% average on gamerankings tells a tale of a game that hasn't been as entusiastically embraced as one might've hoped. It's not a grand conspiracy, it's the voices of a ton of critics. I'm not saying anything about whether the game is good or bad or whether it's right or wrong to love it, but I am saying that it's incredibly unfair to dismiss that many collective scores as lies just because you do like it. Hell, 95% of all Wii games float around that score and I sincerely love half of them.

The same is true about the opposite.

But fine, if it makes you feel a lot better to discredit all those people and say that their opinions and conclusions are ALL wrong, then go right ahead. I'm not quite sure why I bother really.

EDIT: My point is that I DON'T presume to know better than the absolute majority of games review sites and I DON'T reserve the right to say that they're wrong to put Bioshock and Gears where they are. On the contrary I realise that I am in minority in not thinking it deserves that amount of wild praise, and I humbly express that opinion. Maybe I'm gullible in that sense, but I respect general opinion.
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Since 6691 Days
X-play gave it 3 out 5 and given that they hate nearly all JRPGs a 3 out of 5 basically says that is a good game for its genre.
In reply to
Since 7130 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Yep they seem to be expecting a twist on the level of Aeris getting ran through and killed by sephiroth's sword or something. They called maru a yellow squeaking idiot... if that right there alone doesn't tell you they are hating on this game for reasons it shouldn't be hated on then I don't know what to say. Seems like these guys just aren't the type that can like something like Blue Dragon they prefer a Marcus Fenix or something. Is anyone surprised they like the older, more serious and battle hardened Zola?

Paper skin backstory they are regular kids for goodness sake. They were just regular kids who were the victim of a terrible catastrophe that plagued their village constantly hurting innocent people and they finally decided to do something about it knowing how dangerous it could be.

Are they suppose to have a long history or reputation of being incredible warriors or something? Are they suppose to be proficient with deadly weapons or something?

They are definitely being unfair it's fairly obvious.
They're not being unfair, you're just a massive fanboy. Cut it with all the excuses and bullshit generalizations. BD is getting mediocore reviews because it is a medicore game. It's got a boring story, dull characters, bland visuals, and an unsatisfying combat system.

And I'm not saying this because I'm some ignorant FPS junkie who can't appreciate a good JRPG. I'm saying this because it isn't a good JRPG. So please, quit calling out every reviewer in the world because your game didn't deliver the goods. BD could have been a hell of a lot better than it is, and you know it.
In reply to
Since 7006 Days
Posted by Freniger
They're not being unfair, you're just a massive fanboy. Cut it with all the excuses and bullshit generalizations. BD is getting mediocore reviews because it is a medicore game. It's got a boring story, dull characters, bland visuals, and an unsatisfying combat system.

And I'm not saying this because I'm some ignorant FPS junkie who can't appreciate a good JRPG. I'm saying this because it isn't a good JRPG. So please, quit calling out every reviewer in the world because your game didn't deliver the goods. BD could have been a hell of a lot better than it is, and you know it.
"BD could have been a hell of a lot better than it is, and you know it"

LOL you honestly don't know me very well then I assume. The game I first saw in action at TGS 2006 and the game I'm playing now exceeds my original expectations for it so forgive me, but you know squat about what I think should or could've been better because you don't know shit about me :) You have your tastes and I have mine live with it.

"It's got a boring story, dull characters, bland visuals, and an unsatisfying combat system."

lol this is funny coming from someone that doesn't know a thing about the game. How do you know all that exactly are you playing the game are you interested in it? When have you ever been interested? Weren't you just talking about bullshit? Yea you were so don't feed me that tired crap about you aren't just saying this because you're some ignorant FPS junkie who can't appreciate a good JRPG because you are exactly that. You think probably think "eww" just from looking at the characters and the designs I know many gamers like yourself believe me it doesn't surprise me.

So again you don't give a damn about the game and your telling me the game has a boring story, dull characters, bland visuals (LOL) and an unsatisfying combat system.

Haha look at you like the little puppet repeating all the same nonsense you heard reviewers say and accepting them as hard facts that will be true for everyone. If you had any sense whatsoever you wouldn't even go around spouting the "bland visuals" line since nobody needs to play the game to see that it has awesome visuals. You are trying too hard with that line freniger come with better stuff than that please? Make it interesting.

So listen up you ignorant fps junkie (thanks for giving me something to classify you with) The combat isn't unsatisfying because jrpg fans like myself love turnbased jrpgs its right up my alley you are talking to someone that STILL today plays final fantasy VII ultima edition and final fantasy VIII on his pc... you honestly think Blue Dragon's combat is a negative for me? Really?

The characters aren't boring because I love anime type shit like that. I watch animes and read mangas with this sorta crap every single day so you and the reviewers spouting that same nonsense can take those complaints and stick em where the sun don't shine. The same goes for the story. This is anime how many times must I tell you this stuff isn't boring to me I welcome it. Does Blue Dragon have anime cliches? Hell yea it does, but its anime cliches with still plenty enough mystery in there to draw my interest because I don't fully know what to expect or whats around every corner, but I have no shame in saying I welcome every last one of the anime cliches I love so much. I see cliches in a lot of things there are a ton in Gears of War, there even exist some in Mass Effect *gasp* there are even cliches in Assassin's Creed, Lost Planet I could go on and on.

You know what my ONLY legitimate complaints about Blue Dragon are? and how I think it could've been better? My first complain recently arrived after checking out anime and manga for Blue Dragon (which are entirely different, but the shadows have personality and are a character themselves)

#1 I wish the shadows themselves were characters that talked and were characters in themselves sorta like the anime or the ral grudo manga. I think the shadows having individual personalities to themselves was such a very slick way to do some even more incredible things with the story or the game's universe. Thats a path I hope they seriously look into exploring for a sequel.

#2 I would've liked to see them nail the performance down so it didn't dip at the times that it does, but it doesn't take away from the experience for me, but it still would've been nice if it were rock solid.

#3 Those awesome looking corporeal attacks (and this is by far my biggest complaint) I wish there were atleast 3 more of those per character or even 2 more at the least that would've been just fantastic as far as I'm concerned. They did an awesome job with whats there that it seems almost criminal that they didn't take advantage of that cool stuff they put in there by adding more to the game.

If I reviewed Blue Dragon would I give it a 10 or 9.8 or even a 9.5 or 9? I probably wouldn't. I'm definitely a fanboy of this game, but I admit its faults where I see them not based on what others tell me to think. Lowest I'd probably give it is an 83 or 82 and highest possibly 89. I'm not expecting monster reviews here, but I'm expecting fair ones. Reviews I see in the 5 or 6 range or even the 7.0-7.9 range I'll view as inaccurate got a problem with that?

Time to get use to it man I did the very same thing when Kingdom Hearts 2 was released. I saw IGN's review I said screw them I think they're wrong and I chose to agree with reviews that were more inline with my opinion and I loved KH2 easily one of my favorite ps2 titles and if you don't mind I'll be doing the exact same for Blue Dragon. Now I'll no longer waste my time arguing with you guys I've got an awesome jrpg to play.

Defense Force in full effect =P
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7137 Days
You can do whatever you want, but calling the integrity of reviewers into question because you don't agree with a WIDELY reached consensus just makes you look like a right tit. I think that's mostly what people react to.
In reply to
Since 7044 Days
Posted by SimonM7
You can do whatever you want, but calling the integrity of reviewers into question because you don't agree with a WIDELY reached consensus just makes you look like a right tit. I think that's mostly what people react to.
Simon, I can see what he means but putting into words can be difficult. Just read the eurogamer review and you'll see for yourself. what i still dont get is, they gave the JP version 9/10 and then 5/10. you'll say that they are different reviewers, different opinions but I disagree in that respect because to me Reviews should be unbiased and factual :)

I dont think it's a conspiracy or anything, let's not be silly here. my argument about FF12 is just an example that's all.

At the end of the day, why we're arguing about this is just about wishing success for a game that deserves to succeed. Hopefully, it wont disappear like Viva pinata or beyond good and evil did. such a shame really :(
In reply to
Since 6997 Days
Wait a minute here Simon, are you saying you have played this game yet?, you are having a go at Optimus for being passionate about a game he likes and has liked for some time (Sonic springs to mind), I'm sure there is no realy conspiracy at work here, but it does seem odd that so many people are loving the game, yet have a hard time accepting these reviews.

Many of the reviews for Blue Dragon have been written like little fan boys trying to slate the game, how anyone can sit and read a review when they use the english skills of a 10 year old and then say they are being professional critical is bullshit.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6719 Days
I agree with Simon. The only thing that pisses me off is the attack on the quality of reviews just because it didnt get a great score. Im not judging the game in any way.
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Since 6997 Days
Yet you haven't played the game either, so how can you even have an opinion.
In reply to

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6719 Days
Im not judging the game ! Im just saying all this "they probably didnt play the game" crap is childish bullshit.
In reply to
Since 6986 Days
Can't y'all just agree that the game has gotten a mixture of scores at both ends of the spectrum and the result will be a middling '8' game, which is nothing to be sad about.

Personally I hope LO does a bit better, it's more my thing.
In reply to
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7137 Days
Jolli, if you read my posts I've stated over and over that you are entitled to like absolutely whatever you want - in fact I even encourage investigating games that haven't met with critical acclaim to see if you enjoy them regardless. Hell, I'm a big champion of "bad" games, even creating a thread about the good bad games out there. This isn't about BD specifically, and I've used Gears and Bioshock over and over to illustrate my point aswell.

I'm "having a go" at Optimus persistence in claiming that reviewers somehow deliberately set out to make the game look bad. Starting out with a mindset to trash it and "fend off its undeniable appeal!".
In reply to
Since 6997 Days
Well I do think many reviewers did set out to trash it, you can tell this by the way that many of the reviews are written.

Plus as you say the Art style and look of the game may have added to this, I just don't get the logic of playing a JRPG and then complaining that the characters are generic or irratating when this is what JRPG's are known for.

It almost seems some of these reviews are written by haters of JRPGs. (so i can see where Optimus is coming from)

Anyway it really matters not, I liked the game and thats all that matters to me.
In reply to

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6959 Days
I am putting my foot down here. Here it is. My foot is down. You can see it here. Uhh, if you get closer to it you might actually smell it. I don't recommend that. But just see here that my foot is down, and that I am keeping it here in this thread. So be mindful of this foot here. It's my foot.
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Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Since 6719 Days
Posted by Jollipop
Well I do think many reviewers did set out to trash it, you can tell this by the way that many of the reviews are written.

Plus as you say the Art style and look of the game may have added to this, I just don't get the logic of playing a JRPG and then complaining that the characters are generic or irratating when this is what JRPG's are known for.

It almost seems some of these reviews are written by haters of JRPGs. (so i can see where Optimus is coming from)

Anyway it really matters not, I liked the game and thats all that matters to me.
JRPG's are known for generic art style and irritating characters ? No wonder its getting bad scores ; )
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Since 6997 Days
Well that would make sense if you were to review it as something other than a JRPG, but nobody's guna do that.
In reply to

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7099 Days
I don't follow news, etc concerning jrpgs, but I'm wondering, do they usually get trashed, or are there some ones that get decent reviews?

I only ask because I don't get how someone could assume that the majority of reviews that don't favour a certain game are somehow all biased against the genre.
Could it not simply be that the game isn't that great and that the people that like it have wanted to like it since they first heard about it and what big names were attached to it? I dunno...that seems more likely than some asinine conspiracy.
In reply to
Since 7082 Days
The game does have its issues, but it's still a nicely done game.
In reply to
Since 7044 Days
I am currently on DISC 3 and the game has really taken off. I like the fact that each disk ends with a bang in terms of story and let's hope the ending is a Bang too. My complain about difficulty can now be scrapped, the game has gotten a lot harder now, at least it's giving me a challenge now. it seems they had a few problems with balancing difficulty for the ealry parts of the game but the problem has disappeared now. A fantastic looking game, each area looks better than the previous!

The game is on the way of becoming the best jRPG I've ever played. up there with Dragon Quest 8 and Final Fantasy X :D
In reply to
Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6959 Days

In reply to

Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Since 6902 Days
LOL @ people trying to justify BD reviews, questioning the profession of reviewers; conspirancy theories. blah blah

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mess with the best die the like rest

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