Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Once I got my red dot scope (which was under 2 hours) I didn't feel disadvantaged at all. The basic classes are solid, and upgrades, unlocks, and perks come very fast. I am nearly a grade 30 and have under 6 hours into the MP.
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My Blog:

Since 6572 Days
This is most definantly my game of the year!
I'm completely addicted :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Just because they're a higher level doesn't mean they're good. I was just starting out on a team of 40s, and I was the only one who broke 20 kills. Once you unlock the carbine, the playing field is even. Up until then, its a rough ride. You still have hope!
It can go either way. Playing the game a lot also means that they're most familiar with the maps, the weapons, the games general tactics, etc. So if you are any good and you have that much experience, you are going to have some sort of advantage.. but it doesn't have much to do with your unlocks. But in general I agree, it doesn't mean much.. it can go either way.
Posted by Sath
But good to know that the acog is there.
I don't think the ACOG is worth it personally. It increases the guns range but it also decreases its accuracy. The red dot is better imo.. I have no problem with its range and I'd rather not take the penalty to accuracy.
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Since 7238 Days
MP is awesome indeed. My only problem is offline splitscreen, and it is a rather retarded idea, and surprising since it is IW.

On the 360, you don't get to make a class for splitscreen offline MP. You must be thinking "no big deal", but no.

Since you only get a FEW preset classes, you only get a really SMALL portion of all the game weapons. Why the hell is this? Let US set the rules, if there's an unbalanced weapon, let US decide that.

We should be able to make a class aside from choosing preset classes. Not save them or anything, just make it on the fly right before the game starts.

Aside from that is the fact that only a 9 out of 16(?) maps are available during split screen MP? WTF??? Come on now. Let US decide if a map is too big or not.

Pretty damn fucking dumb decisions if you ask me.

Having said that, the game is still awesome, but it pisses me off how they manage to make these kind of MISTAKES.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7238 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I don't think the ACOG is worth it personally. It increases the guns range but it also decreases its accuracy. The red dot is better imo.. I have no problem with its range and I'd rather not take the penalty to accuracy.
The ACOG is incredibly retarded and very non-sense.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6722 Days
Posted by LEBATO
MP is awesome indeed. My only problem is offline splitscreen, and it is a rather retarded idea, and surprising since it is IW.

On the 360, you don't get to make a class for splitscreen offline MP. You must be thinking "no big deal", but no.

Since you only get a FEW preset classes, you only get a really SMALL portion of all the game weapons. Why the hell is this? Let US set the rules, if there's an unbalanced weapon, let US decide that.

We should be able to make a class aside from choosing preset classes. Not save them or anything, just make it on the fly right before the game starts.

Aside from that is the fact that only a 9 out of 16(?) maps are available during split screen MP? WTF??? Come on now. Let US decide if a map is too big or not.

Pretty damn fucking dumb decisions if you ask me.

Having said that, the game is still awesome, but it pisses me off how they manage to make these kind of MISTAKES.
Christ did you SEE the framerate in 4 player split-screen ? Ouch. Maybe some of the maps were just unplayable ?
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Since 7238 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Christ did you SEE the framerate in 4 player split-screen ? Ouch. Maybe some of the maps were just unplayable ?
No. I played 3 players and it was really smooth except for one level. But I believe you, is it playable though? Map dependent?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
For those interested, these are the perks that you're limited to in the xfire tourny, and I would assume it's not going to look much different for other leagues:

Perk #1: Bandolier
Perk #2: Slight of Hand, Stopping Power
Perk #3: Steady Aim, Deep Impact, Iron Lungs

And although the rules list doesn't mention it specifically -- I don't think RPG's or tubes are permitted either.
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Since 7008 Days
WHAT!!!! This game's ending is so sick. Pretty much everything about this game caught me off guard. A very well put together game I think these guys have seriously raised the bar for first person shooters.

I saw things happen that I honestly didn't expect to see in a Call of Duty game lol.

It honestly looks like Game of the Year for me thats just downright amazing.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 6547 Days
i hate you all you know. still waiting for my copy, should have been here monday, and then yesterday...wonder if it's going to arrive today!
Why can't the germans, like i dunno, relax and sell normal uncensored original language games?! (that way i could just go to a store here and buy a copy!)

Did i tell that when i bought CoD3 here, when i started playing the game, to my dismay everybody spoke german. Like, the americans saying, "lets kill the germans", but in german of course. Which made perfect sense. This is good for german kids who don't know english, but really want to kill germans in game and understand what's being said *rolleyes*
I wonder how the translators felt? *wonders*
Oh, and the french spoke german, but with french accent! You know, to make them sound all...french!
And in the middle of all this, i was the only one who didn't understand German! But then again, the game was a bit crappy and it was all "go to where the NPCs are, they'll lead you to the Flak 88 which you'll immediately know you have to destroy" anyway...

i'm bored. is my CoD4 copy here yet?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
You bought COD3? Poor bastard :P

I kid.. it wasn't that bad. The campaign was just horribly designed and the multiplayer wanted to be something else. It still sorta felt like Call of Duty, just.. not good :)
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Since 6547 Days
you wanna know why i bought CoD3 a couple of months ago? Because i couldn't stand the wait and all the teasing with CoD4. And i needed, i just needed to get a fix! It sort of didn't work, but anyway.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6983 Days
Grift I can say this, I made two versions of the assault with carbine.

One with ACOG and the other one red depending on what map it is, I can easily switch between them

But the ONLY weapon I want to get my hands on is the G36C and its ACOG and red dot, that weapon is absolutely my favorite one.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360

Assassins Creed - Thursday
Mass Effect - Next week!

*A New Form of Change*

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Well then I also regret to inform you that the G36C sorta sucks too. It's not horrible, so if you're not super bent on using the absolute best assault weapons in the game you might not mind.. but let me just say.. you won't find many people using the G36C in competition. The M4 is better.

The best assault rifles are still the M16 and M4 imo.. but the M14, AK47, and G3 are all very capable too. The G36C is okay but I think the SMG's hold up equally as well against it. The MP5 and P90 are both better options that hold up well over a distance and are better spray weapons at close range. Ditto for the AK47.

The G36C does look cool though, so you'll probably still like it. All the guns in this game are modeled extremely well, and sound extremely cool too. My favorite gun sounds have to be the deagle's though. It just sounds so badass.

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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6983 Days
Well I can say this that I dont use any other weapons except for M4 and anything that I have to pick up when I am out of ammo, which is critical choosing if you ask me.

I did more kills with the G36C than I have done with M4 from start, wierd, but I like how it is.

One thing that I did with my perk was that I changed my "Increase bullet damage" which really doesnyt do shit, to Sleight of Hand for faster shooting and reloading.

I got much more kills with perk, but as far as bullet effect, I still and always will have "Deep Impact" thats just good.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360

Assassins Creed - Thursday
Mass Effect - Next week!

*A New Form of Change*

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Stopping power doesn't do shit? I'm not how much more damage it does--but it's clearly noticeable. It's one of the only perks I refuse not to use. Slight of hand doesn't make you shoot faster, only reload, "double tap" makes you shoot faster.

And that is weird.. because the G36C really is no better (as in, is worse) than the M4 overall.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6983 Days
Well I most definitely noticed that when I chose Sleight of Hand the bullets was firing just a tiny bit faster than it should, but the reload...OMG! :P

Stopping Power hasent done any difference for me, deep impact however, thats just raw shit :D

I know that Double Tap has increased rapid fire but the bullets wear out alot faster, but kills a person for sure, like a mounter machine gun upclose.

I am experimenting between Stopping Power and Sleight of Hand, but faster reloads have saved me many times, so thats probably the one I am going with.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - Next week!

*A New Form of Change*

Since 6547 Days
Sheesh, got my copy yesterday, couple of hours of SP and a couple o MP.
Amazing stuff, the SP is just crazy. So fast paced u can't even breath. The MP gosh, i had a peek with the beta, so the fun is the same, but more maps. So i just had a round through all of them, and holy moses, they're just fun. Specially loved the one that's raining, Downpour i think.
Top top quality stuff. Slowly climbing my way through the levels and the unlocking, it's gonna be fun!
Pitty most of u folks are on the PC :( Would've been nice some games together and competing for better k/d ratios, scores etc :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Slight of hand is good, but if you're smart about how much ammo is in your magazine before wondering into an encounter, I don't think it really will tip the balance so often. There's a definite difference with Stopping Power though.. I don't think you're giving that perk enough credit. It really does make a substantial difference in how quickly you can take an opponent down.

Deep impact is good too.. but again it's hard for me to trade off the added advantage that steady aim brings to hip shots for close range encounters, especially considering how often I am relying on long range weapons.

You should unlock the P90 Sath.. I think you'd like it. It serves a lot of the same purpose that the M4 or G36C would. Sure the accuracy doesn't hold up at a distance in the same fashion, but you'll find that it still is very capable of those long shots. The MP5 is too, there's just something I find more appealing about the P90. They're both incredible weapons when it comes to close to medium range combat.

My team missed out on the Xfire competition. Pitty. We didn't fill out our roster in time, our last teammate missed the deadline by two hours. I guess that gives us time to practice before CEVO and TGL open up their leagues, but I was looking forward to getting into competition early. It's still going to be awesome though. I need a lot of practice still. Competitive S&D is a different game.. pub superiority doesn't really tell you anything.

I found out tonight that it is actually possible to cheat your way to 55 in the PC version. Very disappointing design flaw.. but no more disappointing than the fact that there is a bug which makes modded servers dangerous affairs. If a modded server is improperly configured, it could wind up wiping out your stats completely. That's especially shitty for clans scrimming already, because we all run the risk of encountering this flaw since all of the match servers are running Mod Warfare. IW really has to fix this issue ASAP.

In response to mt_sabao: I don't think I have a favorite map yet. I actually really love playing Crash and Overgrown a lot still, just because I know them like the back of my hand at this point. I tend to perform better on those maps (especially in S&D) because of that experience from the beta. My least favorite map is probably Shipment, because it's just too small for most of the games I've seen played on it. It can sorta be fun in a chaotic sorta way, but it still sucks.

In a single game, what do you think your best k/d has been thus far? I think mine is probably still that 50/10 game I had last week.. 5:1 is definitely much better than my average.. but it doesn't help that I've been playing S&D in a lot of servers filled with compeditive players. Well it does help in the long run.. but it doesn't help me pad my statistics :)
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6983 Days
I am not a fan of P90, but it looks cool and all, so when I unlock it, I will definitely grab me some of that shit to try outs :P

But I still want that G36C.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - Next week!

*A New Form of Change*

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
It more than looks cool.. it's vicious. I don't think I've ever seen the P90 be so good in a videogame before. The G36C looks cool, but I don't think it's as functional as most of the other assault rifles.

This game is very addictive. I've already played it entirely too much. I don't see the end either, and it's already (almost--COD2 still wins by 3 hours) my second most played title on Xfire. Now it only needs another ~750 hours logged on Xfire to catch up to BF2. I wouldn't be surprised if it surpasses it by quite a bit in the end.
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Since 7235 Days
still waiting for my CoD4 LE and I'm not amused. Got sent away on FRI ( and it still isn't here ... well maybe tonight when I get home from work I will have it ... I better have, or else ...

My Assassins Creed got dispatched today (this time, hope they are faster ...

I want to play, goddammit! Especially after hearing how everyone likes it ...
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the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6983 Days
I am not into sub machine guns Grift, not that much anyway.

One thing that I think is cheap is the heavy machine gun, or rather "The weapon that never stop shooting"...spray and pray weapon seriously, even surprised that you can sprint with that monster :P
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - Next week!

*A New Form of Change*

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Should we start a new thread for people's favorite loadouts / tips & tricks?
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My Blog:

Since 7238 Days
In a single game, what do you think your best k/d has been thus far? I think mine is probably still that 50/10
I tend to be always in the middle of the pack or way below, but to me, not getting killed is a lot more important than killing a lot. What's the point of killing 60 guys if you are dying 80 times? You are at the top of the list, but you are not helping your team at all.

My best was like 20 kills and 0 deaths, that was just awesome. Considering I tend to choose a sniper whenever the map has a spot for it, it can also be hard waiting for a guy to cross your view.

@ Acert, nah.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

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