Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Hey, I just figured if that kind of horribly shitty logic was applicable to action games like Bayonetta, then surely it applies to FPSes as welll.
Thats why Im laughing, you now see the other side of the coin here, only diference here is this is not about the gameplay perse, or me sucking is about the actual feeling of killing and the actual game content, game is boring and not satisfying at all in my humble opinion, you are free to disagree though.

Now Im talking pure SP here, thats what I played, got boring after 2 missions max.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Above average are you? Then why are you constantly getting killed from so far away? Seriously, maybe FPSes aren't your thing.

Get better, then you can criticize the game.
En réponse à

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Hey.......I agree I kinda suck MP, single player I can beat any FPS in the highest Diff, I even have Mile High CLub in CoD 4 in Veteran, not many can say that for God's sakes.

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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
Thats why Im laughing, you now see the other side of the coin here, only diference here is this is not about the gameplay perse, or me sucking is about the actual feeling of killing and the actual game content, game is boring and not satisfying at all in my humble opinion, you are free to disagree though.
No, I don't see the other side of the coin. Me saying you and Sath suck at FPSes isn't actually how I feel. I'm just poking fun using your own shitty logic. I enjoy BC2 enough, but I'm not invested in it like some other people....or like how some people were invested in Castlevania:LoS and attacked the shit out of me because I didn't like that game.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
So let me get this straight, you came at this thread just to make fun of me and Sath?

How sad is that?

Get a life or go troll some place else.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
So let me get this straight, you came at this thread just to make fun of me and Sath?

How sad is that?

Get a life or go troll some place else.
No, I've been reading this thread everyday. I only posted because I thought your comments were ridiculous. Pointing out your hypocrisy was just too easy to pass up.
En réponse à

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
No, I've been reading this thread everyday. I only posted because I thought your comments were ridiculous. Pointing out your hypocrisy was just too easy to pass up.
So if I think BC2 is bad and I dont like it is ridiculous? ok Ill play just dont give me shit when I say teh same thing to you when you dont like a game.
En réponse à

Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
ok Ill play just dont give me shit when I say teh same thing to you when you dont like a game.
Like you already did? Fair enough.

Though there's a difference between giving Castlevania's SP a fair chance and not even playing BC2's MP(the actual focus of the game) before writing it off as "garbage."
En réponse à

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Like you already did? Fair enough.

Though there's a difference between giving Castlevania's SP a fair chance and not even playing BC2's MP(the actual focus of the game) before writing it off as "garbage."
I said that I was talking pure SP in a post above but it appear that you missed it.
En réponse à

Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
I said that I was talking pure SP in a post above but it appear that you missed it.
Nope, didn't miss it. And you only said that after you trashed the game anyways.
En réponse à

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Nope, didn't miss it. And you only said that after you trashed the game anyways.
What diference does it make? if MP is the "actual focus" of the game then why the hell make a SP for the game?, but thats for another discussion :P

I throw shit at the portion of the game I played and that was very bad, and you think is ridiculous, alright.
En réponse à

Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Above average are you? Then why are you constantly getting killed from so far away? Seriously, maybe FPSes aren't your thing.

Get better, then you can criticize the game.
Oh please, just because I suck in BC2 doesnt mean I suck in all FPS. Various FPS games focus on different types of gameplay, this big map, long distance stuff doesnt seem to be my type of thing.
Bad Company 2 is just bad, thats my opinion. I have played CoD, Killzone 3, MAG, Section 8, done great.
Hell, I have done better job in Killzone 2 than BC2, and KZ2 had shitty controls LOL

The entire time in BC2 its just looking and running around and hoping you dont get picked off from a random location. I dont have patience for that tbh.
Like i said, this is my third time giving this game a shot, this time on PC, game is just garbage IMO.

Topic went out of Crysis LOL, sorry hehe.
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Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par Sath
Oh please, just because I suck in on BC2 doesnt mean I suck in all FPS.
Yeah, I know. I was kidding.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Yeah, I know. I was kidding.
I am frustuated and tired at the moment so sorry if I came out hostile, didnt even see that as a joke though LOL
But its all good.
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Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Ron is very agressive, he hate us is pretty clear.

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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 7049 Jours
If you guys hated BFBC2 even after you had friends to play it with, then I'd consider the proclamation of it being shitty to be valid. Get friends. You're missing out on the core of the entire game.

Raip the fact you are speaking from an SP standpoint is just a joke.

BFBC2 is one of the most forgiving FPS right now when it comes to dying from distances as well. Run and gun games like MOH or COD are the opposite. Ron is justified in calling you out as noobs if you're dying so easy in such a way.
The game requires strategy, and most of all: squad strategy. You can't just run around with your head cut off by yourself.
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Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Ron is justified in calling you out as noobs if you're dying so easy in such a way.
Just to be clear, I wasn't sincerely calling them noobs.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 7049 Jours
You should have been :o
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par Tinks
You should have been :o
Dont encourage him :P
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Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
Posté par Tinks
If you guys hated BFBC2 even after you had friends to play it with, then I'd consider the proclamation of it being shitty to be valid. Get friends. You're missing out on the core of the entire game.
No its not, I agree with friends is a better experience but that doesnt make it a better game, any game is better if you play with friends.
Raip the fact you are speaking from an SP standpoint is just a joke.
I dont know if you are joking or not but this is wrong on various levels, so I cant comment on the game SP? is that it? only MP? then why the game have one SP? are you saying is there just to have one? then DICE are tupid and lazy? just read what you type please.
BFBC2 is one of the most forgiving FPS right now when it comes to dying from distances as well. Run and gun games like MOH or COD are the opposite. Ron is justified in calling you out as noobs if you're dying so easy in such a way.
The game requires strategy, and most of all: squad strategy. You can't just run around with your head cut off by yourself.
BC2 SP is the worse SP I ever played simple, from all perspectives, generic weapons that you can find in better games CoD games for instance, no killing feedback whatsoever, boring, boring and boring, that is a part of the game, if the game has that element its fair to judge it by it, not because it has "Battlefield" on the tittle that justified a shitty SP, hell even Halo and in some cases CoD games have good to great SP so basically your argument is wrong and silly, Sath says and he has played a lot MP that it sucks in his opinion, so if I get what you are saying is that we are noobs and we suck cause we dont like the game, that sounds a little harsh and not fair, Im sorry but your opinion here is just flat out wrong and elitist to booth.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7120 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
I dont know if you are joking or not but this is wrong on various levels, so I cant comment on the game SP? is that it? only MP? then why the game have one SP? are you saying is there just to have one? then DICE are tupid and lazy? just read what you type please.
Yea the SP in BC2 is almost as pointless as the MP in Crysis ;)

I'm actually kidding. The MP in Crysis 2 isn't that bad.. but the same thing happens frequently in the other direction too. Games have equally tacked on multiplayer modes because that's what people do. When everything went multiplatform you saw multiplayer-only FPS games sorta disappear, and with the internet becoming so standard, so has multiplayer in single player franchises. Does that make them lazy and stupid, because you don't particularly like multiplayer FPS games? I don't know.. producing additional modes in order to sell more copies of your game is probably work and smart.
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Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
No of course not, but specially games that dont need a SP component, but hey I always had the mindset that all devs should focus in what they know what to do, like DICE they are like very well known by the MP of their games no? I think in my mind they should make a UT kind of MP games with no SP whatsoever and all the focus in MP and maybe they could destroy in the future the almost MP monopoly CoD games has.

I said this because for experience and because I know people in real life, hell even you have said you dont even touch the SP in those types of games, go directly to MP from day one, you are the target customer so why put something in the game that yo guys wont care? and just to be thrashed by dudes like me?

I see it a waste of time and resources only.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7120 Jours
People play Call of Duty single player and I think it's mostly a waste of time. You can do both pretty well. Halo does it exceptionally. There's no real problem with them trying to build this stuff up. BF3 could be a better single player game than BC2. It's not really a waste of resources because they usually build separate teams and recycle resources. Could they spend that money building other stuff up? Sure, but arena shooter and multiplayer only shooters are dead. Look at UT3, Brink, etc. It's all the same thing.

Bad Company 2 is clearly not for you. Neither is CS or COD or Halo or a bunch of other stuff apparently. If that does or does not make you a noob is a stupid subject.. you guys should drop that.
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Inscrit depuis 5828 Jours
En réponse à

Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
After playing BC2 so much, I gave Crysis 2 MP a try today (classic), damn fun if you ask me. Simple run and gun, medium size maps, fast paced.
I havent played Crysis 2 in like a week or so, so it felt nice to go back to it.
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