PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7134 Jours
Discuss Final Fantasy XIII here
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You say we're getting there? Oh, fine.
Any minute now...

Inscrit depuis 7024 Jours
Some Pics:-

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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
You just can't knock those pics.
Very impressive! (CGI mind)
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Inscrit depuis 7024 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6899 Jours
middle could well be ingame.
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im going nucking futs!

Inscrit depuis 6953 Jours
Looks great. But this isn't supposed to be out until 2008 or 2009, right?
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Inscrit depuis 7011 Jours
Posté par Grym
Looks great. But this isn't supposed to be out until 2008 or 2009, right?
they are working on it for 4 years, it was supposed to come on the ps2...but because 12 is delayed so many times they pushed it to the ps3.
My gues is late 2007
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Well I know from the trailer, can't be real time unless they invented a new non-press-a-button-action-battle-system. Menus don't match the action. I have no doubt the game will look this good. But I don't think the trailer did the game justice.
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I dream in 1080p

Inscrit depuis 7074 Jours
another example of film quality gfx....thats real next gen gfx...
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Inscrit depuis 6954 Jours
if you check some of the scans and the vid alot is definitely realt time...most impressive next gen graphics so far to me...if you check the scans the models look at least as good as gears of war and this is final fantasy...i just hope they can have a seemless world...but with graphics this detailed, Im not sure if this possible

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Inscrit depuis 7074 Jours
Posté par catfish
if you check some of the scans and the vid alot is definitely realt time...most impressive next gen graphics so far to me...if you check the scans the models look at least as good as gears of war and this is final fantasy...i just hope they can have a seemless world...but with graphics this detailed, Im not sure if this possible

yeah its quite hard to discern the rt from the pre-rendered ones...of course they promised film like gfx and see how they deliver...that was just what i was expecting next gen gfx to look like....
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Inscrit depuis 6876 Jours
Squenix said the HUD shots (as well as some others like the forest) of the trailer were in game. This is a definite must buy for me. :)
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Inscrit depuis 7483 Jours
FINAL FANTASY is the best thing in this world,and i think FF XIII wil be best of them ,but for now i need to go and play FF XII (jap version)
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Inscrit depuis 6729 Jours
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Posté par slash
FINAL FANTASY is the best thing in this world,and i think FF XIII wil be best of them ,but for now i need to go and play FF XII (jap version)
Jump off a cliff fanboi. I also like the FF series, i just dont like fanboi jackasses like you. So i had to say that.

I find it kinda funny and i find it kinda sad, the dreams in which im sieing are the best i've ever had.

Inscrit depuis 6706 Jours
Any playing Final Fantasy XII on ps3
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Inscrit depuis 6699 Jours
well, the new char looks so cute there, it is beautiful!^_^
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an absolute mmorpg player here
games and funs for joys on mine

Inscrit depuis 6267 Jours
oh noes, space lazorz! this should rox sox
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Inscrit depuis 6261 Jours
Im so excited for this game =D for those who havent look up on it recently give it a look there are a lot of cool pictures of the summons and other cool characters it looks awesome
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Mister B. Gone

Inscrit depuis 6214 Jours
this is the game I'll buy a PS3 for! and the Versus XIII...:)
but the year 2009 is too far...:(
I loooove Nomura's characters...:)
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Inscrit depuis 6171 Jours
I am addicted with this game since I saw the animated movie Final Fantasy Advent of Children...I start searching for the final fantasy games and play it...I like the graphics of the game its like they are real...
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free online games

Inscrit depuis 6466 Jours
Even though i'm sure it will look good when it's out i highly doubt it will look as good as in those "screens". The PS3 is for example known for it's shitty texture memory and those textures look pretty damn crisp to me. Also details in the background and stuff look a know what i mean.

If i were to guess i'd say these are target renders. Not in engine and certainly not gameplay footage.
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Inscrit depuis 6150 Jours
Posté par Megido
Also details in the background and stuff look a know what i mean.
I don't know what you mean---care to elaborate?
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GHIV looks to be pretty damned fun. So...RockBand 2?

Inscrit depuis 6466 Jours
Posté par DualFace
I don't know what you mean---care to elaborate?
Lighting, reflections, texture detail. From my expectations of what this generation of hardware is capable of this seems perhaps a bit much. But that's just me.
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Inscrit depuis 6123 Jours
i think this game will be like most FF games. solid game graphics & solid CGI scenes. i dont think the gameplay will look as good as these screens. especially since these were released so long ago. so far, no games have gameplay graphics close to this. i think these screens are what they want to reach. i just dont see it actually happening.

of coarse i would be thrilled to be proven wrong.
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Inscrit depuis 6111 Jours
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135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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