Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par Myxomatosis


Holy crap!!! that was amazing. did you see the draw distance at the end of the first vid when he was driving off, wow.
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 7044 Jours
New leaked Halo short:

Wow, its all gone to "Halo" today,
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par Myro
New leaked Halo short:

Wow, its all gone to "Halo" today,
posted already in the other Halo thread or is it this one? anyway this version is bigger :)
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
Wow. That was awesome. The hand movement is so smooth, and even the animations are much smoother than I anticipated. And the stuff in the immediate vicinity looks amazing, especially given the vast environments. Cannot wait.
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Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Holy crap!!! more goodness

Chife driving brute chooper!!


Cheif fighting waves of foes..

En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Can't wait to see Blim's videos.

Brutes so amazingly fun to fight. I just loved the way the Brute was reacting to being shot.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
The game's incredible art totally makes this game. I've seen very few games with this much attention to detail when it comes to the art. Bungie must've had a ton of artists working on this game.

Large environments, incredible lighting, tons of enemies to fight.

En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours

I found these impressions

Starting down a long tunnel for the first time, I noticed the PHENOMENAL framerate. It was certainly higher than 30FPS, but just how much higher I can't. It was extremely disorienting at first, seeing as how I'd been acclimated to a pretty standard 30FPS for the game. Everything moved so quick and smooth-like, it was very impressive. There was also motion-blur present, and it looked amazing.


I should probably mention that there were no signs of jaggies anywhere, throughout the entire duration of the singleplayer demo. They definitely bumped up the level of AA.

No I have no idea how IMAX treats jaggies, whether it makes them bigger or smaller, but I hope this is true of the final game.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par RAZurrection

I found these impressions

Starting down a long tunnel for the first time, I noticed the PHENOMENAL framerate. It was certainly higher than 30FPS, but just how much higher I can't. It was extremely disorienting at first, seeing as how I'd been acclimated to a pretty standard 30FPS for the game. Everything moved so quick and smooth-like, it was very impressive. There was also motion-blur present, and it looked amazing.


I should probably mention that there were no signs of jaggies anywhere, throughout the entire duration of the singleplayer demo. They definitely bumped up the level of AA.

No I have no idea how IMAX treats jaggies, whether it makes them bigger or smaller, but I hope this is true of the final game.
Sweet :)
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
Heretic claims its 60fps. I don't buy it. But if he's right, I owe him tree-fiddy. I'll just subtract it from all my crap he stole off my porch when I let him borrow my BBQ grill!
En réponse à

Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
I think it's a combo of the motion blur, improved LoD blending, physics and some mystical FPS plateau that exists between 30FPS and 60FPS.

I felt the Beta's frame rate was a marked improvement over Halo 2 (and Halo 2's over Halo CE's) and from the Tsavo highway vid it looks like it's been improved over the Beta.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
Posté par RAZurrection
I felt the Beta's frame rate was a marked improvement over Halo 2 (and Halo 2's over Halo CE's) and from the Tsavo highway vid it looks like it's been improved over the Beta.
Yea. I'm more impressed with the stuff going on without the game chugging at all. I think that may be whats different. We're so used to games slowing down when that much action is on screen. Especially Halo.
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Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 7044 Jours
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Inscrit depuis 6860 Jours
Amazing... just... Amazing!
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Man the gameplay/physic/AI/Graphics all look top notch, i have never been a BIG halo fan, but the more i see the more i look forward to playing this game.
En réponse à

Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
Heretic claims its 60fps. I don't buy it. But if he's right, I owe him tree-fiddy. I'll just subtract it from all my crap he stole off my porch when I let him borrow my BBQ grill!
Does Heretic have anything to back that statement up? That would be stellar.Now that's more like it..

Couple more comments after watching the vids in this thread...

Shame no one seemed to have the new nade--would have liked to see them.

Transport hogs seem to be in Sandtrap--that's good stuff.

Grav hammer animation looks funky.. as Phaethon said, perhaps it looks better with a target.

The lighting looks fuckin sweet, but that's no surprise.

Annnd.. that's about it.
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Inscrit depuis 6904 Jours
haven't heard anything about the flood will they be in the game
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mess with the best die the like rest

Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
well technically it is, since its gonna play the same with a lick of paint. that deserve the title of 2.5 imo.
Yeah, I definitely think the whole idea of labeling sequels with ".5" is pretty dumb. I'm interested in what you expected to be different about it gameplay-wise that would earn it its 3.
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Inscrit depuis 7110 Jours
Posté par gmulis
haven't heard anything about the flood will they be in the game
With the ending of Halo2 theres no doubt that they will be in it.
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Inscrit depuis 6860 Jours
New multiplayer montage over at IGN, the graphics look outstanding and the framerate looks to be well above 30


This vid shows it the best i think...looks much closer to 60fps than 30fps

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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Pretty hard to judge from the off screen videos.. and it doesn't make much sense for a game to run at a locked number between 30-60 with vertical sync.. so.. if it's not 60fps, chances are it's still 30. You can do a lot to make 30fps look smooth as butter though, just look at PGR, which looks noticeably smoother than loads of other 30fps racers.

Lots of impressions clearly state it looks smoother than most 30fps games, but I'll wait for the official line from Bungie before I jump to any conclusions.

The lighting is still the best graphical feature.. it really makes the game shine (no pun intended.. really).
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Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Wow game looks incredible... they totally matched the E3 06 trailer I think they even exceeded the damn thing.

Textures amazing, shading amazing. Side of the gun at 1:04 in singleplayer montage on ign looks fantastic. The character animation especially on the brutes look cool. It isn't realistic, but it doesn't need to be to look cool. The lighting totally brings this off, but the real start of the show is likely the incredible artistic design that went into the levels in the SP it looks amazing.

Everything I've seen so far pretty much gives me a similar feeling to what I had when I first got on the Halo and had to get out of sight since Covenant were coming to check the crash site and that part where I touched down on the beach in the first Halo. Incredible so far if the story is as good as I hope and judging from everything else I'm seeing I'm going to assume they've done a great job with that too then man. Game is going to be crazy successful, but we already knew that. I definitely think the game is the showcase for the 360 it was suppose to be from the looks of these videos and still no intro to the game or any cutscenes scene in full.

The way light reflects off the weapons and the reflections that accompany them look so great.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
Posté par RAZurrection
Starting down a long tunnel for the first time, I noticed the PHENOMENAL framerate. It was certainly higher than 30FPS, but just how much higher I can't. It was extremely disorienting at first, seeing as how I'd been acclimated to a pretty standard 30FPS for the game. Everything moved so quick and smooth-like, it was very impressive. There was also motion-blur present, and it looked amazing.
[quote=RAZurrection]I think it's a combo of the motion blur, improved LoD blending, physics and some mystical FPS plateau that exists between 30FPS and 60FPS.
Look, I know you guys are all excited, but these sort of comments are groaners. How many times have we discussed how consoles & TV displays are different from PC monitors?

With a TV you are going to get 30fps or 60fps as the display Hz in the US is 60Hz. So you either do a single frame every refresh or duplicate the frame for 2 refreshes. Sure, you can have your framerate unlocked where it fluctuates (e.g. a "solid" 45fps would be 2:1:2:1:2:1) as it synchronizes with the display refresh rate, but that tends to look REALLY bad. The consensus over the years is an unstable 60fps framerate looks a LOT more gittery than 30fps locked.

A rock solid 30fps with DOF and motion blur and solid animation (30fps, or even better 60+ with tweening) is going to look really smooth compared to 45fps or even 60fps with something like 20-24fps animation and without motion blur.

Go to the tech forum and look up motion blur and my long technical explaination about why it is necessary, even at 60fps, to see WHY 30fps with motion blur can appear MUCH more fluid than 60fps w/o.

So unless the game is 60fps, the talk of some mystical frame rate between 30 and 60 is a no go by the description. 45fps would be totally jerky. This is why games like GeoW, which was in the 40s, was locked at 30fps. The extra frames do NOT help your game appear more smooth unless you can get a fairly stable 60fps.
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Inscrit depuis 6673 Jours
Well i never doubted halo 3, like any other halo fan... bout month to go :D
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

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