GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Can't say I agree with most of that. Sounds like you want Halo 3 to basically be Halo 2.
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Since 6860 Days
Although i love the BR starts, i do like the AR, because it's balance it prevents you from being useless at close range, it gives you a fighting chance against Shotgun or dual weilding users.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Posted by Schmooboo
well its not that halo 3 multiplayer isnt good, its just so many good games out there... and not everyone loves run and gun, cod is a less realistic rainbow six, so that pleases many fans
OT: I think it is more than just a setting of "RB6 lite". The things that stand out to me in CoD4 isn't a sim-lite RB6 knockoff but instead

/ RPG-lite elements
/ Fast rank up
/ Robust&Balanced class/personalization system with perks and weapon unlocks
/ A lot of refined team-objective-oriented modes (Sabatoge, HQ, Search&Destroy, Domination)
/ A fairly large number of very good maps
/ Great netcode

Yeah, the setting is nice and the game mechanics are refined, but IW did a good job of melding together a lot of ideas into a polished package that treads some new ground, steals and improves some ideas, while being true to the essense of CoD style.

IMO it is a good example of keeping the core ideas of what make a game good and adding both depth and quality to broaded/deepen the experience. There are nitpicks, and the game could do more (hello hummers!) and offer more server side customization (e.g. disable helos or whatever) out of the box/easier, but the core gameplay is excellent and offers a lot of fun and replayability.

Being modern combat doesn't hurt, but I don't think that alone is captivating the audiance. The fact I "play one more round" to get to the next level so I can get a new gun or perk is really nice... especially when you LIKE the gameplay modes. I don't even touch TDM or FFA and S&D isn't my thing pesonally (although half the servers are these! Variety!)

And with all the customization you find things you like... heck, I went back to the M16 with a red dot now and am excited because I am doing great with it, especially with stopping power. It fits my gameplay style better.

I see CoD4 holding me over until BF3 or until FFOW gets the kinks worked out. I like the theme IW did with team/objective/class gameplay and the RPG-lite elements. Something old, something new, all great :)


Onto Halo 3: I know a couple of you are huge Halo fans and are a little frustrated. Maybe a thread with the, "Top 10 Ways to Fix Halo 3 Online" would be in order? I have a lot of friends upset at Bungie :(
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My Blog:

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I would agree, that, COD4 is no R6 lite. It's like.. CS lite (with more game modes).
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Since 6618 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Can't say I agree with most of that. Sounds like you want Halo 3 to basically be Halo 2.
Yes kinda. There are a few changes I really apreciated with Halo 3, but some that I thought were unnescessary and they destroyed the experiance for me.

But hell, Halo 2 was horrible at the beginning, too, after a few months they patched it and it instandly became everyones favorite. I still have faith in Bungie, as of now the game is nowhere near perfect. You have to consider that it will be the hardcore Halo 2 crowd that will play the game for a long time, the ones that like to play it very competative, and a large majority of them would apreciate some of the changes I mentioned above.
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Since 6860 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Yes kinda. There are a few changes I really apreciated with Halo 3, but some that I thought were unnescessary and they destroyed the experiance for me.

But hell, Halo 2 was horrible at the beginning, too, after a few months they patched it and it instandly became everyones favorite. I still have faith in Bungie, as of now the game is nowhere near perfect. You have to consider that it will be the hardcore Halo 2 crowd that will play the game for a long time, the ones that like to play it very competative, and a large majority of them would apreciate some of the changes I mentioned above.
Just one day till Team Hardcore :D
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Yes kinda. There are a few changes I really apreciated with Halo 3, but some that I thought were unnescessary and they destroyed the experiance for me.

But hell, Halo 2 was horrible at the beginning, too, after a few months they patched it and it instandly became everyones favorite. I still have faith in Bungie, as of now the game is nowhere near perfect. You have to consider that it will be the hardcore Halo 2 crowd that will play the game for a long time, the ones that like to play it very competative, and a large majority of them would apreciate some of the changes I mentioned above.
Understandable.. I just appreciate what they've done to Halo to make it better at its core than Halo 2. The AR is a much better starting weapon than the SMG, for instance, and I personally think that the balance between melee and other forms of combat are presented in a much, much more interesting way in Halo 3. To me, it's what makes Halo unique, and I think it's really only just now being pushed to the forefront of the games design. If you strip that stuff away, then Halo becomes more and more of a generic run-and-gun shooter, which I think does it a disservice personally.

You also can't just cater to one community--to the hardcore community--as if they're the only group of people who matter. The mauler, for example, is a fantastic weapon and I think that it's plenty useful in close quarters combat, even when you're not camping. So much of Halo 3's combat happens in close quarters (thanks, mostly to level design). What makes the AR+Melee combo so useful, is also what makes the mauler useful. Even the human shotgun would not be useful without that sort of close range combat, so common in the game, since its range is so limited compared to shotguns in many other games.

I get it though.. and I totally see where you're coming from. I hardly touch the game anymore myself, so I wouldn't be too upset one way or another. I'm far too deep into COD4 myself (170 hours and counting) to get worked up over Halo anymore.. but that's actually not totally irrelevant to this conversation. I play COD4 in a competitive fashion, and we use a mod which removed many of the games perks, weapon attachments, and kill streak modifiers. While I much prefer this style of play, I don't think that it would serve the games community on the whole to remove all those aspects of the game. Especially since it caters to only one of the games several game types.

That actually brings me back to an interesting discussion/argument that I've had with Acert multiple times, about a different franchise all together, DICE's Battlefield, which I've also played my fair share of. I've always assumed in that case that what the competitive/hardcore community wanted was best for the game, and I've often expressed anger at DICE for listening too much to what I saw as the whiny, constantly complaining pub community instead. That's a bit different though, because what the pub community wanted in this case was for drastic changes to the games core gameplay systems, which is almost the opposite of what we're talking about here (and is unfair to the audience that plays the game daily!).. so no Acert.. I still think DICE listened to the wrong people in this case ;)

I hear ya though.. your perspective on the game makes a lot of sense.
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Since 6860 Days

What a Monster of a game!! 52% of the 360 crowd in US now own this game lol!

It must be very close to 6 million sold by now, if not already!
In reply to

Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6828 Days
Posted by Jin187

What a Monster of a game!! 52% of the 360 crowd in US now own this game lol!

It must be very close to 6 million sold by now, if not already!
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

Since 7059 Days

I am half life 2s humble servant

it sucked on pc, it sucked more than a cheap whore, but after playing the entire orange box set (bar TF) it was a absolute blast, i fucking loved it, now i can see why people love it as much as they do

Still story has me lost as fuck, but god DAMN the strider scene in episode 2 was s such a buzz, and the Ant scene in the mine, fucking great

This aint no random post by the way, i said somewhere in this thread i would comment on it, once i played it again on console...

and yeah, its more epic than halo could ever dream of *kneels and bows before its might*
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
it sucked on pc, it sucked more than a cheap whore, but after playing the entire orange box set (bar TF) it was a absolute blast, i fucking loved it, now i can see why people love it as much as they do
Comedy, right? Orange Box PC > Orange Box 360. By a fuckton.

Not that it makes it any more on topic!
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Since 7059 Days
Depends on your style of play, i for one hate keyboard and mouse, i love pads, dont expect many to agree on that

I put comfort over the pc anyday

"you can use a 360 pad for pc" .. a : i dont care for the hastle that is the PC and prefer my couch and tv
"you can use your pc through the tv" my pc is not powerfull enough to be a games machine that could compare to the 360 and PS3, and i would rather by a games console that is going to last 5 years than a £300 graphics card thats outdated in a year

More to games than how high your res is and how big your cpu is

can i just say that it sucked on PC .."in my opinion" in comparison to the fun i had on the 360 version
and i am comparing it to the Half Life 2 at launch to orange boxset, i have not tried the pc version of the "orange boxset" and i dont really want to

and as for this orange boxset been the best deal ever, load of bollox, only game in the collection worth its full amount is half life 2, and thats old and only worth abou £4.99 brand new now, the episodes was way to short, to be called a full on game, the fact i done episode 1-2 in one sitting (on hell of a enjoyable sitting) says how "big" they are
overall in a boxset its worth the money, but the way people praise it is just fucking loopy "best game deal ever" nope, that would be the dungeon keeper boxset with all expansions :D for 9.99 now thats a fucking deal :D

And grift this was on topic about 12 pages ish back, and sorry if i have not had the time, to complete the game within 5 minutes while we was all on about it just to stay on topic and keep every body happy.
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Since 6860 Days
This is just awesome lol!
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 7046 Days
Posted by Jin187
HAhaha. Hilarious! :D
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Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Since 7238 Days
That's cool. There's another one, I'd say it is better. It uses a bunch of barrels and more actual physics. The person does not move, he's always in the same place and one sniper shot across the map ends up killing him after a while.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6860 Days
Posted by LEBATO
That's cool. There's another one, I'd say it is better. It uses a bunch of barrels and more actual physics. The person does not move, he's always in the same place and one sniper shot across the map ends up killing him after a while.
Where? I wanna see, I love these little experiments, they are quality!
In reply to

Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 7238 Days
Posted by Jin187
Where? I wanna see, I love these little experiments, they are quality!
Oh I don't mean the sniper bullet........after reading what I wrote it came out wrong. But it's still impressive.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
This just doesn't seem to click with me. Maybe it is because mod tools have been available on the PC for so long that this seems very basic and simplistic, but... I don't get it. Bounce bounce portal boom? There are some really crazy perpetual motion machines out done through mods, so call me jaded :|

Carry on.
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My Blog:

Since 7238 Days
Posted by Acert93
This just doesn't seem to click with me. Maybe it is because mod tools have been available on the PC for so long that this seems very basic and simplistic, but... I don't get it. Bounce bounce portal boom? There are some really crazy perpetual motion machines out done through mods, so call me jaded :|

Carry on.
Hey I've seen better things with Garry's Mod, to me it's nothing new either. In fact, I think Forge sucks ass. It took the guy 4 freaking days to do that, and 60+ tries. Forge is frustration at its best, you are extremely limited, etc etc. In other words, after playing GMOD, Forge is a sorry ass playground for things like this. Just the truth.

I still think is cool and is a great effort by all these people doing these videos.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6860 Days
Posted by LEBATO
Oh I don't mean the sniper bullet........after reading what I wrote it came out wrong. But it's still impressive.
Thats truly awesome!!

@Acert - I know stuff like this has been done before but I dont know how you can watch that and not be in the slightest bit impressed :s
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I enjoyed that.. but damn.. he must have been bored :P
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Since 7238 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I enjoyed that.. but damn.. he must have been bored :P
He was playing Halo 3 you know.
In reply to

Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Posted by Jin187
@Acert - I know stuff like this has been done before but I dont know how you can watch that and not be in the slightest bit impressed :s
But I am not :| Having seen perpetual machines and whatnot a decade ago (!) in FPS... I dunno, call me jaded? Considering the tools present it just seems like a bored excercise??

Now I think the Rocket mod is cool... but I guess I don't quite "get it" in regards to this video. Maybe the tools are so limiting that they don't allow more complex and interesting tasks, but this just strikes me as someone being bored doing something more rudementary and trial-and-error than something truly unique or interesting.

Gamers have been making very complex Rube Goldberg machines for a very long time.
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My Blog:

Since 6860 Days
Posted by Acert93
But I am not :| Having seen perpetual machines and whatnot a decade ago (!) in FPS... I dunno, call me jaded? Considering the tools present it just seems like a bored excercise??

Now I think the Rocket mod is cool... but I guess I don't quite "get it" in regards to this video. Maybe the tools are so limiting that they don't allow more complex and interesting tasks, but this just strikes me as someone being bored doing something more rudementary and trial-and-error than something truly unique or interesting.

Gamers have been making very complex Rube Goldberg machines for a very long time.
Hmm, well for me its not about the complexity in comparison to what is achieved on pc mods, more to do with the things that have been created using the limited tools available in forge that impresses me.

Its a bit like the awesome paint jobs In Forza 2, All of those could be achieved quite easily on programs such as Photoshop but what makes it impressive is because they have been created using the in game editor.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6721 Days
It takes time more than skill. I think that is what he is implying.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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