Little Big Planet new HD vids from Gameday Links

Inscrit depuis 7808 Jours

OK, call me crazy... the coolest exclusive on PS3. I'm a Xbox 360 owner, but I'm totally envious of this game only being on PS3. I think it is a very cool looking game. Congrats to owners of PS3s getting this game. MGS, FFxx whatever. This game's graphics and gameplay look so cool.

Rare should have come up with this for 360. :(
But Rare's best years it seem are behind them.

Keep your eyes peeled on this game, looks to win a lot of awards.
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Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
Indeed, it's very special.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
this and probably Prince of Persia on XBLA are my 2 most wanted Arcade titles.
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ready for Bear season?

Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
It is an amazing looking game, the idea is so simple.

It's one of those games that i would only expect to see on a Japanese system though, much like Okami.

This is why i feel the PS3 will be a better system in terms of creativity and perhaps the Wii (as it is cheaper to dev for)

Look forward to seeing some really neat stuff coming out of the PS3 in the future.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
Yeah it really makes you wonder.. I mean these developers are totally american.. so why isn't stuff like this on the 360? I don't mean specifically this game or even games exactly like this, but I just don't get why some genres just REFUSE to bloom on that console. Is the assumed fanbase for those games on the platform really that dire? Do they really think everyone is only into PC shooters and racing games?

I mean the Wii and Gamecube were both pigeonholed early on by sceptics to be "kiddy" consoles, but that's frankly an image I can understand was attached to them based on the nature of Nintendo themselves. But Xbox? I mean it had some in the beginning. Stuff like Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon, Blinx (yeah it wasn't particularly good, but certainly adequate especially considering the likewise rather cumbersome Kameo), and others, but after just a bit games like that were never really aimed at the platform again.

Sega opted for PS2 with pretty much all their classic revivals like the eminent but mega hard Shinobi and Blood Will Tell, games that just aswell could've had a decent enough Xbox port. Install base, sure, but the Xbox didn't struggle THAT badly anymore at that point, what with piracy being possible on the console and thus sales shooting off.

During the Xbox/Ps2 years I was frustrated that there was this console with far superior graphics (in theory) and awesome online play and most companies still opted for the PS2 for their games. It was frustrating because I felt that they could be even better if they were developed for the Xbox, and frankly I still had some issues with Sony after the Sega thing going down. With the 360 I still had some slight Xbox bias even though I played and enjoyed loads of PS2 games, but when the PS3 was properly revealed last year I sort of lost track of why I was hoping for the 360 to succeed.

I mean here were two consoles that - while one of them was hugely more expensive - could produce the same graphical results, hence fulfil the exact same potential of a game. When Sony promised an online effort approaching that of Xbox Live, I was even more baffled at my own desire to see the 360 fight its way to the same level of commercial success, because if that proved to be true then there really was no difference in actual gameplay terms.

Despite that I still reckoned competition is the real mother of invention, and putting pressure on Sony will only ensure that stuff like Home happens.

But now.. reflecting on the past year and a half and also the whole history of the original Xbox I've grown a bit worried. Worried that perhaps if the Xbox platform is successful, the new model of game to which companies - western aswell as eastern - will try to aspire to won't represent what I want to play in the future.

I love good western games. In my endless ranting about colourless, charmless war motifs and space marines it's easy to forget or not understand that I do love great western games like Splinter Cell, God of War and Prince of Persia... But it honestly seems to me that on the 360 so far.. for every Splinter Cell there are four Ghost Recons with forgettable "soldiers" for characters and settings that represent real world locations.

A huge part of what makes me go on gaming every year is the knowledge that even though I love Splinter Cell, there'll eventually be a new Jet Set Radio. I could probably survive in a gaming world without Sam Fisher (unlikely, but anyway) but if the Jet Set Radios are forgotten in favour of the next military shooter, my days as a gamer are truly counted.

I dunno where I end up after a brainstorm like this, but I find myself increasingly unsure of whether I've been backing the right platform these last couple of years. Sony better strike back and keep the Xbox at bay, ensuring that there's still a balance, because there are some things each of these formats seem destined to do better.

And really, I don't think I really could live on without Sam Fisher either.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 6911 Jours
It's simply MS exploiting what sells while Sony is working hard to develop new IPs.

Sony is best at working with devs.
Did anyone wonder how in a world of Nintendo, PS1, which is a new console from a un-heard of company in gaming manage to completely own the market?

Many devs are saying they are stickign with Soyn just because "we like what they are doing and we have no reason not to work with Sony, they are always great with us"
Like Naughty Dog, Insomniac, David Jaffe.

These guys create games out of love mostly for the fans, that's why we are getting all this amazing stuff on a Sony console.

Many MS games comes from MS throwing money at the devs and saying "make something that will sell".
They are even greedy with that- Ms didn't back Heavenly Sword because they said the budget of the game was not worth it lol
This is coming from a company who just did a $2Bn take-over and they can't support a game which now became one of the hottest game of this gen.

So that's the main difference and is exactly the reason I want Sony to win.
I fear that if Sony (who by all means raise the bar for gaming with each of their console) lose the crown and someone else takes over, we'll have dull un-inspired games that just sell well but are crap.

Btw, Sam Fisher started getting on my nerves after the second game, series got way down hill unfortunately, I loved the first two though.

PS: This is the second time you've gone on a off-topic rant to [kind of] praise Sony :p
Watch out there fanboy lol
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7087 Jours
Doesn't really matter though, Nintendo is winning this gen. I will be more content with Nintendo pushing the industry forward(to better Games)than I would with MS and Sony at this point.

I believe the goal of each system is to bring more and more gamers into the mix, meaning people that may not have been into games last gen, but now are compelled to give them a try. We've had all 3 systems in our house at one point in time(cousins and friends owning PS3 and Wii).

Before, I could never get my Mom or older Sister to play a game with me to save my life, on either 360/PS3/PS2/Xbox/GC etc. Wasn't going to happen. However, when my cousin brought over a Wii, that was the first time I got both of them to sit down and play with me and the rest of the family. Not only that, but they actually enjoyed playing and even later on had to force me to continue playing with them. We played Wii Sports, and Excite Truck btw.

Me being a gamer, I find joy in sharing my interests with others that I care about. Not only that, but I don't spend that much time with the 2 of them now(college and all). So I really have to admire the Wii for brining something that I can share with them now when I'm home. Yes, they want me to buy a Wii now, Big Sis even looks up games now(never did that before). I don't know, kind of a sappy pointless story really. But eh, I've come to really admire the Wii now. Call it a gimmick all you want.
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ready for Bear season?

Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
The thing is though Nintendo don't lead they way they kind of go in their own direction.

For many people who didn't own the GC and probably true of the Wii, they will miss out on a lot of strange and innovative content, but if you don't know about it, it won't effect you.

I think things are getting better on the 360, and don't really agree with aneta about the whole MS are greedy and they only throw money at dev's.

Yes they do to some extent but only because they want the games on their system to be sucessful, which is what any company would do (including Sony)

Perhaps dev's have targeted the playstation in this past due to dev's wanting to target the biggest gaming community, hmmm i duno, one thing i know for sure is that the 360 community is a bit stuck up in regards to certain games and genre's, to often do i read oh we don't want that crap on our system, or Sony can keep it, which pisses me off to no end.

I totally agree with what Kenshin says about the sharing of gaming, i'm very much like that myself and find a great satisfaction from sharing my interest with others, this is part the reason i don't like online gaming much, for the simple reason it takes away from playing with friends or family members, but Nintendo have always been very much headed in this direction since the days of the N64.

And i don't think Nintendo are winning this gen, I still think Microsoft are at the top for the time being, If (and this is a big if) Nintendo continue to sell Wii's like they have done then it won't be long before they are back ontop, where they should be :)

It's nice to have these rants, but when the two sites merge these kind of discussions are guna be ripped apart.. :( Sometimes i hate change. :P
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
@Simon - They're not american, Media Molecule are former Lionhead guys, Brits FTW! :D
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
I've been hopping around so much in these threads I sometimes lose track of what thread I'm in. I totally went off ranting about Uncharted in the Folklore thread, so yeah. :D
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 6911 Jours
I'm one of those "lone gamers". I enjoy getting immersed in the game by myself with no interference.
Much like how I enjoy watching movies.

Actually I'm a bit of a loner all around :p

I do however appreciate Nintendo's doings but it's not something I personally enjoy.
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par antena
It's simply MS exploiting what sells while Sony is working hard to develop new IPs.

Sony is best at working with devs.
Did anyone wonder how in a world of Nintendo, PS1, which is a new console from a un-heard of company in gaming manage to completely own the market?

Many devs are saying they are stickign with Soyn just because "we like what they are doing and we have no reason not to work with Sony, they are always great with us"
Like Naughty Dog, Insomniac, David Jaffe.

These guys create games out of love mostly for the fans, that's why we are getting all this amazing stuff on a Sony console.

Many MS games comes from MS throwing money at the devs and saying "make something that will sell".
They are even greedy with that- Ms didn't back Heavenly Sword because they said the budget of the game was not worth it lol
This is coming from a company who just did a $2Bn take-over and they can't support a game which now became one of the hottest game of this gen.

So that's the main difference and is exactly the reason I want Sony to win.
I fear that if Sony (who by all means raise the bar for gaming with each of their console) lose the crown and someone else takes over, we'll have dull un-inspired games that just sell well but are crap.

Btw, Sam Fisher started getting on my nerves after the second game, series got way down hill unfortunately, I loved the first two though.

PS: This is the second time you've gone on a off-topic rant to [kind of] praise Sony :p
Watch out there fanboy lol
Why do you always have to come up with the biggest fanboy rants ever. It is because of you other people are ranting aswell. I think you need to go to banville for a day or two but sadly I do not have that power.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
You wouldn't even regard that as banworthy if it was pro-microsoft. He's not trolling, he's not insulting anyone nor disrupting threads in any way. He's expressing his own opinion. Since you disagree with him that's bound to make you upset, but that doesn't mean he's not allowed to express it.

If you would ban him on the basis of that post, I'm extremely glad you don't have the ability to conduct that kind of nazi censorship.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
You wouldn't even regard that as banworthy if it was pro-microsoft. He's not trolling, he's not insulting anyone nor disrupting threads in any way. He's expressing his own opinion. Since you disagree with him that's bound to make you upset, but that doesn't mean he's not allowed to express it.

If you would ban him on the basis of that post, I'm extremely glad you don't have the ability to conduct that kind of nazi censorship.
Ok im sorry Simon, appearntly you are always correct in everything you say and do. Every post I read from you just has to be that way doesnt it, but that's okay because that is your opinion and this is my "OPINION!" I'm glad your not God with your nazi way of thinking.
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Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
You wanted to ban him for his opinion which offended no one, Simon was simply saying that's the wrong way of going about it. You are wrong mate, just admit it.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
Ah yes, that nazi streak of allowing everyone to have an opinion without wanting to ban them. I really should get rid of that.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
You wanted to ban him for his opinion which offended no one, Simon was simply saying that's the wrong way of going about it. You are wrong mate, just admit it.
Ok maybe I was wrong about this post but I have seen his other posts. Now im not saying I am perfect, either, but that was why I was banned once, before.
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Ah yes, that nazi streak of allowing everyone to have an opinion without wanting to ban them. I really should get rid of that.
Funny when Dcdelgado had an opion you bashed him for it.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
Take a while to ponder that - did I *bash* him for it? Because there's a distinction between bashing someone for their opinion and putting forth your own arguments as to why you think they're wrong about something.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Your double exclaimation marks are really driving the points home. Good job.

Just wait till you see Mass Effect (new build in full motion) Alan Wake\Too Human\LO\Bioshock ect, Facial detail\emotion\animation will start to show there true colors...

See, now this is just a fanboy rant and wild assumption.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
Yeah, he was on about antena's post because he had implied that for him, next gen was starting with uncharted and ratchet and clank. After two posts of explaining what he meant, DC kept going "next gen started 1½ years ago!!" "sony are playing catch up!!" and I was annoyed. I'm human, I get annoyed.

In countering my points about animation he mentioned games we've barely seen anything from, thus we can't even know what kind of lip sync and animation they will be using. Therefore, whilst still being a wee bit annoyed, I said it's just wild assumption - and since they're all 360 games in order to counter any pro-PS3 talk, I said it was a fanboy rant.

I should perhaps add that I spoke to DC in pm just to get what was a rather uninteresting discussion out of the thread. We're not pissed at eachother or anything, and I sure as heck wouldn't even consider banning someone for it even if I could.

In fact I'd prolly never ban anyone, as I think it's generally a harsh thing to do unless people are being complete tits.

Not sure why I have to explain this to you just to justify the NOT banning people for their opinions, but hey.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Yeah, he was on about antena's post because he had implied that for him, next gen was starting with uncharted and ratchet and clank. After two posts of explaining what he meant, DC kept going "next gen started 1½ years ago!!" "sony are playing catch up!!" and I was annoyed. I'm human, I get annoyed.

In countering my points about animation he mentioned games we've barely seen anything from, thus we can't even know what kind of lip sync and animation they will be using. Therefore, whilst still being a wee bit annoyed, I said it's just wild assumption - and since they're all 360 games in order to counter any pro-PS3 talk, I said it was a fanboy rant.
I was bothered by some of antena's comments and the 2 vs 1 comments against dcdegaldo on the foklore thread. That kind of got to me.

I know mentioning banning was out of my league and wrong but some of antena's comments can be viewed as fanboy comments. Nevertheless saying he should be banned was not the apporiate way to convey my feelings.
Posté par SimonM7
Not sure why I have to explain this to you just to justify the NOT banning people for their opinions, but hey.
Well you wanted an example of you bashing someone else so I gave you one.

No one asked you to but it's your duty as a Gamersyde member to correct others but without offending the person who affended another (which you did with your nazi comment). Anyway we had rants against each other before and that could be another reason why you were compelled.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
Well, you obviously realise yourself that your ban comment was unneccessary, and that's the single thing in your post that got to me. Even I can feel the air of fanboyism in antena's posts because he's clearly a Sony fan, so that's bound to happen.

I apologize for the nazi comment. Really, a comment like that is out of line too.
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
I apologize for my comments aswell, to Simon, Antena, and all other gamersyde members.

It is going to be one tough road for gamersyde with the unification.

Please dont ban me BlimBlim or any other moderators :(

The Irony of it all. :P
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7135 Jours
No worries, I'll throw myself in front of you and shield you from the banstick if that happens.

The boon of having a slightly overprotective (and sometimes annoying) champion of balance in the console wars spectrum is that I'm pretty much an equal opportunity action-man! :)
En réponse à - AETOA Gamespot
It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610

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