Since 7000 Days
Use healing items they are faster and you can heal before he attacks, It is a difficult battle seems everyone has trouble with this one.

It's just the luck of the draw if he uses his wind attack of not, try to learn the poison status accessory on both Kaim and Seth and equip it on Jenson.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6672 Days
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7047 Days
Thank You jolli and ACE ... Will try it tonight! SO far I JUST LOVE this game to DEATH! Awesome, just awesome reminds me of FFX so much!

Turn Based For The Win!!! :D
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 7047 Days
I just weeped like a girl when I got to Cook, Mack and their mom! OMG SO SO SO SAD!!!!

I am going to say this right here, right now .... FINAL FANTASY WHAT NOW ??? This is it .... MS you have to keep this franchise going ... they have a winner here!
:D :D :D
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6672 Days
Posted by alimokrane
I just weeped like a girl when I got to Cook, Mack and their mom! OMG SO SO SO SAD!!!!

I am going to say this right here, right now .... FINAL FANTASY WHAT NOW ??? This is it .... MS you have to keep this franchise going ... they have a winner here!
:D :D :D
Yep, really sad. I cryed

If game will have good sales and MS ans MW will do LO2
and I am waiting Cry oN
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7095 Days
I cried on that part too. I can't believe it. I used to hate voice actors depicting children, they always end up sounding annoying. But seriously that scene gave me the chills and I was shedding tears already. Absolutely amazing voice acting and direction.

Btw, Game Trailers just gave Lost Odyssey a 8.8. It's a very nice and fair review.
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Since 7047 Days

Please, Can I urge anyone with a taste for good games (i.e. Everyone) to go and pick this up .... I SWEAR you wont be sorry ... We really need this game to sell well. This is a Classic franchise in the making!

Look beyond the turn based combat which is Incrdibly well made in this game by the way and random encouters are not that ANNOYING AT ALL ... in fact ... there so much story and cutscenes that sometimes you will find yourself saying, hey get me out of here, I wanna do some combat now.
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6672 Days
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7047 Days
Dont you guusy JUST LOVE how big the game box is .... I am hugging the damn thing every day. Sniffed the box to death the day it arrived :D
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
Started really slow but it's starting to pick up. Hanna's Departure (those that know know what it is) was HEARTBREAKING, and really the :O thing that sparked interest in the story itself. Because it starts...*reeaaaally* slow.

About UE3, now that I play this game I realise just how pointless my previous comments were. Yes, this suffers from UE3 syndromes all over, none of which pertain to anything I mentioned except perhaps shadows. The art save the day and while the character design apart from Kaim and Seth is pretty bland so far, those two look absolutely awesome.

However, the engine doesn't really slack off in trying to make the worst of every situation, and I'm nearing Alimo levels of UE3 bitterness. Not only does the framerate always have this balancing-on-30fps thing going on inherent to EVERY UE3 game including Bioshock, there's also texture wonkyness when you run into a new area, aliasing is everywhere, and the shadows have this thing where they sort of "wash" over models as soon as they move. The shadows thing wasn't a problem with Marcus and his pals because they had nothing worthwhile to mess up in the face area, but these models are beeaauutiful, and you just wanna kill someone when this effect ruins a moody cutscene.

Lip sync and character animation ARE pretty nice, but the robotic movements of "bones" in their faces again mimic that of Marcus endeavours, but once more where his rigid stone gob moves suitably rigidly, Seth's subtle emotions need something way more flexible than this.

It still gets by for sure, but if you allow yourself to think about the possibilities of a custom engine instead of this made-for-shooters-with-zero-character mess, you CAN'T HELP BUT BE ANGRYYYY! *rips shirt*

And you can't help thinking about what FF13 could look like, because despite all the engine troubles here the relentlessly awesome design does shine through, and at times it's so poetic and subtle that you just wanna dance around for a bit. (and do if you're me) and the potential for a game where everything is built to complement it is... scary.

All that frustration vented though I'll just give some quick impressions on the game itself. It should be noted that I hate jRPGs with a fiery walls-of-house-melt-and-rise-again-in-the-shape-of-nude-men-with-horns-for-nipples passion but I am working on it. It's like an.. about one year long conditioning process, a project of mine to unlock the doors to what has to be the single most epic genre available - that of japanese RPGs.

So, my impressions are really that of a relative newbie. I mean I had encounters with Shining Force and Grandia and Panzer Dragoon Saga and stuff so I've played a few, but the full on "it's your turn to bonk heads" 80 hour spectacle is not something I'm used to.

All that said, my playtime with Lost Odyssey has established one thing in particular; I don't hate fighting in it. I don't hate being the subject of constant sneaky random attacks when I'm running about because encounters are visually exciting without going overboard with combat animations. Whether this is a product of my obsessive conditioning (that has included 20ish hours of FF12 - a game I enjoyed thoroughly despite protests among RPG connoisseurs on this site) or if the game itself is doing something right is hard to say.

I'm also usually pretty annoyed by the whole superficial emo darkness thing that goes on with Kaim here, but I reckon the thousand year dreams lend him some humanity and warmth, the lack of which would otherwise have me not give a crap about him at all. Sadness if justified is gripping, sadness if applied like an ointment to a character for fast-acting appeal is just stupid. And common. Oh man, ALL TOO common.

In fact I think the dreams do a good job of jump starting the story. I dunno how accessible they are to people allergic to reading, which.. let's face it some people are.. but I reckon they help a lot in catching your attention before the main story has had time to get off the ground.

So yeah it feels good. By no means exceptional (make of that what you will considering my limited experience with the genre) but very competent and visually certainly something different from the usual anime fare, while still being decidedly un-Turok/boring scifi marine/western flirt orgy.

And hats off to Nobuo Uematsu whose music here has energy sorely lacking from his other recent works. I think Mistwalker is a very healthy creative relationship and I hope they can flourish in whatever form, on whichever platform.
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Since 7000 Days
Posted by SimonM7
I dunno how accessible they are to people allergic to reading, which.. let's face it some people are.
Well if they read that ... I'm sure they will do just fine :P

Glad you seem to be enjoying it though.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days

Indeed. That turned out to be a bigger post than I expected. :D

And yeah, I'm happy I'm happy with it too. I've also warmed a lot to Luminous Arc, but I'll deal with that in the Wii/DS thread. :)
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Since 6884 Days
Posted by alimokrane
Dont you guusy JUST LOVE how big the game box is .... I am hugging the damn thing every day. Sniffed the box to death the day it arrived :D
Hahahah well I am with you except the sniffing part. Yay I got the game today, only took 8 days to arrive :)

I am probably going to test it later today. I haven't played any good JRPG in a long time so this is going to be nice.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Since 6672 Days
I am stuck in the 4rd disk - the ice...i dont know what to do with it
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7000 Days
Ice ?
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6672 Days
Posted by Jollipop
Ice ?
I already found underwater passage to ancient ruins))

foulks from gametrailers very excited about GT rewiev
they made some pics

In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7095 Days
Posted by ACEfromRussia
I already found underwater passage to ancient ruins))
You're going to enjoy that part!
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Since 6852 Days
I want this game :(

Damn MS exclusivity, it's a shame too, cause after BD, it seems Mistwalker finally got something that has reason to sell really well, but it won't.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7092 Days
Posted by JediMasterMalik
I want this game :(

Damn MS exclusivity, it's a shame too, cause after BD, it seems Mistwalker finally got something that has reason to sell really well, but it won't.
I'll sell you my 360, and all you have to offer me as payment is your soul.
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just call me Uncle Ruckus

Since 6243 Days
/sigh, whats with the metro main char, and really goofy clothes on all the characters? i've not read much up on this, but the videos i see show me a 360 turn based wanna-be FF game. looks pretty, but, nothing extraordinary
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Since 7047 Days
Posted by JediMasterMalik
I want this game :(

Damn MS exclusivity, it's a shame too, cause after BD, it seems Mistwalker finally got something that has reason to sell really well, but it won't.
First Blue Dragon was great :D

Second, PS3 owners do get FF13 as exclusive so it's only 360 owners will get this as exclusive dont you think ?
In reply to

NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6852 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
I'll sell you my 360, and all you have to offer me as payment is your soul.
No thanks, I can afford one myself, I'm just holding off 'til the summer. And I like my soul :P

I'm going by reviews here for BD, and they seem pretty damn average.

The only problem with having LO exclusive to the 360, is that it's a jRPG, and those NEVER sell well in the main market for jRPGs, which is of course Japan. It just seems pointless. It makes far more sense to make a jRPG on the PS3, exclusive or not.

In fact, I don't think after the dissappointing LO sales in Japan, they'll be funding any more jRPGs, or games to appeal to that market, in fact if I was them I wouldn't either, it's not logical.
In reply to
Since 7009 Days
Posted by JediMasterMalik
In fact, I don't think after the dissappointing LO sales in Japan, they'll be funding any more jRPGs, or games to appeal to that market, in fact if I was them I wouldn't either, it's not logical.
*clears throat*
CCC: Have there been any discussions about the possibility of a sequel? What other projects are in the pipeline for 2008 release players should be keeping any eye open for?

HS: There are a few projects that already kicked off, but I can't make any public announcements at this time. I was able to produce something that is orthodox in terms of game system as in Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey and something that sways human emotions. I'm going to further explore the game system and create what can be called a truly next-gen RPG.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7047 Days
YAY! OPtimus is BACK!!! :D

Anyway, I am in disk Two now and I am LOVING IT! Likeable characters, Seth and Jensen are AWESOME ... Kaim bores from time to time with his no talking much bit but sometimes he truly shines when you can see his human side kicking off when with Mack and Cooke
In reply to

NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 7000 Days
Posted by JediMasterMalik
The only problem with having LO exclusive to the 360, is that it's a jRPG, and those NEVER sell well in the main market for jRPGs, which is of course Japan. It just seems pointless. It makes far more sense to make a jRPG on the PS3, exclusive or not.
Thats not really true though, you forget that the PS2 had 100 million consoles out there the PS3 is not in the same league not even close, so sales will be totally different.

Many JRPG fans are waiting for FF13 before they buy the PS3.

Add to that the fact the 360 has a much higher software adoption rates I would say the 360 is just as good a platform as the PS3 for JRPG's at this point, thing will change no doubt.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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