Since 6974 Days
Posted by NeoNemesis
Anyone beat the game yet? I beat it yesterday, now I reloaded an old save game file, and trying to get all the achievements.
what would you give it out of 10?
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Since 6670 Days
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7093 Days
Posted by ACEfromRussia
Q: Was the sales performance of 'Lost Odyssey' not satisfactory considering it sold about 100,000 copies in Japan?

Sensui: It is not possible to say that the sales are bad since we cannot predict the future sales of the title. But Lost Odyssey has its similarities with to a megahit RPG series. The reputation of the team is also very good. Lost Odyssey has a pretty good start.

But because 'Lost Odyssey' is an important title for Microsoft, it is necessary to raise the awareness of this title. The game is only being released in Europe and America, it is expected that Japan can offer the title again if the reception in those areas is pretty good.
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Since 6997 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
I've ordered this and being quite the JRPG noob I was glad to hear that there is little need to grind. I just know that I will probably get to the first boss, get killed, and give up. I really want to experience the whole game but I have no clue at how to handle the combat.
The learning curve is quite tough because the 1st and 2nd boss are quite difficult.. well pretty much most bosses are hard, but stick with it because its worth it.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7044 Days
I Dont want to finish the game and I dont wanna go inside the final level ... :(

I have enjoyed the ride so much, I dont want the game to end!
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6670 Days
from GT http://forums.gametrailers.com/showthread.php?t=32...

Best weapons for each character

Kaim- Durandal (277 strength)- Ipsilon Mountains mining site give Orichalcum to the Blacksmith, You can find the Orichalcum in the temple of enlightenment. Bad news you can use this to get either Kaims or Seth’s ultimate weapon not both and only one or the other. The next best weapon for both hits for 254 which is called the Siderite sword for Kaim and can be won at the backyard with 60 star rating or the Gravity Rave for Seth which is available after beating the Cave Worm in the forgotten cave.

Seth- White Ignis (277 strength)- See Above

Sed- Magic rifle of Aneira (392 Strength)- Find Sed’s lost homies, Here is where I found them
1) This Homie is underwater, I found him while looking for the treasure in the water by Khent it was a fluke. Go to that part of the ocean and look behind you, you should see some bubbles you can examine you will examine 1 than another and the 3rd should look different than your average bubble stream that is the Homie
2) This Homie is easy, go to Saman and go to the tree in the middle he should be there
3) Another easy one, go to Ming’s chamber on the White Boa there Homie will be
4) What another easy one, go to the washed out bridge at the sea of Baus examine Homie is there
5) Actually these really are all easy, this Homie is at the old mansion that you save Sarah at, I found him right inside the entrance.( There is a side quest here for another gun for Sed but you are only one Homie away from Sed’s Ultima Weaponß FF7 anyone?, however throw on some double experience, SP, Loot and gold skills and go show some baddies the buisiness)
6) The last Homie is at Kelolon Village you have to rescue this silly bitch…Where is Kelolon Village? Keep reading àIt is through the ice north of Ipsilon you’ll be in a lake then launch the Nautilus and go underwater, there should be a tunnel on the south part of the lake…enter.
Go back to pirates hideout and rape I mean reap you Ultimate Weapon…You know where the pirates hideout is right? Of course you do it’s on the North east corner of the big continent you need the white boa

Jansen- Apocalyse Rod- Sea of Baus treasure hunt, Go to Uhra in Virno’s Tavern to get this hint or you can go to the Pirate Hideout and talk to the guy who was freezing the first time you arrived and he gives you tips on all treasure you have missed but only one tip at a time

Ming And Sarah- Rune Pick- Buy at the Shop in Kelolon village 32,000 gold each I don’t know if it lets you buy 2 I only bought one for Ming cause she has nice boobies

Cooke- Solomon Staff-another treasure hunt-trigger this in the engine room of the white Boa talk to the guy there

Mack- Pheonix discus(184 strength)- Fight big boss in temple of enlightenment and he drops it for Mack. Temple is located through the ice of the continent that the Ancient ruins is on, go through the ice and dive with the Nautilus look for a passage. Make sure Mack is in the party

Tolten-Age of King (420 strength)- Unlock final seal in the ruined castle of Uhra after unlocking all other seals. Other seals are as follows.
1) Crimson forest
2) The Black Cave
3) Ice Canyon _where the super cool dinosaur was
4) Burning cave through poisonous gas
5) The ancient Ruins
6) Kelolon Village far right
7) Uhra back alley just before Castle of Uhra sqaure
8) Uhra Gongoras Mansion go inside than take 1st door on your left to the courtyard. This opens a door to a secret cave which is a sidequest and a lot of fun
These are all easy to find so I did not go into detail. You need to explore anyway
That’s it I think. Please note that these may not be the best weapons for every person, however they are the best weapons I could find in 2 play throughs of the game
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 6826 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
what would you give it out of 10?
Posted by ACEfromRussia
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

Since 7006 Days
Wow just realized that the entire time I wasn't using my correct gamertag so all my achievements are on some other gamertag :(

That is simply unacceptable so I'm starting the game over on my proper gamertag haha.

What I must say though is that I can't get enough of the battle system. I love the concept of equipping accessories that have special skills available and I just can't stop playing with the skill linking system.

I'm getting more out of the game as a result now than I did with the japanese version, as expected. Also believe it or not the 1000 years of dreams so far to me really do feel as if they are matching up with the game. Not the game's current events, but I think the way in which some of them have been brought up made sense and if they didn't make sense immediately they did later on. There is quite a bit of symbollic aspects that are supported by the actual game and then there are some that feel like a setup for things you'll see later and having remembered reading about it just adds to the experience once you realize you found a connection.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 6720 Days
Posted by Jollipop
The learning curve is quite tough because the 1st and 2nd boss are quite difficult.. well pretty much most bosses are hard, but stick with it because its worth it.
Well it should be here today. One thing that I hated about FF12 was that the entire time I was playing, I felt that I wasn't playing the game correctly. It put me off completely. I never knew if I should have bought a new item at a certain point. If I was using the right weapon/magic against certain enemies. I was getting past bosses only by using a ridiculous amount of healing potions. It feels as if I am being punished for not playing these games all my life.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 7044 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Well it should be here today. One thing that I hated about FF12 was that the entire time I was playing, I felt that I wasn't playing the game correctly. It put me off completely. I never knew if I should have bought a new item at a certain point. If I was using the right weapon/magic against certain enemies. I was getting past bosses only by using a ridiculous amount of healing potions. It feels as if I am being punished for not playing these games all my life.
Hehe :D it's totally nt your fault mate. Blame the hack and Slash type of game which promote this kind of gameplay behaviour (there is nothing wrong with hack and slash games, they are my other favourtie genre). JRPGs are all about strategy ans Lost Odyssey EXCELS in this aspect more than Even FINAL FANTASY X Did. The ring & Accesseroies & Skill link systems are BRILLIANT IDEAS and give you so much freedom on how to plan out your strategies in every single fight and every time it's different!
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6997 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Well it should be here today. One thing that I hated about FF12 was that the entire time I was playing, I felt that I wasn't playing the game correctly. It put me off completely. I never knew if I should have bought a new item at a certain point. If I was using the right weapon/magic against certain enemies. I was getting past bosses only by using a ridiculous amount of healing potions. It feels as if I am being punished for not playing these games all my life.
Its all pretty well explained you just need to remember that attacking an emeny with the oppsing force will do more damage ie a fire creature attack it with water, wind with earth, dark with holy and vice versa then rings will do extra damage against certain creature types, undead, beast, dragons etc, and some rings can infuse your weapon with an elemental attack.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6720 Days
It didn't come. :(
Should tomorrow though and thanks for the pointers. I'm sure I will be back here with some questions.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 7006 Days
Wow I kept getting annihilated by the second boss lol.

You can't even underestimate some normal enemies because if you aren't careful they'll surprise you.

What I like about Lost Odyssey is that most boss fights will seem practically impossible to beat, but then a change of strategy and suddenly what looked impossible before is now possible. Imo I think LO has one of the best battle systems I've seen from a jrpg in years.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6960 Days
Wait. You JUST got this game Optimus?

I'm on the 2nd disc in that haunted mansion and once I got there I hit my bored point. Blim told me he thought it was his least favorite dungeon in the game, and I can see why. Hopefully I'll get back to playing this soon.

Also the magical enemies don't seem to take much damage from my attacks. Any tips? I'm level 23 on all characters.
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Hey, I'm just like you. I put my pants on one leg at a - dammit, I knew I forgot something today.

Since 6997 Days
Nah I thought that dungeon was great it pissed me off a bit trying to figure it out but the atmosphere there is great.

Physical or magical attacks ?, some enemies are quite resistant to magic so you just have to use physical attacks, if its both try changing your rings.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6720 Days
Really hope this comes tomorrow. Sick of all the games I have right now.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 7044 Days
Posted by Jollipop
Nah I thought that dungeon was great it pissed me off a bit trying to figure it out but the atmosphere there is great.

Physical or magical attacks ?, some enemies are quite resistant to magic so you just have to use physical attacks, if its both try changing your rings.
I agree that Mansion had an atmosphere of its own. I have one complaint about the game though. there seem to be quite a bit of puzzles in it and sometimes the combat REALLY DOES GET IN THE WAY ... Some of the dungeons are like a HUGE MAZE when you try and figure them all out so that you dont miss any area, a Fight pops and you forget where you were going and what you have covered
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6212 Days
Anyone know if they plan on patching out the load game exploit? The way you can save, quit to main menu, then reload with full hp/mp is pretty cheap and really ruins the use of items. Other than that the game is awesome.
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Since 6459 Days
So any word on retail copies sold?? We should have known them for some time, and if true those 100000 copies sold in Japan it is a very good start, considering that only half a million units were sold over there.
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Since 6670 Days
150000 in America for 10 days
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Since 7006 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Wait. You JUST got this game Optimus?
Not necessarily I had the Japanese version and beat it, and I got the USA version, but was playing on another gamertag and now I'm playing on my proper gamertag.

Just got to the beginning of disc 2 :)

Def the most fun I've had with the 360 since launch.

That cant be right ACE I bought at least 250,000 copies :P
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6960 Days
Oh thank goodness. I was about to say, if I played LO before you did, then the apocalypse can't be too far behind.
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Hey, I'm just like you. I put my pants on one leg at a - dammit, I knew I forgot something today.

Since 7087 Days
Hmm, i still dont have it :( i orderd it alsmost 6 weeks ago from playasia but i havent recieved it, i already mailed them twice but still no response... im feeling riped-off and im not planning to pay 65 euro's here in holland for the game. does anyone else have had problems like this with playasia before?
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Funk Master 0onar Fresh

Since 6997 Days
They wouldn't rip you off they are generally very reliable, but as with anything that goes through the post things can go missing or get delayed.

As I said before you should always go for the best shipping option as it is faster and you get tracking on your order so you know where it is, as will playasia.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7006 Days
Oh and Phaethon that area you spoiled about up top was such hell in the Japanese version, but I ran through it pretty easily in the USA version then again.. I DID know what to do and where to go :)
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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    reneyvane Factornews à joué à KingdomComeDeliverance2 au Gamescom 2024 mais ne publie sa preview que maintenant ? [url] (> 3 Months ago)

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