Mass Effect - The Normandy

Since 7147 Days
Sheps, your method to get Polonium Rounds 4 is flawed as you get a different reward each time doing that sidequest.

I just started my Renegade Vanguard Bitch playthrough last night and I'm having so much more fun being an asshole! :P
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Since 6618 Days
Posted by Sheps
OMFG ahahha pissing my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just had an interview with this lady reporter, at the end it gave me an option "Time to shut her up!!", i thought it would be some stern words, but no.

He totally clocks her in the face!!! Bloody hell lmfao, woooo my shepards a woman beater!! WHERES MY STRING VEST!?

You mean Emely Wong, the reporter who gives you 2 quests or the one asking you about eden prime on tv?
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Since 6985 Days
It's not Emily Wong.

Ugh, still having troubles with the face creation. Been trying to create a Shepard that looks like Clint Eastwood, figured that would be the perfect look for badass Shepard. I had the perfect old clint, but I don't want to play the game with a 50 year old looking character. Im ok enough with the outcome that I'll do my next playthrough as a renegade with him, but not enough to post it.
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Since 6644 Days
Just finished again the game, now with Infiltrator :D

Lvl 51, around 30 hours, did every single quest! Even before go to Ilos, passed by on all systems see if i missed anything :P

Sniper + the explosive ammo is awsome!
Played on Normal, and i think was easier with infiltrator than with Vanguard...

Now going play again lol, will try create a female Shepard, already tried once didnt look that good :/

I wonder how downloadble content, will work... Game is over, how will we play? Maybe will let us continue with the save game that we finished the game?

To who finished the game:

I think Tali wont be playable on Mass Effect 2. Shes always saying after our job with Saren is finished she will return to the flotilla. Wonder if we will meet the rest of the quarians.
All races need forget the past, and make a single enemy to the reapers.
I really hope our choices will pass to Mass Effect 2, hard work to Bioware, but would be awsome.. I mean, rachni queen, could be a great ally in a war, saving or not council, would change in a big way ME2..
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Since 7058 Days
I hope we get a playable Earth, or some other populated worlds for down loadable content.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6962 Days
You can guarantee that Shephard will be on earth in ME2, and then be forced to leave it 30mins later to go land on a new Halo.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Since 7060 Days
^^ lol
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Since 6976 Days
Posted by UrukHaiPT
Just finished again the game, now with Infiltrator :D

Lvl 51, around 30 hours, did every single quest! Even before go to Ilos, passed by on all systems see if i missed anything :P

Sniper + the explosive ammo is awsome!
Played on Normal, and i think was easier with infiltrator than with Vanguard...

Now going play again lol, will try create a female Shepard, already tried once didnt look that good :/

I wonder how downloadble content, will work... Game is over, how will we play? Maybe will let us continue with the save game that we finished the game?

To who finished the game:

I think Tali wont be playable on Mass Effect 2. Shes always saying after our job with Saren is finished she will return to the flotilla. Wonder if we will meet the rest of the quarians.
All races need forget the past, and make a single enemy to the reapers.
I really hope our choices will pass to Mass Effect 2, hard work to Bioware, but would be awsome.. I mean, rachni queen, could be a great ally in a war, saving or not council, would change in a big way ME2..
yeah not sure on Tali, i did not really warm to her anyway, i have a feeling we will have a new squad, and guest apperances by members of our old one, in ME2?, as for DLC i'm guessing a new planet tied to the story.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6985 Days
Based on my playthrough, I have these things to say about transferring you character to the next game:

-You're character at the end of the game will be transferred, not from your last save, but the exact stats when you beat the game. How do I know this, because you can replay the game with that character on a higher difficulty...duh
-Tali gone, either Kaidan or Ash gone obviously, Liara gone (not sure about this one, but she pissed me off so I hope she's gone), Garrus will remain, Wrex will remain
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Since 6618 Days
Posted by UrukHaiPT
I think Tali wont be playable on Mass Effect 2. Shes always saying after our job with Saren is finished she will return to the flotilla. Wonder if we will meet the rest of the quarians.
All races need forget the past, and make a single enemy to the reapers.
I really hope our choices will pass to Mass Effect 2, hard work to Bioware, but would be awsome.. I mean, rachni queen, could be a great ally in a war, saving or not council, would change in a big way ME2..
I believe that the Quarians will get attacked by Geth in ME2, and you'll help them out and get Tali again. Saving the flottila would be interesting, the possibilitys are huge.
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Since 6976 Days
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6929 Days
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Since 7058 Days
Ah man, soooo disappointed, got the game Yesterday, finished it this evening, really really disappointed.

Not because this was the best game I've played since Half life, but its over! what the hell why so short! The main campaign was about 4-5 main missions, if I'd known that it was coming to an end so near i would have tried to find more secondary missions to do, i did everyone i could find.

Man that was so good, really so good, and I'm generally very critical over games, this was so awesome.

Kind of disappointed in the lands that you could land on were just obviously randomized terragen maps, would have been really nice to see a couple more civilised planets with shops and what not, seeing as there was only really two (Citadel and Noveria). The buggy was a cruel trick by satan himself, man that thing sucked.

But yeah, dear god that was absolutely fantastic, i never expected it, i played it for near 14 hours first day i got it, crazy.....

The only thing negative i can say is that it took me the same amount of time to finish it as it did assassins creed, and that you can even play on at the end and play some other missions, seeing at the citadel had recovered as proof from the ending when you choose who should rule the council, thats if you decided to let them die as i did, and that you survived! this whole thing where they think your dead and you pop out! you'd think thats a point to say you can play on!

10/10, how can any reviewer say ANY game on the Wii is better then this!? Seriously now!!!!

Now I'm going to take 1 minute of silence then 5 minutes of screaming cause now i know I'll have to wait years till the next one....
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Since 6618 Days
rofl, that was brilliant. ^^
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Since 6976 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
rofl, that was brilliant. ^^
yeah that vid was from IGN.

Posted by Sheps
Ah man, soooo disappointed, got the game Yesterday, finished it this evening, really really disappointed.

Not because this was the best game I've played since Half life, but its over! what the hell why so short! The main campaign was about 4-5 main missions, if I'd known that it was coming to an end so near i would have tried to find more secondary missions to do, i did everyone i could find.

Man that was so good, really so good, and I'm generally very critical over games, this was so awesome.

Kind of disappointed in the lands that you could land on were just obviously randomized terragen maps, would have been really nice to see a couple more civilised planets with shops and what not, seeing as there was only really two (Citadel and Noveria). The buggy was a cruel trick by satan himself, man that thing sucked.

But yeah, dear god that was absolutely fantastic, i never expected it, i played it for near 14 hours first day i got it, crazy.....

The only thing negative i can say is that it took me the same amount of time to finish it as it did assassins creed, and that you can even play on at the end and play some other missions, seeing at the citadel had recovered as proof from the ending when you choose who should rule the council, thats if you decided to let them die as i did, and that you survived! this whole thing where they think your dead and you pop out! you'd think thats a point to say you can play on!

10/10, how can any reviewer say ANY game on the Wii is better then this!? Seriously now!!!!

Now I'm going to take 1 minute of silence then 5 minutes of screaming cause now i know I'll have to wait years till the next one....
Glad you enjoyed it too!

Well there is the dlc to look forward to and another book, but yeah i feel your pain, but its with EA now so part2 will come sooner rather than later and multiplatform to is my guess? but as long as i get it soon, thats all i care about :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6722 Days
Well I hope the ending changes my mind. I just aint enjoying it all that much at the moment. I feel that the game doesnt flow as well as I expected. Its hard for me to explain but something just doesnt feel right.

I hate how music thats been repeating throughout a combat situation continues to play into a conversation, which is effectively a cutscene. To me that just doesnt make sense and the repetition really begins to annoy me. This and some really frustrating AI have made me pissy on several occasions. Also, to me, the romance subplot seemed really tacked on and random. It just happens so suddenly that it seems really unrealistic and cheesy as hell. I think if they gave that a bit more time to develop with more converstations etc. it would have been more succesful.

Now, don't get mad cause I don't hate this game. There is plenty that I absolutely love about it. The story so far is pretty cool. Its been a little hard to follow but I'm interested to see how it ends.

I LOVE the combat at times. I say at times because some of the AI issues I spoke of earlier ruin it sometimes. When things go your way, though, it is absolute satisfaction.

Anyway, I think I will try and finish the game tonight. Maybe my overall opinion will change but right now (and I think Im pretty close to the end) it would be about a 7.5-8. I never expected to be giving this game a score like Edge, which shocked me initially.

Here comes the flaming...
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Since 6976 Days
As i said before there are always going to be people that dont like mass effect so its all good, for me its the gratest game i have ever played period!!, and thats all that matters :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 7060 Days
Main missipons are scary on the shortness factor i agree with you sheps, and apart from the texture pop ups was my only issue, but god damn, its short but sodding sweet as a nut :D
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Since 6722 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
As i said before there are always going to be people that dont like mass effect so its all good, for me its the gratest game i have ever played period!!, and thats all that matters :)
Surprise. Skip right over the part where I say I don't dislike it : ). Just getting a few annoyances off my chest.
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Since 7058 Days
Yeah the texture pop ups were a bit of an annoyance, but the major thing was that at some stages the FPS was ridiculously low for a console game, literally around 14 FPS, if that.

Can't wait for ME2, hopefully lots of more things, more planets, bigger civilizations, customizable aircraft, hell having your own place to store weapons and vehicles, hell maybe even get enough money, through whatever means to purchase different aircraft.
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Since 6985 Days that everyone is pretty finished the game, do we still have to use the spoiler tags?

And to DC, I hope it isn't an entirely different crew...well everyone can go but Garus, he was my favourite character by far. And I'm sure Ash is going to be around in some form, seeing as most people completed the romance with her.
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Since 6929 Days
yes, you have to keep using tags, not everyone has played the game yet.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Since 7060 Days
Use them till about 2 weeks after christmas

Got to understand a lot of people will be getting it for christmas, and not everyone posts in here, lots of "guests" just view our posts, and i am sure they would not want it spoilt

Plus Acert/roxwell/plumb will kick your nuts in if you dont use them lol

as for grift ...has grift got this ? i never seen him in here.

I just hope the engine is more refined for the sequal.
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Since 6985 Days
Lol, omg, ye the engine definitely needs refining, and by that I think we both mean get rid of the insane amounts of pop-in. The game was almost perfect, but that pop-in was just nuts, I swear, at least half the time you're watching anything occur, you're also waiting for textures to fill in.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6983 Days
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Playing: Mass Effect!

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