Mass Effect - The Normandy

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6981 Days
I know, but I just can't wait to get into the action...just saved Garrus :D

Here is a VERY cool tip, troublesome but still.
Normally, only soldiers can effectively use assault rifles. But, if you gain the assault rifle achievement, then when you start a new game, you can make it so that *any* class you choose can use the assault rifle.

You could theoretically use this for any weapon, and if it also applies to powers, you could do it for powers as well. (Meaning, for example, that a class that normally cannot use a sniper rifle, now can. And if powers can be carried over through achievements as well, then a soldier could theoretically throw people.)

Note: This CAN BE DONE BEFORE COMPLETING THE GAME. This can be done before even leaving the first planet. Another way to phrase this: Someone who purchased the game a minute ago could follow the below tutorial, then have any class use any weapon they want.

Here is how to do it:

1. Start a new game, create a character. As soon as you are on the first planet, save.

2. Play through killing everything you can with the assault rifle.

3. Kill as many enemies as you can. Save onto a new file.

4. Load your first save. (The one you made when you first touched the surface of the first planet.)

5. Run through and kill everything.

6. Save. (You can save over the save you used in step 3.)

Do this a few times, and eventually you will get the assault rifle achievement.

Start a new game, and you will be able to add the assault rifle skill to your new character.

This likely works with any weapon.

And to clarify the saving (Someone asked about it in the previous topic)

As for the saving, you will have two saves in total.

Save 1: Beginning when you step on the planet.

Save 2: After you kill everything.

You load save 1 every time.

You save over save 2 every time.

(Actually, saving in save 2 might not even be necessary. Just wanted to be safe.

And anyway, once you get the achievement, you can delete the save anyway, so why chance not saving? )
I wish I could combine biotics and still use assault rifle, I guess I will try this one out now.
Played too much today, so gonna try it out and then confirm if it works or not.
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Playing: Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360

*A New Form of Change*

Since 6974 Days
Its not worth the trouble i have a very powerfull pistol and with the added mods, its ripping everything to shreads :).

Heres some random pics(my steady cam function is shit, so sorry about the blur):

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6858 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Its not worth the trouble i have a very powerfull pistol and with the added mods, its ripping everything to shreads :).

Heres some random pics(my steady cam function is shit, so sorry about the blur):

Your shepard looks quite similar to mine, but mine looks better :p
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6974 Days
OHHH So your looking for trouble are you!! well you have found it mister!!

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6960 Days
I really don't find biotics useful. I'll let a teammate use them. My Spectre Grade Pistol is able to take out most enemies in a single shot. And my Spectre Shotgun is an unholy ball of destruction with Carnage. Assault Rifle is pretty nice, but I don't need them.

Oh and my Shephard is better than all of y'alls because IM RIIICH BEEEOCH! 1 mil credits in the bank.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Since 6858 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
OHHH So your looking for trouble are you!! well you have found it mister!!

I made mine first :D
Posted by Phaethon360
I really don't find biotics useful. I'll let a teammate use them. My Spectre Grade Pistol is able to take out most enemies in a single shot. And my Spectre Shotgun is an unholy ball of destruction with Carnage. Assault Rifle is pretty nice, but I don't need them.
The biotic are pretty useless at first but when you power them up, it is dangerous, the 'Lift' biotic is awesome!
Posted by Phaethon360
Oh and my Shephard is better than all of y'alls because IM RIIICH BEEEOCH! 1 mil credits in the bank.
Mine currently has 9,999,999 credits in the bank :D :D

EDIT: Heres a blurry pic of Jin Shepard with my phone cam

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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6987 Days
I'm missing everything!!! Damn this job and my responsibilities!! :(
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Since 6858 Days
And here is Jane shepard...

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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6974 Days
I never knew i had a twin brother out there :), damn this is an Oprah moment!!
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6974 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
I really don't find biotics useful. I'll let a teammate use them. My Spectre Grade Pistol is able to take out most enemies in a single shot. And my Spectre Shotgun is an unholy ball of destruction with Carnage. Assault Rifle is pretty nice, but I don't need them.

Oh and my Shephard is better than all of y'alls because IM RIIICH BEEEOCH! 1 mil credits in the bank.
Yeah my pistol owns all, its been pimped DC style :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6858 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
I never knew i had a twin brother out there :), damn this is an Oprah moment!!
lol, i know :)
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6928 Days
Got the game today, oooh yeah!

Pics will come later.
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Since 6983 Days

There we go, Jerome Shepard. I'm relatively pleased with the outcome. I just can't seem to get it quite how I want it, spectre, you have a gift (yours is my fav if you couldnt tell).

Well, I'll take a pic with an actual cam later, Im off to explore the galaxy!
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7090 Days
I post a picture of mine a little later(not at home), finally figured out how to send pictures, to my PC, with my shitty camera phone.

Also, Benezia was pissing me off. Took me like 6 tries to finally send her ass packing, mainly because I kept trying to kill her during the 1st part of her battle(was 2 parts of course), when she had that Power level bar at the bottom of the screen and kept sending new waves enemies at you. Of course being the retard that I am, I tried to ignore them and take her on...which wasn't what you were supposed to do. Took me a few tries to finally realize that. After that, killing her after she gave me the info on Saren only took 1 try.......and Ashely still continues to give lip. That chick is crazy.
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Since 6974 Days
what the hell! your phone cam makes that pic look ???? ;p
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6640 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Are you serious? You sure you just dont know what you are looking for ? My game stutters constantly (especially walking around the citadel) and everytime the camera angle switches in a cutscene the textures take a moment to load.
Nope, about 12 hours in and not a single instance of frame rate stutter, i.e. frame rate drops below 20ish. Also not texture popin that I have noticed. Do get rare loading moments. I haven't been to the snow planet yet so ....
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Since 6858 Days
Heres another pic of my beauty, phone cam isnt so horrible afterall, just needed to tweak settings, still blurry though...

Posted by ramses01
Nope, about 12 hours in and not a single instance of frame rate stutter, i.e. frame rate drops below 20ish. Also not texture popin that I have noticed. Do get rare loading moments. I haven't been to the snow planet yet so ....
You probably have the newer BenQ DVD drive then, framerate stutters and texture pop in always seems to occurs when the drive is obviously struggling to extract data from the disc.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Since 6927 Days
Nice Shephard Jin. This thread makes the wait that much more agonizing but I cant keep away. lol.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Since 6983 Days
Well, about 5 hours in and I'm loving this game. I'm moving really slowly, soaking every strand of information! Just spoke to the council a minute ago, lol. I really don't see how you could rush through this game with so much to do and see!

And a note on issues: no frame stuttering whatsoever, combat is a ton of fun, and the game is beautiful. Actually there is only one issue, the poppin effect is frequent, but really it isn't that big a deal at all, certainly doesn't reduce my enjoyment in any way. O yeah, I suck at the facial construction, I spent an hour trying to get it right and just gave up and went with the regular Shepard. I guess my second play through I'll try again, and I'll upload that guy.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6981 Days
Dc your evil twin has been found :P

I completed all the Citadel side missions, and went to find Liara. I started in a planet that you use the Mako to drive on the surface, and there is like raining stones from the sky. I defeated my first hostile alien that digs up from the ground.

When I was fighting Fist, it didn't take more than 3 minutes to take him down, and I had it on Normal. I took Garrus and Wrex with me to take Wrex down and the fight was over before I even began. The walkthrough that Greg showed in a video showed Fist was this hard to kill :P

Does anyone know how or IF you cn use your teammates ability in tech to unlock stuff when your class isn't good at it?

For example I wanted to open a crate or whatever on that planet but my security was too low, so I couldn't open it.

Any word if I can use one of my teammates that is better with that?

By the way, I can't visit most of the planets, when I want to land on a planet I either can't or it was some sort of a GAS stuff there...I thought this was sci-fi, shouldnt they have some sort of a helmet for that stuff :S
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Playing: Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360

*A New Form of Change*

Since 7058 Days
WTFOMG this game is fucking awesome, me and Fr0sty had such a laugh on it last night, made a guy who looks like he has the shits but at same time constapated, good god we laughed last night "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT ASH, YOUR A COWARD" lmfao


hate work:( stuck here now.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6981 Days
I saw you, Dc and Phaethon on my list on the 360 playing Mass Effect :P nice shit!

By the way, this is the planet I am in right now. have to find some Turian artefacts or signs, same goes to the Salarian.
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Playing: Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360

*A New Form of Change*

Since 7058 Days
This, blue dragon and orange box set to play :D ta fr0sty

Cant wait to get home from work today and play this till the early hours of the morning :D also most my friends list is CoD4 still .... losers ;)

Anyone else notice the music sounds like a fresh verion of blade runner :D some awesome deep tracks on there :D
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Since 6974 Days
At Jin Nice Pic :)
Posted by JeromeMorrow
Well, about 5 hours in and I'm loving this game. I'm moving really slowly, soaking every strand of information! Just spoke to the council a minute ago, lol. I really don't see how you could rush through this game with so much to do and see!

And a note on issues: no frame stuttering whatsoever, combat is a ton of fun, and the game is beautiful. Actually there is only one issue, the poppin effect is frequent, but really it isn't that big a deal at all, certainly doesn't reduce my enjoyment in any way. O yeah, I suck at the facial construction, I spent an hour trying to get it right and just gave up and went with the regular Shepard. I guess my second play through I'll try again, and I'll upload that guy.
Glad your Enjoying it! :)

** At Sath, if you bring along a teammate with a high enough decryption or electronics skill you will be able to decrypt or hack the item, i had the sath problem with a certain pc on the citadel but then i brought along tali and was able to decrypt it. **
Posted by ManThatYouFear
WTFOMG this game is fucking awesome, me and Fr0sty had such a laugh on it last night, made a guy who looks like he has the shits but at same time constapated, good god we laughed last night "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT ASH, YOUR A COWARD" lmfao


hate work:( stuck here now.
Its an amazing game and the thing is the story just gets better and better :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 7058 Days
O/T why is the site so god damn slow today ? its painfull, its not me, other sites are normal speed :(
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