kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours

Well, the water looks awesome, and that night level stage looked pretty solid, however, everything else looks like "meh". I was expecting a big improvement from the TGS build, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The framerate is all over the place, the fire effects look like ass, the A.I. is really lacking. The dragon animations looked pretty good, though. Like how it moved when it was on the ground, and the controls seem to be there. Seeing how this game is on course to be released in July, I wonder if they can fix all the hiccups. These issues have been ever present since the TGS showing, and the fact that they're still there leaves me a bit concerned.

Still, I like the concept of the game, and the gameplay sounds like it may have some depth(still needs some work though). Also, I haven't passed on a Factor 5 game yet, and it has fucking Dragons! This is still a game I'm looking forward to picking it up(somewhat now). Anyway, there will also be a demo available for download off the PSN too.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6795 Jours
Oh dear God. Some of those shots look like a PS2 game. No-poly hair FTL. The faces are just maps with hair drawn on them.
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Jim Rome: "Nobody owns anybody like Florida owns OSU."

Inscrit depuis 6878 Jours

These screens are awesome.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6795 Jours
Posté par Myro
These screens are awesome.
At that size yes. Look at them as they were on
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Jim Rome: "Nobody owns anybody like Florida owns OSU."

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
At that size yes. Look at them as they were on
haha, so wrong.

Anyway, the first 2 are cutscenes so what you expect? Even Bladestorm has nice looking cutscene screens :p

What happen to the dragons looking like the GDC tech demo?
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6795 Jours

These shots MUST be from the PS2 version. I'm sorry, but that last screen Myro posted looks like GOW2 and Shadow of the Colossus to me in HD .
En réponse à

Jim Rome: "Nobody owns anybody like Florida owns OSU."

Inscrit depuis 6685 Jours
You people are officially blind. How anyone can compare this to a PS2 game is beyond words. Not only the graphical detail, but the the seer amount of things going on onscreen is great.

kenshin, READ the preview. They say the framerate was solid.

Remember, it has to go seamlessly from close combat with warriors on the ground to combat with dragons viewing thousands of soldiers on the ground, with that considered it looks good.
En réponse à
kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
You people are officially blind. How anyone can compare this to a PS2 game is beyond words. Not only the graphical detail, but the the seer amount of things going on onscreen is great.

kenshin, READ the preview. They say the framerate was solid.

Remember, it has to go seamlessly from close combat with warriors on the ground to combat with dragons viewing thousands of soldiers on the ground, with that considered it looks good.
I don't give a rats ass what IGN says, I saw it with my own eyes. Or maybe the framerate is solid, and the fire effects are just a lot worse than I gave them credit for. Who knows.

I don't care if it goes seamless to space and back, so far they aren't delivering in the looks department like they promised. And speaking of Warriors, their A.I. is pretty retarded. They need to work on that, as well.
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Jenna Jameson

Inscrit depuis 6685 Jours
I'd be scared shitless too if I was up against a dragon :p
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
I'd be scared shitless too if I was up against a dragon :p
Well yeah :P

But you saw it, they all move like robots. Mix it up, or something. I would expect that kind of crap from Koei, but not Factor 5. I know they can do better than that.

The A.I. overall is lacking, both for the warriors and other enemy dragon riders. I'm hoping that it's dumbed down for the preview or something.
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Jenna Jameson

Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Gametrailers got 3 new gameplay videos looks better than ign
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Inscrit depuis 6749 Jours
Just watched the Gametrailer trailers (except for the one with the description "Stomp around castle") and WOW.

Simply stunning game.

I love the Rhino fights.
For anyone too lazy to watch:
You target a Rhino and then dive down (with amazing sensation of speed) and grab his head, then you shake the Sixaxis up and down to rip his head off.
Very bloody too :)
And you can throw the head into the army in slow motion lol
(Although the guy in the video missed)

Or you can lift them [rhino] up and throw them into the stunning looking sea :)

Also the fight with the "Sea worm" is the same way, you weaken it and then go in for a God Of War style attack.

Very exciting.

Oh and the frame-rate was superb too.
He was moving the camera/ dragon around frequently and fast with no frame drops.

Those screenshots look ridiculously bad compared to the videos I watched.
This looks to be one of the best action games ever.

And honestly what's so bad about the ground A.I?
You are not expecting a one on one fight with a soldier against a huge dragon are you?
You are supposed to just claw them away and FYI, they did attack (in groups or four or five...which shows GOOD A.I) the dragon a few times (you can hear the slash) and in a previous showing, there were lots of arrows stuck into the dragon so they do fight back and what else do you expect them to do?
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
yup, still looks "meh" in those videos.

No big though, there are plenty of better games coming out this fall that will fill the void that I had for this game.
En réponse à

Jenna Jameson

Inscrit depuis 6943 Jours
Looks ugly to me. There are some things that look great(the water) and then you have some stuff that looks really bad(the fire) with everything else inbetween. Still some framerate issues as well, most notably when the dragon was on the ground shooting fire. The gameplay could end up being pretty good though.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
and yea, most of that bitching, was just me feeling to need to bitch about something. The game looked fine for the most part from what I've seen. Just wanted to see how far I could run with it :P

Anyway, the Worm part looked pretty wicked, and the God of War like sequences looked pretty good too. Wish it had multi-player or something, but oh well. I believe their in the final optimizing faze, and polishing the graphics. I've seen what games like Forza 2 can accomplish in just a few months, so I'm sure they will iron out all the graphical hiccups that seem to stand out. Also, that fire animation needs a bit more work, it looks bad.

I'm still a Factor 5 fanboy, so I plan to pick this up when it's released.

Thanks for playing :p
En réponse à

Jenna Jameson

Inscrit depuis 6878 Jours
Posté par kenshin2418
I don't give a rats ass what IGN says, I saw it with my own eyes.
Is this the funniest post i've read all day?

*Looks in other forums...*

...Yup its official, best reply ever.
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Inscrit depuis 6685 Jours
Watching the GT videos has me mixed. The graphics don't look as good, but I am more excited about the gameplay now after seeing the variety of things to do. I think the issue with the graphics is that they look good up close and in stills, but when you zoom out and look at everything as a wholw it looks a bit crap, which is how much of the game will be played.

Still, the gameplay looks like alot of fun.
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Inscrit depuis 6878 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
Watching the GT videos has me mixed. The graphics don't look as good, but I am more excited about the gameplay now after seeing the variety of things to do. I think the issue with the graphics is that they look good up close and in stills, but when you zoom out and look at everything as a wholw it looks a bit crap, which is how much of the game will be played.

Still, the gameplay looks like alot of fun.
Forget about graphics for a second.
I really dont like the direction the industry, and me, is taking.
It should always be about gameplay (graphics are usually an added bonus)

At the moment Lair does look a little "nehh..." but with the introduction of the SixaxiS as a main feature, it adds a little more to the "hmm maybe" factor.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
Watching the GT videos has me mixed. The graphics don't look as good, but I am more excited about the gameplay now after seeing the variety of things to do. I think the issue with the graphics is that they look good up close and in stills, but when you zoom out and look at everything as a wholw it looks a bit crap, which is how much of the game will be played.

Still, the gameplay looks like alot of fun.
It's because of that damn ass color palette they decided to use :P

Anyway, I think they were working on getting the overall gameplay and mechanics ironed out first, before they touch the graphics. Kind of like what Forza 2 did. From the videos it seems they have it ironed out for the most part(still needs some work though), so they will probably be pushing the eye candy up until release.
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Jenna Jameson

Inscrit depuis 6685 Jours
And again, it's only alpha so there's time for improvement.
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Inscrit depuis 6878 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
And again, it's only alpha so there's time for improvement.
Tell that to those over at GT who keep shitting on Halo 3 ;)
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours
Posté par Myro
Tell that to those over at GT who keep shitting on Halo 3 ;)
Those people shit on anything not one their chosen system of choice. No finishing the fight over there :p

anyway I wonder when they plan on releasing the demo?
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Jenna Jameson

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6925 Jours

new developer walkthrough. A lot better than the other videos that were released. Looks pretty awesome, the waterfall in that city looks amazing. I like ripple effect in the water after you blow up a ship, as well.
En réponse à

Jenna Jameson

Inscrit depuis 6685 Jours
Now that's impressive. Maybe this'll be the game that truly takes advantage of Blu-ray. The size of those areas are huge, and everything looks very detailed even up close. Still loving the water!
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Inscrit depuis 6878 Jours
Yeah, the water does look amazing.
I wonder what the water will look like in the final build.
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    reneyvane plus proposer 2 modes d'affichages. Pour viser le 60fps, il faudra souvent faire des compromis (résolution dynamique ou bloqué <1080p). Pas de miracle avec même cpu et la même quantité de mémoire. (il y a 2 Jours)

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