New Witcher 2 - Announced coming to the Xbox360

Inscrit depuis 6281 Jours
My laptop isn't the best though, so will it run on it okay? These are my specs:

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Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par blmbox
My laptop isn't the best though, so will it run on it okay? These are my specs:

CPU and RAM will be okay but check to be sure if your graphics card is up to snuff.
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Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Yeah from what i can see there you should be able to run it and for the 5 dollars spent on GOG it's a damn good game. Now it is a bit rough around the edges and has it's flaws, but if you look past those i think it is all in all a very good game. My worst gripe about it is probably the difficulty what with the game, on normal difficulty, being sort of tricky in the frist half and laughably easy in the later half. That and a few bugs plus a somewhat, at times, dodgy translation is what speaks against it while a good story and loads of stuff to do in terms of content are on the pro side. Also the game feels and looks very slavic so it's a bit of a change form normal stereotypical fantasy, even if it has dwarves and elves :P
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 6281 Jours
What's the combat like? I get that it's real-time, but I'm not sure how it actually plays out.
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Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Well you click on the enemy to attack, tehn at acertain point in the animation you time a second (third, fourth and so on) click to do the next move in the chain. You have three different fighting styles and two different swords that you need to use against different types of enemies. You also have magick that you can either just click to use or charge up. There are traps and stuff you can use as well though i never did. The last thing to it i guess would be potions, but that's basically just selecting what buffs you need for an encounter. It works, though it's not terribly deep or strategic in any way.

Usually i just down a Swallow potion, blast the enemies with the Igni sign and then go to town :P
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Aard > Stun > One Hit Kill :)
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Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Yeah but that only works so far, while Igni's incinerate adds DOT damage and +50% to whatever melee damage you do. Combine that with a Wolverine potion and you become an unstoppable asskicking machine. Then again i pretty much beat the last boss with nothing but a swallow and my silver sword. Game got way too easy towards the end.

Also i'm greatly disappointed by The Witcher 2 so far. Maybe i'm jsut not used to it yet but the combat feels like utter shit and everything from walking around to drinking potions feels comvoluted and fucking stupid. Not great so far, which is too bad. Great presentation and good story at least.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 6810 Jours
Got to agree so far its the combat that is really getting on my nerves?, it feels to floaty and clunky, the QTE's are getting on my nerves as well, sometimes they seem impossible to get right! no skill is involved its just pure luck with them, i'll carry on with it until L.A Noire this Friday.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
I think the problem is that the enemies gank you real easy and the only solution i've found to this is to run around in a big circle and slowly wear them down with signs and run in for the occational attack, cause whenever there is more than one enemy and you try to swing your sword at em, the one you aren't hitting will hit you, possibly canceling your attack to boot.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 6810 Jours
Yeah the groups are getting on my tits, i'm having to keep diving and rolling until i get one on there own, then take them out, but even this is hard to do at times as the controls dont respond sometimes?
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6694 Jours
I'm enjoying it so far but this game is in serious need of optimisation, graphically, this game looks average at best but somehow performs horribly. Crysis 2 (which looks MILES better) runs at twice the framerate compared to this.

Combat is extremely clunky too!
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Inscrit depuis 6717 Jours
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 6694 Jours
I'm loving it at the moment, the story is great and theres a ton of different story paths where choices genuinely have a huge impact. Also, chapter 2 looks much better, its finally starting to impress :)
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Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
The game seems to be getting great reviews everywhere, is it only me who has a huge problem with the combat? Yesterday there was an encounter that i could only finish by running around a tree for ten minutes, whittling down my elven assailants health by poking him with Aard about one million times. I was doing bloody chinese water torture on a group of enemies, that was my only way of beating them. Am i doing something wrong or is everybody just ignoring that the enemies are severely overpowered? I imagine it'll get easier once you spend a few more talents in the swordsman tree, but right now Geralt is just a joke.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 6694 Jours
Posté par Megido
The game seems to be getting great reviews everywhere, is it only me who has a huge problem with the combat? Yesterday there was an encounter that i could only finish by running around a tree for ten minutes, whittling down my elven assailants health by poking him with Aard about one million times. I was doing bloody chinese water torture on a group of enemies, that was my only way of beating them. Am i doing something wrong or is everybody just ignoring that the enemies are severely overpowered? I imagine it'll get easier once you spend a few more talents in the swordsman tree, but right now Geralt is just a joke.
He is extremely weak and it doesnt help when the combat is so surprisingly unresponsive. However, things become alot easier when you upgrade Quen to level 2 and increase its duration. Its the only magic thats worthwhile in my opinion.
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Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Posté par Jin187
He is extremely weak and it doesnt help when the combat is so surprisingly unresponsive. However, things become alot easier when you upgrade Quen to level 2 and increase its duration. Its the only magic thats worthwhile in my opinion.
Yeah it is very effective once you level it up. To the point where combat is now rather boring instead of infuriating. Just keep that Quen sign up and the enemies can't touch you while you hack away. Seeing as i'm up to 5 vigor points now, i can go through pretty much any encounter without even dropping the shield. Way to balance the game out guys, it feels very stretegic!
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Chanticleer Hegemony

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 6950 Jours
I've played this game over the weekend, spent a lot of time absorbing the world/atmosphere and that's why after 15-20 hours of play I'm still in the first village (Flotsam).
Just killed the Kayran.... This is one of the best RPG's I've ever played. Sure there are some minor flaws, but overall this just breathes quality.

The atmosphere in this game: In town people walk around having conversations (the ones I overheard were mostly hilarious), people take shelter when it's raining, at night the drunks and brigands roam the streets, there's singing and drunk brawling in the inn.

The wilds are equally amazing; birds/insects flying/creeping around, mist swirling above mossy/wet areas, typical (fantasy) forest sounds like birdcalls and wolf's howling.

This has everything to do with the world/sound design, which is top notch as far as I could see. I love how the layout of the world is really varied and seems really natural; instead of just flat towns/forest there's a lot of elevation and variation in the world design, it's just so much better than most RPG's...

Can't wait to get back home and play it some more tonight!
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Inscrit depuis 6273 Jours
Bought the game off NCIX for $39, I can't wait to install it this weekend!! GONNA BE SWEET
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Inscrit depuis 5837 Jours
Yehaaaa DC you where right its coming to the 360!!!.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6810 Jours
When when when?? will def wait as its not running great on my rig, GREAT NEWS :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5837 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
When when when?? will def wait as its not running great on my rig, GREAT NEWS :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 5658 Jours
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 6275 Jours
Hardly a surprise though. The entire interface for the game just screams for a 360 pad. Had they only planed it for PC the interface would ahve been much more PC centric. Though i guess it's good news for people who don't have computers that are good enough to play it. Just hope they balance the freaking game out a bit by the time it releases, solve some of the combat issues and include better tutorials.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Inscrit depuis 5837 Jours
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 5658 Jours
Im so pumped!!!

Looks incredible and while we don't get to see the very best graphics or performance Im still excited as hell, oh man!!

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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Il faut etre identifie pour participer au forum !

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
  • reneyvane

    reneyvane plus proposer 2 modes d'affichages. Pour viser le 60fps, il faudra souvent faire des compromis (résolution dynamique ou bloqué <1080p). Pas de miracle avec même cpu et la même quantité de mémoire. (il y a 3 Jours)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane @zero2lyon: LoL, avec l'autre news de DF que je relaye sur le forum ou X jeux PS5pro pourrait être calculé en résolution hybride (840p/60fps), ça montre l'usine à gaz, de studio qui ne pourront (il y a 3 Jours)

  • zero2lyon

    zero2lyon @reneyvane: ah dommage j'aurai vraiment aimé que ce soit celle de la PS3 :) (il y a 3 Jours)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane Digital-Foundry à récupérer la présentation de la PS3 en très haute qualité, 65go et se lance dans une nouvelle analyse. [url] (il y a 4 Jours)

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    Driftwood @face2papalocust: je te laisse imaginer dans quel état je suis... :) (il y a 4 Jours)

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    face2papalocust @Driftwood: j'ai trop de retard déjà le rythme de septembre est fort! (il y a 4 Jours)

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