Project Carbus, Aéro, Racing Sport 1 & 2

Since 6956 Days
Suite au patch, je suis reparti pour des heures de réglages, la ginetta g40 partant en travers au moindre freinage en virage...
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Ludothèque : Fifa 14, NBA 2k14, TitanFall, NHL 15, Destiny, GTA V, Project C.A.R.S.
2015 : The Division (?), Halo 5 (?), Fifa 16 (?), WRC5 (?).

Since 7831 Days
j'ai testé le volant avec elle et finalement je suis reparti d'une feuille blanche en réinitialisant son setup
ca passe beaucoup mieux
je pense que c’est logique, comme il y avait un souci avec le pad nous avons compensé tres certainement ce souci avec nos réglage aussi bien pad que de la voiture

apres toi tu n'avais peut être pas modifier la voiture, moi oui
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

augur - Tkazual
Since 6737 Days
Posted by Altanyx
la ginetta g40 partant en travers au moindre freinage en virage...
Hum c'est normal ça, faut pas freiner en virage! :fou: :D
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Since 7831 Days
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

eskyves - n comme noob
Since 7837 Days
Ian Bell est revenu sur sa déclaration du gain de 30-40% de perf.

Il parlait uniquement de la version PC (pourquoi poster cela sur un topic xbox...) et il à estimé le gain de la version console à environ 7% minimum (qui vont s'ajouter à la progression du prochain patch)

On va se consoler en se disant que c'est mieux que rien et sa n'explique pas son mystérieux "quand dx12 va etre disponible, ça va etre fun" :D
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use soap...

Since 7831 Days
on verra, ca me semblait bien beaucoup actuellement
mais bon si on arrive à un nombre i/s identique la PS4 c'est parfait, déjà la j'ai pas trop de souci personnellement
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Since 7775 Days
Posted by eskyves
On va se consoler en se disant que c'est mieux que rien et sa n'explique pas son mystérieux "quand dx12 va etre disponible, ça va etre fun" :D
Sauf s'il parlait du PC. :D
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PC videos : i5 4670K @ 4.2 GHz, 8 Go RAM, Windows 8.1, SLI Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Gigabyte OC

Since 6764 Days
Project CARS –Patch 1.4 – Release Notes

* Pagani Monza Clubday invitational event - No longer causes the game to crash when using a specific livery on the Pagani Huayra.
* PC - Fixed an issue that would cause the game to crash while watching saved replays, when shared memory is enabled.
* PS4 - Anisotropic filtering has been increased to help reduce blurry textures.
* PS4 - Temporal anti-aliasing has been further optimized. This reduces the ghosting effect and additionaly gives the player full control via a slider to tweak the resulting image according to personal preference.

Performance improvements
* Xbox One - Various performance optimizations, adding up to an average of 5-6% performance improvement. This results in an overall smoother experience.
* PS4 - All shaders have been rebuilt using new shader compiler, giving a significant performance boost in some areas.
* PS4 - CPU performance gains due to new more aggressive code optimisations.

Physics & AI
* The AI loss of grip that results from tyre degradation as a result of wear is now more noticeable.
* The AI will now show much more realistic grip loss when running on slick tyres in the rain.
* First pass improvements on various tracks to enhance the AI performance and ability (Azure Circuit, Donington GP, Watkins Glen, Bathurst, Nordschliefe)

Pitting, tuning, setups
* Fixed an issue where certain street cars would pit for tyre change during rain when they already had the correct tyres fitted.
* Fixed an issue where custom vehicle setups were lost when progressing through sessions.
* Improved the system used to select the most appropriate tyres based on current and predicted weather conditions.
* Ensure that the AI always pit when they need to change tyres based on the weather conditions.
* The Default strategy will now correctly show the tyres that will be fitted on the player vehicle during a pit stop.
* The pit stop routine will no longer start during online races until the player closes the pit stop menu. This ensures that the player has enough time to select or configure an appropriate set of actions before the pit crew start working on the car.
* Tyre pressures will now be correctly set when the player changes to a new set of tyres.
* The currently-active Pit strategy will now remain in action when advancing through race sessions.

* Fixed an issue where the player was sometimes given a large time penalty when exiting the pit lane.
* Fixed an issue where the remaining session time displayed an incorrect value in the Tuning screen.
* Fixed an issue that at times would prevent a player from entering a race, after joining a second online lobby.
* Fixed and issue where the Track Location popup would at times appear on some screens.
* PS4 – The lobby browser now displays random lobbies instead of always the oldest lobbies.
* PS4 – Fixed an issue where network features could not be used after resuming from rest mode.
* PC - The lobby browser now automatically extends the search distance for lobbies when not enough of them are found using the default filter. Lobbies that are hosted further away (and therefore have potentially worse latency to all peers) appear at the bottom of the browser, and are colour coded with yellow or orange icons do indicate the quality of the connection.
* PC - The session host now regularly sets the current timestamp into a session attribute, so that sessions with too old timestamps are not displayed in the browser. This prevents stale sessions with no active host from appearing in the session browser.
* PC - When joining a session, the client now attempts to request the member details multiple times before giving up. This helps to improve the success rate of joining online sessions.
* Xbox One – Fixed an issue where matchmaking was not filtering the race length correctly.

Controls – All platforms
* Fixed pedals and triggers that vibrates during replays.
* Fixed an issue that causes the wheel centring spring to be active during driving.
* Improved force feedback strength and tweaked the default force feedback parameters for all supported wheels based on community feedback.
* Further enhancements to the steering feeling – Improved blending between the tyre force spring and the steering lock spring.
* Improved behaviour of the wheel force springs while navigating the menu system.

Controls – PS4
* Fixed an issue where the player got stuck on the career screen when entering driver name using a wheel controller.
* Improved the support implementation of several older Fanatec wheels, such as the GT2, GT3, and CSR.
* Fixed the Fanatec CSS so that it works correctly in sequential mode.
* Fixed the Fanatec CSP pedals to save the calibration correctly if player calibrated only pedals.
* Fixed the Fanatec CSP ABS rumble.
* Fixed the Fanatec CSW handbrake.
* Game Pad - Tilt Control support implemented to allow controller tilt to be used to control the vehicles.

* Adjusted handbrake strength on vehicles which are equipped with handbrakes.
Fixed an issue where the rain wipers’ state did not reset correctly when restarting a session.
Fixed an issue where light glows from a vehicle behind the player would sometimes appear in front of the player.
* Fixed fuel pressure gauge calibration in several cars.
* Fixed an issue where a white border would at times appear around the brake light glow of certain cars.
* Ford Mk.IV – Improved the collision model to prevent vehicles wedging in under other vehicles.
* Formula Gulf, Gumper Apollo, Formula Rookie - Fixed and issue with the livery sets that caused the livery selection to display wrong liveries.
* Lykan Hypersport -Statistics updated to latest manufacturer specification.
* Lotus 72D - Improved handing characteristics, exposed bump stops to be adjustable in the vehicle setup, reduced cold sensitivities of the slick tyres, adjusted the AI speed, wear and rain tires to match the player’s experience.
* Karts - Reworked the Karts optimization to help address performance drops with a lot of Karts on track.
* McLaren 12C GT3 - Adjusted the vehicle pose to more closely match the real car.
* BMW M3 GT4 – Improved the accuracy of the levels at which the oil and water temperature warning lights will activate.
* Ford Escort RS1600 - Improved the collision and wheel contact model to prevent climbing over other cars in collisions.
* 250cc Superkart – Improved the default setup to address controller issues on higher speed tracks, and improved the AI handling.
* Lotus 49 – Improved the AI handling of the vehicle in corners and in close racing.
* Pagani Huayra - Reduced fuel consumption to around 3mpg in hard track use, and improved cooling to prevent engine overheating.

* Bathurst – Removed cones in the pit lane that was causing cars to get stuck.
* Watkins Glen – Fixed a number of accuracy issues around the track.
* Lemans 24h – Improved the race line at a few corners to keep the LMP cars off the curbs as this was causing the cars to lean over on two wheels.
* Silverstone National – Vehicle grid placement reworked to more closely align with the painted start boxes.
* Hockenheim (various layouts) – Reworked the wet weather reflection mapping to address incorrect object reflections.
* Willow Springs – Fixed an issue where the vehicle could drive through the barriers when exiting the pits.

* Driver Network Profile - Visual tidy up to improve usability.
* Fixed an issue where very thin lines would not always appear.
* Added support for better info display on the Community Events page.
* Fixed the issue where HUD customization was not saved on exiting a session.
* Fixed an issue where the Potential Lap time display on the Lap Info board would be inconsistent with the sector times being displayed.
* Monitor/Spectate mode - Fixed an issue where the vehicle being viewed would automatically reset to the player’s vehicle on leaving the monitor screen.
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ForzaM 6,Need For Speed,Gran Turismo 7,Just Cause 3 ...

Since 6659 Days
Vivement !
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Since 5863 Days
DLC à venir d'après les vidéos internet:

- 2003 Bentley speed 8
- 2013 Bentley continental GT3
- 2002 Audi R8 LMP900
- 1999 BMW V12 LMR
- 1997 McLaren F1 GTR Longtail
- CLK GTR Lemans

Mais bon j'aurais préféré que le jeu soit totalement jouable avant de teaser le premier DLC. :(
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La culture c'est comme la confiture moins on en a plus on l'étale.

Since 7831 Days
une idée de la voiture gratuite de ce mois et quand elle sera dispo ?
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Since 6363 Days
ça sent bon tout ça ;)
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Since 6764 Days
J'espère que le prix ne sera pas trop excessif :/.
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ForzaM 6,Need For Speed,Gran Turismo 7,Just Cause 3 ...

CaptainTARASS - Lapin blanc
Since 7127 Days
Là je pense que c'est assez clair!

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" Il a voulu prendre l'aile, mais il s'est fait couper l'aile " © Hervé Matoux

Since 5747 Days
J'ai vu aussi que ça parlait du G29, je me suis demandé si c'était pas un fake... Ce serait pas une mauvaise chose cela dit (vis à vis de Fanatec, Thrustmaster).

Ça expliquerait que ça se bouge en tout cas du côté de Logitech.
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CaptainTARASS - Lapin blanc
Since 7127 Days
Non ce n'est pas un fake, c'est plus ou moins confirmé.
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" Il a voulu prendre l'aile, mais il s'est fait couper l'aile " © Hervé Matoux

Since 5747 Days
Très bonne news car les deux autres commençaient un peu trop à se faire plaisir (cf: hausse des prix chez Fanatec).
Il va être compatible, c'est certain alors ;)

Edit: Je suis d'autant plus content d'avoir investi dans un G27 récemment. Ça me rassure de voir Logitech reprendre ce segment.
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Since 7831 Days
Je sais que Joebar à posté son réglage volant, mais comme Dada a toujours un souci et que moi j'ai pas son souci, je post également histoire qu'il voit ou ca peut merder pour lui
J'ai pas la prétention de dire qu'ils sont parfait, mais me permettent de jouer
Si je dois modifier quelque chose ca sera tres certainement sur les réglages FFB voiture au niveau de Fx, Fy ... et portée latéral retour
Mais la je préfère profiter du jeu

Volant thrusmaster TX wheel (one)

Déjà ca semble tout con mais bien étalonné le volant, donc bien aller en butée et ensuite mettre le volant à 90° ce qui représenta le chiffre 180, 360, 540 et 900 suivant votre préférence de rotation
Perso j'ai choisi 540°, pour aider à faire ca correctement il est possible de bloquer automatiquement le volant, il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton mode sur le socle à gauche à coté de la lampe rouge et sur le coté gauche du dpad et relâcher
Chaque pression sur ces boutons ferra modifier la rotation du volant, il suffit de tourner le volant pour vérifier
Attention chaque fois que le volant est débranché il revient d'office en 900°, donc soit vous le re bloqué, soit vous laissez comme ca, simplement si vous avez étalonné à 540° une fois passé outre, le volant tournera mais n’influencera plus le braquage des routes, donc inutile de ré étalonner à chaque allumage du volant
Par contre vous pouvez re bloquer la rotation

Bref voici les réglages


Etalonnage du FFB général

Réglage FFB pour la voiture

Attention, si commande général et étalonnage FFB sont commun à toutes les voitures, le réglage FFB lui est propre à chaque voiture (donc a refaire pour toutes les voitures)
Chiant et pratique puisqu'on pourra par exemple alourdir ou pas la direction suivant le type de véhicule pour coller à la réalité si on le désire
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Since 6659 Days
Je testerai !
Hier soir j'ai trouvé qu'en augmentant l'ecretage doux c'était nettement mieux.
Il est recommandé de mettre la portée de l'effet en retour à la même valeur que l'échelle principale; et de mettre la résistance des pneus et ffb à 100.
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Since 7816 Days
merci Cracra de partager tes réglages
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Gamertag ONE: NAKBLADE ID PS4 : CaptainNak
pas assez de temps pour jouer

Since 7770 Days
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Config PC: i7 4790k | 8Go DDR3 Kingston HyperX Beast | MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming 4G

Since 7831 Days
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Since 3776 Days
Je suis assez étonné des bonnes ventes du jeu, pour un jeu où on passe beaucoup de temps dans les options, avec ses nombreux bugs et toute la pagaille ... oui je suis étonné.
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Since 6861 Days
On ne connait pas le nombre de reventes non plus :D
De nos jours je crois bien que la majorité des ventes se fait par les précos. Tout est fait pour inciter les clients à précommander (ristourne, contenu exclusif, accés privilégiés, goodies, ...). Je pense que ça gonfle largement les ventes et que les jeux finissent chez des gens qui ne les auraient pas acheté à la base.

C'est en tout cas une bonne chose que Project Cars fasse un carton, il a ouvert une voie (Assetto Corsa s'y engouffre déjà) et devrait logiquement secouer un peu Turn10 et Polyphony.
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The Dreadful Unit #15

Since 7831 Days
It's coming. We'll have fully animated full crew pitstops in a later update.
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
The Division,Quantum break, Star Wars: Battlefront, No Man's Sky, Wild, Project Cars, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Rime .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane Factornews à joué à KingdomComeDeliverance2 au Gamescom 2024 mais ne publie sa preview que maintenant ? [url] (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)

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