Red Dead Redemption! IT'S HERE!

Since 5814 Days
Then your opinion is wrong,because I disagree with it.

See I can play that game too.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
Yeah, but I already knew that. You already communicated as much when we initially disagreed. That's all there is to it; it's not a game.

I'm getting pretty sick of people getting worked up over opinions. If you're secure in your opinion, you shouldn't need to say, "I think GTA4 is boring," just saying "GTA4 is boring" should suffice and it should not offend. It's clearly subjective, so stating as much just gets redundant. I don't really know why anyone really cares so much that "imo" becomes a standard way to shield yourself from criticism. It's not needed. I wasn't picking on your opinion, anyway, even though I clearly think you're wrong.
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Since 5993 Days
The more i see the more the game has grown on me, i'll pick it up on friday for the 360 and bounce back and forth from this and Alan Wake.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 5814 Days
You seem the only one getting worked up here :P

I agree with everything you said in there but in the past I got attacked heavily simple by not stating that it was my opinion in some post I made so I post with caution now.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
You seem the only one getting worked up here :P
The internet does funny things like that, I assure you, I'm chillin'.
I agree with everything you said in there but in the past I got attacked heavily simple by not stating that it was my opinion in some post I made so I post with caution now.
Yeah, and that's what gets to me. People shouldn't have to worry about that, but they do. I'm personally against everyone having to qualify every opinion with a statement describing what is obviously an opinion as such. It's not our fault of people can't comprehend what is and isn't subjective, right? I mean, in your own eyes, GTA4 being a boring game is a fact, but you still know that it's just your singular opinion. Everyone else should know that too, and either disagree or agree. You can support your opinions with evidence, in the same way that you might support an objective fact, but that doesn't mean that it's conclusive one way or the other. When it comes right down to it, everyone always has the right to disagree.
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Since 5741 Days
i think the reason gta4 is kind of universally hated at this point is it took away some of what made GTAIII/VC/San Andreas so freaking fun. The driving, while probably more realistic, isn't nearly as fun and for some reason i didn't find the world nearly as enjoyable. Plus the online sucked. RDR should be an improvement, can't wait.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
I think that's a pretty bold and ridiculous statement. In this case, it's also factually wrong. GTA4 is not universally hated. That is a gigantic overstatement.

And free roam is more fun that no multiplayer, as in every previous GTA3 game.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7129 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
If you can't appreciate a game at all because the controls are quirky, than you're just going to miss out on some otherwise great games.
No, you're just missing out on what is otherwise a great story, a great atmosphere, a great set of characters. You're definitely just avoiding a GAME with GAMEPLAY PROBLEMS.

For someone advocating letting opinion be opinion, you're sure fast to throw around the "WRONGS" and the "BULLSHITS" and pretending like people "don't know what they're missing" when they're making a conscious choice BASED ON THEIR EFFING OPINION.
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
Oh god, you're doing it now too? If you read what I just wrote, you'll see that I'm railing against people who have a problem with the word wrong (among other things). "You are wrong" can be an opinion too, and again, I don't need to qualify that as my opinion when it's freaking obvious that's what it is. Come on. And I'll continue to disagree--GTA4 is a great game--and I say that with confidence, knowing that it has funky mechanics. There are plenty of games where something ultimately makes up for crap combat. Why on earth would anyone ever play a game like Silent Hill or Resident Evil (for example) otherwise? There are great games with questionable gameplay mechanics, and there are games with great gameplay that just aren't great because they lack content and focus. It happens.

But if it makes you feel better, "I think that's bullshit."
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7107 Days
So we don't have to mention that it's our opinion anymore when stating something?
What if it's a fact?
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
Posted by FireWire
So we don't have to mention that it's our opinion anymore when stating something?
What if it's an fact?
I'm just saying this: the difference between objective and subjective statements should be obvious enough in context. Getting all bent out of shape because someone doesn't qualify a statement with "in my opinion," or "i think" is silly. But that's just my opinion. (lol)
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Since 5814 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Oh god, you're doing it now too? If you read what I just wrote, you'll see that I'm railing against people who have a problem with the word wrong (among other things). "You are wrong" can be an opinion too, and again, I don't need to qualify that as my opinion when it's freaking obvious that's what it is. Come on. And I'll continue to disagree--GTA4 is a great game--and I say that with confidence, knowing that it has funky mechanics. There are plenty of games where something ultimately makes up for crap combat. Why on earth would anyone ever play a game like Silent Hill or Resident Evil (for example) otherwise? There are great games with questionable gameplay mechanics, and there are games with great gameplay that just aren't great because they lack content and focus. It happens.

But if it makes you feel better, "I think that's bullshit."
You are wrong.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7129 Days
I think humility and respect is far more admirable than some free for all bash fest though. I don't see the value in people yelling extremes at eachother, and I think if anything, seeing things like that just blocks any chance of seeing the other guy's perspective.

I carefully stated that for people like Raptor - or perhaps more comfortable to talk about; me - gaming is different degrees of actually engaging in rewarding MECHANICS. If a game has sluggish, unfulfilling mechanics - and GTA4 does if you've played any other game resembling it - then it really isn't for some *greater cause* that one would wanna stomach that.

You brought up Silent Hill, which is a good example of a game that has questionable combat, but those aren't the endgame of that experience. The "peak" of its gameplay doesn't repeatedly thrust you into situations that ask you to mess up a shit ton of dudes with wonky combat. Know what game did? Silent Hill 4, and people hate that game.

GTA4 has bottom level shooting/cover mechanics. You can pick a game at absolute random with even the littlest page taken out of the Gears mold and get one that plays better. Kane & Lynch has comparable issues, but granted doesn't build a world with awesome narrative and characters around it for people to latch on to and enjoy.

Because that IS the tradeoff in GTA4 and that works for loads of people. It sure did for the press, still heralding GTA4 as supposedly the best *game* on both the 360 and PS3. That's fine though, that's totally okay. I totally see why it is praised like it is, and why people love it, but if you value the tactile feedback of gameplay above all that peripheral story and atmosphere stuff, you can barely find a worse action game to play! Dark Sector feels better!

And all of that can be fact while still being totally okay to disregard because it doesn't bother you. Hell, I've played tons of games with awful stories - or non-existant ones - and for a lot of people that's a total deal breaker. Korn subjected himself to Bayonetta for a couple of seconds and came running out screaming with his hair on fire. That game is the absolute, total reverse of GTA4. It has 100% emphasis on the tactile feel of gameplay, and couldn't care less if it tried about building even close to coherent narrative or believable characters.

The opinion that factors in into this is what you value and enjoy, not the quality of individual elements. Just about anyone can plainly see GTA4 exactly for what it is, but not everyone will enjoy it. Oh and some will obviously not see it for what it is and still have a REALLY LOUD OPINION ABOUT ITTTTT!!, but that's Mr and Mrs Internet. The Internets.
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
And, if it's a disagreement to claim that GTA4 is great, than I'll continue to disagree. I care more about gameplay mechanics than most, yet I'm still perfectly capable of enjoying GTA4 for "what it is," while thinking it's very well executed despite itself. Look at a game like Crackdown, which has infinitely better mechanics, yet falls so flat in comparison thanks to the borefest (and repetitive) mission design. That's the bane of almost every sandbox game out there, and it's what makes GTA4 a much better experience than most. It's the total package that makes the game.

I actually can't even play SH games for the same reasons that you don't think that GTA4 approaches greatness, yet you think those games are great. Opinions are funny like that. Oh, did I mention this was my opinion? I wanted to make sure I got that in, ya know, just in case there was any misunderstanding ;)
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
You are wrong.
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Since 5814 Days
LOL awesome!!

I completly disagree with you too about Crackdown Grift,that game its a millions times better that GTA4,well more fun to play that is,I can jump from building to building that alone ,makes it better.

LOL this disagreements could very well go on forever!!!


Saturday hurry up please!!!!
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Since 7036 Days
Keep debating fellas, I'm gonna go play Red Dead Redemption
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7129 Days
Well, to confuse matters even further, I don't think the Silent Hill games are great, I think they're quite problematic. The reason I can enjoy them regardeless though is that their problems aren't affecting the main objective of the game. Silent Hill is about exploration and puzzle solving, its enemies aren't even particularly threatening. Your biggest concern when facing enemies is conserving ammunition.

There's the whole debate over whether wonky shooting contributes to survival horror intensity, and while I think there's merit to that, I won't go into it now. However, if the main objective of the Silent Hill games - or even a majority of time spent with it - involved its shooting, I wouldn't be able to stand those either.

I never said GTA4 isn't great, I said that if you value the base mechanics of a game over everything else, then the badness of those as it were will make the game "bad" in your eyes. I am SICKENINGLY diplomatic to the point where I sometimes have to slap myself silly and grow some sort of douchebag spine prosthetic, so I can usually actually enjoy a wide variety of games even outside of what I really prefer, but for some people that whole masochistic side to gaming is - healthily enough - not on the cards.

Raptor's already stated his love for Crackdown, so there isn't a great mystery here. Mechanics > all else to him, and part of me totally agrees with that. I too, DEFINITELY, had a shit ton more fun playing Crackdown.

But sure, I see what you're saying about the whole of a game, and the notion of overall quality. GTA4 is a fucking juggernaut of a game, intricately crafted in almost every concievable way. If gameplay is entirely where your heart's at though, those are all like having a beautiful wife, lavish mansion, expensive cars and not being happy.
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
Posted by SimonM7
Raptor's already stated his love for Crackdown, so it's not a great mystery here. Mechanics > all else to him, and part of me totally agrees with that. I too, DEFINITELY, had a shit ton more fun playing Crackdown.
Part of me agrees with that too. It's certainly a big factor in my enjoyment of FPS games, racers and fighters and the arcadey side of gaming that I am so fond of. But...
But sure, I see what you're saying about the whole of a game, and the notion of overall quality. GTA4 is a fucking juggernaut of a game, intricately crafted in almost every concievable way. If gameplay is entirely where your heart's at though, those are all like having a beautiful wife, lavish mansion, expensive cars and not being happy.
This is important too.
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
LOL awesome!!

I completly disagree with you too about Crackdown Grift,that game its a millions times better that GTA4,well more fun to play that is,I can jump from building to building that alone ,makes it better.
I don't think Crackdown is bad, but I think it suffers from the same problems that make so many sandbox games fall flat. Great gameplay isn't enough to make a sandbox game great. This is even more true in games like Far Cry 2, which is a perfect example of how solid mechanics and a great environment aren't enough to make a sandbox game really stick out. I'm hoping that Crackdown 2 is a much better game than the original, which I think is very good, but misses the mark thanks to a repetitiveness that brings it down.

And of course we could disagree forever. You think Artificial Intelligence is better than Actual Intelligence because you're too good to play games against real people.
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Since 5814 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I don't think Crackdown is bad, but I think it suffers from the same problems that make so many sandbox games fall flat. Great gameplay isn't enough to make a sandbox game great. This is even more true in games like Far Cry 2, which is a perfect example of how solid mechanics and a great environment aren't enough to make a sandbox game really stick out. I'm hoping that Crackdown 2 is a much better game than the original, which I think is very good, but misses the mark thanks to a repetitiveness that brings it down.

And of course we could disagree forever. You think Artificial Intelligence is better than Actual Intelligence because you're too good to play games against real people.
Great gameplay IS enough to make a game great and I think there is where we disagree ,that is from what Im reading in impressions,RDR got it right this time,not that tight controls and gameplay mechanics as I would want but enough to make it fun for me,again its from impressions and what Ive seen I need to play the game myself.

And I do think its more fun playing against the AI in a game,I dont know I guess I find more fun battling angels in Climax difficulty that killing predictable people in a multiplayer game thats all.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7106 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Great gameplay IS enough to make a game great and I think there is where we disagree ,that is from what Im reading in impressions,RDR got it right this time,not that tight controls and gameplay mechanics as I would want but enough to make it fun for me,again its from impressions and what Ive seen I need to play the game myself.

And I do think its more fun playing against the AI in a game,I dont know I guess I find more fun battling angels in Climax difficulty that killing predictable people in a multiplayer game thats all.
AI is less predictable than people = lol. Another thing we'll always disagree on.

You should play Far Cry 2 (if you haven't!). It has pretty solid gameplay and is also an awful game. I think you'll love it.
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Since 5814 Days
I said more fun not less predictable :P

Will check it out some vids about that game.

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Since 7091 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
AI is less predictable than people = lol. Another thing we'll always disagree on.
This is one of those things where I don't even think it's a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. As a whole, AI will always be more predictable than actual people. Thinking the opposite is true is just incorrect.

Now, finding one more or less fun than the other is purely opinion, but it doesn't make sense to use unpredictability as a property on which to favourably judge AI over humans.
Posted by RAPTOR
I said more fun not less predictable
The way in which you used the word in your sentence seemed to imply that AI is less predictable than humans, and that this is the reason you find AI more fun to play against.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 7036 Days
So no one else has this game yet?

They really need to get their servers up to speed. Free roam is a mess right now
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Since 5814 Days
In what part of my post I imply that its less predictable?

"And I do think its more fun playing against the AI in a game,I dont know I guess I find more fun battling angels in Climax difficulty that killing predictable people in a multiplayer game thats all."

So because I didn't say predictable AI in my post Im implying that AI its less predictable?

If lets say Itagaki made some of the best AI enemies in any game in the market,can you tell me ALL the people in a multi game will behave better than that AI enemie?,hell Gracious and Glorious in Bayonetta or fien Ryu In Ninja Gaiden I think there is maybe a handfull of people that play at the same level of randomness that them in a fighting game lets say like SF or any other fighting game IN the world so give them so credit there,they are not easy.

I spend more time learning patterns in some AI enemies than in people in online gaming not that it matters anyway real people will act of course more advanced but saying that is "just incorrect" I think its wrong.

It all comes to skill and yes I think you need more skills to finish a game in the more hard difficulty that being good or awesome in a multiplayer mode in a game and I prove it to myself some time ago.
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Since 6998 Days
Posted by scoobs0688
i think the reason gta4 is kind of universally hated at this point is it took away some of what made GTAIII/VC/San Andreas so freaking fun. The driving, while probably more realistic, isn't nearly as fun and for some reason i didn't find the world nearly as enjoyable. Plus the online sucked. RDR should be an improvement, can't wait.
Saying GTAIV is univerally hated is just plain rubbish, man. It's only the kind of crap you hear on elitest sites like GAF and other places. I know so many people who still play GTAIV more than any other game currently released for either the 360 or PS3.

GTAIV was an unbelievable game.

GTAIV, while a step back in some areas of what made past gta games even better, like light rpg elements or buying your own house, GTA IV improved on key areas that weren't as strong in past GTA titles, one of which, in my opinion, is main character development and storytelling.

That isn't to say I didn't like them just fine in previous GTA games, or believe they were good, but GTA IV was, for me, a noticeable step up in those areas. Some may agree or disagree, it's all opinion, personally. GTAIV also did some pretty clever things that further aided the storytelling, like hanging out with various individuals and such. Also, I thought the addition of the cell phone, and it's use was very cool and a smart move in the right direction.

My biggest complaint about GTAIV, bar none, was how damn hard it was to see exactly what was listed inside of your cell phone. There were apparently updates later to the phone that allowed you to see things better? Not entirely certain, haven't played it in awhile, but damn that sucked. I had to often go super close to television just to see exactly what it said on the cell phone.
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Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

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