SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Hey! Let's party like it's 2009! Let's tear down some martian buildings yeah? YEAAAH!

Okay so I've started playing this, I know Plumb started playing this. One makes a lunatic, two makes a lunatic with company! Please do flood in here if, for whatever reason, you're playing this game right now. I'll shield you from ridicule with my limber body!

Really, the one radiant, blinking reason I created this thread is that I'm super stuck on one of the challenges, specifically one in the Badlands where I'm supposed to level three pipes, two of which are stuck together, using only remote detonation and a bunch of propane tanks. Has anyone managed that one?
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
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Since 6905 Days
I have only completed the first area in the game but I love that wrecking crew mode. So I don't think I have seen that mission yet..

I hate those driving missions. Time limits are insane and I have only tried to do 2 of those missions. I don't want to think how hard the later missions are. Good thing you don't need to complete all the missions to complete the game. I can just concentrate on the destruction aspect of the game :D Hmm I think I'll play some Red Faction today.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
The trick to the driving missions is to not follow the bread crumbs when you can just cut through some other part of the landscape towards the mission marker. They're certainly better left to when you know your way around better, but the early ones make the shortcuts rather obvious.

I made a breakthrough in my demolition challenge. You can stick the remote mines to the propane tanks before you throw them, making them into even more powerful, remotely detonated grenades essentially. I still haven't figured out quite how to attack the structure in question though.
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Since 6905 Days
I just can't seem to figure out the one I am doing now. I need to cut like 10 seconds off from my current time to get the pro score. Then again I haven't really searched the area for better routes. I'll try couple more times before I try some other missions.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Hmm, well, what region are you in and what type of car are you supposed to grab?
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
most missions I have problems with are time limited and don't give you much of a choice in vehicle (if you don't get there in time... it's gone). You just grab what ever you have handy.

Of course if you wait, it will pop up again later; there's no telling if you'd have the right weapons though.

I just jump in and make due.
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Since 6905 Days
Finally I beat the time! It was that big truck in the second area (Dust?) I think. I just needed to drive through the building to cut some corners. I was quite surprised that the building didn't slow the truck at all.

Too bad you can't modify the terrain. I would like to carve some tunnels. I think the first RF had a bit of that but only in some areas.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
I think that's exactly why you can't. I think they wanted to offer a wholly consistent experience with the destruction in this, and instead of having arbitrary rules for where you can and cannot dig, just skipped it alltogether.

I don't miss it personally, not with an environment like this where it's all on surface level.

If there were caves and stuff though, it would've been pretty cool to cause cave-ins and being able to tunnel into underground facilities. That way it could become a dependable and active part of the gameplay.. although I'm pretty sure that the implementation of a system like that would be absolute headache from a QA standpoint.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
There's always that other game with alterable terrain, which supposedly didn't work out too well.
(I'm going to check it out to make sure though)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Ah yes, Fracture. Yeah.. man... Few games strike me as actively off putting these days, but I'd really rather just not play anything than play that I think.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
That's the one; looked really cool in vids but people hated it...

There's one mission in RF I wasn't able to finish, was destroying 30 vehicles, using a tank.
I blame it mostly on the controls though, having to aim and shoot with the same thumb. *Aim with stick* take thumb off stick* press "A" button* put thumb back on stick*.


I suppose I could remap it, but I'd probably mess something else up.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
You shoot with RT though? Or maybe you're not playing it on the 360?
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
I'm on the PC with a 360 controller, using the default config.
RT would be ideal [tank controls]
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
You drive tanks by pushing the left stick forward precisely because they map RT - which is usually the accelerator - to shooting. LT fires the machinegun.

Odd that they haven't done the same for the PC version.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
oh it's totally different by default then. one stick accelerates the other aims! then you fire the cannon with "A". I think RT is the machine gun by default.

It's gotta be fixed! Tonight!

Especially for that mission; the machine gun is useless, as you are getting pounded by vehicles right and left.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
more blargh!
All the controls are mixed in with one another. This might take a few hours...

(Then I have to track down the tank mission to make sure it works... -1 for user friendliness)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
My number one annoyance with this game is the dying. I mean that might sound perfectly obvious, but in this game.. something.. I dunno I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about dying in this game feels unfair and frustrating every time to me. Not once that I can recall have I died and felt "yep, walked into that one!" or "I need to do thing X to not have that happen again".

You're either on an epic roll, vaulting over objects and blowing shit up, or you suddenly realise you've been raped for the last 30 seconds and what remains is a forfeit spaz out and ragdolling to the ground. There's no middle ground.

So likewise, the game is either an exhilarating ride or a ball busting bore to me. The irony is I think those two enable one another.

If only the health bar and the entire system for that stuff gave you more visible feedback, or more feedback overall whichever way it saw fit. As it is, you've got a sorta mushy looking red life bar against a mushy looking red PLANET.

It certainly gets more and more dependable though what with me now zooming around in a jetpack with two armor upgrades and the "Nano Forge" that melts just about anything I fire it at.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
The health regen is a bit slower than in other games, and the damage indication comes in pretty late.

Noticed a lot of people have actually resorted to playing the game on the easy level, which I absolutely refuse to do.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Same here. Damn psychological barrier! :D

Anyhoo, you do kinda learn to deal with it.. and although I've had a few rage quits, I can return to it once I've cooled off a little, have a great go at it and forgive it for the occasional abuse. :)

I'm in Eos now, stuck on another demolitions master challenge. Anyone got that far yet? It's a huge structure and description says "some things are indestructible and all you can hope for is a lot of damage" or something like that. I'm not sure how to attack it, what they want from me etc. I was guessing that maybe the indestructible parts are meant to just fall over, but they seem pretty damn stable to me.
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Since 6905 Days
I have tried to play the game on easy but you still die quite randomly. I hate how the game spawns EDF forces. Kinda like you kill everyone in front of you and move like 5 meters and suddenly there is 5 new dudes and/or armored car(s) behind you. So lame.

I played one tank mission and for me the controls worked fine. Left stick to drive and RT to shoot.

Would be nice if the game had mode where you could build your own buildings / city areas. I always like to test level editors in games but the destruction would make it even better. Sadly I can't find any editors for the game.

Oh yeah bridges are annoying. I had this one race mission where you have to drive over this huge bridge with the heavy ambulance looking car. Problem was that I accidentally destroyed parts of the bridge with my first try... so next time I tried the mission again there was holes in the bridge! So annoying, like the mission wasn't hard enough already. I did complete it in the end but I have to be more carefully with the bridges now on.

Btw nothing beats the feeling when you explode building full of EDF forces and shout get bent at the same time.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Yeah, actually I like that you can mess things up for yourself. It gives the destruction some consequence even for you.

Otherwise there'd be nothing stopping you from just leveling the entire game, essentially. I mean you have those buildings that belong to the colonists that lower morale, but that's a way less interesting way of punishing the player for being completely irresponsible.

And yeah, spawns are annoying. I think they're annoying because of how we're conditioned from other games though, where you kinda fortify yourself, kill all the enemies, there's an audio cue letting you know that everyone is dead and you move on. The "Guerrilla" part of this game is easily forgotten. I feel like they want you to keep momentum up, strike and run before shit catches up to you. But yeah, I too fall into the same behavior of hiding somewhere, trying to fend people off while my health recharges. That just doesn't fly in Guerrilla, and they quickly outnumber and rape you.

I feel that the health system is probably also designed in such a way that you're given a lot of initial leeway to run around and cause a shit ton of trouble while life chips away, but then for the regen, the game forces you to be out of harm's way proper. With that I think they wanna encourage that hit and run mentality, but it's not emphasised quite enough in the fiction nor in the HUD system that that is what they want, and so it's confusing and frustrating more than anything.

The limited ammo also kinda encourages this in a subtle-to-the-point-of-overlooking-it way, and the huge life bar of vehicles hint at "hey, come over here and hide in me instead of running out in the open!".

I think the way they want you to play the game is somewhat specific, but none of these elements create a cohesive whole that actually subconsciously enforces that behaviour unless you - like me - over analyze everything about a game. :P
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7131 Days
that damage thing is messing me up on some mission though.

I'm doing all good and all of the sudden some vehicle or guy on foot comes up out of nowhere and gives me a railing that lasts about 3 seconds... MISSION FAILED< YOU DIED.

Especially sucks when you can't get behind cover because the place is littered with debri, and every piece has some physical affect on your movement.
Can't run, stuck on metal pipe. Oh fun. Can't go right, girder. Can't go anywhere.
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Since 6905 Days
I found the badlands demolition mission with the pipes and propane tanks. I tried to explode the pipes like 10 minutes before I realized that you are supposed to destroy the small building in the bottom of the pit... lol. I don't think there even was any info about what you need to destroy.

I think it would be cool if the EDF would bring reinforcements ODST style or like in SupCom, shooting pods from artillery cannon. At least that way you would see and hear easier where the dudes land. Randomly appearing is just lame :P Hmm maybe that wouldn't fit the game but at very least they could transport dudes with aircraft.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Best tactic is to keep moving and not get pinned down anywhere. See a vehicle? Clobber the guy in it whack-a-mole style and nick it. Keep momentum and prioritise keeping out of harms way when plotting a path through the mayhem. Use mines or rocket launcher to cause the fastest "cover" destruction. Oh and of course, don't attempt hard missions until you've got lots of support from the workers in that section. Getting regular "Guerrilla reinforcements" during a mission is KEY, and keeps the heat off you.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7161 Days
Hey, I dunno if you guys listen to the awesome Idle Thumbs podcast, but its main host, Chris Remo, wrote an incredible Guerrilla song called "Space Asshole".

Highly recommended, download here.
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