Manager - Shemale
Since 7610 Days
Hey. I've been doing this for the last weeks on another swedish forum, but what the heck - people are wondering about this all the time, so I'll do a quick translation and try to update it often here too.
Anyway, here's the updates for Market Place:

Need for Speed: Most Wanted [2/12] - 1 GB
Kameo [2/12] - 500 MB
NBA Live 06 [2/12] - 500 MB
NFL Madden [5/12] - 600 MB
Fifa: Road to World Cup [9/12] - 500 MB
Condemned [29/12] - 500 MB
Quake 4 [30/12] - 600 MB - Multiplayer Live support
Fight Night Round 3 [5/1] - 500 MB
Project Gotham Racing 3 [10/1] - 1.2 GB
Full Auto [25/1] - 600 MB
King Kong [13/2] - ??? MB [Temporary down due to bugs in demo]
Call of Duty 2 [24/2] - 300 MB
The Outfit [6/3] - 450 MB
Ridge Racer 6 [9/3] - 600 MB [US Only]
Burnout Revenge [20/3] - 500 MB
Blazing Angels [23/3] - 600 MB
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat [29/3] - 400 MB - Multiplayer Live Support
Ghost Recon AW [30/3] - ??? MB - Multiplayer Live Support
Tomb Raider Legend [5/4] - 600 MB
Amped 3 [10/4] - 700 MB
Tiger Woods 06 [13/4] - 900 MB
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Single player [4/20] - 700 MB
Kameo secod demo [4/24] - 1 GB
Top Spin 2 [3/4] - 500 MB
World Cup 2006 [3/4] - 650 MB
Test Drive Unlimited [5/8] - 500 MB
Lost Planet [5/9] - 500 MB
MotoGP 06 [5/11] - 900 MB
Hitman: Blood Money [5/25] - 800 MB
(All free to download)

Possible upcomming demos:
Timeshift: In this month's OXM US, will probably be up soon
Ninety Nine Nights: Delayed, date unknown
Perfect Dark Zero: Announced, release date unknown
Prey: Announced, release date 6/22

Xbox backwards comp:
Updated 29/3:
New games:
Star Wars Battlefront™ II
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9

Updated games:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas™
Half-Life® 2
Fable®: The Lost Chapters™
Forza Motorsport™
Ninja Gaiden®
Ninja Gaiden® Black
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell® Chaos Theory™
World Series Baseball® 2K3.

Updated 9/12:
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® 2
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® 2 Summit Strike
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Black Arrow™
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Chaos Theory™
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Pandora Tomorrow™
The UK-EU list:

Xbox Live Arcade:
New titles released after the launch:
Outpost Kaloki X [5/12] - 800p
Hardwood Backgammon [9/12] - 400p
Hardwood Hearts [9/12] - 400p
Hardwood Spades [9/12] - 400p
Wik: Fable of Souls [14/12] - 800p
Robotron: 2084 [16/12] - 400p
Marble Blast Ultra [25/1] - 800p
Crystal Quest [7/2] - 400p
Jewel Quest [8/3] - 800p
Feeding Frenzy [15/3] - 800p
Astropop [3/22] - 800p
Uno [5/9] - 400p
Game info:

Possible upcoming Arcade-games:
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting - Announced, delayed
Texas Hold 'Em - Announced, release date unknown
Cloning Clyde - Announced, release date unknown
5 Midway games - Announced, release date unknown
E3 conference games - Announced, release date unknown

Patches/Downl. content:
Dashboard - Small update [1/30]
Cáll of Duty 2 - Single player patch [2/1], Multiplayer patch [3/22], Call of Duty 2 - Multiplayer maps [5/11]
Dead or Alive 4 - Gameplay tweaking [3/3]
King Kong - Small update [3/7]
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Horse armor [4/3] - 200p, Orrery map [4/17] - 150p, Wizard Tower [4/22] - 150p, Thieves Den [5/22] - 150p
Kameo - Co-op and two packs [4/6]
Project Gotham Racing 3 - Speedpack [4/14] - 400p, Cadillac cars [5/22] - Free
Major League Baseball 2K6 - General fix [4/27]
Perfect Dark Zero - New bots [5/4]
The Outfit - New maps [5/18] - 500p

Possible upcoming patches:
Perfect Dark Zero - Co-op patch & maps
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat - General patch

Rare christmas theme [13/12]
Ridge Racer 6 content [14/12]
Lost Planet trailer [14/12]
Mission Impossible 3 trailer [14/12]
NBA Live 06 theme & Gamer Cards [22/12]
Outpost Kaloki X-scenarios [22/12]
~30 different picture packs[30/12]
Ridge Racer 6 content [19/1]
Super Bowl dashboard themes [1/2]
Fight Night Round 3 themes & picture packs [13/2]
Crystal Quest content [13/2]
Hexic theme packs [13/2]
Bejeweled 2 theme packs [13/2]
ES: Oblivion themes & trailer [22/2]
Burnout Revenge picture pack, theme & trailer [27/2]
Dead Rising picture pack, theme & trailer [1/3]
GRAW developer diary trailers [1/3]
GRAW trailers [10/3]
Superman Returns trailer [13/3]
BF2MC picture packs & themes [13/3]
St. Patrick’s day picture pack & theme [14/3]
Top Spin 2 trailer [3/15]
Burnout Picture packs [3/15]
GRAW trailer [3/16]
The Outfit Theme and Picture pack [3/20]
GRAW theme [3/20]
GRAW trailer [3/22]
Oblivion trailer [3/23]
GRAW trailer [3/23]
The Outfit picture pack [3/27]
Dynasty Warriors 5 Picture packs [3/28]
BF2MC picture packs & theme [3/30]
Natasha Bedingfield video [3/30]
Tomb Raider Legend trailer [4/4]
Battlefield 2 MC trailer [4/4]
Ninety Nine Nights trailer [4/5] - Japan Only
Tiger Woods picture packs & theme [4/5]
Kameo Content packs [4/6]
Rumble Roses XX trailer [4/6]
GRAW picture pack [4/6]
Zegapain XOR-trailer [4/7] - Japan Only
Final Fantasy XI Trailer & Picture pack [4/10]
Jack Black Confessional series [4/12] - US Only
Nacho Libre Trailer, Theme and Picture pack [4/12]
MI:III Trailer, Theme and Picture pack [4/12]
GRAW Picture Pack 2 [4/13]
X-Men:The Last Stand Trailer [4/13]
Ice Age 2:The Meltdown Trailer [4/13]
Tomb Raider Themes and Picture Packs [4/13]
Burnout Revenge Car Unlocks [4/14]
Table Tennis trailer [4/17]
PGR3 free gamer picture [4/17]
DOA4 Which is Itagaki Trailer [4/19]
Blazing Angels Trailer [4/19]
MLB 2K6 Trailer [4/19]
GRAW Theme [4/19]
Nacho Libre Confessional Videos [4/20]
Xbox360 Community trailers [4/23]
Lost Planet pre-E3 trailer [4/25]
World Cup 2006 trailer [4/26]
Major League Baseball 2K6 theme & picture packs [4/27]
Dead Rising theme & picture pack [5/1]
BattleStation: Midway trailer [5/8]
Brother In Arms Hell's Highway trailer [5/8]
Bullet Witch trailer [5/8]
College Hoops trailer [5/8]
Dance Dance Revolution Universe trailer [5/8]
Dead Rising trailer [5/8]
John Woo Presents Stranglehold trailer [5/8]
NCAA Football 07 trailer [5/8]
Vampire's Rain trailer [5/8]
Sonic the Hedgehog trailer [5/8]
Test Drive Unlimited trailer [5/8]
The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-Earth II trailer [5/8]
Xmen Gamer pictures [5/8]
Adidas Gamer pictures [5/8]
Call Of Duty 3 trailer [5/9]
Culdcept SAGA trailer [5/9]
Hitman: Blood Money trailer [5/9]
Lost Planet Extreme Condition trailer [5/9]
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance trailer [5/9]
NBA 2K7 trailer [5/9]
Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis trailer [5/9]
Tony Hawk's Project 8 trailer [5/9]
Alan Wake trailer [5/9]
Crackdown trailer [5/9]
Fable 2 trailer [5/9]
Forza 2 trailer [5/9]
Gears of War trailer [5/9]
Shadowrun trailer [5/9]
Too Human trailer [5/9]
Viva Pinata trailer [5/9]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent trailer [5/9]
Enchanted Arms trailer [5/10]
Games For Windows Montage trailer [5/10]
MotoGP '06 trailer [5/10]
Prey trailer [5/10]
Call of Duty 3 trailer [5/10]
World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions trailer [5/10]
Xbox 360 Games Montage trailer [5/10]
Xbox Live Arcade Montage trailer [5/10]
X-Men: The Offical Game trailer [5/10]
Dead or Alive® Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2 trailer [5/10]
Ninety-Nine Nights trailer [5/10]
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 trailer [5/10]
X-Men: The Last Stand Theme [5/10]
Gold Picture packs [5/10]
Silver Picture Pack [5/10]
Rainbow Six: Vegas Trailer [5/11]
Splinter Cell Behind the Scenes Video [5/11]
Adidas +10 Theme [5/11]
X-3 Gamer Picture Pack [5/11]
Xbox Live Silver Theme [5/11]
Xbox Live Gold Theme [5/11]
X-3 Theme 2 [5/11]
College Hoops 2K6 Theme [5/16]
NBA 2K6 themes [5/16]
Kameo trailer [5/18]
NHL 2K6 themes [5/22]
Theme/User pictures previews:

This is the Market Place currency. The only way to get points is to buy them - Gamescore isn't the same thing. 1600p costs around $20 in stores, and if you order via dashboard the prices are:
500 points: $6.25
1000 points: $12.50
2000 points: $25.00
5000 points: $62.50

I'll update after your additions and my own searching.
In reply to
Since 7114 Days
Thx manager, great info!
In reply to
FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7136 Days
Yeah thnx manager i'm really hoping that Saint's Row demo is coming, i can't wait to check that one out...
In reply to
Since 7135 Days
So let me get this straight, you have to download "patches" in order to play old Xbox games? If thats true, then how the hell are people WITHOUT Live going to be able to play their old Xbox games?
In reply to

What the deuce?!

Since 7153 Days
It's been completely public knowledge for last several months, that people would need to download patches for additional xbox backwards compatibility. I don't know how you possibly missed that information or somehow thought that as more games were added, non live connected 360's would magically pull backwards compatibility from the air.

That said, people without Xbox live can download the updates, burn them to CD and install thme on the 360 that way. Please check for more information on backwards compatibility

here let me help you out

Original Xbox game support requires a hard disk drive (HDD) accessory on your Xbox 360 console.

There are three ways to obtain updates for your Xbox 360 console:

* Update through Xbox Live®.
* Burn a DVD or CD.
* Order a disc by mail from (available early December).
In reply to
Since 7135 Days
Well I didn't whatever.

Im guessing these patches wont take up much room on the HDD right?
In reply to

What the deuce?!

Since 7150 Days
hey Manager do you have a link for that saint's row demo? pleeeeeeease ;]
In reply to
Since 7104 Days
Critx I don't know the size of the files but it takes roughly 2 seconds to do the update so it can't be very big.
In reply to
Since 7097 Days
Jesus H. Christ , there better be a Saints Row demo on christmas or near it or I will personally stab you in the jugular !

Not really but damnit I will threaten you over the internet ! ... lol
In reply to
Manager - Shemale
Since 7610 Days
Posted by Bjongers
hey Manager do you have a link for that saint's row demo? pleeeeeeease ;]

"The online play is also something that will incorporate the gang element although the team were not wishing to talk about the live options at this stage other than a demo is planned to be available in the market place around Xmas this year. "
In reply to
Since 7150 Days
all praise manager "TOP CAT"

thx man cant wait for this beauty.
In reply to
FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7136 Days
thnx for the new update manager....
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Since 7064 Days
wtf? you guys get FIFA AND Madden demos?
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I am the pwnage

Manager - Shemale
Since 7610 Days
Posted by Myro
wtf? you guys get FIFA AND Madden demos?
I see you own a Xbox 360. As "you", you mean americans? Those demos are available in europe too, and for the record, I live in europe too.
In reply to
Since 7064 Days
Posted by Manager
I see you own a Xbox 360.
Does it show? :p
Ill take another look to see where they are. I can only find Kameo and NBA live 06
In reply to

I am the pwnage

Since 7166 Days
List the downloads by game and you'll find it.
In reply to
Since 7135 Days
I'd like to see what GR:SS looks like in 720p with full anti-aliasing...
In reply to

What the deuce?!

Since 7064 Days
Posted by Slabs
List the downloads by game and you'll find it.
well i'll be damned...guess i should get a new pair of glasses :D
In reply to

I am the pwnage

Since 7153 Days
condemned demo is now up, via major nelsons blog, I have the game and i'm just too scared to keep playing.
In reply to
Since 7110 Days
yup i just checked the marketplace after some pdz games and was happy to see this :D
the graphics are very nice, but framerate doesn't seem very fluid?? not my type of game, but has a nice, sorta scary feel to it.
since demo ends after the main guy gets thrown out the building by the criminal, what happens next?
In reply to
Since 7166 Days
Posted by rjcc
condemned demo is now up, via major nelsons blog, I have the game and i'm just too scared to keep playing.
I'd laugh at you if I wasn't exactly the same way, I'm only up to the third chapter and so far it's more intense than ANY of the Silent Hill games have been!
In reply to
Since 7129 Days
Condemned demo actually came out last night/late afternoon, so it should be the 28th instead.
In reply to
Since 7110 Days
european time, xal
In reply to
Since 7153 Days
Posted by Denjinflash
yup i just checked the marketplace after some pdz games and was happy to see this :D
the graphics are very nice, but framerate doesn't seem very fluid?? not my type of game, but has a nice, sorta scary feel to it.
since demo ends after the main guy gets thrown out the building by the criminal, what happens next?
You start trying to find the guy who shot the cops. If you're having frame rate issues, that may just be the demo, cuz the real game runs smoothly.
In reply to
Since 7079 Days
Man the demo of Condemned had some frame drops man sometimes a movement speeds up or goes very slow it's really irritating. I hear from other people that almost every demo has that so why don't they first check the demo before they put it online? =S
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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (> 3 Months ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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  • Driftwood

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  • Driftwood

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    Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)

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