Threadstiny | Destiny Thread

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
I know Scoobs, Korndog, bleached and somebody else got this game. Rayy?

Anyway I want to talk about it. Lets use this thread. The old one smells like the moon.

They really went and made the first six levels or so much harder. Now I'm at level 11 and things are back to normal difficulty wise like the beta. Those Strike missions tho...
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Since 7077 Days
I don't have a XB1/PS4 to get this game. Really don't want to play it on 360, so probably next year when I get my PS4.
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Since 5738 Days
Only played up to level 7, and almost finished the moon I think. So far..... I couldn't tell you whats happening in the story, but its insanely fun to play coop w/ people you know. Had an absolute blast shooting the shit outa some bad dudes and picking up loot.

Quick impressions (PS4 version):
-Way less loot drops, like seriously, where are the loot drops?
-Hard feels REALLY hard now, think they tuned up the monsters a bit
-The story mine as well not even exist, I have no clue why we're doing anything we are doing (go here, use your ghost on a thing, kill shit, you win!)
-Game is really pretty, runs flawlessly, super fun (especially with friends), and hard to put down
-Only played one PVP match, sniper rifles seem OP... no scoped a few guys and almost felt bad about how easy it was
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add me on PSN: scoobs0688
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Currently playing: WoW:MoP, Last of US: Remastered, Counter-strike:GO

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
And I'm sorry I accused you of potentially having this game Rayy :(.

Agree with the above. Difficulty smooths out at level 10 though. I was having difficulty landing headshots prior to level 10, now I get them without trying, just like the beta, with an auto-rifle if you can believe it. It's definitely tied to some loot stat.

Having played the alpha/beta for about 30hrs, I wanted to get out of Old Russia as quickly as possible. Finally found enemies that we'd never seen before and the gameplay has gotten a little fresher. Enemies are still brain dead, like some instances I didn't think they even saw me.

But I'm somewhat disappointed by the missions. I gave the alpha/beta structure a pass, but the full game has no meat to it whatsoever. Completely bare bones. As someone else put it the campaign is just Peter Dinklage saying random words, no real story to speak of. Bungie is usually good about embedding story elements throughout the world, but the exploration doesn't seem to yield anything of real value whatsoever for equipment or lore.

Strike Missions with randoms, and meeting other players in general is a blast. Public Events don't seem as frequent but they're fuller, which is nice. Lots of various little changes here and there, but can't really say they added much to Old Russia which is disappointing. Maybe it opens up later, but I was hoping to get access to the locked portions, but no go.
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Since 5738 Days
The story and mission design are the two biggest letdowns, but its somewhat forgivable for how fun the combat is. If you're in it for an epic "halo-like" story... you should NOT buy this game. Coming from playing The Last Of Us... the stepdown in storytelling is jarring as hell. Bungie is better than this.
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add me on PSN: scoobs0688
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Currently playing: WoW:MoP, Last of US: Remastered, Counter-strike:GO

Since 5937 Days
Watch some on Twitch last night. The lack of epicness in boss battles and gameplay overall was a shame.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6971 Days
I'm on 360 and quite enjoying it but I can understand why some people don't. It's possible I'm more forgiving than others.

The bump in difficulty since the beta is a good thing. I'm a level 6 after 2-3 hours and not out of Old Russia yet. Did a patrol for 40 odd minutes earlier to get some Vanguard marks and did one public event. Next stop is the Moon, which I never got to in the beta.

The lack of mission variety is a fair point and I only have a vague idea of the story because I've played through this part of the game before. The game feels a lot sparser but I'm putting that down to being on old gen. Some of Bungie's decisions would seem at odds with pushing the social side of the game. The Tower, in particular feels like a missed opportunity. Get some shooting ranges and gambling of glimmer going or at least put in a bar.

My main concern is the game being a bit thin on content. One raid doesn't sound like enough. I only played the strike once in the beta and that was fun though.
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Since 6976 Days
Yeah, you don't get a "feel" for the missions or why they're actually important. Your just "doing them" and that's about it. If there's a greater plot to be discovered then Bungie has done an excellent job of concealing it so far.

Things absolutely smoothed out though. When we first started we were getting booted after about 20mins of play. Made it very hard to progress forward. But by the evening we weren't experiencing anymore boots and com drops.

It IS fun, there's no doubts about that. But I don't see my friends and I playing this as long as we played Borderlands together.
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The cool kids don't like me and I don't care.

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6971 Days
Servers for me have been absolutely fine but then I'm on 360 and I figured they might not be taxed so hard.
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Since 6847 Days
I tried to resist after player the beta but I unfortunately fell for the hype. The game just feels unfinished to me and I dont think Bungie actually knows what they are trying to create. It's feel like an amalgamation of lots of different games (Halo, Mass Effect, COD, Borderlands etc) and ideas that have all been executed in an inferior way when compared to the originals.

I can't understand how a game that's been in production for so long by a HUGE team that brought us Halo can feel like such a lackluster campaign experience. Even on coop, it gets boring very fast shooting zero-intelligence bullet sponges across the same areas you've already been on multiple missions before it.

The MP on the other hand is a different story, it plays rather well and very much a breathe of fresh air when compared to the campaign.

Overall, it's a decent game but those of you expecting that Halo level of quality in an open world will surely be dissappointed. I know it's early day but I'll be very surprised if the game reviews well.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6971 Days
I think they are clear enough on what they are trying to create, the shared world shooter as they call it. For me, the blend of gunplay from Halo, CoD and Borderlands is exactly right. It's the strength of the game, the actual shooting and the moment to moment encounters. I'm still on Earth and although it is bullet-spongey to a fair extent, I've still enjoyed all of the encounters themselves.

It's like a blended whiskey compared to a single malt in a way, if there are particular facets about the shooting in Halo / CoD / Borderlands you've a strong view on then the way they've been combined here may or may not suit your taste. Borderlands was a smidge too stat/loot heavy for me but I didn't fundamentally hate it so the mix feels about right. Another friend of mine loves Halo but couldn't get along with Borderlands at all, so he won't love this. If you like the precision of CoD above all else then the feel of the iron sight and health of enemies in Destiny likely won't feel as good. An acquired taste then, if you get my meaning.

I've seen plenty of people say they enjoy the AI, particulary the races later in the game so I think that's a bit more horses for courses. There are three areas where there appears to be a consensus that Destiny is lacking. Almost nobody says the story is well implemented, that the mission design isn't repetitive and that the game feels particulary social.

The story gripes are probably the biggest surprise given Bungie's pedigree. I've not played enough *myself* to take a view on them yet but that's definitely the pattern I've seen in the GAF thread. I think it'll wind up with "Generally favorable reviews" in metacritic parlance. Reading what I have, my theory is that Bungie's real focus has been the game after finishing the story / post Level 20 but I've not played enough to know if that's right yet.

There's certainly room for improvement in many areas but I'm finding it fun none-the-less.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
I've been solo-ing a lot of this game since I've been working while my friends are playing, vice versa. Would be good if they added matchmaking to each mission, I mean there's not very many of them at all! But while going solo isn't ideal, it's still enjoyable for me later on. And with other players roaming around it's easy to get help taking down harder enemies that pop up. Mars is my favorite world so far. Too bad it's the last...
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Since 6769 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Mars is my favorite world so far. Too bad it's the last...
Apparently not...
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There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
You would use my own gif against me!

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Since 6769 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
You would use my own gif against me!
The student has become the teacher.
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There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
Heroic difficulty is the way this game is meant to be played. Enemies come after you versus always hanging back. Doesn't make them smarter, but having something that has a good chance of killing you makes it feel like a fair fight.

Annoyed with how they have loot setup in this game. I thought loot would be dropped by bosses and in chests, not random once in a blue moon rewards for doing Strike and Crucible. Then there's the ones you buy, but have to play this game for at least a month to afford one item, as they have a weekly cap set to how many points you can accrue... I don't know if this game will have the legs Bungie was expecting.

Oh well, at least it's fun to shoot stuff. Especially those noobs in Crucible.
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Since 5937 Days
So does the game reflect the Metacriric score at 74?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7103 Days
Posted by asdfg
So does the game reflect the Metacriric score at 74?
The lighting system is not robust enough. Cross gen.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
If I were to rate it I'd give it a weak 4/5. Content is sparse, variety is sorely lacking, and the multiplayer playlists is pretty laughable.

If it weren't for the shooting mechanics there's no way I'd believe this was a Bungie game. Fun to shoot, just not a whole lot of it to shoot without it getting repetitive.

Feels barebones, but a good foundation to build on, but there's no telling whether that will be in Expansions, weekly/monthly added content, or Destiny 2. I like how someone else described the "persistent world shooter" as Mingleplayer. It's a great idea and makes the game feel more dynamic. Without it I don't think the reviews would be nearly as high.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7103 Days
Does it really feel like a persistent world, in the sense that something like Planetside 2 is, though?

I still haven't seen enough, but it seems more like.. thousands of instances.. than a persistent world.

People have abused MMO terms to the point that they no longer hold much meaning.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
I doubt it, but I haven't really played Planetside 2. Bungie has used a lot of MMO phrases in their interviews, Raids for instance which is more accurately a long co-op adventure. But they describe Destiny as a "persistent world shooter".

The game cycles out 16 players dynamically, and boots everyone outside of your Fireteam out when you get to a mission objective. One thing I wish that was more fluid was inviting randoms to your Fireteam. They have to exit their session to join yours, which seems odd since you're already in the same shared space. Guess it goes from server to P2P? No idea.

I've met some cool randoms, but I'd never want to play the harder Strikes without friends. Just today I encountered some nonsense like Spartan Ops where somebody would try to sabotage the team by running them over or pushing them off a cliff.

And the full game has some issues which I never encountered in the beta. I thought the entire world was without loading screens, but there are some instances where the game will freeze you and say "Loading". A friend and I encountered that a few times, at launch mind you. But still never saw it before.
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Since 6976 Days
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The cool kids don't like me and I don't care.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
I don't know whose bright idea it was to remove experience and tie further character progress to randomly distributed armor but Bungie should fire them.

Hitting level 20 is almost a death sentence to the fun of this game. You stop being able to find and buy useful weapons and armor. The only way to get new rare gear seems to be playing higher difficulties, but the only way to do this is with higher level gear. Really, catch-22 game design.

And what horse shit when you finally find a rare weapon drop and it decrypts into a coin or an uncommon. This game feels like it's just waiting to hit people with in game purchases but is too scared to ask.
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Since 6976 Days
Destiny unfortunately proves that pre-release awards and "best of show" commendations (184 in total) don't mean anything anymore. You simply have to play things for yourself in order to be clear about what you like or didn't like. Depending on who you're talking to, Destiny seems to be a hard game to nail down in terms of it's identity. And that's also what makes every praise worthy thing said about the game valid, and consequently every critical review of it absolutely justified. I know it's weird to say everyone is right, but Destiny is one of those odd-ball circumstances where you find yourself agreeing with what everyone is saying about the game.

That doesn't mean that I agree with the zero scores or even the 6/10 reviews. What I mean is that when someone points something out about the game, you find that your play experience lines up pretty much the same way. Like everyone else I have a list of things I don't like but they don't take away any of the fun I had playing. The problem is over the stretch of the game those minor things start adding up to quite a considerable pile. It becomes harder to defend the game against the 6/10 reviews when you personally acknowledge how large the pile is growing. lol

It also becomes hard to recommend the game to anyone when my own feelings on the game are so mixed. I've gone all digital so far, but Destiny is actually the first game this gen I would tell a gamer to buy the physical copy in case they didn't like it in the end.

The first thing I noticed was that the scale of the game looks huge but actually plays very small. When I saw enemies arriving in dropships ala "Phantom" style, I thought "Boy this is familiar" But unlike the Covies, the enemies of Destiny don't have any real personality. It's not like I expected any of them to start preaching the way a Zealot would but there's just really nothing remarkable I could say about them. Accept that some can take horrendous amounts of damage while others charge at you like a stampede.

Didn't anybody else think it was weird that our main mission wasn't liberating Earth? It actually felt strange traveling off-world and going to all of these other locations while Earth is still occupied.

Now without going into everything, I don't think we need to worry about Bungie not coming into fix AI issues, balance or even communication. Activision and Bungie have invested far too much time and capital into Destiny to allow it to remain in this state. The issues that do concern is content and depth of play. How much of it is actually coming, and can we look to Bungie to open these missions up so that they feel less scripted and confined? I'm not so sure about the later. In fact it may take Destiny2 before that happens.

My biggest gripe is that I think Bungie just played it safe. They seemed to grasp at a ton of concepts without ever fully embracing any of them. Is it the mission? Is it the loot, the armor, the XP? What is the gamer playing for? I know we're supposed to awaken The Traveler but that's not what the end game feels like. It just feels grindy and repetitive, and with little rewards in the end.

Despite all of this, I still look forward to playing the other classes and of course playing with my friends. Destiny has a kind of charm to it that I wouldn't call addictive, perhaps engaging is more appropriate. But there's one thing my friends I agree with whole heartedly. Destiny needs way more content or it's charm is going to fade sooner than Bungie expected.
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The cool kids don't like me and I don't care.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6949 Days
Even people who like the game are just as critical about its faults as people who don't, which is rare to see. I think it's because so many people got to play the beta and were able to see what this game was versus waiting for reviews. After the beta I hoped for more, but they didn't deliver. I was fine if the the full game was more of the same, but it had so much potential. Still enjoying what's there, for what it's worth. But I'm definitely on the down swing.

I'm curious to know where the $500 million budget went, because it didn't go into the game.
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