Since 7771 Days

Développeur : Ivory Tower
Editeur : Ubi Soft
Plateformes : PC, Xbox One, PS4
Date de sortie : 11 novembre 2014
Nb de joueurs : 8 (online)

Site web :


Jump in and out seamlessly and build your crew of four through bonding or intense rivalry. Whether your objective is to takedown a convoy or to escape the police, achieving it with friends ensures a fresh experience each time you join in.

The entire United States is your driving playground – all roads and everything in between. Every type of terrain imaginable is yours to master – from downtown city streets to suburbs, hillsides, cornfields, canyons, desert dunes or even race tracks.

Continue the experience on iOS, Android tablets, and on the web. Keep track of your friends’ performances and tinker with your ride before playing it live to set new records, or send your crew on jobs on-the-go to gain more XP and parts.

An extensive tuning system combining depth and simplicity allows you to collect cosmetic and performance parts and customize your licensed cars, according to your style and driving preferences.


Camaro RS 1969
Camaro SS 2010

Mustang GT 2011
Focus RS 2010

Skyline GT-R (R34)

3400 K



Gameplay (vue cockpit (4min28))

Interviews (Stéphane Beley)



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Since 6766 Days
Merci pour ce topic de ce jeu qui a retenus toute mon attention et que j'attends avec beaucoup d'impatience ! :)
Il s'annonce très bon...
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"Delorean DMC-12"

Since 7833 Days
Je n’arrive pas encore à me faire un avis sur ce jeu
Si effectivement la conduite est identique à Driver SF pourquoi pas
Dommage de pas avoir eu plus de vidéo en vue Cockpit ou capot parce que la vue 3em personne ne me donne vraiment pas envie
Enfin je vais attendre encore un peu avant de prendre une décision sur ce titre
De toute façon il ne pourra être que dans la seconde vague d’achat de jeu

A défaut d'un PGR ou un TDU en approche ca risque de le faire
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

xdr - Coop biatch
Since 7496 Days
C'est un de mes jeux coup de coeur de l'E3, celui là à moins d'une surprise comme quoi c'est bidon, je prend day one. ^^
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Mon VRAI blog JV :

Since 7771 Days
Pour la vue capot, tu as une vidéo avec la TeamVVV en plein New-York
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Since 6766 Days
Visuellement cela s'annonce très beau et riche en détails !
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"Delorean DMC-12"

Since 7833 Days
Posted by MorphBZH
Pour la vue capot, tu as une vidéo avec la TeamVVV en plein New-York
Oui Justement je venais de tomber sur la vidéo team vvv qui commence à New York de nuit et fini à Miami de jour
Tout ca en vue capot
Avec une 370Z dont on fini par démonter les entrailles pour la transformer
Ca reste (semble) spécial, mais je garde un œil dessus :espoir : y a parfois un petit coté MM3
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Since 7776 Days
Je te signale qu'il s'agit que l'équipe originelle de TDU, donc même si ça ne correspond pas forcément à la direction que certains souhaitent, c'est bel et bien le vrai TDU 2. Les vidéos de TDU en vue externe n'étaient pas forcément folichonnes non plus il me semble. Comme je le dis dans notre preview, j'ai envie d'y croire parce que ce que j'ai vu m'a plutôt convaincu (sachant que la prise en main a évidemment été trop courte pour se faire une vraie idée).

Personnellement, il m'emballe 1000 fois plus qu'un énième Forza (ou qu'un Grid 2 récemment sorti), mais ça c'est parce que je suis très lassé des courses, je veux pouvoir me balader tranquillement avec quelques amis triés sur le volet. :)

Le jeu sortant tout début 2014, il ne sera pas dans la première vague de jeux à sortir (si par première vague tu entends les jeux disponibles le jour du lancement de la One et PS4).

Question subsidiaire, combien de pages fera le topic ? Peut-on encore battre le record du précédent ? :p
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I'm rubber you're glue...

One ring of death to rule them all.

PC videos :Intel Core i5, OC 3.32 Ghz, 8 Go RAM, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 Gainward OC

Since 7833 Days
je suis d'accord, Forza ca sera juste pour avoir un jeu simu sans plus, un PGR me donnerais plus envie

apres je veux y croire aussi
et pouvoir le tester doit apporter un grand plus
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Since 7771 Days
Un long Q&A
1. What is THE CREW?

THE CREW is a revolutionary action-driving game developed exclusively for next-gen consoles. It takes the new hardware capabilities and connects players online like never before. THE CREW takes you and your friends on a reckless ride through a massive open world version of the USA that is loaded with exciting challenges.

2. What are the key innovations of THE CREW in comparison to other driving games?

THE CREW was born out of a dream to create a living, breathing world of car enthusiasts. A world in which any driving fantasy can be realized – street, dirt, cross-country, circuit. The game was built with competition and cooperation at its heart. We believe the technology is finally here to make this dream a reality.

The first innovation that THE CREW brings to the action-driving genre is a massive open world, gigantic in scope, which delivers an unprecedented level of gameplay variety. The entire USA is your driving playground, covering thousands of square miles, from city to suburb, county to county, state to state, coast to summit. THE CREW defines what freedom truly means in a driving game, without any barriers and invisible walls to restrict your car to the road. Go anywhere in the huge open world at any moment and use the surrounding environment to your advantage. Take that cop chase off-road and watch those cumbersome patrol cars spin out in the dirt, or maybe just hide in a corn field…

The second major innovation delivered by THE CREW on next-gen consoles is a revolutionary social driving experience, in a persistent online open world populated by other real human players. You and your friends will be able to seamlessly jump in and out of each other’s games at any time, in any mission. So, for the first time in a driving game, you will be able to play the entire campaign cooperatively with your friends. At the core of the game experience is an advanced social interface that connects you with your friends so that teaming up is effortless and efficient.

Our E3 demo showed how players can create their own gameplay experience based on their tastes (i.e. free-riding in the countryside, accomplishing side challenges, weaving in and out of city traffic or achieving an epic downhill race) and then “crew up” on the go to reach a common objective (i.e. chase and takedown a target in an open off-road environment). Sharing a common objective is a lot of fun, makes tough tasks easier, and provides greater rewards. You'll be able to select crew members from among your friends, ranked by their driving attributes, to ensure that your crew’s capabilities correspond with the needs of the mission at hand.

3. Why did you choose the USA as the setting?

Most driving games are all about competition, the heart-pumping adrenaline of speed, and the thrill of danger. For us, it’s that and so much more. It’s also about exploration, and along with it, adventure. The social experience, driving with your friends or making new ones, is key. A driving game is a bigger than life fantasy when you think of all that it can deliver. And with THE CREW, we’re bringing this fantasy to life and offering players the ultimate driving game experience.

Recreating the USA, the birthplace of car culture, is a perfect fit, with its iconic landmarks, vibrant cities, and diverse landscapes. THE CREW contains 1,000 real world landmarks and many major American cities from across the nation, each with environments and terrain representative of their real-world counterparts. Maneuver through the bustling streets of New York City and Los Angeles, cruise down sunny Miami beach, or trailblaze through the snowy mountains around Aspen, Colorado. Nearly every type of terrain you can think of, from downtown city centers, suburbs, hillsides, cornfields, canyons, desert dunes, race tracks – you name it and it’s in the game.

America also has a vibrant counter culture car scene based around modding and illegal street racing - THE CREW’s story is based in this setting. THE CREW will take you on a journey to move up the ranks of the Five-Ten Motor Club, a gang grown around Detroit’s illegal street racing scene – making a rep for yourself and ultimately taking down their activities one region at a time.

4. In this huge environment, what driving experience can players expect?

Within the massive open world of THE CREW, we aim to create a true next generation driving experience, seamlessly connected and filled with things for players to do.

No matter if you’re playing on your own or with friends, you'll always find a variety of challenges to keep you entertained, whether you're looking for the thrill of a cop chase, the competition of a highway race, or the adventure of a wilderness raid. Adapting your play style to a mission’s objective and the driving conditions will be the key to success. For example, performing a takedown on a target in the sand dunes at nighttime will require different skills than those needed to escape rivals amid NYC traffic.

To add to the already rich experience, players will have access to a large range of vehicle types, all cars being licensed from well-known manufacturers. And just like in the real world, we know that people get attached to their car, so we really encourage players to create a unique bond with their vehicles. This means that you will earn new vehicles as you progress, and tune them to fit your style and take them on any terrain. For the first time in a driving game, THE CREW lets the players take full stock cars and totally play with them : get them dirty, smash them up, warp them into raid vehicles, do insane jumps… all this you can do in our game! This is a tailored experience that the player shapes and adapts to their play style, reflected by their unique customized cars.

With this unique take on car customization, in this unprecedented playground, we want players to feel, for the first time in a driving game, the surprise of exploring a new landscape, the wonder of discovering a well-known landmark – feelings that will make gamers want to stay in our world and come back for more.

In terms of handling, THE CREW offers an action-driving type of gameplay, and we’re focusing our efforts to recreate believable driving sensations no matter the terrain.

In a nutshell, this is driving at its most exciting, varied and open, for veteran drivers & newcomers alike.

5. How does blending the singleplayer and multiplayer modes change the experience?

In THE CREW, you are part of an online world, with other drivers around you. The choice is yours to play on your own in this living world, or to team up on the go with friends to accomplish collective challenges. It’s a brand new driving game experience unlike anything that’s come before it.

First, in the game’s universe, the experience is entirely customizable. You always have someone next to you, ready to jump into new challenges either with you or against you. You can decide to play a mission on your own, then change your mind and invite a friend to play it with you, or join a friend on the go to help him out on a mission you've already mastered, or just free-ride with old and new friends to discover one of the real world landmarks we've recreated.

THE CREW offers you the freedom to tailor your experience at will.THE CREW is a long-lasting experience with constant challenges for players to beat. Each time you enter the game world, you are notified of all your friends’ achievements that have occurred in your absence – new scores to beat, missions completed, etc.

Finally, always having other live players around you stimulates your progression. In every mission and challenge, there is someone to compare yourself to, someone to beat, someone to inspire you and take you further. Imagine you just earned a vehicle and you run into a player’s far more advanced dream machine version of that same vehicle. You can’t help but think about what you can do to earn more XP and car parts so you can upgrade your car to compete with them on equal terms the next time you meet.

6. Why did you choose to develop THE CREW exclusively on next-gen consoles? What did this allow you to do, that you could not have done on the previous generation of consoles?

The core gameplay elements and the universe of THE CREW are really tailored to the new platforms unique capabilities.

First, we are developing a totally new type of social experience on consoles, that exploits the advanced level of connectivity at the core of the new platforms: having players around you but allowing you to play with them only if you want to; joining your friends on-the-go without having lobbies or menus; being able to play the whole campaign on your own or cooperatively, chatting with friends about new encounters, getting notifications on their latest achievements to beat them, participating in community events organized in-game... Everything is done to make you feel you’re part of a living world that keeps you entertained, whatever your play style is.

In addition, the size of our game universe is impressive, as players will be able to drive all the way across a massive recreation of the USA. What makes it unique to new platforms is that this world offers an unprecedented level of detail, of quality and density, thanks to hand-made composition, and a fluidity that gamers are more used to experiencing in scripted linear titles with limited environment scope.

7. Most next-gen games propose a second-screen experience, what are the plans for THE CREW?

Players are busy people. We can’t expect a player to keep tabs or stay involved with a gaming world solely through the console experience. So we see a game world where peripheral, complimentary experiences, based on casual play, provide a whole different window onto the same game. We intend to allow Players to be able to do all their building, organizing, and trading away from the console, so valuable time spent in front of the console can be spent immersed in the pure adrenal delight of the core experience. We will provide more details later on the tablet experience, but what we’re showing at E3 is the ability to customize your car in a very accessible way, so that you're all set for new challenges when you return to gaming on your home console.

8. Who is developing the game?

Ivory Tower is leading the development of THE CREW.

Ivory Tower was created in 2007 with one purpose: gather a unique team of talents to reinvent the driving game experience in online open worlds. Five years later, our 100 strong team now gathers an incredible selection of veterans from widely acclaimed franchises such as Test Drive® Unlimited, V-Rally, Need for Speed™ and Driver.

We’re very proud to finally unveil our redefinition for driving games: massive, connected, tailored.

Ubisoft Studios have been a major support to Ivory Tower, with a close collaboration with many Ubisoft studios across the world: Reflections, Shanghai, Chengdu, Bucharest and Pune.

9. When is the game coming out?

THE CREW is planned for release early 2014.

10. What are the team's inspirations?

First of all, the team is composed of real car fans. Name any type of car, and you’ll find someone in the team who is passionate and knowledgeable about it. This is why we are so keen on creating a game that offers such a large range of vehicle types, and such a detailed customization system.

Secondly, the core team members have been working together for more than 15 years now, and all our previous projects are driving games – of any type, action-driving games like racing simulations. So as a team we have grown together, developed our expertise together… and we’ve also played together - a lot ! We’ve played many games - particularly RPGs, not to mention driving games. As gamers, we’ve been impressed by World of Warcraft’s gameplay depth, combined with accessible rules.

So we have dreamt of a driving game that would offer an easy to pick-up, yet hard to master experience, encompassing everything we love: beautiful cars of course, a huge open world, an RPG-like progression with an accessible customization system, and always friends around, to challenge or to play with. All ingredients that we think will allow us to renew the driving genre with THE CREW.
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Since 7771 Days
La seule chose qui m'a chagriné lors de la conf, c'est l'ajout de la nitro. Après coup, comme un certain Driver SF, c'est un plus pour que le jeu soit plus dynamique en multi, mais j'aurais aimé ne pas le voir en free ride.

Pour la vue cockpit, par contre tu as celle de GT (4min28s). Course offroad en Focus RS puis en ville :
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Since 7830 Days
Dis toi que si le chat ne s'intéresse pas à un jeu de caisse, c'est qu'il sera bon ^^
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Since 7771 Days
On ne l'entend déjà plus parler de GRID en tout cas =)
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Since 6766 Days

Cette vidéo de gameplay m'a encore plus séduit... Je suis impatient comme pour le premier TDU !
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"Delorean DMC-12"

Since 7833 Days
Posted by Orbbs
Dis toi que si le chat ne s'intéresse pas à un jeu de caisse, c'est qu'il sera bon ^^
langue de pute
j'ai beaucoup parlé de TDU
Posted by MorphBZH
On ne l'entend déjà plus parler de GRID en tout cas =)
normal j'ai pas acheté ^^
je parlais pas du jeu, je postais des vidéos et images, nuance :)
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Bally4ever - ObnUBIlé
Since 4481 Days
Posted by Delorean

Cette vidéo de gameplay m'a encore plus séduit... Je suis impatient comme pour le premier TDU !
Séduit oui, mais surement pas par la façon de conduire du mec qui joue ! Il joue avec ses pieds ou quoi ? ^^

Il sait pas jouer mais s'obstine à rester en vue cockpit !

En tout cas ce jeu me fait penser à FUEL (Codemaster) mais en vachement plus abouti, plus beau, plus fluide et donne très envie d'être en 2014 !
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Since 6862 Days
Mesdames et Messieurs de Ivory Tower, mettez cette page en favori siouplé :)

Bon déjà, j'achèterais ce jeu de toute façon. Mais c'est pas une raison pour ne pas être exigeant.

Rien à redire sur la taille de la map, les environnements variés et vivants, et l'esthétisme global du titre. Mais par pitié que la ligne bleue du GPS soit désactivable, tout comme les portails et autres repères. Si j'ai bien compris, les points fort du jeu sont la customisation et la liberté, donc pourquoi pas pousser le concept jusque dans les options d'affichage? En course ça parait nécessaire, mais en freeride c'est carrément pas top.
Pourquoi pas une touche 'freeride' qui basculerait le HUD classique sur celui que tu as choisis dans les options pour freerider? De cette façon chaque joueur pourrait choisir ce qu'il souhaite conserver et se balader sans signes inutiles pour polluer l'écran. Désactiver l'affichage des mini-challenges serait un moyen de ne pas les activer en roulant dessus en freeride.

Même remarque pour la conduite. En course, que tout le monde joue avec les aides pourquoi pas, mais en freeride il n y a pas besoin de contrainte de ce genre. Dans TDU on pouvait passer du mode Assist au mode Sport à la volée en passant par le menu contextuel. Pourquoi ne pas reprendre cette excellente idée? Encore une fois, on pourrait passer par une touche 'freeride' pour changer ses préférences d'affichage et conduite à la volée et jongler de cette façon entre freeride et course pour profiter au mieux des deux facettes du titre sans se prendre la tête.

Ensuite, j'ai lu ici et là que les zones se débloquent au fur et à mesure de la progression. Si ce sont uniquement les missions/challenges/courses d'une zone qui sont bloqués tant qu'on a pas atteint un certain niveau, c'est très bien. Mais si les zones sont physiquement inaccessible, ça irait un peu à l'encontre du concept du jeu, non?

Voilà pour mes premiers retours, je suis persuadé que le jeu répondra à la majorité de mes attentes. Et dire que je pensais devoir me rabattre sur Drive Club ou Horizon 2 pour palier à mon manque de TDU... merci Ivory Tower et merci Ubi !
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The Dreadful Unit #15

Since 7833 Days
petit passage sympa

j'espere juste qu'ils vont revoir tous les messages qui s'affichent parce que parfois ca bouffe 50% de l'écran
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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Since 7776 Days
Ça ne sert à rien d'écrire des previews, j'ai dit que le hud serait entièrement paramétrable, du moins c'est ce qu'on m'a promis. :p
In reply to

I'm rubber you're glue...

One ring of death to rule them all.

PC videos :Intel Core i5, OC 3.32 Ghz, 8 Go RAM, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 Gainward OC

CaptainTARASS - Lapin blanc
Since 7129 Days
Malgré l'enthousiasme de Drift, j'ai énormément de mal à être attiré par le jeu :/
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" Il a voulu prendre l'aile, mais il s'est fait couper l'aile " © Hervé Matoux

Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Since 7776 Days
Pourtant c'est déjà largement au dessus de Midnight Club L.A de mon point de vue. J'ai relancé le jeu de R* et je ne peux vraiment pas tenir plus de 5 minutes.
In reply to

I'm rubber you're glue...

One ring of death to rule them all.

PC videos :Intel Core i5, OC 3.32 Ghz, 8 Go RAM, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 Gainward OC

CaptainTARASS - Lapin blanc
Since 7129 Days
Midnight Club LA m'a vite saoulé aussi, je trouve la conduite inintéressante, par contre c'était pas mal d'un point de vue personnalisation.

Mais pour un nouveau jeu sur une nouvelle génération de machine, j'attends beaucoup plus, et plus de personnalité. Là j'ai l'impression que les devs se forcent à plaire au plus grand nombre, et au final j'ai peur qui ne plaisent pas à grand monde...
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" Il a voulu prendre l'aile, mais il s'est fait couper l'aile " © Hervé Matoux

Since 7833 Days
Parce que quand on promet à Mr Driftwwod on ne revient pas dessus ? ;)

Je pense qu'on se comprend pas, je ne veux pas nécessairement supprimer les messages (ca on verra) juste que la ils sont un peu encombrant, donc un peu plus petit serait pas mal et ca je ne pense pas qu'ils nous fournissent l'option réglage de la grandeur des messages

Mais bon moi je n’ai pas joué au jeu et on ne m'a pas fait de promesse :)
In reply to

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Since 7776 Days
Merci pour les sarcasmes, je m'excuse d'avoir joué au jeu et pu parler aux devs, des devs qui jusqu'à maintenant ont montré qu'ils savaient être à l'écoute des joueurs. Je m'excuse aussi de vouloir y croire au moins un peu.
In reply to

I'm rubber you're glue...

One ring of death to rule them all.

PC videos :Intel Core i5, OC 3.32 Ghz, 8 Go RAM, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 Gainward OC

Since 7833 Days
Putain, ok fait chaud mais vous aussi je vois (je ne parle pas que pour toi hein relax)

Je dirais plus sur le ton de l'humour que du sarcasme mais bon bref
T’excuse pas j'aurais aimé être a ta place
Moi aussi je veux y croire, je veux un jeu de voiture sur ma nouvelle console, et si je peux éviter Forza, je ne dis pas non
Je ne crache pas sur Forza, mais bon c'est Forza, donc beau mais trop Simu, alors ca va 30min apres je veux autre chose et si possible pas 100% arcade
Si l'écoute est identique a ce qu'on a pu voir sur TDU ca peu le faire, principalement que derrière y à UBI, on est loin de ATARI
J’ai rêvé tout un moment à un Midtown Madness next gen , ici ca sera peut ^tre un bon mix entre TDU et MM3
In reply to

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
GTA V, BF4, XBOX ONE, Watch_Dogs, Titan Fall, Spark, the division, The Crew .... Gagnant euromillions, Vacances à vie

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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane Factornews à joué à KingdomComeDeliverance2 au Gamescom 2024 mais ne publie sa preview que maintenant ? [url] (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)

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