After playing Black Flag on next gen or PC, discovering Assassin's Creed Liberation HD on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 is very close to a retro gaming experience. The technical issues of the console versions make it a bit difficult to soak in the game's atmosphere, but Aveline is an interesting character overall. The main problem is that the missions were built with a handheld in mind, which means they are short and easy. Narratively speaking, the game also falls short, not because the plot itself is disappointing, but because the voice acting is rather poor and the pace doesn't do the story justice. It's still a rather fun game to play for 5 to 6 hours (provided you only focus on the main campaign) free running in New Orleans and the bayou works well, but only the hardcore fans who haven't already given the Vita version a chance should give it a go.
Update: Added PC videos.