Calvino Noir was apparently released yesterday on PS4 but it will only become available on PC today. Since we were sent a code a couple of days ago to prepare a few gameplay videos, we can now propose a couple of them to you. What we really like about the game are its atmosphere and art style, but there are a few issues regarding controls. With a controller, it's not always easy to get things done, and with a mouse, it sometimes feels we're losing time going back and forth between icons. The stealth mechanics work overall, but the imprecisions in gameplay can make the game rather frustrating to play. We've just had time to complete the first act but we only have 4 chapters to go, which seems rather disappointing in terms of content. Unless Act 2 and 3 are way longer (which would be surprising considering they include fewer chapters), we're not sure the game is going to be very long. Check out our videos inside.