As crazy as it might sound, the Gamersyde team never really enjoyed GRIS. It was a great looking game with a great soundtrack but for some reason, when we played it through back in 2018, it simply didn't tick for us. As a result, we weren't especially eager to play Neva, which will be available tomorrow on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch. We were wrong though, and getting the game early was actually a nice present. We don't really what it is that made us find GRIS boring, maybe it was just bad timing for us, but the five hours it took us to complete Nomada Studio's next game were simply great. We loved the art style, but we also found this second title to feature some quite memorable moments and to convey tangible emotions. Not that their first game didn't for most people, but the pleasure we took in playing made us consider giving GRIS a second chance. We did finish the game at the time, but maybe we were just not in the right mood to appreciate the work of Nomada Studio.