Paradise Lost comes out today and it is a pure walking simulator. We don't really mind usually but we can't say we enjoyed our 5-hour experience this time. The pace is really slow and nothing really happens in the course of the adventure, there are no real highlights to mention. We didn't even manage to be interested in the relationship between Szymon and Ewa, the 2 characters who talk to one another via radio, except maybe towards the end where things get a bit more interesting. It might be that we were not in the right mood, but we found the game quite boring. The 2 following videos don't show the beginning of the adventure as we wanted to show you bits with a little more vocal interactions, but what you can see is the exact reflection of the whole experience. If you like what you see, then go ahead and give the game a try. If you don't, just stay away from it Szymon says.