The RPG game developed by tri-Ace also known as its original name End Of Eternity, releases tomorrow in Europe on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Sega has therefore put online the usual launch trailer.
The RPG game developed by tri-Ace also known as its original name End Of Eternity, releases tomorrow in Europe on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Sega has therefore put online the usual launch trailer.
DjMizuhara is obviously still playing End Of Eternity/Resonance of Fate and he captured another gameplay video for us all. What would we do without him?
End Of Eternity - aka Resonance of Fate - has been released in Japan, so as usual, our good and reliable friend DjMizuhara got his own copy to provide us with some exclusive videos of the game. We'll start with the introduction sequence but more will come in the days to come.
Update 3: Gameplay video is up.
Sega released a bunch of images of Resonance of Fate/End Of Eternity, the RPG by Tri-Ace. The game will be released in March 2010 in North America and Europe.
Sega released these new images of Resonance of Fate/End Of Eternity, still looking a bit odd when it comes to the characters.
Sega sent us these images of the French version of Resonance of Fate/End Of Eternity. This version, and I guess all other versions, will be completely subtitled, and the voices will be either in English or Japanese, as you prefer.
Our good friend DjMizuhara didn't lose his time in Tokyo since he brought us back many exclusive videos from the showfloor of the TGS. Let's start with End Of Eternity.
End Of Eternity will be released in a few months in Japan so it's no surprise that it's playable on the showfloor. Here are two videos of the game.
Update: I actually forgot the second video yesterday, sorry about that. It's available now.
The TGS is of course a good time for Sega to show some more End Of Eternity media, with the game being released in just a few months in Japan.
Our friend DjMizuhara is back after having lots of technical issues with this trailer of End Of Eternity from the Japanese PSN Store.