The developers of Scrapland have released this new trailer of their game, with a demo for PC. I really like the style.
The developers of Scrapland have released this new trailer of their game, with a demo for PC. I really like the style.
Scrapland, the newest American Mc Gee game, is back with these 104 images and artworks. Very nice, I can't wait to see this game in motion.
Some images are watermaked by IGN, but are still being released as part of the press release.
American Mc Gee, former ID Software employee and creator of a very "different" Alice, just annonced his new game Scrapland. This futuristic Action/Adventure game has quite a few interesting features. GTA3 like gameplay with fights races and complete freedom, very nice graphics, multiplayer modes, switchable bodies. Quite impressive, this is a game I never heard about before and I'll try to get as much informations about it in the future.