We have decided to be optimistic today. The ambient lethargy on this side of the community isn't always motivating, but we know it's also our fault somehow, even though davton has been working like the devil on his own to post regular content for weeks now. This time, we're talking about another Xbox Series X and PC exclusive, which hasn't been that common since the launch of Microsoft's latest console. The Ascent may not be very original per se, but it features gorgeous graphics and it's a lot of fun to play. Therefore, we hope you will drop us a comment and maybe if find the time to read the few lines we wrote and watch the beautiful 4K video that goes with them. On a side note, you should know that Dayton obviously recorded the footage but that I did play the game as I took the Xbox Series X with me on vacation. However, since I'm renting a place in Normandy with my family, all I have is a 720p TV set. Needless to say I haven't been able to truly see what the game has to offer in terms of image quality and graphics. It also explains why our verdict isn't truly final, as I couldn't give the game as much time as I would normally have when not on vacation. Enjoy anyway!