Since WRC 5, we have been big supporters of Kylotonn's work on the franchise, but after seeing the rather poor port of V-Rally 4 on Switch, we were concerned with how WRC 8 would look on Nintendo's console. No miracle to be found, the game may be perfectly smooth (at least from what we've seen), but it looks absolutely ugly. When seeing how great and crisp GRID Autosport is on Switch, we can only regret not being able to enjoy such visual quality here. Moreover, with no analog triggers available, driving becomes a lot more tedious than on PC, PS4 or Xbox One. It's still possible to have a good time, but for that you'll need to accept quite a number of problems. If you can play this 8th episode on another platform, you should do it, but if you only own a Nintendo Switch, then just be aware that your eyes will most likely suffer a bit...