Here are the twenty first minutes of ol'gen Tomb Raider Legend, covering the first level of the game. Needless to say, this level is a tutorial, so don't be surprised if the level design and the puzzles seems flat, and don't be afraid by the contextual help appearing every five minute to tell you what to do. It is a tutorial, a tutorial, it is (even if it's true the game is not that hard anyway). Having said these little things, enjoy the show !
Update: Video of Croft mansion added.
Update2: Video of X360 version in low definition and some parts in 720p added.
All comments (31)
Got a bit confussed..
360 version looks so much nicer than the xbox version even though it is a port ...
Oh well, I've been looking forward to this ever since I heard Crystal D would be developing it, and I thought the demo was right brilliant so I'll prolly be picking this up at some point regardless.
I was hoping they were just capable like Rare were with Kameo to push steady 30fps at HD even with great visuals. Guess not.
ed. I tried it with the VGA cables and indeed it chugs from 30 to 15 fps about 20% of the time. Close but no cigar what comes to polishing up the frames.
Personally I wouldhave sacrificed some of that uber-AA soft-focus nonsense that masks out the shader-heavy parallax mapping and opt for more frames, some angle dependent AF and crisper pixels.
I've seen worse but its sad that they would get it so close to perfect 30 and then just not care to optimize further.
Also all the fonts, start-up logo graphics and menu graphics are 480p upscales which is I believe the first time on the 360 that I've seen non-720p menus at 720p.
Games are free to use any framebuffer resolution they want. It may be easier for developers to render everything to a 1280x720 framebuffer and then scale it down to whatever they want, but they are not required to at all. They can very well use a 852x480 framebuffer for 480p widescreen and a 640x480 one for 4:3.
It is a little dissapointing that there's a noticable difference between the performance of two different resolutions on a $port$..not a terrible framerate, but I hope it's not an indication of the averaging LESS than 30fps is pretty sad.
Fun game tho.
V-sinc, fragmented hdd's or scratched discs are not going to cause all these fps drops, sorry. From my experience, V-sync has always provided not only a more consistent framerate, but actual higher framerates in the PC games i've experienced on my system. And anyway, textures are loaded into memory and everything else that would truly cause fps drops are either buffered or added on the fly. It's simply either poor programming, or the hardware just can't handle it.
the emphasis needs to be back on finding stuff and solving puzzles rather then gun fights, im disapointed.
Also is it just me or is the voice acting somewhat lacking, majorly
Actually, on a whole, the gunfights don't outweigh the platforming bits at all. This is still a very faithful Tomb Raider game, even though the battles here feel just as tacked on as the ones in Prince of Persia - and prolly are for the same reason, to please the godsmack kids. It's perhaps just a wee bit disappointing that they've sort of nibbled at some new gunplay mechanics, but they're throwaway things that don't really make much of a difference at all. Instead it seems to draw attention to the gunplay and get it slammed for not being deep enough. Oh well.