This video Oblivion has been available on the net since yesterday, but Bethesda did not want it to be to easily available since it's the E3 presentation of the game, 5 months old now. But now that IGN put it online, there is no reason why I shouldn't have it too :)
All comments (40)
The video did say a Christmas release, so there's still 2 months or so before going gold.
It looks really really cool, and just the kind of game I need to play.
All the games I've been playing for the past 3-5 years have been meaningless twitch FPS's, and I need a big change.
This is it!
Can't wait to get my hands on it :D
its funny that there are a few things that fable said they would have but ended up not having that are in the whole ure stats improve as u do them, and the npc's all having their own goals and other stuff which i've forgotten now
play the game b4 u flame it
it kinda feels unnatural
but the rest is just pretty awesome :D
also, blim. MUST GET HIGHER QUALITY! thanks, at least its better than IGNs vids.
play the game b4 u flame it