Xbox 360

We almost forgot to tell you about these six new screenshots of Saints Row, released earlier this week. You'll be glad to know it is now fixed !

6 images

  • 6 images of Saints Row - 6 images
  • 6 images of Saints Row - 6 images
  • 6 images of Saints Row - 6 images
  • 6 images of Saints Row - 6 images
  • 6 images of Saints Row - 6 images
  • 6 images of Saints Row - 6 images
Commented on 2006-08-06 21:28:49
Its looking great and is actually using tiling AA (like dead rising) at native 720p.

I musthave played the demo for several hours already but still I wont buy this if it runs as bad as the demo, and it runs BAAAAD. Compared to the video that plays in the main menu, they're like a different game alltogether.
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Commented on 2006-08-06 21:36:33
demo runs more than fine to me. you people are sooo picky. i guess i have an untrained eye...
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Commented on 2006-08-06 22:04:31 In reply to Trup1aya4rea1
Posted by Trup1aya4rea1o6
demo runs more than fine to me. you people are sooo picky. i guess i have an untrained eye...
No m8 they just picky its runs fine.
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Commented on 2006-08-06 22:20:17 In reply to Joergen
Posted by Joergen
Its looking great and is actually using tiling AA (like dead rising) at native 720p.

I musthave played the demo for several hours already but still I wont buy this if it runs as bad as the demo, and it runs BAAAAD. Compared to the video that plays in the main menu, they're like a different game alltogether.
I've seen people saying the demo isn't a very good indicator of the final build quality. If those accounts are to be believed then several months of development occured between the demo being finished and it being released.
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Commented on 2006-08-06 23:07:23 In reply to Slabs
Slabs, I've heard the same comments regarding framerate and other problems. I asked my brother about the demo, and he says that the game runs fine at a steady 30 fps. He's much of a critic when it comes to things like that, so if he says that the game runs fine, believe me it runs fine. Maybe it's just a technical issue with the server or something. For those of you who have had problems, it should seem a little strange for some people to have problems while others don't. My brother's not into the GTA games, but for some reason he praises this game for the living city and the voice acting. He says that the game destroys Grand Theft Auto and it's everything that it should have been. Maybe this game will grab some new fans of the genre. The timing couldn't have been better.
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Commented on 2006-08-06 23:13:10
Looks nice can,t wait to play it, less than a month to go.
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Commented on 2006-08-06 23:13:30
Just look at that shot of the drive-by. That's pure thugernomics. I might just give this title a shot myself. No pun intended.
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Commented on 2006-08-06 23:22:46
wow check out that explosion with the train....pure mayham
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Commented on 2006-08-06 23:34:30
What exactly do you mean with, "it is fixed"?
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Commented on 2006-08-06 23:58:16
Apart from perhaps a difference with the DVD demo and the XBL demo, the only difference is in the viewer's head.

Just today I was demoing the XBL version to a friend and I prepped him by saying its a great game but the demo is very poor, and showed him the background video for how the final version hopefully will run.

Then some minutes into the game I was killing some cops with pipebombs, there were like four cars onscreen and the game was jugging along less than 10fps no doubt and he proclaimed "it hasnt lagged in a while now has it?" I could only reply by saying "it probably couldnt run worse actually".

It can be summed up with the menu video vs realtime comparison. They dont match. The menu video runs at a perfect 30fps 100% with absolutely no slowdown during car explosions and physics. The demo however slows to a complete crawl when things are exploding, when you enter a shop, when youre driving or pretty much anywhere aside from the spot that you first spawn in.

If you want to see how badly the demo is optimized. Change your resolution to 16:9 and SD resolution. The intro realtime cut-scene is a slideshow (esp the car crash). Now change to 4:3 and SD, it runs alot better (with black bars). 16:9 = Worst framerate EVER.

I mean clearly I care too much about this game, and if the final version isnt satisfactory I will care no more.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 00:14:26
Yes, SR demo runs bad, but there a whole lot of lucky bastards out there that don't even notice this for some reason.

But Blimblim say's "it is fixed", so he must have acknowledged it was "broke" at first, so my question would be, how "fixed" is it?
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Commented on 2006-08-07 00:19:23
I have seen the saints row demo on 8 different 360's and it runs just as bad on all of them at most the frame rate hits 30 but that is VERY rare the avarage is around 15-20 sometimes even lower, the people who say it runs smooth are : a) Ignorant : b) Rabid fanboys : c) Blind and possibly dead. With all that being said i still think that saints row is really fun to play and i hope that they fix the fps for the retail version
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Commented on 2006-08-07 00:24:36 In reply to Bakutheswede
Posted by Bakutheswede
I have seen the saints row demo on 8 different 360's and it runs just as bad on all of them at most the frame rate hits 30 but that is VERY rare the avarage is around 15-20 sometimes even lower, the people who say it runs smooth are : a) Ignorant : b) Rabid fanboys : c) Blind and possibly dead. With all that being said i still think that saints row is really fun to play and i hope that they fix the fps for the retail version
Dont really know what youre talking about! I`ve seen lots of videos even user uploaded videos and the frame rate is good. Put yourself a video and prove it instead!!!
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Commented on 2006-08-07 00:41:02
Actually this very site appologised for the poor performance of the preview version, and the stuttering is visible in the video.

I wont be bothered to make a video capture, but one could easily prove it by capturing a 60fps video at 320x240 so peoples computers would be able to play it back without dropping frames. Though there is very little point in capping a 60fps video for 10fps performance. Thanks Baku for your moral support.

The only PROOF that a properly running build of this game even EXISTS is the menu background. If you think of a game like Full Auto, even the intro video runs like turd, which shows at no stage was there a build that ran properly. Saints Row has had an optimized build at some stage... though we dont know if its just for "show" or video recording purposes (doubtful).
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Commented on 2006-08-07 01:03:41 In reply to Bakutheswede
Posted by Bakutheswede
I have seen the saints row demo on 8 different 360's and it runs just as bad on all of them at most the frame rate hits 30 but that is VERY rare the avarage is around 15-20 sometimes even lower, the people who say it runs smooth are : a) Ignorant : b) Rabid fanboys : c) Blind and possibly dead. With all that being said i still think that saints row is really fun to play and i hope that they fix the fps for the retail version
First thing first, I don't care who you are it is not possible to gauge the frames per second of a game by just watching it because all game engines react and move differintly at varying frame rates. That being said I had no issues at all with my copy, gameplay stayed continualy smooth throught the multiple play sessions. Do your self a favor, if your going to insult people make sure you don't sound like an ignorant ass in the process.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 01:16:05 In reply to grifter_66
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by grifter_66
First thing first, I don't care who you are it is not possible to gauge the frames per second of a game by just watching it because all game engines react and move differintly at varying frame rates. That being said I had no issues at all with my copy, gameplay stayed continualy smooth throught the multiple play sessions. Do your self a favor, if your going to insult people make sure you don't sound like an ignorant ass in the process.
:lol: :lol:
Snoopers - Gameboy
Commented on 2006-08-07 01:26:27 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
Yes, SR demo runs bad, but there a whole lot of lucky bastards out there that don't even notice this for some reason.

But Blimblim say's "it is fixed", so he must have acknowledged it was "broke" at first, so my question would be, how "fixed" is it?
I meant that we now have these screens, nothing more, as in "we forgot to news them, but it's now fixed".
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Commented on 2006-08-07 01:37:33
I downloaded the demo from Market and it haves bad framerate.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 02:06:20
If it has been improved.. then i am a happy gamer..

To be honest, SR made my eyes hurt wheras a game like DR didn't.. as long as my eyes dont hurt i am good lol
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Commented on 2006-08-07 02:27:12

THEY HAVE ALREADY SAID THAT THE FINAL BUILD not the DEMO BUILD has the framerate issues FIXED... so not getting the game because of framerate is crap... when they split the build code to finish the demo and release it, it did not have the later fixes that the final builds for the release version got ... in which they FIXED the framerate.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 03:50:14
it's funny when people say the demo drops to under 10fps when cars are exploding etc.. do you even know what 10fps looks like? The game tends to run at 60fps max and drops to around 25-30 when something is happening such as explosions etc... a drop from 60 to 30 IS big... but remember we were playing games with a MAX 30fpd not 1 year ago on xboxes and ps2s...

stop complaining, it's not taht bad. My friend actually went on a rant to me about him not even being able to play the game cause it was so slow... he also crys when he "lags" in WoW with a latency of just over 300ping... (for those in the know, 300 ping is perfectly ok in an MMO...)
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Commented on 2006-08-07 04:02:57 In reply to DJJoeJoe
Posted by DJJoeJoe
it's funny when people say the demo drops to under 10fps when cars are exploding etc.. do you even know what 10fps looks like? The game tends to run at 60fps max and drops to around 25-30 when something is happening such as explosions etc... a drop from 60 to 30 IS big... but remember we were playing games with a MAX 30fpd not 1 year ago on xboxes and ps2s...

stop complaining, it's not taht bad. My friend actually went on a rant to me about him not even being able to play the game cause it was so slow... he also crys when he "lags" in WoW with a latency of just over 300ping... (for those in the know, 300 ping is perfectly ok in an MMO...)
This game NEVER comes near 60FPS in fact i think it's capped at 30 but it hardly even reaches that. Also this "max 30fps for xbox 1 and ps2 games" is total bs there are lots of games for the xbox and ps2 that runs at 60FPS. And yes i can tell the difference between 20 and 30 fps since i have been playing pc games for 15 years or so and most pc games let you see the fps. I think you are confusing 60FPS with 60MHZ the refresh rate of your television alot of people do that.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 06:24:28
The game definately doesn't run at 60, pretty sure it's capped at 30.. That being said for a demo is runs pretty well and only when you have a lot of shit exploding do you notice a serious drop in FPS.

To be honest I don't really care, even the demo which was by story pretty old (E3 or prior) was very playable and I have every belief that the game performs a lot better now. I had fun with the demo and thus Dead Rising and Saint's Row are my next two buys.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 07:00:20
buying it first day it's comes out.
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Commented on 2006-08-07 07:52:26
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
This game is terrible, i wouldn't buy it.. you have to pick between Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, or Black, lol. Thats so retarded. Then theres the poor graphics, characters look terrible, almost as bad as GTA3. Theres also the weird cinematics where they totally blur the background so you can only see the characters, it looks terrible. Lets not forget about gameplay, theres no first person view for driving or the character, anyways.. its truly average. The only thing that really saves this game is the online play.
About the game
Published by
Developed by
Deep Silver Voli...

$135 of $400 per month

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