Xbox 360

It's been a few weeks since I've last posted some Famitsu Scans of Ninety Nine Nights. This horrible mistake is now finally corrected with these 4 full pages, 2 of them full of new screens.

Famitsu Weekly #904 scans

  • 99 Nights scans - Famitsu Weekly #904 scans
  • 99 Nights scans - Famitsu Weekly #904 scans
  • 99 Nights scans - Famitsu Weekly #904 scans
  • 99 Nights scans - Famitsu Weekly #904 scans
Commented on 2006-04-04 16:36:50
Is this game going to be as good and popular as everyone thinks it is?
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:41:36 In reply to Pyrochaos
Posted by Pyrochaos
Is this game going to be as good and popular as everyone thinks it is?
I hope so. based on what we've seen so far it looks really good. I hope that Microsoft now give us release dates for Europe and the US.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:45:51 In reply to Pyrochaos
Posted by Pyrochaos
Is this game going to be as good and popular as everyone thinks it is?
That depends games like these tend to get repetitive after a while. As long at it has a good story and great controls I'm good. I mean look at DW, one of the most redundant series ever.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:46:41
Seems ok but ill rent it.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:48:43
To pyro's question yes it definetly will be. Now will it do well in japan? (probably not if this was released on the ps3 it would be like a second coming of final fantasy VII)

Not comparing the game to final fantasy VII, but the japanese market would be all over it and use it as yet another reason as to why sony is better :)

Who cares anyway the 360 is on track to becoming the fastest selling console ever without japan's support and the games that they ignore over there will be successful in the usa and europe. Who cares while they are ignoring all the amazing games for the 360 we'll be having fun with too human, blue dragon, lost odyssey etc :D

Was he running up a wall in one of those pages????

Also I really like that spinning move dwingvatt has :)
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Commented on 2006-04-04 16:50:30
I bet it will be very addictive!
Does he say why it is called Ninety Nine Nights?
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:54:30
I think it will do average sales wise for a 360 title.

As nice as it looks many people won't buy it because of its gameplay and i can't see it doing very well in Japan with so few people owning a 360 console.

I guess they will have to hope the US and European market buy it ..
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:56:03
This will kick Dynasty Warrior :p
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Commented on 2006-04-04 16:56:12
Its called ninety nine nights because in this game you see that crystal that cracks. I think its representative of the peace across the land or a sort of balance to the world. Night and Day type thing and once that thing breaks I guess all hell breaks loose and the bad guy (the one we've seen) I believe is orchestrating all these different people to war with each other for all the wrong reasons. Remember the part where inphyy kills dwingvatt's older brother? I don't think that was her.

Once this game kicks into gear there will be 99 nights STRAIGHT of nothing but pitch black darkness no more sun. Which is why I know all these daytime fight scenes are VERY early in the game.

HOPE the us and european markets buy it? They will definetly be buying this game up like crazy if games like burnout revenge (amazing port), the outfit, full auto are doing well in terms of sales.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Commented on 2006-04-04 17:06:09 In reply to Optimusv2
Thanks Op.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 17:07:45
This game might be the boost xbox360 needs to crack japan.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2006-04-04 17:13:41
We are in desperate need of an Japanese>English translator...
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Commented on 2006-04-04 17:23:01 In reply to PlumbDrumb
we'll have to get Myro to go on a crash course.
The first word he could learn is the Japanese for port ;)
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Commented on 2006-04-04 17:28:17
Well.... Splicer I'd like for it to be the one that does it, but I think as good as ninety nine nights will be (pretty damn good in my opinion) that it'll still take games from sakaguchi to truly crack japan.

I mean hey... they've supported the guy nonstop for years he's delivered them pure gold when it comes to games for so long just recently they voted him the developer most representative of the 2005 gaming industry (thats a huge honor) I don't think its a stretch to assume this guy's games will account for about 4 to 5 million of 360 purchases in japan. I'm not talking in a single day, but in the long run I believe a game like blue dragon will sell 5 million maybe alot more. I think 5 million 360s will be sold in japan over time just because of blue dragon and then sakaguchi's other games will amass equal success in japan over time.

I'm not talking about sales of 2 to 3 million or more on day 1 or within the first couple weeks or months I just believe blue dragon will sell about 5 million 360s in japan when its all said and done. Same for his other games.

As much as I watch japanese anime you'd THINK I'd know something by now.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 17:47:10
Dynasty Warriors doesn't hold a candle against N3. That port was some kind of joke to me.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 17:54:54 In reply to Optimusv2
Posted by Optimusv2
Well.... Splicer I'd like for it to be the one that does it, but I think as good as ninety nine nights will be (pretty damn good in my opinion) that it'll still take games from sakaguchi to truly crack japan.

I mean hey... they've supported the guy nonstop for years he's delivered them pure gold when it comes to games for so long just recently they voted him the developer most representative of the 2005 gaming industry (thats a huge honor) I don't think its a stretch to assume this guy's games will account for about 4 to 5 million of 360 purchases in japan. I'm not talking in a single day, but in the long run I believe a game like blue dragon will sell 5 million maybe alot more. I think 5 million 360s will be sold in japan over time just because of blue dragon and then sakaguchi's other games will amass equal success in japan over time.

I'm not talking about sales of 2 to 3 million or more on day 1 or within the first couple weeks or months I just believe blue dragon will sell about 5 million 360s in japan when its all said and done. Same for his other games.

As much as I watch japanese anime you'd THINK I'd know something by now.
WOW, you have reached just right over the limit. Those are some bold claims with really NOTHING to back them up. We know little to nothing about Blue Dragon and you are already guarateeing 5 million 360's sold just because of this game.

I honestly think you are crazy. No, actually, I think you are just too much of a fanboy who can't see things the other way around. For a game these days to sell 5 million is simply an extraordinary event that you don't see very often. For a game to sell consoles, 5 million consoles it has to be one of the best games ever..........and since we are talking about Japan and Xbox..........Please, be a little realistic. With such vague details of the game, with the horrible situation of the 360 in Japan, and the average sales for games these days, basically, the state of the industry, that's a lot of trash you are talking.

I'd like to see what the sales numbers for FFX2 are in Japan, and I did say "see", not someone just telling me. So....LINK?
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:03:46

Here are some figures of the sales in japan as of March 31st 2005. if what you meant by X2 is FF12 then Final Fantasy 12 sold 2 million copies in two weeks.I have no figures for Final Fantasy X-2 thouhg ...i'll keep looking


1. Final Fantasy XII - PS2 - 238.000 - (TOTAL : 2.002.000)
2. Pokémon Ranger - NDS - 193.000 - (193.000)
3. Ace Combat Zero : The Belkan War - PS2 - 109.000 - (109.000)
4. Animal Crossing : Wild World - NDS - 83.000 - (2.271.000)
5. More DS Brain Training - NDS - 77.000 - (1.649.000)
6. Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires - PS2 - 54.000 - (54.000)
7. English Training DS - NDS - 46.000 - (703.000)
8. Prof. Kawashima's Brain Training : How old is your brain ? - NDS - 46.000 - (1.769.000)
9. Harukanaru Toki no naka de 3 : Labyrinth of Fate - PS2 - 46.000 - (46.000)
10. Mario Kart DS - NDS - 22.000 - (1.211.000)

SOURCE : Famitsu Magazine. published on the net by <7b1a> Link for article:
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:10:01 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane

Here are some figures of the sales in japan as of March 31st 2005. Final Fantasy 12 sold 2 million copies in two weeks.


1. Final Fantasy XII - PS2 - 238.000 - (TOTAL : 2.002.000)
2. Pokémon Ranger - NDS - 193.000 - (193.000)
3. Ace Combat Zero : The Belkan War - PS2 - 109.000 - (109.000)
4. Animal Crossing : Wild World - NDS - 83.000 - (2.271.000)
5. More DS Brain Training - NDS - 77.000 - (1.649.000)
6. Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires - PS2 - 54.000 - (54.000)
7. English Training DS - NDS - 46.000 - (703.000)
8. Prof. Kawashima's Brain Training : How old is your brain ? - NDS - 46.000 - (1.769.000)
9. Harukanaru Toki no naka de 3 : Labyrinth of Fate - PS2 - 46.000 - (46.000)
10. Mario Kart DS - NDS - 22.000 - (1.211.000)

SOURCE : Famitsu Magazine. published on the net by <6344> Link for article:
Thanks man, that only support my previous post. So let's say the game sells as much as 10 million before popularity starts going down. This is an immensively popular game, on an equally popular console, and let's GUESS the final number is ten million. How the f%%% do you expect a new franchise ON XBOX to SELL CONSOLES? 5 Million? In Japan? Phff. Oh god.

And to be honest, I'm being very generous with that ten million number

PS. What is the first figure before the 2 million? "238.000"
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:22:43 In reply to LEBATO
@ PS. What is the first figure before the 2 million? "238.000"

That just represents the units sold for the week of 24th - 31st March and the total is the one between brackets. hope this clears the confusion.

Now regarding OptimusV2 comments, he was just speculating that it might sell as much as 5 million copies in the long term and not immediately after release. Well may be 5 million is a bit optimistic but that's his opinion. I still think BLUE DRAGON has a great potential, it has been ranked by Famitsu's readers on the top 10 most wanted games in Japan for months (oscilating between positions 7, 8 and 9). I am sure it could help shift a lot of 360s in Japan, the number of which is yet to be seen when the game is released.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:24:28
Yup, can not wait for this game.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:25:30
I think everyone is waiting for an announcement on whether the game will be Japan only.

After seeing those sales figures, I'm think it's gonna be more and more impossible for the Xbox 360 to be anywhere near successful in Japan. It's obvious that MS needs to have a ton of good/popular Japanese games to be released on a regular basis, otherwise the 360 is just a pushover in Japan.

Japan is the only country thus far that hasn't been successful to the Xbox 360.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:27:12 In reply to ZeroEx
Posted by ZeroEx
I think everyone is waiting for an announcement on whether the game will be Japan only.

After seeing those sales figures, I'm think it's gonna be more and more impossible for the Xbox 360 to be anywhere near successful in Japan. It's obvious that MS needs to have a ton of good/popular Japanese games to be released on a regular basis, otherwise the 360 is just a pushover in Japan.

Japan is the only country thus far that hasn't been successful to the Xbox 360.
you are indeed very right about this. Sure they have N3 now and then Spectral Force 3 and then Lost odyssey, blue dragon and crome hounds but what after that ? they have to keep them coming to win in there and they must have EXLUSIVE ones. I have hopes that new games will be announced on their relaunch event.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:31:12
Awesome, eagerly anticipating this title. Is the Japansese version region free? I don't mind not understanting the story as long as I am lopping thousands of heads per minute in HD glory.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:35:58 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
@ PS. What is the first figure before the 2 million? "238.000"

That just represents the units sold for the week of 24th - 31st March and the total is the one between brackets. hope this clears the confusion.

Now regarding OptimusV2 comments, he was just speculating that it might sell as much as 5 million copies in the long term and not immediately after release. Well may be 5 million is a bit optimistic but that's his opinion. I still think BLUE DRAGON has a great potential, it has been ranked by Famitsu's readers on the top 10 most wanted games in Japan for months. I am sure it could help shift a lot of 360s in Japan, the number of which is yet to be seen when the game is released.
Yeah, I understand what Optimus is saying, I just think it's very exagerated. I also understand he meant on the long term and I replied understanding that. Now, I just find it very hard to believe. I know that's his opinion and guess, but I really really feel his opinion is too influenced by his love for the 360, so is it really an objective opinion? I really don't think so.

Consider what many people believe to be the most popular and/or better Final Fantasy game of all time. I'm talking about FFVII. Consider these stats: (scroll down)

The article was posted in May 2003, so Halo 2 isn't there, but we are talking about Fina Fantasy FFVII.

FFVII sold, by May 2003, 8 million copies. THAT game. And notice the trend, what was the last game to sell more 10 million copies, to reach 5 million, etc. But those are world wide sells, he's "expecting" Blue Dragon sells 5 million in Japan alone. I say, wake up from your dream. For it to sell that well it would have to be like a second coming of I don't know who. And again, 1 million, 5million, 10million sellers are becoming more rare now.
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Commented on 2006-04-04 18:39:33
Yea i think the 360 will always be doomed in Japan.

A couple of good games (BD or LO) will help the console but i doubt BD will sell 5 million.

I think BD could be a system seller in Japan but by which time it will be fighting against people wanting a PS3.

People have a choice to buy a 360 + BD or buy a PS3..

I don't care how well N3,BD or LO does in Japan as long as we get to see then in the US and Europe, they could have the potential to do really well on a platform starved of Japanese style games.
Consider what many people believe to be the most popular and/or better Final Fantasy game of all time. I'm talking about FFVII. Consider these stats:
People who have played FF12 have said it is better than 7 and you can't really compare sales to a game that is only been out a few weeks and then only in Japan.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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