Video PC Xbox 360 PS3

Here's a new video for Bulletstorm with Cliff Bleszinski, Design Director at Epic Games.

Commented on 2011-02-14 16:58:50
Awful, awful game from the demo, and goddamn do I hate Cliffy B.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2011-02-14 17:01:34
Awesome, awesome demo.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 17:12:46 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Awesome, awesome demo.
Not sure if joking
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2011-02-14 17:14:58
It's only awful if you hate extremely tight and refined gameplay and awesome graphics.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 17:16:02
Hey dicktits ... i'm buying this !
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Commented on 2011-02-14 17:17:08 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
It's only awful if you hate extremely tight and refined gameplay and awesome graphics.
Awesome graphics? ok, now I know you're joking
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Commented on 2011-02-14 17:19:19
The demo was quite fun, after I started to get the kill combos and archive better scores. Still think it could be even better on PC, but that remains to be seen.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 17:19:46 In reply to wazark
Seriously? Those graphics are quite good, I'm not sure what you are comparing it too. I can see the gameplay not being your style, but I thought the graphics where phenominal...
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-02-14 17:23:51
loved the demo, played it like 15 times.

i cant wait till its out.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 17:30:43 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Seriously? Those graphics are quite good, I'm not sure what you are comparing it too. I can see the gameplay not being your style, but I thought the graphics where phenominal...
Yeah, seriously. Everything about them from the low res. textures, blocky environment, low detail character models, and complete absence of god rays (albeit, poor god rays) on the PS3 version. Far from phenomenal, perhaps average. We'll see if the PC version redeems it from the visually unappealing console versions. That wasn't even what put me off though, it was the horrible voice acting which wasn't even funny and the prospect of having to sit through that 'story' Probably the most stereotypical shooter game there's ever been.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 18:10:11
I only played the 360 version, and that had some nice textures( nothing I saw as really low-res), shaders, and "god rays". There was a pretty darn good amount of polys flying around too, so I don't think you were looking at the game objectively. I can't imagine the PS3 version was that different( guess I'll have to download it to see for myself). I can understand it's style isn't for everyone though.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2011-02-14 18:12:56
Some people are more caught up on aesthetics and CliffyB (who didn't even design this) hate than anything else.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 18:48:44
I played the demo and it seems like fun but I am not buying two FPS titles on the same launch date so unless the KZ3 demo seriously upsets me in some way I will wait on this one. Possibly down the line sometime though, considering how fucking awful the unreal engine usually looks on PS3 the Bulletstorms graphics were surprisingly decent and screen tearing free-ish.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 19:06:41 In reply to wazark
Posted by wazark
Yeah, seriously. Everything about them from the low res. textures, blocky environment, low detail character models, and complete absence of god rays (albeit, poor god rays) on the PS3 version. Far from phenomenal, perhaps average. We'll see if the PC version redeems it from the visually unappealing console versions. That wasn't even what put me off though, it was the horrible voice acting which wasn't even funny and the prospect of having to sit through that 'story' Probably the most stereotypical shooter game there's ever been.
I was going to link a dictionary definition in a smart ass way, but instead I'll just say that the 360 version looks fine, and that the PC version will certainly look excellent. The current Unreal Engine is fantastic, especially on PC. Considering the performance, the amount of stuff going on, and the speed of the gameplay, I'd say it looks great. Sounds to me like you just have it out for this game, so I dunno why anyone (myself included) is bothering with you.

Clearly the game isn't your cup of tea, but you can shove that opinion up your ass if you aren't willing to treat it as an opinion and your going to just whine about how shitty this unreleased game is.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 19:42:18
i really do hate cliffy b, he's the biggest douchebag of the industry. but bulletstorm was pretty good. definately worth a rental at least. i fear it could get a bit boring tho. i felt like i'd seen all the crazy kills in the demo alone (granted, i played it a good few times) but definately worth playing. looked nice too... for a UE3 game ;P
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Commented on 2011-02-14 21:01:06 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i really do hate cliffy b, he's the biggest douchebag of the industry. but bulletstorm was pretty good. definately worth a rental at least. i fear it could get a bit boring tho. i felt like i'd seen all the crazy kills in the demo alone (granted, i played it a good few times) but definately worth playing. looked nice too... for a UE3 game ;P
So you have seen all of this? Demo alone, who knows what more the full game will have.

Homie Missile - Flail an enemy send him airborne into another enemy and blow them up!

Mercy - Shoot an enemy in the balls and while he screams in pain kick or shoot his head off

Vertigo - Kick an enemy of a ledge and send him flying down

Fly Swatter - Hold LB and Thump an enemy into the roof or impale him!

Headshot - Kill an enemy with a shot to his skull

Grenade gag - Shoot a flail and stick it to the enemy's head and while he's wriggling detonate that sucker!

Fireworks - Using your thumper (Hold LB) equip the screamer and use your charged shot to send an enemy high in the air with a gory explosion

Misfire - Using your screamer shoot a flare into an enemy but kill the enemy before the flare blows him up.

Trap Shooting - Thump an enemy in the air and while he's dangling up there kill him with your bullets for the Skillshot

Ding Dong - Use your leash and open the doors located at the begin of the Collapsed Building level and crush the enemy.

Overkill - Using your PeaceMaker Carbine equip the charge shot (RB) and headshot an enemy with it leaving only his skeleton in your way.

Voodoo Doll - Use your trusty boot or leash to send an enemy into any object that is sharp enough to impale him.

Sadist - Flail an enemy then while he's struggling just kill him with a barrage of bullets.

Full Throttle - Grab a minigun and succesfully kill 2 or more enemies without letting go of the trigger for this Skillshot.

Tenderizer - Call the elevator hold LT the moment the prompt pops up for 500+ points as well as any bonuses that come from the elevator crushing the enemies.

Surgeon - Focus on just one body part of an enemy and repeatedly fire on that part for the surgeon Skillshot

Bullet Kick - Kick an enemy then kill him using a barrage of bullets.

Shocker - Kick an enemy into any electrical source to see them fry up and also help yourself to a Skillshot

Smart Mine - Similar to 'Homie Missile' although this one requires you use a flail-wrapped standing enemy to kill an airborne enemy.

Rear Entry - Shoot an enemy enough times in the ass to earn this Skillshot

First In Last Out - An awkward skillshot but this one requires you to get an enemy airborne, kill a different enemy, then kill the first before he lands.

Afterburner - Set an enemy on fire using the Screamer's charged shot and then kill that enemy

Minefield - Attach an flail to the surface and lure an enemy in and detonate the flail.

Gang Bang - Flail an enemy leash him towards another set of enemies and explode them for this awesome Skillshot.

Enlightenment - Equp the Screamer's charge shot and headshot an enemy with the flare and let it explode for this explosive Skillshot.

Chain Reaction - Equip the flail's charged shot and slice two enemies in half with just 1 charged flail.

French Revoloution - Similar to the Skillshot 'Chain Reaction' this skillshot can only be achieved by successfully headshotting two enemies in once charged flail.

Boned - Using your PeaceMaker Carbine's charged shot kill an enemy the moment you aim in on your sights.

X-Ray - Using your PeaceMaker Carbine's charged shot kill 2 enemies or more with 1 annihilator blast

Antidote - Kill a puffgas enemy with a headshot and get his gas to infect another enemy while you put him out of his misery

Gag Reflex - Shoot an enemy in the throat to score this Skillshot

Trip Wire - For this skillshot I highly recommend a Screamer, You need a Green freak to run at you and as he's running shoot his leg to see him collapse then finish him off.

Intoxicated - Located towards the end of the demo you'll find a drink that will allow you to become drunk while drunk kill enemies to earn this Skillshot. (A video link has been has been inserted below showing where this drink is for new demo players)

Bullet Slide - Slide into a enemy (hold A/X) and finish him off with a barrage of bullets for this skillshot

Graffiti - Kill an enemy by kicking into a surface and watch him explode for the points

Toxic Love - Headshot a Green Freak then while you've been infected kill as many people as you can for the Toxic Love Skillshot

One Hit Wonder - Kill an enemy using 1 bullet (Recommended use, Screamer and aim for the head!)

Slam Dunk - Thump an enemy in the air then thump him again to see him splat the ground and explode into pieces

Snap Shot - Thump an enemy in the air then kill them the moment your sights are locked on for this Skillshot

Meat Slicer - Slice an enemy in half while wrapping the flail around an object.

Blindfire - Kill an enemy while you've been blinded by your own flare

Fastdraw - Kill an enemy the moment you have them in your sights.

Head Slicer - Wrap the flail around an object and decapitate an enemy

Friendly Fire - A hard skillshot, This requires you to kill an enemy by flinging them into the fire of another enemy.

Gunslinger - You need to score two or more FAST DRAWs or SNAPSHOTs Skillshots in a row to grab this cool Skillshot.
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Commented on 2011-02-14 23:35:38
Lamest video ever. They're really hyping shit to death these days
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Commented on 2011-02-15 00:54:26
Dont know why the demo was appealing to so many.

Most 'skill shots' happen accidently anyways...(controls were a bit chunky imo)
Just giving them stupid names and adding some 'ball shot animations' does not make the game good..
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2011-02-15 00:57:12
There are diminishing returns on skill shots. They did that to require more than randomness from the player. Climbing the leader boards will absolutely require you to put some effort into it.

On a high sensitivity (FPS Freeks ftw) I thought it handled pretty well on the gamepad, but I'm buying the PC version personally.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-02-15 04:43:45 In reply to Redneck
Posted by Redneck
Dont know why the demo was appealing to so many.

Most 'skill shots' happen accidently anyways...(controls were a bit chunky imo).
maybe for you :/

there is nothing clumsy about the controls, maybe you need to play it more to get used to it???

not every game can have COD controls
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Commented on 2011-02-15 11:18:26
Controls are great and every skillshot i made was on purpose. You need to get used to the many variations and honstly i play the silly demo about an hour every evening. Still no 20K score but close to it.
With single player , anarchy coop"horde" and echo gamemode this is a wet dream....and yeah i love the childish,sexual incorrect humor ...
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Epic Games
Developed by
People Can Fly

$135 of $400 per month

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