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Capcom has just announced the original Resident Evil is coming back digitally in early 2015 for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One and 360 with enhanced graphics, 1080p and 5.1 surround support. More details and screens inside.

Highly Demanded Fan Favorite Horror Title Returns in 2015

SAN MATEO, Calif. — Aug. 5, 2014 — Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced Resident Evil® for PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation® 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC. Resident Evil will be available to purchase digitally across North America and Europe in Early 2015.

The hugely popular Resident Evil® series, having sold over 61 million units to date, returns to its roots with a remastered version of the critically acclaimed masterpiece, Resident Evil. Originally released in 1996, Resident Evil was then “remade” in 2002 from the ground up with new visuals, gameplay elements, environments and story details while retaining the survival horror atmosphere the series had become synonymous for. Both fans of the franchise who want a trip down memory lane and those who have yet to experience the game that coined the term survival horror for the gaming world will appreciate this definitive re-visit of that iconic 2002 Resident Evil title.

Using the latest resolution enhancement and 3D model technology, game resolutions and textures have been significantly upgraded, including 1080p support on next-gen consoles, resulting in characters and backgrounds coming to life in greater detail than ever seen before in Resident Evil. Not only will the graphics impress but the tense sound effects have been fully remastered with 5.1 surround support for a greater gaming atmosphere. Players are now able to choose not only between experiencing the terror at the classic 4:3 ratio or a stunning 16:9 widescreen mode but also the type of control scheme they play with. The classic control scheme remains for fans of the original play style or there’s an alternative scheme where the character moves directly in the direction of the analogue stick, utilizing the standards of the current generation of gaming. Both the control scheme and the display options can be toggled between at any time during gameplay.

The intense horror fans first experienced with the release of the original Resident Evil is back. Taking place in the now notorious Raccoon City, players will choose to take on the role of either S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) team member Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine, who have been sent into the city to find the missing Bravo team. When the team is suddenly attacked by a ferocious group of mutated dogs, desperate for an escape they take shelter in the Mansion, but will they ever get out alive again? Players will need to be brave as they adventure through the dark, enclosed spaces searching out the horrors that await them. With limited ammo and survival items available gamers will need to keep their wits about them to survive the various traps and puzzles that greet them at every stage.


  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Screenshots

Character Arts

  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Character Arts
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Character Arts
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Character Arts

Key Visual

  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Key Visual
  • Capcom brings back Resident Evil - Key Visual
Commented on 2014-08-05 15:22:53
That looks like shit. That looks like a 'toss it together QUICKLY' double dip or money grab. If you're going to do an Anniversary version or remake- go full on next gen and do it without the clashing graphic styles. One looks like last gen modeling and the other like last gen renders... they don't mix successfully. This looks like shit.
In reply to
Commented on 2014-08-05 15:31:40
Doesn't look that different to me then the last version i saw of it !
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Commented on 2014-08-05 16:20:15
Don't really care about if it has upgraded 1080p graphics and VFX as long as they get the controls and gameplay right after the RE6 disaster. The original 1996 RE is a classic and I am looking forward to this release for new consoles.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 17:23:23 In reply to Kethmach
Posted by Kethmach
That looks like shit. That looks like a 'toss it together QUICKLY' double dip or money grab. If you're going to do an Anniversary version or remake- go full on next gen and do it without the clashing graphic styles. One looks like last gen modeling and the other like last gen renders... they don't mix successfully. This looks like shit.
Go to their Facebook page and check out the screens, it reads...

"(Graphics from PS3 version - still in development)"

These ARE last gen screenshots, you see.
In reply to
Commented on 2014-08-05 17:32:43
crapcom, tell me at least one reason to support you?
no megaman, no onimusha, even you're killing the resident evil and dmc

now what should i play?
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Commented on 2014-08-05 17:53:02
How I pity the Onimusha franchise. Such great games back then. Capcom should've re-done RE2 from scratch (or any other game from their portfolio, like Dino Crisis), but again, they're sticking for the cheapest possible cash-in solution. Very disappointing.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 18:14:56 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
How I pity the Onimusha franchise. Such great games back then. Capcom should've re-done RE2 from scratch (or any other game from their portfolio, like Dino Crisis), but again, they're sticking for the cheapest possible cash-in solution. Very disappointing.
Please don't mention Dino Crisis, love the first 2 games to death, but if Capcom remade them or made a sequel, it would be like RE6 or a Gears of War clone with dinosaurs.

So I prefer Capcom leave the franchise alone so we can remember it fondly instead of the joke RE became. They already did something horrible know as "Dino Crisis 3" ~vomits~ Better to just leave it alone until Capcom gets a lot better or is sold to Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft or other great publisher.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 18:19:57 In reply to Kethmach
Posted by Kethmach
That looks like shit. That looks like a 'toss it together QUICKLY' double dip or money grab. If you're going to do an Anniversary version or remake- go full on next gen and do it without the clashing graphic styles. One looks like last gen modeling and the other like last gen renders... they don't mix successfully. This looks like shit.
What's wrong with you? Have you seen this game in action? It looks great. And hey, if you no like, you no buy. It's really that easy. As for me, i'm super happy that this game finally gets released on another platform than teh Game Cube.

Though one thing i can say is that i don't particularly like the smoothing filter they use on the background renders. It'd be boss if they just rendered them out in 1080.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2014-08-05 18:32:09 In reply to SplitTongue
Don't worry Capcom will eventually come up with the Onimusha HD Trilogy Remaster Alpha Prime idea. ;)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2014-08-05 18:35:30
Give me Onimusha Dawn of Dreams HD to PS4 and then i will start to care about Capcom, other than that...meh.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 18:56:29
excellent, now i hope they continue with RE remasters, as RE2 is my all time fave of the franchise! :)
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Commented on 2014-08-05 18:57:21
hmm, i wonder why they not announced it for wii u as well?
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Commented on 2014-08-05 19:35:02 In reply to phatpantzz
It doesn't have 1080p visuals. The background are clearly the old 640x480 Gamecube renders crudely upscaled with a sharpening filter. It seems Capcom either lacked the access to the original scene files so they could re-render them in HD, or they just didn't think it was worth the expense for a cheap re-release o an old game.

The only difference appears to be the character models, which now have normal maps on them.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 19:51:29
I seriously hope those screenshots are not what they have planned for either the PS3/360 or the current gen systems, because even by previous gen standards, that is just atrocious. It just looks like they basically took the original rendered tiles, upscaled them in Photoshop, and then slapped a filter over the top or just used bilinear interpolation on them. Awful and extremely lazy. The character models look barely updated either. Remember, this game came from a console with very limited pixel shading capabilities. I expected them to re-do the game completely a'la Code Veronica where everything is now an actual 3d model with limited camera movement at least.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 20:00:58
So instead of making a new IP they decide to make a rehash remake of a old game. Capcom is really losing it, and they wonder why their in such a dangerous company state their in now.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 20:09:17
Whatever they used for that key visual is how it really should look on PS4. The "screenshots" are just poor. I'll reserve judgement. But i'll no doubt buy it anyway because it'll still be a million times better then any other new resident evil they intend to make.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-08-05 20:12:31 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
Better to just leave it alone until Capcom gets a lot better or is sold to Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft or other great publisher.
That is a horrible vision for the future. Capcom in the hands of a console vendor?

I thought you wanted what was best for games and gamers? Capcom is better off on their own.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 22:22:27
WARNING! This is not a native 16:9 aspect remastering you're all thinking about.




they're cropping the backdrops to make it seem like it's made for 16:9 aspect TVs.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-08-05 22:25:54 In reply to GunsnSwords
Posted by GunsnSwords
they're cropping the backdrops to make it seem like it's made for 16:9 aspect TVs.
Given the tight camera angle and FOV.. I'd be curious to see what it "should" look like.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 22:37:25 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Given the tight camera angle and FOV.. I'd be curious to see what it "should" look like.
it should have all been converted to real time 3d space. this is just a new, new, new low for capcom. you do realize all widescreen TVs since 2006 can crop the aspect as well.

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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-08-05 22:40:07 In reply to GunsnSwords
Posted by GunsnSwords
it should have all been converted to real time 3d space.
Hey, I was just asking. The static backgrounds and cameras are part of the game's identity in my opinion.

If you increased the field of view, it might look really funky.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 23:04:26 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
If you increased the field of view, it might look really funky.
they could adjust that if they would have picked True 3D. Capcom recreated RE2, RE0 and RE-Remake's worlds in full 3d years back with "resident evil umbrella chronicles".


They could have used that and bumped up the textures, normal maps, lighting and used the 3rd person classic mode for the HD remaster.

this is just a horrible cash grab stunt from capcom. didn't even last 15 minutes before i caught on to the truth.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 23:07:08
Porting a game, the worst cash grab evar!!! Gtfo.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2014-08-05 23:10:05 In reply to GunsnSwords
Posted by GunsnSwords
They could have used that and bumped up the textures, normal maps, lighting and used the 3rd person classic mode for the HD remaster.
What is this, an on rails gun game? These assets probably wouldn't work at all in a "REMake," but I'm not really disagreeing with you. I'm just curious: What would a "proper" version of this scene look like in 16:9? Should the horizontal FOV reveal more of the surroundings? Those are pretty tight spaces. I'm having trouble picturing it, that's all.
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Commented on 2014-08-05 23:30:20 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
What is this, an on rails gun game? These assets probably wouldn't work at all in a "REMake," but I'm not really disagreeing with you. I'm just curious: What would a "proper" version of this scene look like in 16:9? Should the horizontal FOV reveal more of the surroundings? Those are pretty tight spaces. I'm having trouble picturing it, that's all.
The game assets of both umbrella and darkside chronicles can be salvaged to make a 3rd person game. there was an attempt many months ago for RE2 using darkside's content.

and In Re5's DLC they take you back to the RE1 Spencer estate again. it was revamped but they created portions of it.

I'm just wondering why is it so hard for them to listen to their fans.
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