As announced by Microsoft the February patch for the Xbox One is being deployed right now on all consoles in the world. One the many changes, and an announced that too, is the disabling of the much decried sharpening effect used when scaling games running at a sub 1080p resolution, leading to a much more natural image! I've recorded this quick video showing the before and after patch image quality of the Angel City map in TitanFall, just running around a bit.
All comments (59)
Well it looks slightly better after patch so thats one small step in the right direction.
Well it looks slightly better after patch so thats one small step in the right direction.
Getting back to Titan fall. Not had much chance to play it yet, due to having children in the house. But it looks better than I was expecting already. I'd really not been impressed with screen shots I'd seen. Can't wait to have a decent play of the beta.
Truth is, I just simply play games, and it so happens that I play multiplatform and PC only games on my gaming PC, and I absolutely love Sony's playstation exclusive games.
I do however tend to stear clear from the xbox consoles, the first xbox had a massive controller that I didn't like, the 360 had fundamentally faulty hardware and no exclusive that captured my interest enough for a purchase, and they just seemed to lose the plot with the xbone's hardware specs and used their silicon budget on that stupid 32mb of esram that's mainly used for their multimedia OS.
many devs seem to favour the ps4 over the xbone for multiplat games e.g.
My personal recomendation to anyone this gen is to get a PS4 and a decent enough gaming PC for the ultimate gaming experience, oh, and if you have a extra bit of cash get a wiiU on the cheap(nintendo has a special place in my heart, they got me into gaming:).
come on Microsoft/Sony and game devs, you gotta do better.
Here we are with another XB1 (although not exclusive game) with huge resources and still having trouble hitting 1080p. What's going to happen later in the gen when studios want more eye candy than Titanfall?
the machine can not even do 1080p for 90% of games and it looks like it wont really be able too in the future either as the specs are substandard
i love what sony have done with the ps4, its a power horse for a console which means few years from now games will still look better and better like they did with the ps3
the xbox one maybe games will look better for about a year or so then they all will look the same
Games are for fun, story telling, gameplay. not bloody graphics as if this was the case no one should of bought a PS3 as every game on that console was flawed, hell even Orange box, Bayonetta etc.. ran like crap on sonys machine, also most 3rd party games was low res.
Yeah Ps3 had LOU, and....... oh and god of war lol.
If you want graphics so bad go buy a PC for this as consoles will be out done by them in like.. oh wait they already are.
The game looks like fun, but it doesn't quite stack up to what was expected of next gen. The 360 was perfectly capable of running games that were fun, so it makes no sense to release a new console if it doesn't at least look better.
And this isn't some small 3rd party developer. This is Respawn with EA backing. They have a whole lot of resources at their disposal and it isn't even a launch title. There really is no excuse.