Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Electronic Arts released this new trailer of Dante's Inferno, unveiling (or not) the story of the game.

Commented on 2009-11-18 18:55:15
some very detailed CG. but the overall trailer was average. i'm not entirely sold by this game as yet, sure it has good talent behind it, but...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-11-18 19:20:29
I love everything so far they have showned, including this trailer, even if its CG, a good one at that.

A demo is coming out next month so I cant wait to try out the controls and combat out, hopefully the game itself is great when it comes out.

PS. The animated is something i need to watch, really interested to see how that turns out.
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Commented on 2009-11-18 19:59:56 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I love everything so far they have showned, including this trailer, even if its CG, a good one at that.
It's not all CG, most of it is in-game.
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Commented on 2009-11-18 20:02:03
no thanks. there are lots of good games coming in near future and for me this is not one of them :P
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Commented on 2009-11-18 20:24:29 In reply to abcgamer
Posted by abcgamer
no thanks. there are lots of good games coming in near future and for me this is not one of them :P
Have to agree. It's on my "maybe but probably not" list ^_^
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-11-18 21:09:50 In reply to Freditor
Posted by Freditor
It's not all CG, most of it is in-game.
Yeah I forgot to add that part, but good thing you added anyways.
I really like the CG parts of this trailer, very nice.
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Commented on 2009-11-18 21:15:18
as long as it plays as much like god of war as it looks, i'm sure i'll enjoy it.
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Commented on 2009-11-18 21:53:38
Good Graphics =)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2009-11-19 01:16:17 In reply to KORNdog
My M7 "colleague" played it at the EG expo and yes, he said it's eerie how similar they play. It IS essentially GOW except it's.. you know.. not. You even hold a trigger down and attack and he does a spin attack. :D
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Commented on 2009-11-19 09:50:49
I don't know how but after years of tripe, EA seems to suddenly make one awesome game after another.
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Commented on 2009-11-19 13:39:06 In reply to SimonM7
Posted by SimonM7
My M7 "colleague" played it at the EG expo and yes, he said it's eerie how similar they play. It IS essentially GOW except it's.. you know.. not. You even hold a trigger down and attack and he does a spin attack. :D
the only worry is the setting, i'm not really familiar with the poem, and based on what i've seen it doesnt look all that interesting (stylistically) but hopefully playing it changes my mind. i cant imagine it trumping the greek mythology of GOW tho. but we'll see
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Commented on 2009-11-19 15:08:33
For me this is many times more interesting looking than GoW3 for me.
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Commented on 2009-11-19 15:17:39 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
For me this is many times more interesting looking than GoW3 for me.
After 3 games of the same stuff I can see honestly why this game might be more appealing,its something new even if it plays the same as GoW.
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Commented on 2009-11-19 21:20:51 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
After 3 games of the same stuff I can see honestly why this game might be more appealing,its something new even if it plays the same as GoW.
i'm just not overly keen on the designs

the main character looks terrible and some of the enemies dont look all that great either. it's purely a visual thing for me. i know i'll like how it plays since apparently it's a GOW clone, but style wise i dont think i could possibly be any less interested in this game. the only other game with such a mediocre looking main character is probably darksiders.
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Commented on 2009-11-19 22:06:00 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i'm just not overly keen on the designs

the main character looks terrible and some of the enemies dont look all that great either. it's purely a visual thing for me. i know i'll like how it plays since apparently it's a GOW clone, but style wise i dont think i could possibly be any less interested in this game. the only other game with such a mediocre looking main character is probably darksiders.
I agree, although I do like the premise. I like functional design over purely asthetic design. It IS possible to be artistically stimulating and functional. Nothing annoys me more than swim suits with armored shoulder pads...
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Commented on 2009-11-20 08:08:14 In reply to KORNdog
A nice trailer.
Setting and stuff looks intresting but
Posted by KORNdog
i'm just not overly keen on the designs
I’m on that boat as well. Dantes design looks… not very appealing to me.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-11-20 09:18:07 In reply to KORNdog
The only thing i dont like, designwise is Dante's being shirtless with a red scarf sewed on his chest as a cross, thats the only part, but the rest is pretty cool I like it.
Posted by KORNdog
the only other game with such a mediocre looking main character is probably darksiders.
Kratos isnt exactly a masterpiece either, he is on my list of terrible character design.
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Commented on 2009-11-20 13:23:18 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
The only thing i dont like, designwise is Dante's being shirtless with a red scarf sewed on his chest as a cross, thats the only part, but the rest is pretty cool I like it.

Kratos isnt exactly a masterpiece either, he is on my list of terrible character design.
kratos has a certain subtlety to his design tho (he's just a bald guy in a loin cloth), darksiders and dante feel overdesigned, similar to bayonetta's design too. sometimes simplicity is key, and neither dante's inferno nor darksiders show that particularly well for me. dante in particular just looks so unapealing
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2009-11-20 15:53:19
I agree that Kratos has subtlety on his side. I think if you rub people the wrong way for long enough you invent a fetish though, and that's what Dead Space did with me. I thought Isaac looked dull and stupid in his waffle iron armor, but at the end of Dead Space I really dug it. For me, Dante's journey has been the same way. When they first showed the trailer with him in it I was like what the fuck.. but then it has grown on me more and more.

I disagree that Dante is overdesigned though, for me the off putting thing was the contrary. He looks like a dude with a knight's helmet on. Hoo-fucking-ray, you know. But yeah, after a while it kinda makes sense.

Bayonetta's superfluous insanity is half the point I reckon. Scratch away her surface and you'll just find more surface, just as with Devil May Cry's Dante. Darksiders though, right there with you. Superbly icky more is more thinking.
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Commented on 2009-11-20 21:10:40
I guess I'm the only one who hates ALL the character designs being discussed. If there is one aspect of action games I find to be the biggest turn off by far it is character design. I think that's one of my favorite parts of ninja gaiden. There isn't much to distract you, it's just a ninja kicking ass. Kratos and Dante etc... are SOOO unlikable it's crazy for me. What they say is much worse than how they look though.

For once I'd like an action game where you can build your own character design like in an RPG. You might have to tone down the graphics some, but at least most people would be left with a character they relate to more.

Not a major gripe, but it's always bugged me how much great action games have, in my opinion, really silly looking main characters.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2009-11-20 22:04:03
Good for you. Seeing as the Xbox only really has had one of those series on it and Ryu starred in that, that's fortunate.

I always liked that DMC didn't take itself seriously, and they really amped that up to perfection with 3. I guess if you've a hard time rocking with the cheese factor then Dante must be poison.

I think NG is the best game out of all of them but the stoic, stuffy nature of everyone involved in that game is unflattering. There's just not much personality there at all to me.
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Commented on 2009-11-21 06:13:16
I understand your point, and I agree Ryu is a character that lacks....well um character, but I just don't like the way video game devs always make the main characters in action games so "bad ass to the max dude!!!!!" It's far too much like a retarded Mountain Dew commercial for me.

I think ALL the games being disussed are great fun, I just don't like the main characters and character designs. Dante especially though. It's like his script is written by a 13 year old kid who says "dude" and "wicked" far too often.

I'd just like a main character, for once, that is something more like The punisher. A bad ass who does talk, he just doesn't talk much and doesn't say so many one liners.

Far from a big issue as gameplay trumps story easily in action games, just something that always bugged me about the genre. I'm still looking forward to ripping stuff apart in GoW3 lol.
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Commented on 2009-11-21 18:52:28
As far as character design goes I like this one to be honest it has that something like anger just like Kratos LOL that gives them personality,Im with Sath on this though I dont like the cross in the chest at all.

Kratos is awesome I think but after 3 games its getting boring seriously they should at least change it a little bit at least something.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2009-11-21 19:37:35
Well, Kratos has some pretty poetic stuff going for him, and the anger like you say is very much part of that.. kinda poetic thing.

I mean he's a dude who did everything in the name of Ares, and Ares in order to ensure Kratos' complete loyalty severed his ties to.. his humanity essentially, by slaughtering his family. Kratos white skin is the ashes of his family that has marked him forever, as a reminder.

I mean eventually throughout the series you realise that he's just a perpetual force of agony and anger, and with each step that he hopes takes him closer to eternal rest, he just grows even more powerful and eternal.

If you look at the greek mythology (that GOW happily butchers, heh :D) and you look at the type of stories told there, they are told with broad strokes like that. They are ironic yet heartfelt, moving in a simple and sometimes blunt way. Kratos does embody that, it gives him simple context, a point of origin from where he can be taken on these epic journeys that ultimately are all about spectacle. He has his captured princess and moustache at the ready, in surprisingly classic videogame style.

And speaking of irony, Dante of Devil May Cry fame is very much an ironic creation. The only entries in the series that miss the point of having him be an extravagant, over the top, cheesy rockstar are 2 and 4, and they're incredibly boring because of it. DMC when its at its best doesn't just balance rediculousness and awesomeness, it puts them both in a room and lets them get it the eff on. I mean when he axe kicks the pool table into the air, pulls out his gun and SHOOTS one of the balls which then breaks the airborne-but-still-intact triangle and sends balls knocking demons out.. you just can't do that with a straight face. Have the face going "WOOOOHH!" to butt rock though and it becomes the acest thing ever.

So yeah, ideally the character fuels the tone of the game you're creating. They don't have to be stories in and of themselves. Most of all perhaps, it's pretty much impossible to percieve from a distance whether a character does fill its purpose without experiencing the games in question. Sam Fisher doesn't do backflips over missiles like Snake does, but he makes a better Splinter Cell protagonist than someone larger than life would.

EEEET cetera. Man I go on.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-11-21 20:13:14 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
As far as character design goes I like this one to be honest it has that something like anger just like Kratos LOL that gives them personality,Im with Sath on this though I dont like the cross in the chest at all.

Kratos is awesome I think but after 3 games its getting boring seriously they should at least change it a little bit at least something.
I dont like him being shirtless and having a cross sewed on him, but the rest is awesome.

About Kratos, I have seen the CE of GOW3 having a full on armor outfit, that looks awesome, compared to his skirt he always have :P

Dominus skin, cool looking!
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by
Visceral Games

$135 of $400 per month

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