Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

SEGA has officialy announced Daytona USA. The Xbox Live version will be released on October 25 in NA and Europe. The PSN version will be available on October 25 in NA and in November in Europe. You will find the trailer below.

Commented on 2011-10-13 17:28:05
DAAAYYTONAAA! Awesome!! Damn that tune brings back the memories of noisy arcades on the sea front, constantly running over to the cashier to get more change to feed into the machine!! Can't wait for this! Thank you Sega! :D
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Commented on 2011-10-13 17:41:21
I was about to comment how amazingly nobody had yet first posted with that. Ah well, at least we're finally getting this game
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Commented on 2011-10-13 18:37:35
Is it 60 fps like the arcade game? Or is this a port of the Saturn game? The game somehow doesn't look as smooth as I recall from the arcades.
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Commented on 2011-10-13 18:41:43
Gentlemen...Start your engines...
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Commented on 2011-10-13 21:09:55 In reply to munkini
Posted by munkini
Gentlemen...Start your engines...
Oh yeah!
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Commented on 2011-10-14 01:31:21 In reply to MorrisSchaeffer
Posted by MorrisSchaeffer
Is it 60 fps like the arcade game? Or is this a port of the Saturn game? The game somehow doesn't look as smooth as I recall from the arcades.
No this is kind of like an emulated or ported or maybe re-programmed and slightly enhanced original Daytona USA Model 2 Arcade version only there is some AA maybe AF and higher resolution combined with a... what seems like maybe 720p resolution for widescreen HDTV gaming...

I believe the old arcade game had a widescreen option but I don't remember if it was 16:9, I know Sega had recently re-released this game as "Sega Racing Classic" with HDTV instead of the regular old monitors.

The graphics are definetly reprogrammed because even the old Arcade game had pop up but it was hardly noticed unless you spent alot of time playing and looking for it, I do not see that pop up but its still the old game remastered, which is a great thing since Daytona USA was a smash hit game that consumed so many quarters it was not funny, specially on drunken bets versus buds/bros.

So there is no excuse for old fans not to buy it except that its not on a disc and its asking too much but 16/32 player would have been nice but 8 is enough, hopefully people will buy this decent sales and Sega gears up Daytona 2 and Battle on the Edge and later other Racers and arcade games and later Sega Super GT aka S.C.U.D. Racer
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Commented on 2011-10-14 15:15:22
i still wish it was daytona usa 2001 from the DC, all the other versions including the arcade origonal had loads of pop up lol even the PC though sega never made use of the graphics cards available at the time lol.
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Commented on 2011-10-14 15:32:07
if this is 800msp sega can forget it, seriously i know its a classic but it only has 3 tracks and there are far better racers on XBL/PSN, 400msp and i might considder it but more than that its a rip off and only die hard fans of daytona will think its a fair price.
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Commented on 2011-10-14 19:49:33
Hmm i don't mind paying what is about 6 quid on this as to me Daytona represents when Sega were awesome, and it's still an excellent arcade experience for not really all that much
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Commented on 2011-10-15 22:04:07 In reply to machinehead
Posted by machinehead
i still wish it was daytona usa 2001 from the DC, all the other versions including the arcade origonal had loads of pop up lol even the PC though sega never made use of the graphics cards available at the time lol.

if this is 800msp sega can forget it, seriously i know its a classic but it only has 3 tracks and there are far better racers on XBL/PSN, 400msp and i might considder it but more than that its a rip off and only die hard fans of daytona will think its a fair price.
Some people can never be pleased...

Daytona 2001 was crapping the gameplay established in the original Arcade game and Saturn versions.

Oh some Sega-come-lately-fan who are out there on the interwebs often ignore what was on Saturn and what really happened there but no matter how pretty the DC version was it suffered greatly from not being as refined or having a soul as the last Saturn Daytona CCE Netlink edition which is unfortunate as that was a last gen software in the console lifecycle non rushed unlike how Daytona USA and Daytona CCE were.

As a matter of fact yes like I mentioned the original Arcade Daytona USA had minor pop up, the Saturn version was rushed software for the rushed console launch and suffered greatly despite being programmed by AM2 themselves, even they were under human limitations and had Sega allowed more time and kept their word on the original Saturn launch date they would have avoided how things turned out.

Daytona CCE for Saturn was also rushed for the holiday season, I bought it day one yet still enjoyed it but as for Daytona CCE Netlink edition only internet people of back in the day knew it was coming out only on Sega's online store, no retail store copies, I ordered it day one and was shocked at the quality and the lack of pop up completely vindicating the Saturn in the racing department and just simply revealing that certain brass were only interested in pushing product out the door, even Japan did not get CCE, they got the full DCCE Netlink version WITH the old B-Univ soundtrack that back in the day was highly critisized by idiotic game reviewers for the Engrish singing that was after several plays a highly catchy and great songs.

Daytona CCE and Netlink editions had the Sons of Angels and the other 80s style rock song inspired by groups like Van Halen since the game was really inspired by 80s Tom Cruise film "Days of Thunder" sadly when making the Dreamcast Daytona 2001 for the US all that music got lost including the B-Univ for fear of criticism and worse yet the gameplay was broken, you had to heavily adjust settings and the game was still too twitchy it was no surprise Japan got that game shipped later with fixed or better gameplay and a return of B-Univ remix.

This is the REAL Daytona USA arcade game made by Sega take it or leave it, this is your chance to cast a vote by buying where Sega basically will decide if people want more and if its worth the hassle of bringing out games that were under appreciated back when they were made for the old consoles.

If you never played at the arcades I am not surprised that the game will be meaningless for you but just like a baby can't simply walk and has to crawl, this game has to come out first, as a matter of fact it should have been both this game and Virtua Racing as those were the first two polygon racers back then before Ridge Racer showed up.

Don't take it the wrong way but its easier for Sega to reprogram this arcade game with its correct gameplay, see how it does then start working on Daytona 2/Battle on the Edge and Sega Super GT/S.C.U.D. Racer which btw are power levels beyond Daytona 2001.
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Commented on 2011-10-15 23:01:51
I have this on the DC. Such an awful awful game.
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Commented on 2011-10-16 01:17:56 In reply to Akumajo
Posted by Akumajo
Some people can never be pleased...

Daytona 2001 was crapping the gameplay established in the original Arcade game and Saturn versions.

Oh some Sega-come-lately-fan who are out there on the interwebs often ignore what was on Saturn and what really happened there but no matter how pretty the DC version was it suffered greatly from not being as refined or having a soul as the last Saturn Daytona CCE Netlink edition which is unfortunate as that was a last gen software in the console lifecycle non rushed unlike how Daytona USA and Daytona CCE were.

As a matter of fact yes like I mentioned the original Arcade Daytona USA had minor pop up, the Saturn version was rushed software for the rushed console launch and suffered greatly despite being programmed by AM2 themselves, even they were under human limitations and had Sega allowed more time and kept their word on the original Saturn launch date they would have avoided how things turned out.

Daytona CCE for Saturn was also rushed for the holiday season, I bought it day one yet still enjoyed it but as for Daytona CCE Netlink edition only internet people of back in the day knew it was coming out only on Sega's online store, no retail store copies, I ordered it day one and was shocked at the quality and the lack of pop up completely vindicating the Saturn in the racing department and just simply revealing that certain brass were only interested in pushing product out the door, even Japan did not get CCE, they got the full DCCE Netlink version WITH the old B-Univ soundtrack that back in the day was highly critisized by idiotic game reviewers for the Engrish singing that was after several plays a highly catchy and great songs.

Daytona CCE and Netlink editions had the Sons of Angels and the other 80s style rock song inspired by groups like Van Halen since the game was really inspired by 80s Tom Cruise film "Days of Thunder" sadly when making the Dreamcast Daytona 2001 for the US all that music got lost including the B-Univ for fear of criticism and worse yet the gameplay was broken, you had to heavily adjust settings and the game was still too twitchy it was no surprise Japan got that game shipped later with fixed or better gameplay and a return of B-Univ remix.

This is the REAL Daytona USA arcade game made by Sega take it or leave it, this is your chance to cast a vote by buying where Sega basically will decide if people want more and if its worth the hassle of bringing out games that were under appreciated back when they were made for the old consoles.

If you never played at the arcades I am not surprised that the game will be meaningless for you but just like a baby can't simply walk and has to crawl, this game has to come out first, as a matter of fact it should have been both this game and Virtua Racing as those were the first two polygon racers back then before Ridge Racer showed up.

Don't take it the wrong way but its easier for Sega to reprogram this arcade game with its correct gameplay, see how it does then start working on Daytona 2/Battle on the Edge and Sega Super GT/S.C.U.D. Racer which btw are power levels beyond Daytona 2001.
lol take a chill pill pal, some of us are never pleased quite a hypocrite arnt you.
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Commented on 2011-10-18 08:16:28 In reply to Akumajo
Posted by Akumajo
Some people can never be pleased...

Daytona 2001 was crapping the gameplay established in the original Arcade game and Saturn versions.

Oh some Sega-come-lately-fan who are out there on the interwebs often ignore what was on Saturn and what really happened there but no matter how pretty the DC version was it suffered greatly from not being as refined or having a soul as the last Saturn Daytona CCE Netlink edition which is unfortunate as that was a last gen software in the console lifecycle non rushed unlike how Daytona USA and Daytona CCE were.

As a matter of fact yes like I mentioned the original Arcade Daytona USA had minor pop up, the Saturn version was rushed software for the rushed console launch and suffered greatly despite being programmed by AM2 themselves, even they were under human limitations and had Sega allowed more time and kept their word on the original Saturn launch date they would have avoided how things turned out.

Daytona CCE for Saturn was also rushed for the holiday season, I bought it day one yet still enjoyed it but as for Daytona CCE Netlink edition only internet people of back in the day knew it was coming out only on Sega's online store, no retail store copies, I ordered it day one and was shocked at the quality and the lack of pop up completely vindicating the Saturn in the racing department and just simply revealing that certain brass were only interested in pushing product out the door, even Japan did not get CCE, they got the full DCCE Netlink version WITH the old B-Univ soundtrack that back in the day was highly critisized by idiotic game reviewers for the Engrish singing that was after several plays a highly catchy and great songs.

Daytona CCE and Netlink editions had the Sons of Angels and the other 80s style rock song inspired by groups like Van Halen since the game was really inspired by 80s Tom Cruise film "Days of Thunder" sadly when making the Dreamcast Daytona 2001 for the US all that music got lost including the B-Univ for fear of criticism and worse yet the gameplay was broken, you had to heavily adjust settings and the game was still too twitchy it was no surprise Japan got that game shipped later with fixed or better gameplay and a return of B-Univ remix.

This is the REAL Daytona USA arcade game made by Sega take it or leave it, this is your chance to cast a vote by buying where Sega basically will decide if people want more and if its worth the hassle of bringing out games that were under appreciated back when they were made for the old consoles.

If you never played at the arcades I am not surprised that the game will be meaningless for you but just like a baby can't simply walk and has to crawl, this game has to come out first, as a matter of fact it should have been both this game and Virtua Racing as those were the first two polygon racers back then before Ridge Racer showed up.

Don't take it the wrong way but its easier for Sega to reprogram this arcade game with its correct gameplay, see how it does then start working on Daytona 2/Battle on the Edge and Sega Super GT/S.C.U.D. Racer which btw are power levels beyond Daytona 2001.
oh yeah by the way the first polygon racer was hard drivin around 1988 Virtua racing came out around 1992, also its quite funny how the hardware used in the arcades was similar to the DC hardware and both daytona 2 and scud were programmed by AM2 the exact same team who made daytona 2001 CE on the DC, sorry but im right and either you or wikipedia is wrong, now go grab some tissues for your blatent issues.
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Commented on 2011-10-19 02:18:32 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
I have this on the DC. Such an awful awful game.
I have both the Japanese and USA Dreamcast Daytonas... back then well... oh well.
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Commented on 2011-10-19 02:31:59 In reply to machinehead
Posted by machinehead
oh yeah by the way the first polygon racer was hard drivin around 1988 Virtua racing came out around 1992, also its quite funny how the hardware used in the arcades was similar to the DC hardware and both daytona 2 and scud were programmed by AM2 the exact same team who made daytona 2001 CE on the DC, sorry but im right and either you or wikipedia is wrong, now go grab some tissues for your blatent issues.
Hard Driving does not really "count" as a "racer", it never could and those games no matter how many versions were just not memorable or fun enough to keep wasting quaters into, I should know I don't need Wikipedia to look it up.

Virtua Racing was a true "racer" with "actual opponents" for its time it was memorable if you happened to be at an arcade that was lucky enough to afford it.

And no you and your wikipedia source is completely wrong, the "arcade hardware" used in Daytona 2/S.C.U.D. Racer is not equal to or even similar to the Dreamcast hardware used in arcades that was called N.A.O.M.I. or just NAOMI and even more to the point you are wrong on the devs AM2 did NOT program Daytona 2001 on Dreamcast and the game was NEVER in any form in the arcades.

Daytona 2001 was supposed to be a remake of Daytona USA, in that it was a success where it failed was in how it was rushed (Sega never learned back then) for the holiday seasons hoping that Saturn fans would come back and play online.

On a technical form it had been stated countless times how the official DC polygon pushing power of 3 million (that is the only official Sega released specs back then, not the fanboy made specs years later) was well over the 1.5 million polygon pushing capability of the fastest version of Model 3, yet Daytona 2001 IS technologically inferior to Sega Super GT/S.C.U.D. Racer, Daytona 2/Battle to the Edge. and I would advise that if you can find a local Arcade that has these games or if there is a beach (they sometimes have arcades) and if they have the games go and study the graphics with your own eyes.

On the interwebs there used to be a site that had directly shot videos with a camera of full, skilled laps, sometimes you can find stuff like that on youtube but it will greatly depend on the picture quality and the equipment used to capture it.
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About the game
X360 PS3
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$135 of $400 per month

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