It's been a long time since we got anything from Killzone 2. So I'm happy to post these 14 images, even though I'm quite sure I've already seen them before (but not here).

14 images

  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
  • Killzone 2 images - 14 images
Commented on 2007-12-03 16:20:32
Nothing really new, most screens we know from the demo. But looks good, really waiting for this title, I really liked the first one. If those partical effects will look like that, that would be great... öhm, just looked at the last screen = NO CHANCE.... ^^
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Commented on 2007-12-03 16:28:43
I love it. All those little blurs everywhere, grains, awesome lighting. Especially the blood looks so good in the gun-flashes. (when it's in-motion)
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Commented on 2007-12-03 16:31:10
Looks good, but it's a bit too gray for my taste. The only thing that breaks the monotony in terms of color is muzzle blasts and glowing goggles :P

As for the game itself, i didn't really like the first one so i guess this is not for me either. Still, it's hard not to give a game like this attention.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2007-12-03 16:34:56
After spending at least five hours with Killzone Liberation, I have reached the conclusion that Guerrilla can't make good games. I don't want to hurt the SDF but Liberation has a really good atmosphere with a good graphics engine to boot but the gameplay is just so tough and lame, I just hope for this game after playing Liberation.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 16:43:14
These are 6 months old...
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2007-12-03 17:02:29
last message didn't come out right but yeah these guys can make games with great graphics and atmosphere but the gameplay err..... Liberation isn't broken or anything, its just so hard even on the easy settings, I keep dying over and over again.

And WTF do the helgast speak perfect english? It just takes out out of the experience. Seriously expect to die 230203202 when you are playing this game
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-12-03 17:25:06
My favorite upcoming FPS :D

There is gonna be a beta soon, I hope its a public multiplayer beta.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 17:48:43
yeah old ;(
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Commented on 2007-12-03 17:56:26
some screenies almost look like paintings. thumbs up.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 17:56:43
D_B the hell are you talking about Killzone Liberation? This is about Killzone 2.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 17:57:56
I'm happy for PS3 owners, though I'll never own a PS3, unless they get well below $200 in the next 12 months... I'm happy for them. They finally get a game that looks visually/technically more powerful than any title on 360. So far the PS3 has looked only as good or just a shade under the 360. With Grand Turismo and this game, it is really showing what is capable with the PS3 hardware. Gameplay is another matter. IMO, I think Forza 2 will have a better sim experience than Grand Turismo, and a game like Call of Duty 4 both on PS3 and 360, will offer a better gameplay experience than Killzone2, given IW's track record and that of Guerilla Games.

The backside to this, is it will force Microsoft Game Studios to really put their game face on, and improve Forza3's graphics as well as other first party titles to compete with these impressive (visually) games from Sony's first party studios.
Kudos to Guerilla. Also if you've seen the cover system in Killzone2 demoed, it puts any other game's cover system to shame, even Rainbow 6 Vegas and for sure the crap/sticky cover system of Gears of War. I hope Ubisoft adopts the mechanics of this cover system. Having not played Killzone 2, it does look like they've nailed the system for cover down.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 18:13:30
PS3's answer to Gears, looks pretty good graphically.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 18:14:25 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
last message didn't come out right but yeah these guys can make games with great graphics and atmosphere but the gameplay err..... Liberation isn't broken or anything, its just so hard even on the easy settings, I keep dying over and over again.

And WTF do the helgast speak perfect english? It just takes out out of the experience. Seriously expect to die 230203202 when you are playing this game
lol, you know that isnt an issue with the game right? more an issue with the player.

anyway, game looks great, it may not have the highest res textures on the planet, but it sure as hell has some of, if not the best looking lighting around. the way every light source casts a dynamic shadow...very VERY cool. and makes everything look consistent. cant wait for it personaly....just hope its better then the first.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 18:33:33
It still looks terrible, and i can't just seem to get exited by this since the first killzone was was so horribly flawed.

But if they can get the multiplayer right and if the entire game doesn't take place in the middle of the night it might just be good.
But seriously they need to ditch the "dark theme" of the graphics it's a cheap and crappy way of making a game look good.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-12-03 18:44:51
Couple of things I should mention that they HAVE to fix for KZ2 from Kz1 is these...

Aim/shooting - You couldnt hit enemies if they are far away but yet you can see them and shoot them. Even in COD4 you can take them down in that range.

And the aim needs to be iron out a bit, it was clunky!

Dialogue - They kept saying the same shit over and over and over again in combat, pissed me off, so I muted it sometimes.
They have to give the NPCs more things to say or nothing at all.

Press buttons - They have to stop making us aim exactly at the spot we want to interact with and then press a button, it was a pain!
Like you have to put your crosshair exactly at the object and then press to get it to work.

Melee - They need to take away the close-see button symbol-attack.
We should be able to melee anytime we want!

Ammo - Alot more ammo for the standard ISA assault rifle!

Hit detection - (I think they fixed this ones, still not sure) They need to add bullet detection. I mean like if you press the fire button, the bullets needs to hit the enemy/environment at the same time, not 1 second later.

I guess that Guerilla REALLY needs to play COD4 and study the shooting mechanics in that game, that game is just perfect. The recoil, bullet hitting...etc.

These are the things that absolutely was disgusting in the first Killzone, and they need to fix that!

But other than those, I love the art, mood, music, intensity...etc.

So far from the demo I have seen, they have fixed the aiming. But the crosshair, bullet detection is just a tiny bit off. They are still going to have that full out first person animation for the hands, which I think adds to realistic style to it.

I really want to play the beta, because this is the only FPS game I care about, and hopefully they nail it. I can forgive if they dont fix those things, but still makes it PLAYABLE and FUN, I am all for it.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-12-03 18:51:42 In reply to Bakutheswede
Posted by Bakutheswede
Well the game takes place in Helghan, which is dark and destroyed. They also said there will be different type of environments that doesn't include urban.

And no, they do not need to ditch the dark theme, the dark theme war style is what Killzone is known for. War isnt pretty and colorful.
Its suppose to make war look ugly, rusty, destroyed, nightmare...and that is what they are going for.

Killzone 1 had good variety in environmentsfrom swamp to desert to snow to rainy bay...etc.

And I think it looks very cool to see the Helghast goggles shine in the dark...not only 2...but hundreds, known you are trapped and have to shoot your way out of it :D
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Commented on 2007-12-03 19:05:20
WOW at screens 4 and 11
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Commented on 2007-12-03 19:23:13
Lets just hope that this time round, your main character can walk up the pavement for gods sake lol. Last time round, mine struggled to make it over a stray stone that had gotten lodged into the floor underfoot rofl.

Looking VERY impressive and although Jack (the liar) Tretton stated pure rubbish that the old E3 trailer was `real-time` gameplay, I have to admit that Guerilla seem as though they could put our doubts to shame!.

Big quote from net:

"But, our latest update comes from a Dutch newspaper -- Guerilla Games is located in the Netherlands -- who claim Killzone PS3 is the most expensive multimedia undertaking the country's ever had, with the game's budget reportedly over $21 million".
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Commented on 2007-12-03 19:38:26
Wow Sath!
100% agree with you mate.
Especially the NPC dialogues...ARGH!!! I turned off the PS2 in the middle of playing once because it got so fucking annoying.

You are in the middle of a fight and the bitch keeps going "Stay out of sight.....Stay out of sight......Stay out of sight......Stay out of sight!" every 2 seconds!! >:(

Anyway recently completed Killzone1 and you can see why Sony bought these guys, the potential is HUGE and they are obviously talented and if they can do what Sath tells them to do, this game will be a classic.

But it looks like they are aiming for much more than just fix the flaws of Killzone1, there is rumours that in KZ2 there will be a aircraft battles which will just be mind blowing.

Even with all the flaws of the 1st, it was a very enjoyable game and it blows the mind to think how good it will be without those flaws.

So in conclusion- I am extremely excited about the potential and how interesting and awesome this game can become but also I am a bit cautious.

Oh and please note the demo we saw was at Pre-Alpha stage.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 19:54:15 In reply to fr0sty
Posted by fr0sty
Lets just hope that this time round, your main character can walk up the pavement for gods sake lol. Last time round, mine struggled to make it over a stray stone that had gotten lodged into the floor underfoot rofl.

Looking VERY impressive and although Jack (the liar) Tretton stated pure rubbish that the old E3 trailer was `real-time` gameplay, I have to admit that Guerilla seem as though they could put our doubts to shame!.

Big quote from net:

"But, our latest update comes from a Dutch newspaper -- Guerilla Games is located in the Netherlands -- who claim Killzone PS3 is the most expensive multimedia undertaking the country's ever had, with the game's budget reportedly over $21 million".
Wow I hope for them this thing sells.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 20:01:24
0_o awsome
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Commented on 2007-12-03 20:16:14
if war isn't colorfull I presume it has to be grey.

seems like Killzone2 is right on the money.

technically those screens are quite impressive, but art direction wise they are nothing special. I would go as far as call the artdirection even below Epic (Gears), which I was not fond of either.

And gameplay... well, too little is known yet.
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Commented on 2007-12-03 20:17:53
too dark , too grey , too grainy , too much blur , needs better control mechanics and better story.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-12-03 20:17:53 In reply to masteratt
Posted by masteratt
Wow Sath!
100% agree with you mate.
Good thing I am not alone.
I LOVE the art and everything pretty much about Killzone, so I decided to try out Killzone 1 to know the story, characters and above it plays.

All those things I said, needs to be fixed. This game has tons of potential for sure, but how much fun is it when a character next to you or an enemy is saying the same thing every few seconds.

People who say that Killzone 1 (extreme fanboys) was great, is absolutely in denial. Sure it was great, except the things I mentioned.

For example I was almost in the end of the game, but I stopped playing it.
But its quite shocking I didnt turn it off sooner though.

But anyways, short in shirt...this game has alot of potential, and they have a great hardware to work on. they can now do tons of things that they could not do on PS2.

Better graphics and alot of space to add features they wanted to it.

I hope the beta is early January, would be awesome.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Commented on 2007-12-03 20:20:30 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
last message didn't come out right but yeah these guys can make games with great graphics and atmosphere but the gameplay err..... Liberation isn't broken or anything, its just so hard even on the easy settings, I keep dying over and over again.
So basically, it's a bad game because you aren't very good at it?

Anyway, I've seen these before, but the game is still pretty damn impressive. I hear the beta is supposed to begin around Fall of next year?
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