Xbox 360 PS3

Codemasters has announced Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2, to be released on Playstation 3, PC, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP and DS next year. They also released a couple of visual targets.

Codemasters press release:
Codemasters® today announced that Colin McRae: DiRT™2, the sequel to the acclaimed best-selling off-road racer of 2007, is now in development at Codemasters Studios for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft® and Games For Windows® LIVE with further editions for Wii™, Nintendo DS™ and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system due for simultaneous release in 2009.

The announcement marks confirmation that the game will be headlined by Colin McRae, honouring the life of the rally legend. Colin McRae, who consulted on the series for over ten years, tragically died in a helicopter accident in September 2007. The decision to continue the famous series bearing his name was made jointly between the McRae family and Codemasters.

“Colin McRae was all about the speed, the excitement and the entertainment of rally driving. Even when we first worked with him over ten years ago, he captured a freedom and a spirit that enthralled rally fans.” said Gavin Raeburn, senior executive producer at Codemasters Studios. “Later his showmanship shone through in events such as the X-games, the Dakar Rally and the Race of Champions. He could do things with a car that no one else would and that’s where we’re taking the series with new events at the extreme edge of rally and autosport. It will be a great tribute to an incredible champion.”

Colin McRae: DiRT 2 will feature a roster of contemporary off-road events, taking players to the most diverse and challenging real-world environments. This World Tour will have players competing in aggressive multi-car and intense solo races at extraordinary new locations, from canyon racing and jungle trails to city stadium-based events.

“Rally has attracted new stars and a new style that makes it more vibrant and exciting than ever before; it’s right up there as a premium extreme sport, attracting fresh crowds and a new confident attitude,” said Raeburn.

“Colin McRae: DiRT 2 mirrors this new, exciting direction and, in a way, we’ll be throwing off some of the shackles and constraints that real-world rallying has to abide by. We’re pitching players against the most spectacular and dangerous environments in the real world.”

To be powered by the third generation of the EGO™ Engine’s award-winning racing game technology, Colin McRae: DiRT 2 will benefit from tuned-up car-handling physics system and new damage engine effects. It will also showcase a spectacular new level of visual fidelity, with cars and tracks twice as detailed as those seen in Race Driver: GRID.

Colin McRae: DiRT 2’s garage will house a best-in-class collection of officially licensed rally cars and off-road vehicles, specifically selected to deliver aggressive and fast paced racing. Covering seven vehicle classes, players will be given the keys to powerful vehicles right from the off. In Colin McRae: DiRT 2 the opening drive is the Group N Subaru; essentially making the ultimate car from the original game the starting point in the sequel and the rides just get even more impressive.

In addition to the World Tour, Colin McRae: DiRT 2 will come complete with full online functionality that will be core to the overall experience, with head-to-head competitive online play and new social features to engage the racing community. Prepare for mud, gravel, dust and dirt too in Colin McRae: DiRT 2, coming 2009. Sign up for the drive of your life at

Visual targets

  • DiRT 2 announced - Visual targets
  • DiRT 2 announced - Visual targets
  • DiRT 2 announced - Visual targets
Commented on 2008-11-20 11:54:11
This game will pwn. Hope there will be both night tracks and snow. Snow is awesome. :D

I really like Codemasters racing games, even though RalliSport Challenge 2 still is the king of rally games. ;)

I must say I'm a bit surprised the sequel has "Colin McRae" in the title, though. I didn't thought it would since he passed away.

Anyway. Can't wait to play this game. Hope it's released the spring 2009 or beginning of summer :)

Edit: I just read that McRaes family and Codemasters chose to keep the name to honor Colin.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 12:13:34
Message to DiRT 2 Devs: please add snow, rain, mud and water splashes etc. I missed these things in first "dirt". Thanks!

P.S. and don´t forget to lock the game at least at 30 fps with no frameratedrops and no screentearing.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Commented on 2008-11-20 12:20:39
I hope they focus on the "rally" part more since in my opinion the big trucks and buggy event's weren't that exciting to play....
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Commented on 2008-11-20 12:42:53 In reply to BobaZloba
Posted by BobaZloba
Message to DiRT 2 Devs: please add snow, rain, mud and water splashes etc. I missed these things in first "dirt". Thanks!

P.S. and don´t forget to lock the game at least at 30 fps with no frameratedrops and no screentearing.
Yeah, well said! I want snow and night races. That would pwn. =D
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Commented on 2008-11-20 13:13:06
first off codies,make it a sim not arcade.
2nd,just keep it as a rally game,don't need trucks and stuff.
3rd fully suppose G25,because it was crap (although hard work) in grid
4th do it for the CM fans who were there from the start and not the american (no offence) market

HI the first 3 I'll probably get it,get all 4 and it's day one
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2008-11-20 14:03:37
didnt read the article but there better be Vs MP online!

Dirt was an awesome game but the fact that it didnt have a proper online ruined it abit and made the games life span very short
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Commented on 2008-11-20 16:33:27
I liked Collin McRae Rally 3 and 04 but not Dirt. The handling of the cars was awkward and even so the game has tons of options for wheel support it was impossible for me to get the right setting for my G25. Especially horrible where the brakes… it didn’t really matter whether you drive on grid or asphalt you had super wonder brakes that decelerate you in no time.
I only played the demo and did not buy it in the end because it was no fun for me to drive it.
If Dirt 2 is the same then I pass…
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Commented on 2008-11-20 17:03:56 In reply to Ishigami
I didn't buy the first one either. Was so disappointed after playing the demo. They just made it too arcadey. And that center-axis steering was crap. Codemasters needs to add in a bit of a camera swing while turning.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 17:05:08
I know this is off the subject, but to all the 360 fans out in Europe ( I live in the U.S.); the new 360 dashboard kicks ass. I was a little skeptical about the avatars at first, but I have to say that a lot of time and thought was put into something that could have just been a traditional update. I can't wait until the avatars get gameplay time. The navigation also got a serious overhaul. I seriously doubt anyone will complain about the way every last piece of content has a picture blade of its own. It took me only 20 minutes to download and I'm only getting a broadband speed of 768kbps. I know that's embarassing, but it's DSL and all I have until I get mycable broadband service back.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Commented on 2008-11-20 17:36:44 In reply to omegaheat
Posted by omegaheat
I know this is off the subject, but to all the 360 fans out in Europe ( I live in the U.S.); the new 360 dashboard kicks ass. I was a little skeptical about the avatars at first, but I have to say that a lot of time and thought was put into something that could have just been a traditional update. I can't wait until the avatars get gameplay time. The navigation also got a serious overhaul. I seriously doubt anyone will complain about the way every last piece of content has a picture blade of its own. It took me only 20 minutes to download and I'm only getting a broadband speed of 768kbps. I know that's embarassing, but it's DSL and all I have until I get mycable broadband service back.
There's a topic in the main forum about the new dashboard upgrade;
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Commented on 2008-11-20 17:53:01 In reply to Ishigami
Brakes? Who needs brakes in CM:Dirt?! All you need to do is let go of the gas and you're pretty much instantly stopped...seriously, that's annoying as hell.

The handling in Dirt and in Grid is utter crap as well, just feels completely OFF. I don't think they're going to address this major issue, which is a real shame. I'll bet it'll be a real looker though, I just hope they get rid of that weird filter they've plastered all over it...
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Commented on 2008-11-20 18:16:03
i really liked the first one. its driving model was a little dodgy (which somehow got even worse for GRiD), but the game was fun, but i do hope they return to their old roots where regular rallying takes a bit more priority. i want the rain effects on the windcreen, and night races and races that go to more of the "Traditional" locations like the UK and finland with their trademark and stereotypical weather effects and surfaces (UK = rain and mud)

but i doubt its going to happen, codemasters has sadly buckled to the mainstream, where appealing to the american market takes priority over making a propper rally game. shame really.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 18:42:29
Hopefully finally a worthy "sequel" to RSC2.. I never played DiRT because it didn't have proper (online) MP, hopefully this will.. Since GRiD does I presume DiRT2 will have it too..

@Jato, so GRiD and DiRT are arcady, who cares? If you want a more "realistic" racinggame you need to play Forza 2, or even better GTR2 or Live for Speed (on PC) or something..
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Commented on 2008-11-20 18:57:26 In reply to Inflatable
Posted by Inflatable
@Jato, so GRiD and DiRT are arcady, who cares? If you want a more "realistic" racinggame you need to play Forza 2, or even better GTR2 or Live for Speed (on PC) or something..
lol, it's not about it being arcade (RSC and PGR come as awesome examples), it's about how it plays, and they play like crap, just like Jato said.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 20:00:14 In reply to LEBATO
Posted by LEBATO
lol, it's not about it being arcade (RSC and PGR come as awesome examples), it's about how it plays, and they play like crap, just like Jato said.
HAHA I couldn't of said it better myself! And your examples are perfect.

@Inflatable- you don't have to "presume" Dirt2 will have proper online, it says it right in the press release about head to head competitive multiplayer this time.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 20:03:54 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
I'll bet it'll be a real looker though, I just hope they get rid of that weird filter they've plastered all over it...
What filter? These aren't even real screenshots. They're just computer generated target renders.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 21:53:52 In reply to ASURAshadow
@Inflatable: Like LEBATO says, it's not about being's about crappy gameplay/driving mechanics. I love PGR3 and MNC:LA, and I don't particularly like Forza 2 for example.
Posted by ASURAshadow
What filter? These aren't even real screenshots. They're just computer generated target renders.
My bad, I should have clarified. I'm talking about that brownish/yellow-ish filter both Dirt and Grid have. I wasn't referring to the target renders seen here.
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Commented on 2008-11-20 22:10:49 In reply to Ishigami
Posted by Ishigami
I liked Collin McRae Rally 3 and 04 but not Dirt. The handling of the cars was awkward and even so the game has tons of options for wheel support it was impossible for me to get the right setting for my G25. Especially horrible where the brakes… it didn’t really matter whether you drive on grid or asphalt you had super wonder brakes that decelerate you in no time.
I only played the demo and did not buy it in the end because it was no fun for me to drive it.
If Dirt 2 is the same then I pass…
QFT - I hated the handling of this and GRID. It just boils down to the whole middle wheel sensation that Codemasters seem intent on keeping. It simply does not inspire confidence in driving faster. I have an innate fear that they'll cockup the F1 licensed game next year.

And as for this, hmm...seems to going towards ProStreet, but not on smooth terrain. Gah...
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Commented on 2008-11-20 22:24:55
Seriously, next generation consoles (ps4, xbox???) MUST have games looking like those pictures up there.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Commented on 2008-11-21 00:22:26 In reply to prodygee
Posted by prodygee
Seriously, next generation consoles (ps4, xbox???) MUST have games looking like those pictures up there.
They told us that last time...
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Commented on 2008-11-21 12:33:44
Damn i haven't been into driving games this gen like i did last gen..

crazy! only game i played was GT and burnout as driving

meh, too crazy on shoot em ups
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Commented on 2008-11-21 15:09:14
First day purchase for me. Loved Dirt and Grid.
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Commented on 2008-11-22 03:44:13
if its a DiRT 2 without framedrops idd look at it but my old DiRT just sits there... played 3 tracks and hated the framedrop so much that i cant play it. And the multiplayer options are so bad i could cry, gave up playing with my friends aswell.

So theres alot of room for improvement in DiRT 2.

Im not buying another console game that cant be run perfectly on the console it was made for.
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Commented on 2008-11-22 09:41:15
I can't tell if those are concept art, CGI, or a blend of both.
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