Images PS4

The PlayStation 4 exclusive title Bloodborne gets its first in-game screenshots. Developed by From Sotware and produced by Sony Japan Studio, the game takes place in Yharnam, an ancient and forgotten gothic city known for an old medical remedy. But it is filled with terror and weird creatures that players will have to fight in intense battles with strategic elements from Demon's Souls. You can read more about it here.

E3: In-game screens

  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: In-game screens
  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: In-game screens
  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: In-game screens
  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: In-game screens
  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: In-game screens

E3: Key Art

  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: Key Art
  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: Key Art
  • E3: Bloodborne first in-game screens - E3: Key Art
GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2014-06-11 14:36:46
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
is there a PS4 version?
Commented on 2014-06-11 14:39:06
it looks so damn good. best game of E3. give me it now!!!
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Commented on 2014-06-11 14:41:08 In reply to GangStarr
its ps4 said in the description too lol
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Commented on 2014-06-11 14:44:46 In reply to lilmarkuk
Posted by lilmarkuk
its ps4 said in the description too lol
he's being sarcastic.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 14:45:16 In reply to lilmarkuk
Posted by lilmarkuk
its ps4 said in the description too lol
He knows is a PS4 game. He just trying his normal stupid trolling which completely fail as always.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 14:47:04 In reply to KORNdog
ah lol i can not tell nowadays with all the trolls
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Commented on 2014-06-11 14:47:23 In reply to rayy
least i know not to fall for it again now lol
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Commented on 2014-06-11 15:05:24
This suprised me a lot. From Software is usually (at least afaIk) not the company for impressive graphics. Very nice. I am intrigued.

@gamersyde crew: I saw you guys ban people for less idiotic behaviour. Please get rid of that GangStarr already.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 15:14:28 In reply to bombastico
Posted by bombastico
This suprised me a lot. From Software is usually (at least afaIk) not the company for impressive graphics. Very nice. I am intrigued.

@gamersyde crew: I saw you guys ban people for less idiotic behaviour. Please get rid of that GangStarr already.
And youre are who to decide that ? Atleast ganstar shows some form of activity. This is the first time i read youre name. Rather have some people spicing up the forums than whiners who dont add anything.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 15:32:49 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
it looks so damn good. best game of E3. give me it now!!!
Hi, man. I'm kinda curious why Bloodborne is the best game of E3 2014 for you, if you don't mind me asking, so my question is:

"With the awesome gameplay videos, trailers and the tons of amazing screenshots for other titles at E3 2014 like: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Batman: Arkham Knight, Tom Clancy's The Divison, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Far Cry 4, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, The Order: 1886, Alien: Isolation, Rainbow Six: Siege, Forza Horizon 2, and DriveClub - to name some, why does Bloodborne wins game of E3 2014 for you?"

I know it has the potential to be really great, like a Demon's Souls 2 or spiritual succesor to the 1st. But right now there's only a CG trailer, 5 or so in-game screenshots, those 5 webms of in-game footage and a very brief description about it.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or start a flamewar, I'm genuinely interested in what makes the game so epic/amazing for you based on what's been released and leaked so far.

I know it has a lot of promise, but to me it hasn't shown enough to warrant a "best of E3" award, at least not more than the titles I mentioned above. Hence why I asked, perhaps I'm missing something, and no, I never played Demon's Souls, but know it's a great game - perhaps that's what I'm missing, though I did play and beat the 1st Dark Souls.

PS. Sorry for the long post, I always try to convey my intentions and feelings behind my words - and fail a lot of times, which isn't easy to do in very few words, at least not for me.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 15:45:54 In reply to Sdarts
to put it simply. miyazaki's A team. i've loved their last 2 games, and dark souls 2 made it clear to me that team is integral to making a game as great as i expect from the series. and then on top of that, they have the support of sony to make it look as good as it possible can and hopefully with the networking the game deserves (demon's souls still has the most solid networking)

then you have the far the most appealing world i've seen at E3 this year bar maybe the order (i'm a sucker for the gothic, victorian era stylings of both games) i DESPERATELY want to wander those streets. wheras i'm not so bothered about wandering the vallys of the witcher or the streets of arkham (i'd rather fly above them)

ultimately though, i'm liking the previews. it sounds like it's very much a souls game, but changes up enough to feel fresh, something dark souls 1 achieved by changing up the systems and going open world-ish...and it's what dark souls 2 lacked (the bioshock 2 of the souls series). they're introducing a more aggressive combat system, with guns and staggers. no more shields to hide behind. this fresh take on an old formula puts it above another sequel to rainbow six, or another sequel to far cry, or another sequel to batman, or another sequel to witcher...not that there is anything wrong with sequels. but there is a reason why watchdogs in 2012 was my game of show (in hindsight it was undeserved), and why division in 2013 was my game of show. new ip's, new experiences, new games, it's what E3 is about...that combined with a massive fan boner for FROM software and you get the answer you're looking for.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 15:52:38
Super excited for this, but the reveal was as disappointing as that new game of Kamiya. Devs should stop with CGI trailers, it's 2014 ffs. If your game is not ready to be shown yet, announce it later.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 16:01:12 In reply to Seth
Posted by Seth
Super excited for this, but the reveal was as disappointing as that new game of Kamiya. Devs should stop with CGI trailers, it's 2014 ffs. If your game is not ready to be shown yet, announce it later.
it's getting demo'd behind closed doors, 30 minutes long no less. so it's being shown. just not for public consumption yet i guess. i don't mind CGi reveals tbh. what i don't like is a CGi trailer a year later after the developers themselves have shown us gameplay footage. i mean...what's the point? division did this at E3. but at least it came with gameplay as well.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 16:12:52
These screenshots look awesome old sports.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2014-06-11 16:14:09
Awesome atmosphere.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 16:33:09 In reply to KORNdog
Thanks for the very detailed reply. I now kinda see how it is great from your perspective. Excited to hear more about it and will keep an eye out for it.

I do agree that by making it a Sony exclusive will allow them to get close, reach or even surpass inFamous: Second Son's visuals, I know From Software doesn't pay a lot of attention to graphics, but I said "surpass" because by the time Bloodborne gets released - most likely at the end of 2015, they will have had almost 1 year and a half of development using all the PS4's SDKs improvements, optimisations, knowledge, new techniques and technology from now till then.

And yes, Sony truly helps the developers who work with them reach new heights with exclusives, the thing I most love about that is how they share their know-how and techniques with developers so games run and look better on their hardware.

I wish we could fly in the new Batman: Arkham game as well, even if it's just for sight seeing and travelling faster, though I'm not sure if flying in The Witcher 3 would fit with the game's lore.

I don't think Geralt can tame a flying beast for traversal purposes, and he will most likely only use means of transport available to the general public, though if he can, that will be epic. Still remember the first time I got an airship in FF7 - it was my first FF - and it was epic!!! =D

Haven't read any previews or watched interviews about Bloodborne yet, been saving videos to watch later - 40,2 GB in 295 videos so far.

But will try to do so this week or the next. It's nice that there are no shields, this makes for a more dynamic combat that emphasizes offense and defense, as opposed to a more passive combat gameplay, which also will make combat not drag as long.

Didn't buy Dark Souls 2 yet, waiting to finish other games first, my backlog is killing me. So can't judge it yet, but what you said seems to be the general consesus from what I read and watched.

Finally, yeah, we do need more new IPs and new ideas, though I'm also excited to see what developers can do with their old franchises with the new hardware, not counting HD ports and cross-generation titles. Plus I'm mostly looking to indie developers for new IPs and ideas - the creativity and passion in a lot of the indie games is astounding.

Unfortunately, AAA developers won't steer too far from the standards to try to maximize sales in order to please investors. However, they are starting to invest in a middle-ground between the two, which gives us great games like Child of Light.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 16:36:59 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
Thanks for the very detailed reply. I now kinda see how it is great from your perspective. Excited to hear more about it and will keep an eye out for it.

I do agree that by making it a Sony exclusive will allow them to get close, reach or even surpass inFamous: Second Son's visuals, I know From Software doesn't pay a lot of attention to graphics, but I said "surpass" because by the time Bloodborne gets released - most likely at the end of 2015, they will have had almost 1 year and a half of development using all the PS4's SDKs improvements, optimisations, knowledge, new techniques and technology from now till then..
graphically it won't be close to infamous, but stylistically and artistically i expect it to surpass it but art is subjective so... and it's aiming for spring next year, so march/april time i'm guessing. not even that long to wait as long as the dates don't slip. the order in feb and this in march...heaven.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 16:52:05 In reply to KORNdog
Thanks for the info.

And yeah, like many people have said, seems like gaming skipped 2014 and went straight to 2015. I believe 2015 will be the best year in gaming yet.

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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2014-06-11 17:38:50 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
Thanks for the info.

And yeah, like many people have said, seems like gaming skipped 2014 and went straight to 2015. I believe 2015 will be the best year in gaming yet.

Depends on what you are into, for me 2014 still has great games coming up, but doesnt end there...flows nicely to 2015 with still great games.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 17:43:02 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Depends on what you are into, for me 2014 still has great games coming up, but doesnt end there...flows nicely to 2015 with still great games.
+1. 2014 is the year of multiplatforms.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2014-06-11 17:48:15 In reply to itaintrite
Posted by itaintrite
+1. 2014 is the year of multiplatforms.
Indeed, and goes well into 2015 as well.
All the best titles are multiplatforms IMO...sar far anyways.
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Commented on 2014-06-11 17:59:01
Looks great. Can't wait to play this shit. This is the game that will get me to buy the PS4, well played Sony :P
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Commented on 2014-06-11 18:04:38
Looks awesome! My little birdies tell me it's gonna have a collector's edition too! I'm sooo gonna get it!
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Commented on 2014-06-11 18:06:49
A collectors edition? In this day and age? You have to be kidding me. Mind = blown :P
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Commented on 2014-06-11 18:34:06 In reply to Sath
Of course 2014 is a great year in gaming, but if we compare how it is now with what it could have been and how 2015 will be, seems like gaming skipped 2014.

Still, 2014 has great games, looking forward to: Assassin's Creed: Unity, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age: Inquistion, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Alien: Isolation, The Crew, The Evil Within, Battlefield: Hardline, DriveClub, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrivebut and last, but not least, Valiant Hearts: The Great War.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
FromSoftware Inc.

$135 of $400 per month

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