Xbox 360

Microsoft released a demo of Too Human earlier this week, and here is finally some gameplay video segments from it. For obvious reasons this has been a busy week, so this has been delayed a little bit. The video shows the intro and some fighting and additional videos showing the story. I can't give too much impressions yet, but you're all welcome to share in the comments section.

J'ajoute également le détails des choses diverses et variées qui sont arrivées sur le Market Place ces trois derniers jours:

Day 1:
* Fallout 3 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Too Human Gamer Pics Set 1: 80 MS Points and available everywhere.
* Too Human Battlecry Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Too Human Skill Tree: Human skills Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Fable 2 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Halo Wars E3 Trailer - 5 Long Years: Free and available everywhere.
* Gears of War 2 Cogs of War Gamer Pics: Free and available everywhere except Germany.
* Gears of War 2 Theme - Hope Runs Deep: Free and available everywhere except Germany.
* Gears of War 2 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere except Germany.
* Star Ocean: The Last Hope Cornelia E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Resident Evil 5 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* LEGO Batman E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.

Day 2:
* Far Cry 2 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Rock Band - The Who “Young Man Blues" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Who Are You" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Summertime Blues" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Sea And Sand" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Real Good Looking Boy" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “My Generation" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Leaving Here" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Going Mobile" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Eminence Front" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Behind Blue Eyes" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Baba O'Riley" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who “Amazing Journey" [Track]: 160 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Rock Band - The Who Rock Band Pack 01 [Track Pack]: 1600 MS Points and available in the UK, France and Germany.
* Kung Fu Panda Furious 5 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Disruptive Art Spiderwebs Theme: 150 MS Points and available everywhere.
* Dead Space E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere except Germany.
* Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Scene It? Box Office Smash E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Madden NFL 2009 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Bionic Commando E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Tales of Vesperia E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Lips E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.

Day 3 [Today]:
* Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa E3 Theme: Free and available everywhere.
* Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa E3 Gamer Pics: Free and available everywhere.
* Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Kung Fu Panda Multiplayer E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Guitar Hero IV Reveal E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Battlestations: Pacific E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Rise of the Argonauts E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Warhammer Battle March E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Tiger Woods 09 E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.
* Last Remnant ESRB E3 Trailer: Free and available everywhere.

Commented on 2008-07-16 16:49:04
technical problems aside ... I really liked the demo ... there, I said it ;)
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Commented on 2008-07-16 16:56:02
Many people have, its not as bad as "some" people are making it out to be.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 16:58:30 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
Many people have, its not as bad as "some" people are making it out to be.
And we know from which forum most of those people come...
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:01:07
didn't like the demo...everything was great except the combat gameplay...
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:03:43
Sadly, the demo shows the game to be just as pathetic and uninspired as I feared it would be. Too Human is a waste of time and money. A steaming pile of cliche piled on top of laughable writing. This game represents everything that is wrong with the current state of game development.

That said, I'm glad some people are having fun with it.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:09:18 In reply to Stirdy
Posted by Stirdy
Sadly, the demo shows the game to be just as uninspired as I feared it would be.
I think that you couldn't be any more incorrect in saying this. Their ideas and the content of the game are very inspired and creative. Their execution in many respects, however, is what faltered.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:10:47
I liked everything except the melee combat. I think having the right analog stick for the attacks was a very bad idea indeed, because it felt really unresponsive and clunky.

Still, loot never gets old and my Commando guy who I unlocked through some cheat/glitch looked proper cool at the end.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:18:17
The shooting combat is pretty bad too. As it's already been mentioned, Baldur will occasionally stop locking onto enemies and will even aim in the completely opposite direction.

I seems that since melee and shooting combat are the two biggest parts of the gameplay that they would have made them...good..?
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2008-07-16 17:26:17
I've been playing this game in 1024x768 (4:3) resolution and 480p resolution (852x480), and it's so weird. The game forces 16:9 in 4:3 mode, but it looks so insanely much more crappier in 1024x768 than in 480p. I don't know if it's the same in all 4:3 resolutions (480i, 1280x1024), or if it's just in a certain resolution (á la Monster Jam). The aliasing seems to be all over the place.

nyway, it's worth mentioning if anyone out there has been playing it in 4:3 (on a PC monitor) and thought it looked bad.
Games forcing 16:9 in 4:3 usually doesn't look bad, so I don't get this.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:27:31 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
I think that you couldn't be any more incorrect in saying this. Their ideas and the content of the game are very inspired and creative. Their execution in many respects, however, is what faltered.
We have all seen this game done time and time again, this story is nothing new. They just added in some elements from Norse mythology. It's not enough to save it. The writing is really bad. The dialogue is nearly unbearable, and the gameplay is nothing special at all. It's just disappointing because they had so much time and so much attention and such support from Microsoft...then they deliver this.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:40:06 In reply to ApolloCreed
Posted by ApolloCreed
didn't like the demo...everything was great except the combat gameplay...
I agree !! everything it's was awesome but the combat gameplay and animation(in game) look terrible!!! I know, The Silicon knight they make the animation by hand key frame but I think it's should be better for this

Okay, The concept art design look's great and beautiful but It's have not enough to take for play this game.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 17:49:48
I was soo pumped for Too Human when I first heard about it. Playing the demo left me underwelmed. For the production cost that MS put into this game I would expect much better. The animations needs work, the combat needs work, framerate is inconsistant. The game isn't terrible but it's not nearly as hot as Denis dyack and silicon Knights praised it to be. They should really delay this game and work on it more.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 20:08:40
yea the cutscenes were laughable. i couldnt take any of the dialogue seriously. and the camera controls were TERRIBLE. fact
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Commented on 2008-07-16 20:12:49
Omg, how did I forget that? The camera was the worst part along with the melee combat. Why try to be innovative with this automatic camera system when using the right analog stick to control the camera works so much better? There's a reason why most games use that camera system - because it works.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-16 20:57:35
Okay I have played ALL the classes and Champion and Berserker is awesome (I like Champion more).

I choose my camera manually between exploring and going to combat, and for combat I use "Iso" for wide scale to see where everyone is, and Standard or stradegic for running around.

The combat, well I like the control scheme, because hordes of enemies coming at you and you need to keep pressing different buttons is gonna be annoying, a break from DMC and NG is good.
Besides, I like to dash and slide all over the place and just take them out very fast.

Animation, needed alot of work, but with all the sliding and stuff I barely care for it considering I want my combo meter up and running.

Dialogue, well, it's better than Haze thats for sure.
I honestly thought it would be much better than this considering they keep saying its like LOTR...etc. but I think I can manage it with the cutscenes I have seen.

The customization is just pure awesome!
I love how deep you can customize your weapons to armor to upgrades to skill, loving it, simple as that.
But the demo was limited and as soon as you jakc up your character and finally see the good stuff, its over, so they won't allow you to feel like a "god" with those Sentinent power ups, those would be very cool.

Anyways, I am gonna buy it, and will see how me and money is gonna work out for me to invest for XBL. I will probably go for a 1 year Gold account for online co-op with some friends would be nice.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-16 21:03:20 In reply to Stirdy
Posted by Stirdy
We have all seen this game done time and time again, this story is nothing new. They just added in some elements from Norse mythology. It's not enough to save it. The writing is really bad. The dialogue is nearly unbearable, and the gameplay is nothing special at all. It's just disappointing because they had so much time and so much attention and such support from Microsoft...then they deliver this.
And alien invasions and saving the world from evil monster games is?
This is as original as a game can get considering norse myth haven't been done so much, but these guys seem to nail the norse myth into a sci-fi setting that has never been used before.

Too Human's art direction in terms of norse myth and sci-fi combined together is original.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 21:10:25
I played demo 100 times and I love this game more and more
Just understand the controls and u will love this
How now one did not use this controls in console diablo type games? it is genius!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-16 21:12:20 In reply to ACEfromRussia
Posted by ACEfromRussia
I played demo 100 times and I love this game more and more
Just understand the controls and u will love this
How now one did not use this controls in console diablo type games? it is genius!
ACE considering you love it, I will add you to my list, online co-op would be nice ;)
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Commented on 2008-07-16 21:18:22 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
ACE considering you love it, I will add you to my list, online co-op would be nice ;)
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Commented on 2008-07-16 21:18:46
Played the demo twice hated it twice uninstalled will not buy the final game.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 21:31:27
i had fun playing it... the soundtrack is brilliant, the environment could look better but was good for a demo, the only thing i hated but then appreciated later on as how it factors the difficulty was the battle system. it takes quick reflexes and patience, and i began to love it once i got the hang of it. this game is awesome. i will be buying this game, but when i first saw the very first trailer i knew this was gonna happen.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-16 21:40:19 In reply to ACEfromRussia
Posted by ACEfromRussia
Added ;)
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Commented on 2008-07-16 22:04:30
Worst camera control i've ever seen
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-16 22:06:22 In reply to Jin187
Posted by Jin187
Worst camera control i've ever seen
Weird because I didn't have any problem with it.
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Commented on 2008-07-16 22:07:19
Definatly wasnt the car crash i was expecting.. but then i came into it with such low expectations.

First thing that you have to get your head around is the fact that you cant control the camera..years of having your brain tell the right thumb stick to move the camera around..only to actually leave your character swinging his sword wildly is off putting at first.

Give it a minute though and you soon get used to it, select a nice near view and the game is actually rather pretty. And i gotta admit, once i was in combat and had countless robots attacking me it was pretty damn fun and looked great.

I think it will be one of two things.. it will become a real grower and cult hit (like eternal darkness was) if the skill tree's as deep as i hope and has noticable upgrades to you throughout. Or it will become repetitive and boring long before the end.

Not a release day purchase, but after playing the demo its definatly not the 360's haze/lair that i feared it would be.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Silicon Knights

$135 of $400 per month

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