This first Far Cry 4 DLC was promising on paper but in the end, it is absolutely not what the game needed to make us want to come back for more. Instead of proposing something fresh and new, the content is basically that of a Rogue-like in which you have to play the same mission over and over again to try to defeat the massive waves of ennemies. Since perma death has been added and the skills you must earn again (no matter what you did in the single player campaign) remain yours when you try again, the key to success is to farm. Playing co-op helps a little, but barely, since you'll still die and try again many times over. On top of that, there are no new locations to visit, making the timer the only true addition to the original game. Needless to say we find it a bit expensive for the package deal.
All comments (12)
Thanks for giving us a look at it though.
Thanks for giving us a look at it though.
i7-3930k, 780Ti SC, runs it fine at 1080p Ultra no AA. My problem is the whole game is too much of the same to keep me involved for more than 30 minute or so bursts.
Confirmed at neogaf for many other people.
Confirmed at neogaf for many other people.
And don't even get me started on the mouse handling ;)
And don't even get me started on the mouse handling ;)
I don't think this is a VRAM issue.. I'm not even sure it has to do with streaming assets at all. There's a tweak which helps the hitching seen on texture loads, and it doesn't really negate the stutter. Honestly, it feels like SLI microstutter to me, even on g-sync and a single GPU. I think your mileage may vary. I'm not sure I'd complain if I were on a non-synced 60hz display. I might not notice.
The mouse handling is awful though. You have to unpack files and edit a boatload of strings to come even close to 1:1 mouse input. I wish people were more critical of input. Microsoft has a RAW input API that's near perfect, and too few developers use it. I don't even think EPIC uses it, which is a little sad.
I can't think of anything more fundamental to a good experience than good input.