After a bit less of a week playing Fallout 4 and a bit more than 24 hours in the game, we can now tell you what we truly think of one of the most anticipated titles of this year. It has plenty of flaws, but just as many qualities to compensate for them, which is what we've tried to summarize for you in our translated verdict and +/- section.
Note: We'll be livestreaming the game tonight at 9:30 GMT+2 if you're interested (PS4 version).
All comments (50)
I do have a suggestion though. It would be nice if the torn screens bar was not this big.
Anyhow, the game will be ready next year
buy the PC version
Anyhow, the game will be ready next year
The performance issues are pretty sad, it should be solid 60 fps with that graphics :/
But the game itself is probably good
Does it have superior load times and fps
buy the PC version
Performance Analysis: Fallout 4 - Digital Foundry presents an initial look at PS4, Xbox One and PC versions.
"But that's not the whole story. On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play. It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps. Each has their blips, but having tested two separate Xbox One and PS4 consoles, the results are always the same across the world at large; we get sizeable stutters on Microsoft's console that aren't present on PS4.
It may only be momentary, but it sticks out like a sore thumb in direct comparison. The cause is also often very self-evident; even with an installation size of 28GB, assets are struggling to stream from Xbox One's HDD on cue. We see noticeable hitches when simply walking around the world - but also just before cut-scenes take place, or switching to a new gun via the d-pad. During battle, reaching for a weapon that hasn't been used for a long spell prompts anything from a split-second hitch to a prolonged hiccup that can really disrupt the flow of a shootout. Added to that, the stutter from a newly drawn weapon (or throw of a Molotov cocktail) often coincides with a delayed sound effect in its first use.
On repeat tests we were taken aback by disparity we saw. Even on multiple re-tests, using the same enemies, weather and lighting conditions, each Xbox One console we try has similar, and obvious issues streaming in data effectively - where it doesn't manifest to nearly the same extent on PS4."
how often does that happen?
Ill still be sinking countless hours into the X1 version tomorrow.. faults or no faults. Until i make the move to pc ill just be happy with what ive got.
"On the down side
- Often ugly (interiors especially)
- The framerate really suffers on consoles
- Animations from another generation
- The faces are still way too rough"
That is something. the engine needs to be gutted like a fish, or just settle with UE4 next time.
I would say I'm surprised, but it's Bethesda. I was hoping that after 4 years of development and with the game mostly being polished ever since the pre-E3 trailer, that it would be well optimized.
Some really bad textures, constant drops to 15-20 fps, freezing quite often, and all this at what was supposed to be 30 fps, not even 60 fps. It feels like Bethesda's technical department hired people from Ubisoft's PC team.
Gamersyde's livestream was very informative for me, for those who have the patience, it's better to wait for a few patches, because right now Fallout 4 on both PS4 and XBO is even worse than Assassin's Creed: Unity was at launch last year.
Id seriously hope for a patch now you say all versions including pc have issues.. i refuse to let it spoil my enjoyment when i sit down with it tomorrow though.. im just gonna dive in knowing its faults already..
Aside from that, he and Blim talked about the game's pros and cons. I seriously don't want to make anyone less excited for a game, but personally, after the livestream I was way less excited for the game. And after reading NeoGAF's Fallout 4 thread about the game's performance, I'm very little excited for it.
The game looks to be great, as most Bethesda games are, but right now at the game's launch, it has a lot of issues on all 3 platforms. Which is a real shame. I'm gonna keep my original plan and play Rise of the Tomb Raider first, and afterwards gonna play the PC version.
Not trying to influence you, but if you're going to play Fallout 4 on Xbox One, you might want to play Rise of the Tomb Raider first, that way when you finish it, hopefully Bethesda will have fixed most of the issues. I only say this because of the images in the link below:
Which while being the worst moments, they all happened in a span of 5 minutes, so if the game's current state on Xbox One is like that, isn't it better to wait for it to be patched and have a better 1st experience with a game you might want to play for hundreds of hours than to most likely get very frustrated with it?
Blim mentioned how he never saw Drift rage so much on a game's technical issues like Fallout 4 - even worse than Assassin's Creed: Unity at launch, and it was the PS4 version, when the Xbox One version is worse. Drift also said that he doesn't want to keep playing the game in this state, but he also doesn't have the time to start all over again from scratch in the PC version.
So I hope you, Moonwalker and any other Xbox One owners out there understand what I'm trying to say: Rise of the Tomb Raider is an amazing game and Crystal Dynamics did an absolute excellent job on it - both technically and gameplay wise - on Xbox One. While Bethesda clearly didn't gave a fuck about optimizing any version of Fallout 4, so why not reward great work with your money and time, and when you finish Rise of the Tomb Raider, hopefully you will play a much better Fallout 4?
About the PC version, it runs really well on a small budget PC (the same one Digital Foundry build for around £300). The only problem so far seems to be with Texture streamings - images on the link below:
And if you have a powerful PC, you can increase the PC version's Ultra settings even more with "uGridsToLoad":
Anyway, those are just my two cents. Either way you guys decide, I wish you all to have great fun with either game.
Cheers man :)
Anyway, those are just my two cents. Either way you guys decide, I wish you all to have great fun with either game.
It's hard to imagine though this would need much system power to run. the current gen consoles are choking on something that should be running above 30 fps. The PC version can run 60fps on a 250-300$ GPU. If you're smart you'll do your purchases on Black Friday or cyber Monday. By then this game should be more less better.